Read Catch Me A Cowboy Online

Authors: Jacquie Underdown

Catch Me A Cowboy (22 page)

Wil's eyes widened. ‘What? How long has it been?' Maybe he was pushing the boundaries of conversation here, especially when he could feel the crush of the cameras increasing.

‘Two years,' she whispered, only holding his gaze for a nano-second.

He cleared his throat. ‘What? Like not at all?'

She shook her head. ‘Oless.'

‘But surely, you've … you know … to yourself …' He stopped.
Cameras, Wil. Inappropriate

She grinned bashfully. ‘No comment.'

‘Do you know
?' Again, inappropriate, but damn if he wasn't curious.

She nodded, shrugged. ‘No spark. Selfish lovers. The wrong headspace. A combination of all the above.'

Hell, it was his personal mission to remedy this situation now. It would be his pleasure to help her out. ‘Hmmm,' he said.

She shook her head and waved at him dismissively. ‘Anyway, that's my problem.'

He'd be more than happy to make it his problem too. Rectify it. God, he needed to change this subject or his semi-hard shaft would soon be raging and embarrassingly obvious. ‘Um … you like the pie?'

‘Yep,' she said reaching for her plate again. ‘You?'

He nodded. ‘Another great job, Chef Emily.'

She smiled, peering at him from under her long lashes. ‘You'll have to show me your prowess next time.'

‘I look forward to it.' In more ways than one.

When they'd finished their dessert, they settled together on the lounge. Wil sat closer and wrapped an arm around Emily's shoulder, pulling her closer against him. ‘I've got another surprise for you.'

Emily grinned, an excited twinkle in her eyes. ‘More surprises.'

‘It's over in the barn.'

‘Any hints?'

He shook his head. ‘Nope.'

Chapter 29

Wil unfurled the umbrella and held it high above Emily's head before they stepped into the rain and tiptoed through the sopping grass to a waiting vehicle. Wil ensured Emily was covered until she was in the dry car, then followed in after her. A cameraman climbed in the front seat, then they were driven to the barn.

The patter of rain on the roof was loud inside the barn. The fireplace and heaters were already on, and the crew had set up an area at the back of the barn for them to sit. Wil took Emily's hand and drew her further inside until she was able to see the surprise. And hear it.

Country music singer Prissy Jones, with a guitar in her hand, sat on a stool on a stage. Prissy smiled at Emily and Emily's mouth dropped open in surprise. Prissy strummed her guitar and broke out into song—one of her most popular. Her soulful voice, with a cute Australian twang, was complemented by the natural acoustics of the barn as it sang out through the space.

‘Oh my goodness,' said Emily, looking up at Wil with a smile as wide as her face.

‘I can't believe this. For us?'

Wil laughed, smiled, and led her to the cosy nook of blankets and comfortable couches. They sat close together, facing the stage. He opened a bottle of champagne and poured them both a glass, then settled in beside her, his arm around her shoulders as they took in their private show.

Emily nestled against his chest. This was how it was always meant to be. He and Emily. He was so comfortable in her company and to have her body warm against him. He ached to explore this heat further and feel her soft curves intimately.

‘Thank you,' Emily said.

He stroked her hair and smiled lazily. ‘My pleasure.'

Wil sat with a cameraman and the director for nearly an hour answering questions about his date with Emily. When they were finally complete, and the cameraman had packed up for the day, Andrea asked, ‘Can I just talk to you off the record for a moment longer?'

He nodded, knowing too well that it wasn't really a question, more of a veiled demand.

Andrea leant forwards, elbows on her thighs, as she sat across from him. ‘Wil, I get that you like Emily.'

Wil's stomach tightened. Where was she going with this?

‘And that's perfectly okay. That's what this show is all about. But, the favouritism is becoming too apparent in the editing room. And, first and foremost, we are here to make a show that will last the entire season. The other contestants need to feel like they are in with a chance. The viewers need to be guessing right until the very end. We can't give it all away by week three.'

Wil sighed and ran a hand through his hair. ‘What are you saying?'

‘You need to start making the other girls feel like they are still in this. You need to get closer, let your guard down with them. Ask them the right questions that will have them believing there may be a future with you on the horizon.'

Wil screwed his face up.

‘You signed on to this, Wil.' Andrea's voice was louder, firmer. ‘You are contracted to play with all the spirit the game requires. So I'll be giving you questions to ask the girls on your dates, and you are to back off a little with Emily.'

Wil couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't want to back off, but he knew that Andrea was right. Particularly after the way Amelia had reacted when leaving. The rules were clearly explained to him, numerous times over, before he signed the contract. He never anticipated meeting someone that he'd like as much as Emily so never considered how hard that would make the game. Until now.

‘We're going to play angles with your next four dates. Enhance certain qualities each of the girls possess, and you will play along. If they try and kiss you, perhaps you could kiss them back.'

Wil groaned and scrubbed his hands over his face. Emily said he had to do what was required of him, but kissing another girl was going too far. If the shoe was on the other foot, he'd feel betrayed.

Andrea put her hand up. ‘Here me out. The gentleman card is working well for you. The girls don't think you're the type to be kissing so early anyway. They don't know about your kiss with Emily. So that may work for a while longer. But, Wil, is it so hard to enjoy yourself? You've got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet and interact with gorgeous women who are throwing themselves at you.'

He glared at her then. For assuming he was the type of man he was doing everything in his power to not be, because deep down he wasn't. Yes, he found the attention from the contestants flattering. He had fun going on exciting dates and getting to know them better. But, he was an old-fashioned man when it came to love. And, besides, he knew how badly it hurt when someone you trusted to hold your heart took it and threw it against a wall.

What was happening with Emily, the emotions, were all so new. But he had kissed her. He had said to her that it was her he wanted to be dating. His affections were only for her. Surely he had a duty to honour his word and maintain his integrity? Because, at the end of the day, if he didn't do either of those things, he wasn't sure he'd like the man he'd be. And he was not going to let this show reduce him to someone he didn't like.

He had to talk to Emily. The game was about to change and the only thing he could see was a future of hurt. For Emily. For the other contestants. And for himself.

Chapter 30

Emily's day with Wil was the best date she had experienced for many, many years: the simplicity of it, the relaxed nature, his attention to detail … to her. The more time she spent with him, the more she realised these emotions for him were not only real but were intensifying. Her body ached to be with him in every way a woman could be. She wanted to rake her hands over his hard lines, kiss and suck at his flesh, and feel him buried inside her. Her missing O agreed wholeheartedly.

Once Emily arrived home at the cottage, she met the other ladies in the living room. They were dressed in stylish clothes, wore make-up, and a camera was ready to capture Emily's response to the date.

‘She's home,' said Becky.

Emily smiled wide, unable to suppress it because she was still on a natural high.

‘Looks promising,' said Tatiana.

Emily took a seat next to Becky, still grinning.

‘I'd say she's smitten,' said Felicity.

Emily nodded. ‘I think I may be.'

The girls oohed and aaaahhhed, clapped and cheered though Emily could see right through these disingenuous felicitations, displayed solely for the benefit of the camera. She was certain if they were alone, the rivalry would rear.

‘He is a dreamboat,' said Tatiana, who went hot air ballooning with Wil last week.

‘What did you end up doing?' asked Becky, crossing her legs.

‘We spent a simple day indoors because of the weather. He organised for Matt Morgan to give us a cooking lesson. Then after lunch, we had a private concert in the barn from Prissy Jones.'

Tatiana's mouth dropped open on a gasp. ‘Oh my God. Really? I love Prissy.'

Emily smiled. ‘I do too. The whole day was so romantic and intimate.'

Maya squealed. ‘Now I'm so excited for my date. It feels like ages since I've seen him.'

Becky sat back against the couch and nodded, an eyebrow arched. ‘And the competition has well and truly begun.'

‘It certainly has,' agreed Tatiana.

Emily didn't bother with dinner, she was still full from lunch. She showered and changed into warm, comfortable clothes, then went to her room to wait until she could sneak out and make a call to Xanthi. Emily rifled through her luggage for her phone. She intended to spend the next few hours reading. A luxury she hadn't made time for over the years—always too exhausted by the time her work day was over. She could never concentrate enough to absorb the sentences. But during her time on the farm, sleeping soundly and experiencing little stress—when the other girls weren't accusing her of cheating that is—reading was exhilarating again.

One message notification was on her screen. From Wil. Her veins flooded with anticipation, her breaths shallower as she opened the message and read it.

WIL: I really need to talk to you. If the weather is clear, are you able to meet tonight at 9?

Emily wondered what he needed to talk to her about. She typed back a reply.

EMILY: Sure. We can meet. I'll see you then.

Emily waited until it was five minutes before nine, then pressed her ear against her bedroom door to make sure there were no sounds of movement along the hall. When it was all clear, she slipped out, tiptoed towards the back door and snuck into the night. She hastened in the direction of the tree, hoping that this reprieve in rain continued. The ground sloshed under her feet and water and mud flicked on the back of her jeans with every step. But as she drew closer, she saw his silhouette.

She rushed into his arms. No holding back now. Not for any reason. Any reluctance she had was forgotten. All she wanted now were his arms and big strong body. But mostly, his mind. He was unlike anyone she had ever met. He continually surprised her, superceded all her expectations, and restored her faith in the inner-workings of a man's mind.

He cradled her to him, wrapping his arms around her and pulled her tight to him, enveloping her in his warmth. His lips fell on hers and he lingered at her mouth, tasting, kissing, until she was hot all over and clawing him closer.

Pulling away, he rested his forehead against hers, and whispered, ‘I've wanted to do that all day long.'

‘Hmmm. Me too.'

Standing tall again, he smiled as he looked at her. ‘You're so beautiful, Em, do you realise that? God, you're all I can think about.'

She didn't know how to respond to the direct compliment, to the unmistakeable sincerity in his expression and tone. Wil was so candid. When they were together like this in private, he was a different man.

‘I need you to tell me, Em. The truth. Are you serious about this? Do you want to take this—us—further? Explore where this can go between us?'

Emily took a step back and peered up into his honest blue gaze. His brows were drawn together, his lips pulled in a straight line. But in this game where everything was concocted, where they had to watch their every word, there was no room for untruths when she was with him in private. As though these moments were rare glimpses of what was real and what could become a reality. She couldn't lie to him and knew in her heart that she did want to progress what was already developing between them.

‘I'm serious. I want more.'

He exhaled noisily and his shoulders relaxed. ‘Me too.' But he looked away then, his face showing signs of disappointment. She couldn't understand it.

‘What's wrong?' she asked.

He peered back at her, frowning. ‘Andrea had a talk to me today. She said I'm not giving the other girls enough attention. She, very directly, reiterated that this is a TV show first and foremost.' He sighed and rubbed his cheek with his palm. She could hear the gentle scrubbing of his stubble against his hand. ‘I'm going to be provided with questions to ask, that will make the contestants feel as though they have a chance of winning.' He stopped and wrinkled his face. ‘God, that sounds so fucking pathetic.'

Her eyes widened to hear him swear. He was generally mindful of not doing it around her and the other women. Yes, what he was saying was twisting her gut and making her feel sick, but what he was asked to do would be staged. Wil had not done anything to make her believe he had feelings for any of the other women. He had been friendly, chivalrous and fun, but nothing more. She could handle that.

Emily nodded. ‘It does sound terrible. I agree. But, I also know that this is a show and you have obligations. I don't want to direct your actions, Wil. Ever. You are your own person and I trust that you will act in ways that you feel is right and respectful to all of us.'

He shook his head as he gazed down at her, a smile creeping onto his lips. ‘You are really something else, Em.'

She laughed and pressed a hand to his chest, loving the feel of his hard muscle beneath. ‘I'm glad you noticed.'

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