Read Bound to be Tested: Emergence, Book 3 Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #bondage;BDSM;submissive;Dom;club;erotic romance;ff;kink;Domme;wax

Bound to be Tested: Emergence, Book 3 (15 page)

Jude held up a remote. “I’ll be controlling the vibrations from my office. You’ll be controlling your body. You don’t have permission to orgasm.” He pressed a button on the black box he held and the vibrator came to life. It was manageable, a low hum that made her heart rate increase but didn’t cause her too much stress.

He stroked her nipples and the undersides of her breasts. “I like you in this.” He tested the tightness of every section of leather. When he reached between her legs, he fiddled with the thick strap over her clit, making sure it was arranged to distract her as much as possible.

“I’ll be back to check on you.” He tapped her leg. “I need to make some calls. I don’t want to hear noises from you. If you can’t control your mouth, I’ll gag you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He left.

She tried to relax into the mattress and stare at the ceiling. As the clock ticked, she could hear Jude on the phone. She couldn’t make out anything he said, but he talked forever with several people. She worried about him. Whatever issue he had, it needed a lot of attention.

And what the hell was it anyway? He’d said he was on vacation. And then that he was up for retirement. And suddenly this.

She concentrated on her thoughts, trying to ignore the vibrating inside her. But when the intensity rose, she went rigid for a moment to gather enough brain cells to keep from coming. The damn dildo butted against the plug and caused both items to make her aware of every inch of both holes.

When she squirmed, the leather rubbed her clit unbearably. She tried to remain still.

Jude stepped back into the room. He leaned over her and gauged her reaction. “You okay, baby?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He stroked her body—her breasts, her neck, her belly, her thighs. When he reached closer to her sex, he used both hands to pull her outer lips around the leather. Every touch drove her closer to orgasm.

A little pop made her lift her head. He held a tube of ointment. He spread some on one finger and lifted the leather away from her clit. “Just going to rub this on your clit, baby, so it doesn’t chafe against the leather.” When he finished, he left.

The vibrator continued, increasing another notch as he shut the door. A moment later he was on the phone again, and Lori moaned as low as she could around the need to come.

She panted several times and tried to think of anything else. After several minutes she became aware of something new. Whatever he put on her clit wasn’t strictly a lubricant. Her clit was alive and pulsing. A tingling sensation was making it throb.

. She held still, breathing deeply.

Just when she thought she wouldn’t be able to avoid orgasm, the vibrations stopped.

No. No no no
. She should have been relieved. If he caught her coming without permission, he wouldn’t be happy. But at this point she’d rather suffer the consequences than have her arousal halted at the peak.

Her ears seemed to ring from the need as she came down from the highest spot. She squirmed. It took forever, but as she heard Jude in the middle of a conversation, he turned the vibrator back on.

Damn him and his evil ways

She squeezed her eyes closed and took long, deep breaths. Her pussy tightened around the dildo. She tried to ignore it. She heard a low noise and realized it was coming from her. She was moaning and whimpering constantly.

Jude reappeared. “Oh, baby, you’re doing so well. You look wrung out.” He increased the vibrations as he approached. He swiped a finger under the leather at her pussy. “So wet.” He stroked her, slipping his finger inside her to join the dildo. When he stroked it across her G-spot, she shot off the bed, lifting her ass as high as she could with her legs pinned apart.

“Go ahead, baby. Come for me.”

At his words, she went over the edge, her orgasm making her buck upward as she pulsed around both items inside her. She didn’t come down far, though. Not with everything still in place. Even when the vibrations stopped, she needed more.

Instead Jude released her arms. While she rubbed them with her hands to increase the circulation, he removed the spreader bar and then pulled the leather to one side at her ass and eased out the plug. “Come with me, baby.”

Stand and walk? She didn’t think she could. It seemed impossible. Her legs would be gelatin, and she needed to be fucked.

But he walked away and she had no choice but to follow. She pulled herself off the bed and hobbled out of the room, her breasts swaying indecently in the confines of the harness.

She found him across the hall in the office and approached. He’d placed a folded blanket on the floor at his feet under the desk. “Kneel between my legs, baby.”

She bent to crawl awkwardly under the desk and turned to face his crotch. She settled back against her feet, feeling like a pet on her hands and knees under his desk.

“You may rest your face on my lap. I have some more work to do.”

Lori inched forward and set her cheek against his thigh.

He stroked her hair, and she tried not to rock back and forth. With one hand he shuffled papers and read information. The other hand he settled on her cheek, letting his thumb fall into her mouth. She wished it was his cock. Why wouldn’t he let her suck him off? She wanted him in her mouth. She missed the taste of him, the way he held her face when she went down on him.

She suckled him. It was soothing, but it also aroused her to a new high. The vibrations started up again, low but discernable.

A long time went by. Twice Jude’s phone rang, but he never answered it. He tapped away at his computer. Sometimes he removed his hand for a while, but he always replaced it, positioning his thumb back between her lips.

Lori sucked; Jude worked.

His cock was hard, but not as hard as she’d known it to be in past experience. Whatever he was doing was enough of a distraction he could avoid sex. And that was saying something for Jude Cavanaugh.

Finally he pulled back enough to speak. “Take my cock out, baby. You’ve been wanting to suck me since I returned. Now’s your chance.”

Lori balanced herself and unbuttoned Jude’s jeans. “Why have you waited, Sir?” She lowered the zipper and he sprang free. No underwear.

He lifted her chin. “I wanted you to understand that I’m devoted to you, completely. I wanted these first few days to be about you.”

“Taking you in my mouth is about me too, Sir.” She tipped her head to one side and smiled into his palm. “I enjoy it.”

He squeezed her face with both hands. “I’m a lucky bastard, baby.”

She smiled and ducked back toward his cock. The head was wet with precome and she licked it clean before sucking him between her lips.

While she dragged his cock deep into her mouth, his thighs stiffened beneath her hands.

She wanted to taste his come. And she worked him hard. He didn’t last long. When he came, he froze as his cock squirted into her throat. Lori swallowed, sucking him dry and licking his length to ensure she didn’t miss a drop.

She continued to stroke his staff with her tongue while he resumed his work. Lori’s pussy came to instant attention as the vibrating suddenly shot up.

She released his cock and rocked back and forth on her knees, unable to control her body’s movements under the strain of the vibrations that seemed to get stronger.

She would come without permission. There was no way to avoid it.

Suddenly Lori’s vision blurred as she reached orgasm and crashed without warning. Her body wouldn’t wait another moment. Her clit pulsed against the leather strap held tightly between her legs, and her pussy worked to grip the dildo.

Lori kept rocking. The vibrating didn’t stop. It kept going, perhaps stronger. She moaned and dipped her head to the floor. For several seconds her skin was too sensitive to take the offense, but then another orgasm built and toppled before she could catch her breath. “Oh God.” She kept rocking, not caring how silly she must look.

She could feel Jude watching her. But she remained cocooned under the desk while her body ruled her world. Or rather Jude ruled it with that damn remote control.

Finally he took pity and lowered the vibrations gradually until they ceased. Lori sat back on her heels, unable to hold herself up. She let her head rest on the floor, a similar pose she often used in yoga. A relaxation pose he hadn’t given her permission to assume. But she wasn’t in any state of mind to care.

And then he was kneeling on the floor, lifting Lori from under the desk. “You did well, baby.” He pulled her to stand in front of him and leaned her against the side of the desktop.

Lori was exhausted. Her body screamed for her to remain on the floor, perhaps nap there. He had other ideas.

“You’re so beautiful.” He kissed her belly. “Think you can walk?”

She wasn’t sure. But that wasn’t the answer he was looking for. “Yes, Sir.”

Jude helped steady her while she tried to gather the brain cells it would take to move her feet. She waited for him to remove the harness.

He didn’t make any move to do so. When she focused on his face, she found him smiling up at her. He rubbed her thighs. “Go start dinner. I’ll be there soon.”

In this? No fucking way

She stared at him. He patted her ass. “Go.” He nodded at the door.

Lori turned and shuffled from the room. She gritted her teeth the entire time.

Jude lay down in the center of the bed with the Lori on one side of him. He pulled her close after she flipped off the light. She snuggled against him, squeezing his arm as though it were a lifeline.

He’d worried her with his phone calls and demeanor. And he hated what he saw in her eyes.


He never wanted her to be afraid or put her through what he’d done to her two years ago.

Unfortunately, this time he was scared also. Dammit. If he were alone, he would slam his fist into the wall. But he wasn’t, and it couldn’t be helped. He took deep breaths, trying to slow his heart rate. He knew Lori had her hand over his chest and was gauging his weird mood.

Something like this wouldn’t get by her, and he couldn’t blame her. If he hurt her again, she would kick his ass goodbye and possibly suffer irrevocable damage.

On the flip side, if push came to shove and he had to send her away to keep her safe, he would do it in a heartbeat. Even if he shattered her heart in the process.

It would kill him, but knowing she was safe was all that mattered.

He ran through several of the conversations he’d had today, trying to make sense of what the fuck had gone wrong in his life and why the hell the universe was so against him.

Lori lay stiff beside him. He knew she wasn’t sleeping. She was sharp. She smoothed her fingers across his chest as it pounded, as though her touch could calm him. And it did, in a way. But not enough.

Nothing could ease his mind tonight. Not even sex.

He squeezed her shoulders.

“Jude?” The one word held so many questions.

He kissed her forehead and held her tighter. “It’s all right, baby. Just go to sleep.”

But it wasn’t and he was fooling no one.

He closed his eyes, promising himself he would only rest them until she was asleep. In her arms he felt comforted. Maybe he could let his guard down entirely and rest like a normal human being.

Jude’s heart beat so hard he was sure others could hear it. He glanced at his men surrounding him and took a deep breath. Something wasn’t right. They’d entered this bunker to take out the enemy and his men unaware, and they’d succeeded.

Why did he feel so uneasy? It was over. He stepped around bodies, kicking them to make sure they were indeed limp—dead. Finally he reached the side of the most important one in the group. The leader. The bastard responsible for thousands of civilian deaths. The monster who held no regard for human life.

A chill went down Jude’s spine as he pondered his own involvement in taking lives. He’d killed to avoid more killing. The irony made him smirk as he leaned over the blank face of the mastermind of years of unnecessary torture and murder.

Suddenly the room grew dimmer, the walls seeming to fade around him. The pile of bodies seemed to grow taller, mounting disproportionately in the small room.

His pulse increased as he stared in disbelief. The face of his enemy changed from the blank, open eyes of death to red balls of anger.

The dead bastard jerked to a sitting position and grabbed Jude’s leg with both arms so fast he had no chance of escape. He fought, tugging on his ankle, trying to free himself to no avail. The asshole reached higher. Jude felt the heavy burden, unable to move as though gravity rooted him to the spot. He started to topple. He screamed…

Lori jerked awake when she heard the scream. Her heart pounded as she turned toward the sound.

Jude lay next to her, covered in sweat, his body jerking as though he were running. And he kept screaming, his arms thrashing about, making it difficult for her to avoid an unintentional slap to the face.

“Jude!” She called his name, but he didn’t respond. She would have shaken him if she could have gotten close enough without becoming a victim of his nightmare. The last thing she needed was a black eye.

She scooted out of his reach and then stood next to the bed, flipping on the lamp. “Jude.” She tried his name again. He showed no signs of hearing her.

She left the room, dashing into the bathroom and grabbing a cup next to the sink to fill with water. Moments later, she was back. The bed was a disaster. Jude flailed his arms and legs, screaming incoherent words.

Lori paused for only a second before she tossed the water on his face.

That did it.

His eyes shot open and he bolted upright, gasping for air as though he hadn’t taken a breath in minutes. In reality, he’d been screaming so long he’d had no choice but to breathe.

Eyes wide, Jude jerked his gaze around the room. His chest heaved. “What the fuck?” He wiped his hand down his wet face. Finally he seemed to see Lori, his gaze landing on her as his shoulders slumped. He looked down at the bed, surveying the damage. “Shit.”

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