Read Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso Online

Authors: Kaitlin Maitland

Tags: #BDSM; Menage; Multicultural

Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso (34 page)

The music in the orchestra pit swelled, and Selena’s heart began to pound as though she was the one about to go onstage. It wasn’t her time to perform anymore though, and she’d finally made peace with that. The Selena that needed the accolades of being center stage in society was gone, replaced by a woman who had everything she needed with a family who loved her.

As she peeked around the curtain and watched her students flit onto the stage in their ethereal flower costumes, Selena knew for sure that the best was yet to come.

* * * *

Selena gasped as Malachi scooped her up. Laughing, she twined her arms around his neck and let him carry her the rest of the way up the stairs. She hadn’t realized choosing the three-story brownstone in Back Bay would offer up such great opportunities to be swept off her feet.

“Tell me again why such a beautiful, talented woman decided to shack up with a guy like me?” Malachi asked.

Demon appeared at the top of the staircase. “That’s easy. She knew I was included in the bargain.”

“Very true,” Selena quipped. “You know me. I can’t be satisfied with one when I can have both of you.”

Malachi groaned. “When you say stuff like that, you make me want to convince your mother to keep Allie for another night.”

Having an inquisitive thirteen-year-old living beneath their roof had taken some getting used to. Fortunately their active sex lives were aided by Allie’s desire to spend quality time with her newly designated grandmother in Brookline.

Selena let her lips tickle a damp path up Malachi’s neck. “I think we better make good use of our free time then. Don’t you?”

Demon held the bedroom door open while Malachi carried Selena to the big bed. Though it didn’t rival the massive piece of furniture in the training room at Triptych, it was still plenty big enough for the three of them to share every night.

Malachi laid her down. “If you like that dress, you’d better take it off yourself. I’m liable to rip it to shreds.”

“In a minute.” Selena gazed at Demon, who was lounging lazily against the bedpost. “I think I’d like to watch Demon undress you first.”

Malachi glanced at their partner. “Getting bossy, isn’t she?”

“Perhaps.” Demon’s voice slid silkily over the word.

“You’re the Dominant. Why don’t you teach her a lesson?”

Demon pulled an elastic tie from his pocket and tugged his hair into a messy ponytail. “Because I happen to like her suggestion?”

Selena tangled her fingers in the duvet as she watched Demon grab Malachi’s dress shirt and rip it open. Buttons clattered to the hardwood floor, rolling away into the dark recess beneath the dresser.

“I liked this shirt,” Malachi protested.

His complaint turned into a gut-wrenching groan when Demon grabbed his nipples and twisted them between his thumbs and forefingers. Blood rushed to Selena’s groin as she watched Demon take first one and then the other of the taut buds between his teeth. Her pussy grew slick with cream, and she squirmed in her satin panties.

Demon pushed the dark blue fabric over Malachi’s broad shoulders until it trapped his arms behind his back. Looking over at her, Demon flashed a seductive grin and used his tongue to trace a line down Malachi’s belly. Watching her lovers like this was the kind of sensual torture Selena would never get tired of.

She worried her lower lip between her teeth, wondering how far Demon would go. When her lover unfastened Malachi’s dress pants and freed his cock, she swallowed reflexively.

“Would you like to see me suck his cock, little one?” Demon arched an eyebrow, waiting for her response.

“Please?” She had to force the word past her lips. Her brain was numb with desire.

Malachi stood stock-still while Demon stroked his thick erection from base to tip. It was as if he was afraid to move. A shiny bead of precum glistened on the crown. Using the pad of his thumb, Demon spread the liquid over the sensitive pucker of skin on the head. Then he lifted his thumb to his lips and licked the moisture away.

Selena whimpered. The soft material of her dress was like sandpaper against her skin. She wanted to be naked. To feel the satiny skin of her lovers as their bodies came together. When Demon’s mouth closed over Malachi’s cock, she thought she might go mad with need.

He sucked cock as if he could simultaneously pleasure every last nerve ending. His full lips skated along Malachi’s shaft. His throat flexed as he swallowed the entire length at once. Malachi was trembling. Sweat rolled down his chest as he fought to remain upright and hold back his climax.

Demon grabbed Malachi’s waistband and pulled his slacks and boxer briefs down to his ankles in one swoop. Reaching up between Malachi’s legs, Demon palmed Malachi’s sac and kneaded it with gentle strokes. Malachi began to thrust into his lover’s mouth though his muscles tightened with the strain of trying to keep still.

Selena licked her lips. She knew Malachi’s taste, knew the salty flavor of his precum, the musky combination of his unique maleness that made putting her mouth on him a pleasure. She wanted it as much as she wanted to watch Demon.

Demon pulled back suddenly, letting Malachi’s cock go with a soft popping sound. He crouched before them, but his aura was still that of their lover and master. His dark eyes were full of passion. “I want to be between you both tonight.”

Her belly clenched at the idea of such decadence.

He gazed up at Malachi. “Your cock in my ass. My cock in Selena’s pussy. The three of us locked together.”

“Yes, sir,” Malachi murmured.

The air around them shimmered with promise. Selena watched in awe as Malachi freed his arms and shed his clothes. He reached for Demon. They kissed, the two of them fighting a sensual battle of teeth and tongues that had her wide-eyed with wonder.

Finally Malachi pulled Demon’s loose-fitting dress shirt over his head and threw it aside. Demon’s sleek golden skin gleamed in the bedroom lights. Malachi pushed him onto the bed before Selena, forcing him to his hands and knees.

She couldn’t hold back another second. Leaning forward, she sought Demon’s mouth. The silken rub of his tongue against hers made her hotter. She wanted more. She wanted his lips on her body, his cock in her pussy, and his cum in her womb. She wanted everything her lovers could give her.

Demon covered her with his body, straddling her hips as he devoured her mouth. She cupped his face in her hands, loving the familiarity of him. Above him, she could see Malachi kissing Demon’s naked shoulders, his neck, and his back. Her body was so sensitive. Every nerve was anticipating the promise of fulfillment.

She wriggled her dress up between them and pulled it off over her head. Demon groaned and nuzzled the valley between her breasts. He reached beneath her and unclasped her strapless bra. Free from the confining material, the twin mounds pouted for attention.

Demon sucked and licked her puckered areolae. He used his teeth on her nipples. She arched her back and pushed herself closer to his mouth. He sucked hard and long, creating a pull that found an answering chord deep in her body. She was beginning to think she might come from the stimulation when he stopped abruptly and gave a reflexive thrust of his hips.

“Help me get rid of his pants, Selena,” Malachi urged.

Selena fumbled at the fastenings with fingers that had suddenly frozen. Malachi tugged Demon’s pants down. When he’d pulled them off, he tossed them aside.

“You’re still wearing panties, sweetheart,” Malachi pointed out. “They’ve got to go.”

She lifted her hips but made no move to remove them herself. Malachi reached around Demon’s body and yanked them down her legs.

“Spread yourself,” Malachi coaxed. “Let me see that pretty pink pussy.”

She was still getting used to having a shaved pussy. It had been one of the first things both of her men insisted upon. She was more than happy to keep it bare, but being exposed made everything that much more intense.

“Touch her, Demon,” Malachi murmured. “Nobody can make Selena wet like you can. Her pussy is begging for you to stroke it. Make her cream for us.”

If Malachi’s words weren’t enough to get her juices flowing, Demon’s touch accomplished it almost instantly. Using the fingers of one hand, he spread her nether lips wide. At the first touch of his fingers she made a tiny noise of pleasure. He delved into her hot, damp folds, straddling her clit. Careful to avoid direct stimulation, he began massaging her opening.

The delicate tissues grew plump and swollen. She squirmed and tried to remember to breathe and count. It was torture trying not to give in to the urge to climax. Now wasn’t the time for that. She’d get her chance at release when Demon’s cock pushed into her slick heat.

“Fuck, she’s so wet.” Malachi’s voice grew husky with pent-up desire. “I can smell her sweet honey. Taste her, Demon.”

Demon held her gaze and lowered his mouth to her cunt. A stab of pure lust made her belly clench as she watched him lick her pussy. He nuzzled her, lapping at her until she was breathless.

“I’m so hard my cock is going to explode before I even get inside you,” Malachi muttered.

Selena’s excitement grew when she heard Malachi fumbling in the drawer for the lubricant. Demon nipped her clit, drawing her attention back to the way he was devouring her pussy. His gaze promised fulfillment, yet she knew he was deliberately staving off any climax she might have reached.

“I need you,” she told him.

His eyes slid shut, and he groaned. Selena realized Malachi had just lubed up Demon’s tight asshole. She met Malachi’s slate-gray gaze over Demon’s shoulder and shivered. She’d watched Malachi get fucked, but she’d never seen him push his thick cock into Demon’s ass. The idea had her libido tied in knots.

“I’m going to fuck him, Selena,” Malachi told her. “Do you want to see that?”

“God, yes!”

Demon’s arms were braced on the bed on either side of her body. They were ramrod stiff, holding him in place as Malachi prepared his ass for penetration. Selena brushed her fingers across the sleek skin of his neck and shoulders. It was damp with sweat.

“I’m going to push inside him, sweetheart. Watch me take him. Watch me fuck his ass.” Malachi’s voice went hoarse as he began to tunnel into Demon’s tight anal passage.

Selena gazed in rapture at Demon’s expression as Malachi breached his ass. The pure, agonized pleasure made her pussy quiver with a corresponding need. She wanted so badly to feel his thick cock inside her empty channel, but she could be patient.

Demon groaned and then jerked as Malachi pulled out and thrust back into his ass. Malachi’s hands gripped their partner’s muscular shoulders and held on as he fucked Demon.

“Grab his dick, Selena.” Malachi sounded breathless, and Selena knew he was nearly undone. “Scoot down and put him inside your pussy.”

She didn’t have to be told twice. She inched down until she was beneath Demon. She fumbled for his thick erection until she held his shaft in her hand. Finally, she fit the head to her slick opening.

Once there, she didn’t have to guide him anymore. He grunted and impaled her with one lusty stroke. She cried out with the pleasurable pain. Malachi’s hands locked around her calves, and he began to pull her into his thrusts. Each driving motion of his hips sent his cock into Demon’s ass and Demon’s cock into her pussy. It was a chain reaction that had them all crying out with equal fervor.

Tension drew her body into a tight bow. She arched her back and screamed her need. Still the bittersweet penetration continued. She needed to come, needed the release and the pleasure. She needed the ecstasy her orgasms gave to her partners. What was her body waiting for?

Demon’s command.

She cupped his cheeks and brushed her fingertips across his eyelids until they opened. “We can’t come until you tell us its time.”

A languid smile made his features into those of the devilish entity whose name he carried. “Come for me, Selena. Take me with you.”

She exploded into orgasm. It sent her to the stars in a rush of adrenaline so great her muscles nearly seized with the chemical overload. She gasped and flung her head back against the bed. Her legs locked around not just Demon, but Malachi as well.

Demon shouted and jerked against her, hot seed spilling from his cock to bathe her pussy in his essence. The excitement tipped Malachi too. He convulsed and thrust into Demon’s ass with tremendous force. His motions became slower, shallower, until his chin was resting on Demon’s shoulder, and he was almost cathartic with satisfaction.

In the aftermath of tangled, discarded clothing, naked bodies, and covers, all three lovers lay peacefully in the middle of the bed. These were truly the moments that Selena savored. When they were warm and sated and together.

“I love you both,” she whispered. “Did I tell you that today?”

Demon drew her closer to his chest and planted a gentle kiss on her brow. “Yes, but I never get tired of hearing it. I love you both too.”

Malachi yawned and let his hand rest on her hip. “I vote we never stop saying it as much as we possibly can. I love you both. Yesterday, today, always, until we’re all old and wrinkled and can’t fuck. And I’ll still love you both.”

Demon pulled out his hair tie and unceremoniously shot it at Malachi’s bare butt. He yelped, making Selena laugh. This playful side to them both was a revelation. One she intended to foster on a daily basis.

She smoothed her hand over Malachi’s hip, letting her fingers brush the beautiful Chinese character that Demon had once called his mark. The delicate scrolling figure was exotic and foreign, but beautiful. How many times had one of her friends gotten a tattoo and declared it to mean happiness or clarity or some other bullshit sentiment? Getting a generic tattoo applied by someone who had no idea what it meant was nothing compared to the intimacy of being marked by a lover you desperately wanted to belong to.


MALACHI SHIFTED HIS shoulder so he could meet Demon’s gaze. He remembered Demon placing that tattoo on his skin as though it had been hours instead of years. The symbol had been his talisman against Seraph. A secret he held that she could never taint. It had been Demon’s way of helping Malachi break the hold his former lover had over him. Now he wanted to give one to Selena to symbolize her joining their lives, but it wasn’t entirely his choice to make.

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