Read Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso Online

Authors: Kaitlin Maitland

Tags: #BDSM; Menage; Multicultural

Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso (31 page)

Allie gave a sleepy nod. “She finally got caught. I told her that would happen.”

“What?” Malachi’s near roar brought Allie from sleepy to tearful.

“This past summer when she dragged me to Cancun for two weeks, she got really mad and told me I’d better do what she said because it wouldn’t be the first time she’d bumped off someone in her own family.” Allie swiped at her face, and Malachi realized she was crying. He felt like crying himself. What kind of mother said that shit to her kid?

“Allie, your mother loves you.”

“I know, Daddy. I do.” Allie sighed and drowsily settled back down. “She told me all the time. She’s just not a very nice person. Dee said she’d been abused a lot when she was young. He said she didn’t know how to be a mom.”

Once again Malachi was grateful for Demon’s involvement in Allie’s life. He could never repay that kind of debt to his friend, but he’d be happy to spend the rest of his life trying.

“That’s another reason Selena is going to be a great mom. I really like Annaline. I’m going to ask if I can call her my grandmother. I’ve never had one of those before.” Allie lost the fight with her heavy eyelids.

Even when his little girl had been nothing but a toddler, she’d always had the ability to go from awake to sound asleep in seconds. He tucked her securely beneath the covers and kissed her forehead.

I wonder if Allie will eventually have a little brother or sister?

The thought was staggering. It was an epic step for him psychologically. Had he ever imagined a moment he’d consider adding more children to their lives? Everything had changed when Selena worked her way into their hearts, and he’d be the first to admit it was looking better and better every second.

* * * *

Selena wondered if she would ever get past her sense of awe over Demon’s exotic beauty. She had already washed and conditioned her hair by the time she noticed him leaning casually against the tile wall of her walk-in shower. He was unashamedly naked and gorgeous.

“Are you watching me?” she asked. A wave of self-consciousness made her flush.

“It’s a beautiful sight.”

This was one of those odd moments when she became hyperaware of the fact that she was completely committed to two men she didn’t really know that well. She knew they accepted her and wanted her—in the bedroom. It was intimacy of a different kind to have Demon watching her sputter while trying to keep the soap out of her eyes.

“It’s all still new, isn’t it?” Demon stepped into the massive shower. “There was no time to posture and court. No dinner dates or social events, no meeting the family over the holidays, none of the usual activities.”

She gazed at him, so glad for about the millionth time that he seemed to intuit exactly how she felt without her having to botch the telling. He was stalking her, moving slowly into the spray.

The monstrous shower had been designed to look like a grotto. Potted plants nestled into shelves built overhead, and dim bulbs accentuated the soft gray dawn filtering through the skylight. There were showerheads liberally placed around the perimeter of the rectangular space and several built-in benches where she sat to shave her legs. It didn’t take much imagination to guess what else they could be used for.

The warm water trickled over Demon’s darkly golden skin. It beaded on the rippling muscles of his chest and belly before sliding toward his firm cock. She swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat and pushed her stringy, wet hair behind her ears.

He paused and let the spray soak his thick, black hair. Shaking off, he slicked it away from his face. “Ask yourself if you would have ever allowed this to happen any other way.”

She knew immediately what he meant. She would never have dated Demon or Malachi in the normal way. She wouldn’t have approached them, and she’d never have let them approach her. She’d been a woman fascinated by the idea of a threesome and yet far too inhibited to try and orchestrate it. Although after being with two men who were already comfortable together, Selena couldn’t imagine having sex with two men who weren’t. She’d been horribly naive to think that could ever work.

“You’re thinking too much,” he whispered. “Come here.”

He held out his arms, and she went without hesitation. Their wet skin meshed together, water pooling where flesh met flesh. She nestled in his embrace, and suddenly nothing else mattered. It was that simple.

“I was so afraid,” she whispered. It felt good to admit that. She never owned those kinds of weaknesses. With him, she didn’t need to be strong all the time. She didn’t even have to name her fears. He already knew.

He let his forehead rest against hers. “So was I.”

“You’re never afraid.”

“I was when I thought I might lose you or Malachi.”

Malachi stepped into the spray and let it run down over his closed eyes. “And I was when I thought you might take your passport and run back to China.”

Demon made a low noise she took for displeasure. “Everything I want in life is here. Why would I go to China?”

Malachi didn’t answer right away. He scrubbed his head and let the water sluice over his body. She wanted to help. Selena pulled away from Demon and retrieved her shampoo. She dispensed a tiny bit into her palm and then gazed up at the other man she wanted desperately to know and understand more deeply.

“What, you can’t reach?”

She realized Malachi’s teasing was a bluff when he dropped to his knees there in the shower. Selena sank her fingers into his thick, dark hair and began to thoroughly wash it.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face against her belly as she worked. She took longer than necessary, enjoying the closeness. She pulled a nozzle from the wall and rinsed the soap from Malachi’s hair. The silky, dark locks streamed over his broad shoulders, stretched long by the weight of the water.

When she was done, Selena decided to take her task a little further. She put the nozzle away and reached for her sponge and body wash. The scent of her soap was a simple blend of bayberry and vanilla, familiar and soothing.

Feeling nervous and foolish and not even fully knowing why, Selena knelt before Demon and waited.

“That’s not necessary, little one.” Demon crouched and tipped her chin up to meet his gaze. “What do you want?”

“To wash you both.”

“You’re going to make us smell like women?” Malachi stepped away from the spray and shook the excess water from his hair.

She found his humor amusing instead of annoying, proof that she loved the oaf. “You’ll smell like me. Like

Demon brushed a kiss over her lips and then stood. “Then by all means, go ahead. I think I’d enjoy watching you begin with Malachi.”

His words made her tremble inside. She didn’t rise, remaining on her knees while she began with Malachi’s powerful calves. Each stroke of the sponge left a soft trail of vanilla-scented suds on his sleek skin. She followed the contours of his knees, ignoring the way he tensed as she slicked her hands over his thighs.

Her mouth watered when she reached around for his ass cheeks and discovered his erection within range of her mouth. It would be spectacular to suck his gorgeous cock while she smoothed her hands all over his body.

“I want to be in her mouth.” Malachi’s tight words were directed at Demon, a plea as well as a statement of desire.

Selena rose gracefully and slipped behind Malachi to wash his back. There were pale scars crisscrossing his skin. He shivered when she traced them with her fingers. Seraph would never threaten him again. He belonged to them, and nothing would change that now.

She scrubbed the hollow at the base of his spine, the powerful sweep of his shoulders, and his ticklish sides. Suddenly she noticed something she’d never seen before. Curious, she wiped the foamy bubbles from his right hip.

“That’s my mark,” Demon explained. “It says he belongs to me.”

She realized the tattoo depicted a tiny Chinese character. It wouldn’t be visible when he was clothed, and she’d never spent this much time exploring their naked bodies before. Now that she’d seen it, she was envious. It was beautiful, intricate, and personal in a way she wished she could share. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask for an explanation, but she was afraid of the answer. It was Demon’s mark, given to Malachi. If Demon wanted to mark her that way, he’d make sure it was done.

Trying to regain her composure, Selena scrubbed Malachi’s shoulders one more time before moving to his front and working her way across his hard pectorals. She didn’t look up and meet his gaze, though she could feel him staring. She didn’t want them to know her thoughts, to think of her as a silly girl wanting something she probably hadn’t earned yet.

Why wasn’t it enough to be here, knowing she held their interest and there was a future for her with them both? Why did she desperately want some bizarre symbol? A tattoo? Wasn’t that crossing the mark just a little?

Where on earth did he get that done anyway? Can I just show up there and get one? Or would that be pushy in the extreme? If it has to be earned, can I please get instructions on how?

She slid the sponge down Malachi’s belly and was satisfied to hear him groan. It was a welcome diversion from the question of the mark. Feeling particularly naughty, she individually washed each and every rippling abdominal muscle. His cock was quivering before her. She let her belly brush against the sensitive tip, and he shuddered.

“Take him in your mouth, Selena,” Demon told her. “I think we’ve both been patient long enough.”

There was no balking when he gave the order. Selena sank to her knees and took Malachi’s thick penis as far into her mouth as she could. The sponge fell to the floor, forgotten. She cupped his balls in one soapy hand and gently kneaded the two soft spheres inside his sac.

Malachi moaned and braced one hand against the tile wall. Selena increased her suction and began to swirl her tongue around the sensitive pucker of skin at the crown of his cock. The musky taste of him was erotic candy on her tongue. Silky precum added spice to the blend, and she eagerly swallowed. This time Demon wasn’t encouraging or directing her movements. She let her instincts go.

Heat built between her legs. Her pussy lips grew plump and swollen as blood rushed to her groin. She squirmed on her knees, and the friction increased her arousal. She loved sucking Malachi’s cock, but she desperately wanted one of them to fill her pussy.

Steam filled the shower, and mist clung to her eyelashes. The gentle spray grew cooler on her overheated skin. She sucked harder, bobbing her head up and down and gripping the base of Malachi’s shaft.

Malachi cupped the back of her head. “Fuck, I want to come. I think that…maybe…”

“You will, but not yet.” Demon took Selena’s head in his hands and dragged her away from Malachi’s cock. His shaft slipped out of her mouth, her teeth scraping lightly over his sensitized skin. He groaned and looked as though his knees might buckle.

Malachi leaned heavily against the wall. “You’re killing me.”

“My turn.” Demon handed her the sponge.

His timing was horribly perfect. She was so horny. The first press of a hard cock into her pussy was likely to make her come. Yet gazing up at Demon’s water-slick body, she couldn’t deny the desire to run her soapy hands all over him.

She used the sponge to lather his legs. He was leaner than Malachi, but his skin seemed stretched tighter over his muscles. She could feel his gaze as she moved from his calves to his knees, then to his hard thighs. His cock was firm, but not hard.

Still staring at his groin, she stroked the sponge over his belly and muscular chest. In one graceful motion she gained her feet. Intentionally letting her skin slide against his, she moved to wash his back.

He hissed when she smoothed a hand down his spine. She loved the way his shoulders bunched beneath her ministrations. He was so gloriously sensitive. She let her breasts rub his back. Her nipples beaded into hard points at the contact. Pleasure ripped through her body, and she closed her eyes. Water droplets rolled down her back while Demon’s heat scorched her front. It was intense and arousing. Reluctantly, she left his back and returned to the front.

Curiosity over his uncircumcised penis made her bold. Careful to keep the soap away from sensitive openings, she lathered the flap of foreskin hiding the tip from view. He grew firmer beneath her touch. Muscles in his lower abdomen clenched as she continued to stroke his shaft.

She moved back to allow the spray to rinse him clean. Fascinated by the strange, beautiful difference between him and Malachi, she exposed the tip and crouched down to place her tongue against the tiny hole. He quivered, one hand coming to rest on her head.

“Suck me.” His guttural order made her shudder with a primal need to obey.

Licking a trail down his shaft, she took the length into her mouth. He quickly outgrew her mouth as blood rushed to the hot length. She continued to suck and lick his engorged cock. Her pussy was throbbing now. She needed to be touched, penetrated, fucked, anything to ease the ache in her core.

“Are you ready, little one?” Demon’s palms skated across her cheeks. “Malachi and I need to be inside you.”

His words unlocked something dark and lusty inside her. Both of them, together, lodged in her body. The erotic image made her moan. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t climaxed from the overstimulation. Her inner thighs were slick with her fluids, and her muscles were quivering on the edge. Still her body waited for her Dom’s permission.

Demon tugged her gently to her feet. “Get ready to hold her, Malachi.” Demon lifted her into Malachi’s waiting arms. His lips tickled her ear. “Wrap your legs around his waist, and he’ll fill that wet pussy for you.”

She whimpered and reached for Malachi. He gathered her close, her legs sliding automatically around his waist and his cock sinking balls-deep into her cunt with one thrust. No barriers, no reservations, only desire linking them together.

The joining was immediate and intense. She couldn’t seem to dial back the passion with these two, and really, she didn’t want to try.

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