Read Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso Online

Authors: Kaitlin Maitland

Tags: #BDSM; Menage; Multicultural

Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso (32 page)


DEMON REACHED FOR the tube of lubricant he’d left by the shower entrance and shut off the spray. He’d found the lube in Selena’s nightstand earlier. Its presence hadn’t surprised him at all. The single tiny vibrator had. If nothing else it explained her voracious appetite for pleasure. She’d been subsisting on the sexual equivalent of bread and water, possibly for most of her life.

Malachi cradled Selena’s body against his chest, his cock buried to the hilt in her wet cunt, and his back braced against the wall. Demon was ready for the next step. He just had to make certain his lovers were too.

He dispensed a generous amount of lube onto his fingers and moved in behind Selena. “I’m going to penetrate your asshole, little one. With Malachi’s fat cock in your pussy, you’re going to feel full, but I promise you’ll like it.”

Talking to her—to them—describing what he was about to do. It was a form of erotic self-torture. He wanted to push into her tight ass so badly he could feel his dick trembling with the need. Thankfully he had more control than that.

He slipped a palm over her rounded cheek, enjoying the way she moaned. Her position left her exposed. He slid his fingers across her anal opening and felt a jolt of satisfaction when she flexed against them. Pushing into the tight ring of muscle, he inserted his index finger.

Malachi groaned, and Demon realized she’d involuntarily clamped her pussy down on his cock. He couldn’t have that. It wouldn’t do for Malachi to go too far too fast and lock up.

“Relax, Selena. Push out, remember?” Demon’s slipped another finger inside her ass. “I’m going to stretch out that tight little hole.”

His cock was full to bursting. It took every shred of his control to keep from pounding into her ass. He wanted her badly, wanted to feel Malachi buried in her pussy as he stroked in and out of her anal passage.

Demon lubed his cock and withdrew his fingers. After enduring the warmth of her mouth and watching her suck Malachi almost to completion, Demon was threadbare. More than that, he’d watched her and Malachi pit themselves against armed attackers. He wanted to celebrate life in this most basic way.

He needed it.

His shaft pulsed with every corresponding thump of his heart as he fit the head of his erection against her puckered anus. He slid his other hand around her hip and found the place where she and Malachi were joined.

Demon’s lovers moaned together when he began to carefully manipulate Selena’s swollen clitoris. Her ass relaxed, and his cock slipped past the outer ring of hard muscle. He gained depth in tiny increments.

Sweat dribbled down his shoulders and back. It was cool against his burning skin. He pushed a little more and felt the ridge of Malachi’s cock pressed against the muscular wall separating Selena’s anal passage from her vaginal one. The sheer intimacy was overwhelming. Helpless against his own needs, he thrust the final inch and seated himself to the hilt in her ass.

“I-I can’t,” Malachi grunted. “I want to come. I need it, but I don’t—”

“Relax, Malachi,” Demon urged. “Breathe. Listen to me. I’ll stay with you the whole way. I’d never let you fall.”

Malachi’s expression was tortured, but he nodded his acquiescence.

“I know you can feel your climax,” Demon murmured. “Visualize it. Feel the burn. Focus on what your heart tells you about Selena. She loves you, Malachi. I love you. Step over the cliff and take us with you.”

Malachi moaned something that might have been their names and thrust hard. Something shattered in Demon’s soul when he realized his partner had let go. Inside Selena’s body, he could feel his other lover’s shaft pulsating with warmth as he poured his seed into her body. The shocking sensation sent Demon into a frenzy. He began moving deeply into Selena’s ass. He fucked her hard, barely pulling out before pushing in again.

She let her head loll backward until it rested against his shoulder. He kissed her neck, watching Malachi’s face contort with his intense orgasm and knowing he was barely a step behind.

“Come, little one. Give me your pleasure,” Demon murmured in her ear.

Her high-pitched wail echoed off the tile walls as her pussy tremors indicated her immediate compliance. She climaxed hard and fast, her ass growing so tight he almost died with satisfaction.

He didn’t know why he was holding on. His lovers had reached their peak, gained their pleasure, enjoyed each other, and were waiting for him to do the same. With a sigh, Demon let himself free fall over the peak into bliss.

He closed his eyes, pinpricks of light dancing on the backs of his eyelids as his cock pumped Selena’s tight ass full of cum. She was full of both him and Malachi, their combined essence marking her with indelible ties. This was how fate had intended things to be.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Selena blinked sleepily, trying to reorient herself. The room was familiar, and so were the two men sprawled on either side of her. She’d just never imagined a world where one would include the other.

“I’d say good morning, but I’m certain the morning is long gone.” Demon’s husky baritone made her shiver.

She didn’t want to move, didn’t want to risk shattering this closeness. Demon was behind her. He’d curled his body around hers, his chest warm. Malachi was nestled against her front. She was cradling his head on her breasts.

Selena felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility for the faith Malachi had in her. “He came inside me. I was afraid that would never happen.”

“You earned his trust,” Demon told her. “You’ve earned all our trust.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it.” Selena brushed a kiss over Malachi’s forehead.

“He needs the affection,” Demon commented. “I’m not…good at that.”

It wasn’t a secret, but she was still surprised he’d said it. “Why not?”

“My cultural upbringing wasn’t exactly warm and fuzzy.” Despite the topic of their conversation, he was gently running his fingers over Selena’s neck, shoulder, and arm. “My family didn’t demonstrate affection.”

“What Kun said about you and your sister and Seraph’s family,” Selena ventured softly. “What happened?”

He tensed briefly, and Selena was afraid she’d pushed too far. She’d been able to piece together quite a lot from the little she’d heard and what she knew of Demon’s behavior. She wanted to understand. Not accusations flung by a man like Kun who wanted to hurt Demon, not the hard, concise facts, just how everything had come together to create a man she loved with all her heart.

Demon tightened his arms around her, drawing her even farther into the curve of his body. He laid his cheek against her hair and sighed. “My uncle and cousin sold my sister, Xiao-Xing, the same way they intended to sell Allie. She was murdered in a brothel in Bangkok before I could find her.”

Selena’s eyes filled with tears of horror. She couldn’t imagine losing Desiree like that. She turned her head and placed a kiss on his bicep. Her tears dampened his dusky skin.

“Don’t cry, little one. It was long ago.” He brushed her tears away with his fingertips. “I was angry at first and determined to get revenge on my uncle. But I was also arrogant. I made mistakes and was caught. My uncle traded me to Seraph’s father. Her brother took a liking to me.”

Like a final piece of the puzzle that made the picture comprehensible, this bit of information completed the image she held of Demon. So many things about him and his personality made sense. Other things became even more mystifying. He was strength incarnate, even after suffering the kind of cruelty that would break other men. She was in awe. “How old were you?”

“When I went to live with Seraph’s family?” He smoothed her hair away from her forehead and let his lips linger against her temple. “I turned twenty-six not long before I went to Italy.”

She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Provided her brain wasn’t too addled to do the math, she figured Demon to be around forty-one years old. “How can you stand me?” she whispered. “I’m a spoiled child compared to you.”

“Is that why you left after spending the night with us at Triptych?” Demon asked. “You decided the age difference was too great?”

He raised himself on one elbow so he could see her face. The change caused her to shift farther onto her back and moved Malachi from her chest. He grumbled in his sleep, reaching blindly for Selena and throwing his heavy arm over her belly. She stroked his hand and threaded her fingers into his to soothe him back to sleep. He was such a big, beautiful man, but there was a little boy inside his heart that craved the warmth she longed to give him.

Selena wondered how to explain that to Demon. Not just about Malachi, but about Demon and Allie too. “Yes. It is why I left.”

His jaw clenched tight, and his eyes grew hard and black.

“No. You misunderstand.” She reached up and brushed her fingers across his jaw. His beard showed only a hint of dark stubble, not scratchy like Malachi’s, but soft. “It wasn’t the number. It was the experience. I felt like a little girl trying to impress a couple of grown men. Compared to the two of you I had a sheltered, pampered upbringing.”

His expression softened. “That’s why we need you so badly.”

“I know.” She didn’t bother to point out the inconsistency of him saying he didn’t know how to show affection and the fact that he couldn’t stop showering her with it.

“Something about you…” He looked as if he was struggling to find the words and wound up muttering something in Cantonese instead. “The day you walked out, I think you took my heart with you. Malachi’s too. He was so angry with me.”

“With you?”

He chuckled, his lower lip curving into an irresistible bow. “He blamed me, though I don’t know if it was for not keeping you there against your will or letting you make the choice in the first place.”

“I’m sorry I hurt you both that way.” Selena thought about what had happened, the way events had unfolded. Could it really have worked any other way? “I needed to work things out in my head first.”

“The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in the world,” Demon quoted.

“And who said that?”

“Lao Tzu.” He traced her lips with his index finger. “I’ll have to get you a copy of the
Dao De Jing

She sent him a sweetly rebellious smile. “Or I can just wait for you to quote it for me.”

“You’re going to run us ragged, aren’t you?” He nuzzled her neck.

“And you’re going to love every minute.”

He blew a stream of air across her neck, making her shiver. “You connect us in a way we can’t on our own. We need you.”

“So does Allie,” she agreed.

His expression clouded. “I just hope nothing stands in the way of Malachi gaining full custody.”

Selena didn’t know anything about child custody in the state of Massachusetts or how to go about getting it. However, she knew a couple of lawyers who did. “I need to make a phone call.”

“Right now?” Demon stifled a yawn. “I suppose I could get up.”

She carefully untangled herself from Malachi’s arms and crawled to the end of her bed, where she could get down without disturbing him. “Don’t be silly. You stay with Malachi.”

“He isn’t a giant baby we’re minding, you know.” Demon’s dry tone made her want to giggle.

She didn’t think their lover would appreciate the sentiment, but that didn’t mean she wanted to drag her men out of bed either. “It won’t take but a minute. I promise.”

He gave her a long, hot, lingering stare. “Don’t stay away for long, or we’ll have to come find you and bring you back to bed.”

A thrill shot straight to her pussy, and she wondered if his words were meant to be a threat or a promise. Either way she’d take it.

* * * *

Selena was surprised when her mother was the first person she saw in the wide hallway outside her suite. Annaline looked as happy and relaxed as Selena could ever remember seeing her. It was actually a little off-putting.

“You’re awake!” Mom wrapped an arm around Selena’s shoulders. “I was wondering when one of you would surface for sustenance. I don’t want to have to explain to sweet Allie how her idiot parents starved to death while in the throes of passion.”

“Oh God, Mom!” Selena’s cheeks went up in flames. “I’m still getting used to the idea of you and threesomes and other nonvanilla concepts. Give me some time, please?” Selena tugged self-consciously at the yoga pants and hooded sweatshirt she’d donned before leaving her rooms.

“Darling, there’s nobody to care how you look.” Her mother started towing her toward the stairs. “Really, come down and grab a little something. Won’t you?”

“Where’s Allie?” Selena’s heart skipped a beat. Had she lost her potential adopted daughter already?

“She was really disappointed she didn’t make her afternoon ballet class.” Mom urged Selena down the curving staircase. “Then I showed her the barre you set up in our workout room all those years ago, and she’s in seventh heaven.”

Selena wasn’t at all surprised that Allie had fallen in love with what had once been Selena’s personal refuge. It fit.

“And one of your um…significant others… Ah, a man showed up on our doorstep this morning and informed us he was here to provide security.” Her mother gave an apologetic shrug.

“Owen,” Selena guessed.

“That’s right.”

“Did you give him a door to guard?” Selena tried not to smirk since it wasn’t at all ladylike, but the idea of the door troll wandering around until he found a new door to guard was absolutely laughable.

“Actually I did send him down to the lower level to keep an eye on the rear entrances since Allie is down there more or less alone.” Annaline looked worried. “Is that all right? Is he trustworthy?”

“Absolutely, Mother. Owen will guard Allie with his life.” Allie was Malachi’s daughter, after all, and Owen’s loyalty was to Malachi.

Once on the main floor, Selena bypassed the kitchen and headed for the study.

“Where are you going, darling?” Annaline asked.

“I need to speak with Seth and Josh about Allie.”

“Well, come have a bite to eat then. The two of them should be here in less than twenty minutes.”

Selena’s mouth popped wide open at her mother’s casual announcement. “Who called them?”

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