Read Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso Online

Authors: Kaitlin Maitland

Tags: #BDSM; Menage; Multicultural

Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso (20 page)

“Fuck, that’s hot.” The heat in Malachi’s eyes scorched her from head to toe.

They weren’t done fastening her in. The two straps snug against her thighs attached to one around her waist. She gave a little gasp when Demon buckled a collar into place. The pressure against her windpipe felt good. Her breasts hung free, separated by a strap stretching from the collar and fastening to the harness.

She didn’t understand why being trussed up like this would be such a turn-on, but it was. Every nerve was alive with anticipation. It was like being on display in an environment wired for intense pleasure.

Demon’s voice came from right beside her ear. “Are you okay, Selena?”

She nodded.

“I need the words, little one.”

She swallowed and gave him the only words that would come. “Yes, sir.”

“Excellent. Put her feet in the stirrups, Malachi.” Demon ran his fingers through her hair before quickly braiding the length and tying it off.

It was odd to have a man plait her hair, strangely intimate in a way that transcended sexual fulfillment and touched her on a deeper level. She wondered why it was like that, sorting through feelings and emotions that had no place in the training room. When Malachi grabbed her ankles, she was glad of the distraction.

“Place them here.” Malachi’s eyes were like molten silver as he helped her slip her feet into the narrow slots.

Selena was now fully suspended. The position left her pussy and her ass utterly exposed. It was as terrifying as it was exciting, and she had no idea what to expect next.

“I know Malachi used a flogger on you.” Demon appeared in front of her, whip in hand. Her breath hitched, and she wasn’t sure if it was fear or arousal. “I’m not going to hurt you. It might sting, but pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin.” He grabbed her chin and forced her to look away from the whip and into his eyes. “Do you trust me?”

Had he ever given her a reason not to? No. Despite knowing him for less than seventy-two hours, she trusted the Demon of Triptych more than anyone she’d ever known. “I trust you.”

“Good girl.” He produced another hair tie from seemingly nowhere.

She swallowed hard as she watched him pull up the long, silken strands that normally covered his eyes. It was a basic task. It was also the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. With half his thick hair in a messy ponytail, she could see every nuance of his expression. He was impassive, yes, but there was something profound beneath that stone-faced exterior. That was what drew her so forcefully to this man who exuded danger to everyone else.

Malachi caught her eye. “Sexy, isn’t he?”

Another layer of security snapped into place when Malachi smiled and she returned it. Her vulnerability was shared with this gorgeous bull of a man who had been through so much. If Malachi could trust Demon, she’d be a fool not to.

I could fall in love with these two.

The sting of the whip against her ass cheek booted any such thoughts from her brain. It burned and smarted for the briefest moment before Demon’s cool hand smoothed over what would surely be a welt.

Malachi stood between her outstretched legs. His big hands bracketed her waist to hold her still. She tensed a little, trying to read enough of his expression to know when the next lash would happen.

He seemed to guess her intent. “Don’t focus on that. Let yourself go. Relax.”

The whip kissed her skin on the curve of her right ass cheek and was immediately followed by Demon’s hand. It sent the oddest sensation straight to her clit. Gravity had already helped the blood rush to her sex, but it wasn’t responsible for the hot achiness making her want to squirm.

“Flow with the pain,” Malachi murmured.

Another lash. It bit deep but was more tease than torture. Her clit pulsed and her channel throbbed. The whip sang again, and a rush of cream dampened her pubic hair. Two more, the rhythm growing steadier and Demon’s hand kneading the muscles in her ass until she wanted to moan with the pleasure.

“I’m going to switch cheeks now,” Demon warned.

She heard him move from one side to the other, but she kept her eyes on Malachi. His expression suggested he was aroused to the point of pain by watching Demon spank her. It upped the ante and made her wonder if she’d feel the same in his place.

The whip connected with her skin, and this time she welcomed the burn. She gazed at the hunger on Malachi’s face. It made her feel as though she were on display. A second lash, her limbs tingling the way they did when she was ready to go onstage. The third, accompanied by a low pull in her womb. By the fourth she was panting. The position she was forced to keep prevented her from gaining any friction against her sex. One touch was all it would take. She was sure of it. One touch and she’d come.

The whip landed on her open cunt, and Selena cried out. Intense pain mingled with wanton desire. It hurt so badly, but she’d take it again in an instant. The intensity of the sensation was damn near unbearable.

“Good girl,” Demon murmured. “Why don’t I have Malachi soothe your pussy with a few licks?”

She made an incoherent noise as Malachi sank to his knees before her. She could see nothing but the top of his silky head between her thighs. Her position left her at their mercy, and he took full advantage.

His tongue delved deep into her folds. The wet sound of his lapping turned her on as much as his thick tongue probing her entrance. He sucked and licked, fucking her with his mouth.

“Does it feel good?” Demon asked. “I think he likes your taste.”

She moaned because she couldn’t keep silent. She could have climaxed right there had she not already had so many orgasms. Her muscles were far too agreeable about waiting for another peak.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

Demon’s graphic question made her shiver with dark curiosity. “No.”

“Then I suppose we should begin with something a little smaller than my dick.” He rubbed two lubricated fingers against her puckered asshole.

This was nothing like being spanked. It was an overload of sensation that had her gasping for breath. Still, she forced her body to relax, to let the vibrations flow over her like warm rain.

“Good girl, relax and push out as I push in.” Demon began sliding one finger just inside her anal entrance and then retreating. “Malachi, grab the plugs for me, please.”

She stiffened at the mention of plugs. Was he talking about actual butt plugs?

There was no time to puzzle it out. Malachi’s tongue left her pussy, and Demon pushed a finger past the ring of muscle in her ass. She was bombarded by pressure that was more pleasure than pain. It confused her. This idea that a lover would want to penetrate her there was almost more than she could reconcile. She’d always been curious, but it didn’t fit into what she knew of men and women and sex. It existed outside the norm, outside everything she thought was right and proper.

And I like it.

Oh God, she liked it a lot. When a smooth, hard toy was pressed against her anus, she whimpered and pushed back against it like a bitch in heat.

“We need to go slowly, little one. I don’t want to hurt you.” Demon stroked her ass cheek with his free hand. “Malachi is going to put his fingers in your pussy to help stimulate you. Don’t let yourself come. If you think you can’t hold back, you need to tell me. Agreed?”

He didn’t have to ask for the words this time. “Yes, sir.”

There was a guttural sound when the plug slid into her ass. It took a moment for her to realize it was her voice bouncing off the stone walls. She couldn’t seem to stop. It felt so good. Malachi’s fingers were deep inside her channel, lightly flexing against her muscular walls. Had she not been hanging motionless and trapped, she would’ve been grinding herself on his hand just for the delicious friction.

“I’m going to leave this in your ass when Malachi fucks you, little one.” Demon gave the plug a twist that lodged it deep and made it stay put. She trembled with the need to climax but held true to his command.

As she watched, Demon rolled a condom onto Malachi’s hard shaft. The bigger man seemed just as close to orgasm as she was, but something in his expression told her he was fighting hard against it. The tension in the air was so thick she could smell the sex waiting to happen.

Demon grabbed Malachi’s chin and gave him a pointed look. “I’m going to restrain you.”

“As you wish.” Malachi’s voice sounded raw, and she realized it was the first sound she’d heard him make. She envied him the control it took to remain silent.

She hadn’t realized it until this moment, but there was another set of shackles hanging from the same beam that supported her sling. Malachi reached up and grabbed hold while Demon wrapped the padded nylon cuffs around his wrists.

Malachi’s breathing increased to marathon speed, and Selena didn’t think it was because of arousal. Since being suspended in midair, she had been clutching the nylon straps of the sling in a death grip. It was past time to trust that she wasn’t going to fall. Not on the ground anyway.

She let go and cupped Malachi’s cheek in one hand. The scratchy growth of his dark beard tickled her palm. “I’m not sure what’s more of a turn-on. You tied up, or waiting for you to slide your cock inside me.”

Her words seemed to calm him. He stepped closer until the erection bouncing against his belly brushed her damp sex. She wrapped her arms about his neck and tangled her fingers in his fine hair.

“Kiss him, little one. Show him how much you want him,” Demon urged.

She didn’t need to be told twice. Capturing Malachi’s lips, she slid her tongue inside his mouth and staked a claim like she’d never done with anyone else. She devoured him as though he were the only water in a parched land. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, and she nipped it before sucking lightly on the tip.

Demon made a strange growling noise. “The two of you are as hot together as I knew you would be.”

He reached between their bodies and slipped the head of Malachi’s cock into her pussy. She gasped and broke away from the kiss as she arched her back. With the plug still in place, it was literally double her pleasure. It was as if she’d been waiting forever to feel the thickness of Malachi inside her. He stretched her as he sank in deep.

Standing behind Malachi, Demon grabbed her legs and pulled until Malachi was wedged inside her slick channel.

Malachi rested his forehead against hers. “Fuck. I don’t know how long I can hold on. I can’t…I’m going to lock up.”

A sharp smack echoed around the room, and Selena flinched only to realize the blow had landed on Malachi’s ass and not hers. He grunted, giving a shallow thrust that made her see stars. The waiting was killing her. She wanted him pounding her pussy to send her soaring to completion.

A second slap followed the first, and she saw Malachi visibly bring himself back under control. The herculean effort impressed the hell out of her. There was no way she’d have been able to back off that ledge.

“I’m going to fuck you both,” Demon told them. “With my cock in Malachi’s ass, I’ll send him deep into your cunt, Selena.”

The erotic picture he painted made her clench her inner muscles involuntarily. Malachi groaned and flexed. The tremor translated itself to the sensitive nerve endings in her ass as she clenched the plug.

“I want to come,” Selena said on a gasp.

“Soon, little one.”

She couldn’t see what Demon was doing over the muscular shoulder blocking her view, but she could feel the results. Malachi groaned softly. His face was taut with pent-up passion. Selena leaned forward and placed a bevy of soft kisses along his jaw, his chin, his cheeks, and even over his eyelids.

Malachi stirred, eyes fluttering open, and she couldn’t stand her curiosity. “Is Demon…is he inside you?”

The corner of his mouth tilted up, and she almost came apart when he nodded. “Yes. His cock is in my ass, and it feels good.”

Selena saw Demon’s hands grasp Malachi’s shoulders where the muscle was thick and bunched from having his hands tied above their heads. Malachi’s skin was smooth and olive compared to Demon’s dark gold. The sight was erotic, the knowledge that she was watching the two of them fuck even more so. Every fantasy, every imagining, every foolish thought paled in comparison.

Malachi shuddered as Demon thrust into his ass. The motion sent him rocketing into Selena’s pussy. Again and again, the noise of their bodies slapping together was the only thing she could hear. It was gritty and raw and hotter than she could have dreamed. She reveled in each stroke and grunt, wondering when Demon was going to tell her she could let go of the blessed tension, and yet hoping it wouldn’t end just yet.

“Come for me, Selena.”

The words sounded as though they came from the end of tunnel, but her body obeyed instantly. Her channel grew molten with hot cream that saturated Malachi’s thick cock as she trembled and orgasmed around him.

He shouted, the nylon restraining his powerful body singing as it was stretched to the max. Every muscle flexed tight as he shuddered with the pleasure. He wasn’t going to come. She could sense his body locking itself down in flat refusal. The knowledge hurt more than it should have. She wanted to feel him skin to skin as he filled her with the essence of himself. She wanted his trust.

“Help him, Selena.” Demon grabbed her calves and pushed her away to separate her pussy from Malachi’s cock.

Selena fumbled between her legs and palmed Malachi’s rigid erection. She ripped off the condom to feel the heat and tension beneath his skin. Gripping his shaft in one hand, she cupped his face in the other.

“Malachi?” She was gratified to see his eyelids flutter as he focused on her face. “I’ve got you, Malachi. Come.”

His abdominal muscles rippled with the power of his climax. He groaned and shuddered, his seed spilling into her palm. Malachi strained and gasped while Selena’s tremors began to slack off. She caught Demon’s eye. The dark gaze glittered as his face contorted into the agonized expression of ecstasy that told her he had finally let himself come. The wave brushed her with its wild release, and Selena felt a burst of something extra as her body convulsed into a tiny aftershock.

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