Read Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso Online

Authors: Kaitlin Maitland

Tags: #BDSM; Menage; Multicultural

Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso (15 page)

“And if I refuse?”

“I’ll consider the trial period over. No harm, no foul, no questions asked. You can walk out, and we’ll have a cab take you wherever you want.”

She licked her lips nervously, recalling a similar deal just a few days ago that had worked out rather well in her favor. “Okay, I can agree to that.”

Chapter Fourteen

It had been all Malachi could do to keep his mouth closed when Demon offered Selena the option of walking out whenever she wanted. The more time Malachi spent with the sassy little minx, the more he was convinced she somehow belonged in their lives. On the other hand, Demon’s understanding of human nature was almost frightening. It was one of the things that made him a strong Dominant capable of pushing a submissive higher than they’d ever thought possible.

The cool air in the training room was lifting the hair on Malachi’s legs, forcing him back to the present. He exhaled slowly to regain his focus. Demon had told him to strip and he’d been standing, naked, head bowed with his arms and legs at parade rest for the last fifteen minutes. Demon was attempting to explain the concept of the BDSM lifestyle to Selena, and she was arguing. They’d finally gotten through the definition of hard and soft limits and were entering the home stretch.

Malachi would’ve given up by now or turned her over his knee and spanked her for being stubborn. Demon actually looked like he was enjoying the debate. Which was why he was the Dom. Malachi’s style was more along the lines of the proverbial bull in the china shop.

“So all I have to do is say a safe word and everything just stops?” Selena was seriously hung up on the concept of a safe word. Probably because she saw it as a useful power play.

Demon didn’t even look frustrated. “The intensity of the activity stops, yes.”

“So what’s Malachi’s safe word?”

“Malachi’s safe word is between him and me. You can choose your own.”

She looked almost pensive, and Malachi wondered why she cared about his safe word. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d used the word
. Even in conversation.

“Bellicoso,” Selena said softly. “It refers to an aggressive passage of music or dance.”

“It suits you.”

“How long is he going to just stand there like that?”

Malachi knew without looking she was referring to him. He could feel her gaze stroking every inch of his body.

“Malachi will stand just like that until I ask him to move.” There was soft praise in Demon’s statement.

“I’m not sure I could do that,” she said.

“It takes time and discipline.” Demon rose from the table where he’d been sitting. “Malachi’s strength is part of what makes him sexy.”

Malachi sensed Demon moving closer as if the magnetic pull between their bodies grew stronger. His skin began to tingle in anticipation. When Demon’s hand finally stroked a path down Malachi’s tense abdominal muscles, he barely managed not to groan out loud.

“Patience is always the best option in any situation.” Demon splayed his fingers flat against the taut skin below Malachi’s navel. “Gratification quickly pursued is gratification quickly gone.” His palm skated lower, his fingers splitting apart as they bracketed the base of Malachi’s cock.

Blood rushed to his groin, his shaft growing firm as Demon’s fingers curled around the thick base. Malachi loved that Demon never asked him to try to prevent an erection. Between the two of them, it was what they did with the hard-on that mattered. Control it, sustain it, and enjoy the pleasure that went with it.

Selena’s soft gasp made Malachi’s balls tighten. Knowing she watched and that it brought her pleasure was a heady aphrodisiac. Demon let his hand stray lower. He cupped Malachi’s sac and banded his thumb and index finger around the sensitive area. As he squeezed, Malachi clenched his ass cheeks and carefully regulated his breathing. He loved the sensual torture. The pressure of Demon’s powerful hand balanced pain and pleasure only to let go just when Malachi was at his limit.

Endorphins flooded Malachi’s blood when Demon trailed the tip of one index finger the length of his shaft. With his chin lowered and his eyes wide open, he could watch the agonizingly slow progression. It would feel so good to have Demon’s hand wrapped around his cock. The anticipation bit into him like a wild thing, and he inhaled a ragged breath.

“Selena?” Demon called to her without looking away from Malachi’s groin. “Come here please.”

Malachi caught her scent as she approached. The light femininity mingled with Demon’s familiar maleness and made a carnal cocktail that was a drug to Malachi’s senses.

“I want you to get on your knees and suck his cock,” Demon told her.

She instantly bridled. The tension between the three of them ratcheted up a notch, and Malachi waited to see how Demon would handle her obvious reluctance.

“I’m not a big fan of blowjobs.” Her firm tone was completely betrayed by her shifting gaze and wringing hands.

“That’s common enough when you’ve never had any instruction on how to make the pleasure go both ways.” Demon released Malachi’s cock and fetched a large pillow off the bed. He dropped it on the floor in front of Malachi. “You’ve agreed to try whatever you’re asked to. If you give it a chance and still feel the same, that is how limits are established.”

With the advantage of height on his side, Malachi could see the wheels turning in her pretty head. Demon’s argument was a sound one. It had appealed to both sides of her nature, and it was easy to see she was affected.

She is a match for us both in every way. Given time we’re going to burn this place to the ground.


SELENA WAS OUTRAGED. Not just by the order to get on her knees and suck cock, but by her own traitorous desire to do it. She’d had visions of being tied up and pleasured. Not of being someone’s cum receptacle. Her mouth wasn’t a dick holster, for fuck’s sake!

Oh but she could feel Demon’s gaze on her like warm rain and the promise of a storm. Malachi was a statue. His huge, gorgeous erection waved like a flag before her. Her knees wanted to buckle so badly, but she was afraid to give in and let go.

“I’ll catch you, little one,” Demon murmured. “I always will.”

Why did she want to believe him? No one in her life had ever said such a thing. Her world was a dog-eat-dog, cutthroat social cesspit. Now this beautiful man she barely knew told her he was different, and she actually believed it could be true.

I have nothing to lose. I can walk anytime. If I don’t do it, I’m going to have to walk now.

Walking out meant never getting what she’d come for, never filling that enormous hole inside her. Even dancing this afternoon had only taken the edge off. She sucked in a deep breath, disgusted at the weak sound, and sank to her knees on the pillow.

“Excellent.” Demon’s hand brushed over her hair in a featherlight caress. Coming from anyone else, it would have been demeaning. He managed to make her feel cherished.

From this new angle, she felt utterly overwhelmed. Malachi’s immense frame was packed with muscle. His legs rose before her like tree trunks, his erection jutting out like a branch.

Demon’s long fingers gripped the base of Malachi’s cock. The sight did things to her she’d never thought possible. She’d been aroused for what seemed like hours. This was different. Deep down she knew what Demon wanted and was ready to comply without the consent of the rest of her brain. Her mouth watered, and she had to swallow.

“Gagging yourself with his cock isn’t going to bring pleasure to either of you.” Demon’s softly spoken words gave her something to focus on. It was like Madame’s voice in the dance studio. Her mind and body settled instantly. “He’s circumcised, so the most sensitive area for him is right here on the frenulum.” Demon used the pad of his thumb to stroke the puckered area just behind the head of Malachi’s cock.

Malachi shuddered beneath Demon’s caress. Selena was entranced. Malachi seemed so formidable, yet the lightest touch could make him tremble.

“May I try?” The words slipped out, and she was appalled at the plaintive note behind them.

She expected Demon to crow about her slip into subservience, but he seemed oblivious. “Put the end between your lips to start.”

She pursed her lips and let the tender flesh slip inside her mouth. A pleasantly spicy taste made her salivary glands work overtime. She swallowed in reflex, and her tongue brushed against Malachi’s skin. She felt the tiniest quiver in response. Instantly she wanted more of that.

Demon was still giving instructions in his low voice. “Suck on him. Not hard, but like you’re trying to get the filling out of something sweet.”

She pushed the round head of Malachi’s penis against the roof of her mouth and sucked lightly. It grew harder, pushing back at her and making her pussy throb. It felt shockingly good.

“Take more of him.”

She slid her lips down Malachi’s shaft until they met Demon’s hand. When Demon pumped Malachi’s cock, her saliva lubricated the contact between the three of them. She felt the caress of Demon’s fingers against her lips, guiding her as she began to let her instincts take over.

She swirled her tongue in erratic patterns against Malachi’s skin. It was so taut over the rigid flesh she couldn’t believe it didn’t cause pain. Demon’s hand controlled the thrust of Malachi’s length into her mouth. She grew bold, arching her back to elongate her neck and take more. She wanted more. To feel Malachi plunging into her throat while her core pulsed in concert.

Tilting her head back, she used her tongue to stroke a hard line down his shaft. He dived into the friction as she pressed the crown of his cock against her palate. She let her bottom teeth scrape lightly across his shaft. Malachi groaned, and the sound was punctuated by a low, sexy chuckle from Demon.

“To push him just a little higher, you need to pull back and let go, little one,” Demon urged.

She immediately obeyed, letting Malachi’s cock go with a soft pop. Her lips were damp and swollen. The sensation was oddly pleasing. Every nerve in her body was thrumming with awareness. She’d never felt more alive in her life.

“Use your lips to tickle him,” Demon instructed.

Malachi’s shaft was hot to the touch when she ran her lips over its satiny surface. Glancing up, she was stunned to see the tension rippling over his rugged torso. She gazed at his face as she nibbled his cock. His pleasure was plain and pure. It made her insides melt. She hadn’t wanted to do this because it had seemed like an attempt to subjugate. Yet every suck, nibble, and lick brought Malachi more firmly beneath her power.

Demon reached down and laced his fingers with hers. “Cup his balls. Gently, like this.”

Preoccupied with the electric shock of the contact, she didn’t stop and think about filling her hand with Malachi’s testicles. She’d never touched a man there before. It had always been on her list of icky places.

She’d been so, so wrong. It wasn’t icky. It was erotic. Every stroke of her tongue or kiss from her lips on Malachi’s shaft sent a jolt to his sac. The tender skin pulsed with his heartbeat, making her feel more connected to him and Demon than she’d ever thought possible.

I want to taste his cum.

It was an utterly foreign concept, but the thought of his hot semen splashing across her tongue made her so horny she whimpered from the anticipation.

“He isn’t going to come in your mouth, Selena.” Demon seemed to read her mind. “We aren’t ready for that yet.”

She wanted to protest that she was very ready for it, but her mouth was otherwise engaged. Instead, she looked up at Malachi’s ripped torso and soaked in the novelty of sharing pleasure instead of just giving or receiving it. When her gaze reached his face, she realized he was staring back. The connection sank so deep she felt as if she could see his soul peeking out of his gray eyes.

Demon slid the hand he had wrapped around Malachi’s cock toward the tip. His fingers forced her mouth away while simultaneously giving Malachi one last intense stroke. When she might have argued, Demon leveled a firm look right at her. Selena dropped her gaze and stayed on her knees.

It should have burned her to give in like that, but it was exactly the opposite. She felt excited by what might come next. When Demon briefly touched her head, a warm sense of peace enveloped her like a security blanket.

“Stand up, little one.” Demon took a step back from Malachi and waited for her to rise.

She gained her feet and shifted nervously. She could feel both their gazes—Demon’s bold and assessing, and Malachi’s appreciative. Her sex drive had been in high gear for so long she was ready to do whatever it took to gain some relief.

Demon cocked his head to one side. “Keeping your body in a heightened state of arousal for a long period of time is its own kind of pain.”

How did the guy read her like that? He barely knew her. It seemed insane that he could know what she was thinking without her saying a word.

He moved in close and reached for the hem of her dress. She quivered but didn’t move away as he drew the garment over her head and carefully draped it over the tower in the corner. She wondered when Demon’s jeans and T-shirt would join the pile.

“Malachi wasn’t exaggerating when he said you were beautiful.” Demon’s baritone grew husky. “These are utter perfection.” He cupped her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples and drawing an involuntary whimper. “Don’t hide that noise, little one. It’s sexy as hell.”

She swallowed and tried to remember how to breathe. Malachi’s words came back in a rush, and she began counting slowly in her head.

“Breath control. Very good.” His hands slid over her ribs toward her belly. “You’re a quick learner.” Her muscles shrank reflexively as he brushed the taut skin below her navel. He tugged her underwear over her hips. She shimmied her legs together until the scrap of black satin fell to the floor. She stepped free of the panties, hyperaware of Demon’s gaze. “I prefer a shaved pussy, but we can discuss that later.” He threaded his fingers through her pubic hair.

Selena desperately held on to the count in her head. She was so turned on, so hot and achy, it was all she could do not to grind on his hand and bring herself some quick relief.

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