Read Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso Online

Authors: Kaitlin Maitland

Tags: #BDSM; Menage; Multicultural

Boston Avant-Garde 5: Bellicoso (17 page)

“Spread your legs for me. I want that pretty pussy splayed wide open.” He pushed the soft throw away from their bodies.

His erotic order made her shiver with desire. Letting her knees fall open, she brought her heels up toward her crotch until she’d spread herself for him. She had never used her flexibility in quite this way before. It was titillating.

Without preamble, Malachi slid his index finger into her vagina. She gasped at the abrupt intrusion. Her inner muscles flexed hard to squeeze against the penetration.

“Relax,” Malachi urged. “Let the feelings wash right over you, but don’t let yourself clamp down on me.”

She exhaled, forcing her vaginal muscles to loosen as she would other parts of her body during dance.

“Much better.” He moved his finger quickly, making short thrusts and a sexy wet noise. “It can feel good, but it doesn’t have to push you over the edge. Try squeezing my finger now, but pay attention to the sensation in your nervous system. Try to gauge how much arousal you can handle. Look for the edge of the cliff, and then back away.”

Giving in to the urge to bear down on the finger penetrating her channel, Selena reveled in the sensation of rising pleasure that swept her. This time, she didn’t let it drag her blindly in its wake. She became aware of exactly what Malachi spoke of—a precipice in her mind, the point of no return, coming at her full throttle.

She forced herself to relax when she saw it looming. The muscles in her pussy quivered with the need to chase the orgasm they sensed ahead. She shaped her desire, glorying in the sense of control and accomplishment. As she did, she began to understand some of what Demon had said earlier about limits, about pushing them and gaining satisfaction from doing so.

“Now we add another layer of temptation,” Malachi whispered.

He plunged two more fingers into her channel. The compulsion to squeeze tightly on the delicious pressure was agonizing. When her body bent to her will, Selena gained a heady sensation that surpassed anything she’d ever felt before.

Malachi kissed her forehead. “Well done, sweetheart.”

Selena felt as if she were gaining accolades for something not really accomplished. “But I want to come.”

“You should want to come.” He pulled his fingers from her pussy and then licked them clean. The sight made her moan with longing. “It’s what we do with our wants that matters. Delaying gratification makes it all the sweeter.”

The air in the room shifted, and Selena realized Demon stood at the end of the bed, one shoulder resting casually against the bedpost. The hair obscuring his expression couldn’t hide the heat in his gaze.

One corner of his sensual mouth tilted up in a grin that nearly made her come then and there. “You want to come, and I want to watch you come with Malachi’s cock buried inside your sweet pussy.”

Beside Selena, Malachi growled low in his chest. The sound rumbled through her body like a living wave of lust. Demon produced a condom from his pocket, holding it up as if he were waiting for Malachi to examine it.

“I get tested regularly,” Selena said, wondering if she would sound too eager.

Demon’s gaze settled on Malachi. “We get tested regularly as well, but we use condoms anyway.”


MALACHI KNEW INSTINCTIVELY Demon was about to push in a direction he never had before. Malachi hadn’t ejaculated inside a lover since Seraph’s deception. He hadn’t wanted to. Now he discovered he was utterly torn. The concept of climaxing inside Selena and marking her with his male essence was enticing. The level of trust that would require left him breathless with horror.

“Come stand beside me, Selena.” Demon reached over and took her hand to help her off the bed.

She looked like a tiny piece of perfection with her flushed peaches-and-cream skin and her hypnotic green eyes. Malachi wanted to be inside her badly. The taste of her cream lingered on his tongue like a promise.

Demon moved toward the foot of the bed. “Lie down with your head in this direction, Malachi.”

It was only the familiarity of his partner that kept Malachi from bolting. He shoved the throw out of the way and settled his body with his feet facing the headboard. His chest was rising and falling so quickly he thought he might pass out.

“Relax.” Demon crouched down and cupped Malachi’s face. “You know I won’t steer you wrong.”

“I know.”

Demon leaned in and kissed Malachi. Their tongues tangled together, the kiss quickly intensifying. Malachi enjoyed the way Demon coaxed with loving thrusts, only to retreat and encourage Malachi to do the same. It was a dance, a careful duel that mirrored the balance between them.

Selena’s sweet cry made Demon pull back. He gave Malachi a mischievous grin. “I think she’s ready.”

Before Malachi could protest, Demon grabbed his dick and rolled the condom into place. Then he turned and beckoned Selena close. It heated Malachi’s blood when she came so eagerly, nestling in their Dom’s arms.

“You’re going to ride him for me, little one.” Demon kissed her neck, biting the sensitive flesh at the nape. “Don’t come until I tell you. No matter how badly you want to, I promise I can make it better if you let me.”

“Yes, sir.”

If her expression was anything to go by, the words had tumbled out of her mouth without thought. The satisfaction on Demon’s face told Malachi the Dominant was pleased with their new playmate.

Demon lifted Selena onto the bed and helped her position herself astride Malachi’s body. Her silky legs nestled alongside his, her skin warm and resilient. He wanted to touch as he had earlier, but this wasn’t the time. Malachi’s stomach was in knots. Desire warred with fear until he wasn’t certain which one made his heart pound and his blood pump.

Selena knelt above him, and Malachi could feel the heat of her wet pussy brushing the tip of his cock. His traitorous brain mourned the barrier, wanting to feel her skin to skin as she slid along his shaft. It was his heart that pounded out a rhythm of caution and mistrust learned at such a great cost.

Selena groaned as she impaled herself on his erection, wriggling just a little when he was fully seated inside her. It felt so good, but Malachi warred with the instinct to push her away. He clenched his hands at his sides and focused on Demon’s comforting presence instead of his own fears.

“Beautiful.” Demon’s husky voice anchored them all. He reached up, pulled his T-shirt over his head, and tossed it aside. “Hold my hands, little one. Let me set the pace.”

Malachi’s mouth watered as he gazed up at Demon’s bare chest. His skin was a natural dark gold. It stretched over ripped abs so tightly packed they looked sculpted. His pectorals were crowned with dark nipples already beaded into tiny points. Malachi admired the sleek contour of Demon’s arms, so different from his own. Demon’s hands gripped Selena’s, her skin perfect and fair beside his.

When she began to move, Malachi was lost. Her pussy ground down on his erection. Each stroke sent him plunging deep inside her channel until he felt her sweet spot kiss the tip of his cock. Her sex was wetter and tighter than he’d ever imagined. It caressed him with each movement of her hips, advancing and retreating as Demon helped her move.

Malachi dropped every pretense of control. He was threadbare, his balls clenching beneath him, physically ready to pour his seed into Selena’s body despite the tainted emotions seething in the background. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. He was awed by the way she moved. Her perfect breasts bobbed in time with their lovemaking. They quivered and danced as she undulated against him. Her eyes were closed, her breathing hitching on each downstroke.

Suddenly, Demon placed Selena’s hands on Malachi’s chest. Malachi stared up in surprise, meeting his partner’s eyes as Demon reached for the fly of his jeans.

“I need you to suck me, Malachi.”

The gravel in Demon’s tone was like nothing Malachi had ever heard before. There was a tremor in his partner’s hand as he unfastened his jeans and pulled out his thick, uncircumcised penis.

Malachi twisted his head to the side and opened his mouth, welcoming the taste of his partner’s rigid cock. He used his hands to stretch the sac and hold it away from his lover’s body. Sweat glistened on Demon’s abdomen, though he stayed utterly still.

The warm, musky flavor of precum filled Malachi’s mouth. Using his free hand, he pulled the foreskin gently away from the tip and sucked hard. Above him, he could see Selena watching them with rapt attention. Her channel was trembling around Malachi’s cock as she perched on the edge of her release. He wanted to feel the sweet melting of her body around his, but he knew Demon would make her wait until they could gain their orgasms together. Dread mingled with arousal inside his chest.

Malachi tamped down his apprehension and worked the cock lodged in his mouth even harder. He nibbled and sucked, taking the thick member all the way to the back of his throat and swallowing it whole. He’d known Demon a long time. He knew what pushed his Dom to the edge, and he was eager to provide it.

Holding Demon’s cock deep inside his throat, Malachi slid his fingers behind his lover’s testicles and found the tight flesh around the anal entrance. Malachi’s fingers were damp with his saliva. He slid them across the sensitive area and just barely pushed inside.


DEMON BIT BACK a groan when Malachi’s fingers brushed across his asshole. He wouldn’t have allowed the familiarity with anyone else, but this man was different.

The tease had an immediate effect on his body. The rush of pending climax was like a tempest inside him. The threads of erotic desire twining them together were ready to snap, and he had only to say the word to gain satisfaction. Niggling doubts made him wonder if he was pushing Malachi too far too fast. Either way, they would discover the truth in a moment.

Demon gazed at Selena’s beautiful body moving in long, languid strokes over Malachi’s prone form. His lover was sucking cock as though he could never get enough, yet Demon sensed he was holding something back. Heat coiled inside Demon’s body. He reveled in the clawing desire that flayed him open.

It was time.

He cupped Selena’s chin and forced her to meet his gaze. “Now, Selena. Come for us.”

She instantly obeyed, coming prettily as she rocked and moaned against Malachi’s body. Demon felt the brief bite of his lover’s teeth as he reached the threshold of his climax. Malachi’s jaw clenched tight. Demon’s gut tightened. He sensed his lover’s body lock as apprehension overcame arousal and shut it down.

The agony on Malachi’s face was like a slap in the face to Demon. Fear shone in Malachi’s gray eyes, and Demon realized he was anticipating punishment for disobedience.

Like hell.

Demon palmed the base of Malachi’s cock and dragged it free of Selena’s wet pussy. She inhaled sharply at the loss, but Demon’s concern was for Malachi. Stripping off the condom, Demon pumped his lover’s thick shaft.

“Come, Malachi,” he ordered.

Malachi groaned as pulsing ejaculate coated his belly. His mouth clamped down hard on Demon’s cock as he sucked for all he was worth.

Demon hissed at the intense sensation. The urge to push back his release was there. Demon’s self-control was a tangible presence in his mind. He brushed against its iron hold, only to realize that, for the first time ever, he wanted to let go.

The sweetness of completion was enough to make his knees weak beneath him. Demon’s cock pulsed as his semen streamed into Malachi’s mouth. It felt so good to join his lovers in satisfaction. Even without Malachi’s full submission, it was better than he’d ever dreamed it could be.

When he can let go inside her, and the three of us are complete, I’m going to die from the pleasure.

Malachi swallowed, his tongue tickling Demon’s oversensitized skin. The wicked grin on his partner’s face said he’d known exactly what he was doing.

“Smart-ass.” Demon pulled his cock from his lover’s mouth.

There was a hint of uncertainty behind Malachi’s grin. “Only with you.”

Demon watched Selena eye the fluid covering Malachi’s chest. She was too intelligent to be oblivious to the significance. Demon gently stroked the side of Malachi’s face, willing him to understand he had plenty of time. “Eventually with

Chapter Sixteen

“I thought you only ate rice?” Selena wrinkled her nose at Demon and popped another piece of fresh pineapple into her mouth.

He relaxed against the headboard, utterly at ease with his nakedness. She watched hungrily as he downed a bottle of water in a long series of gulps. Every inch of him was chiseled muscle covered in warm golden skin. The fact that she was sandwiched in bed between two ultrahot males was enough to make her light-headed. Stuff like this did not happen in real life.

Malachi frowned. “Who told you he only eats rice?”

“Allie did.” Demon nudged Malachi with his foot.

“When did she meet Allie?”

Selena realized this was the perfect opportunity to get a few of her questions answered. Things like why Malachi would rather come on his belly than inside her pussy. They were cozy and sated, having devoured a tray of fresh fruit and cheese while lounging naked in bed. She was no expert, but it seemed like the perfect moment for bonding.

“I’m going to be teaching one of Allie’s dance classes.” Selena carefully watched Malachi to see how he handled this news. “We met when I was there for an evaluation today…or yesterday, I guess.”

“I didn’t realize—I knew you said you met Selena—I didn’t know Allie was there.” Malachi laced his hands behind his head and lay flat on the bed, staring up at the ceiling in pensive thought.

“She’s a great kid, Malachi.” Selena didn’t have to try to inject the warmth into her voice. She’d really liked Allie. “She reminds me a lot of you.”

“She’s far more like Malachi than Seraph,” Demon agreed.

“So how did all of this happen?” Selena made a gesture to indicate the two of them, hoping they understood it to mean not just them but the club, them, her, all of it.

“I met Seraph for the first time when I was seventeen.” Malachi continued to stare at the vaulted stone overhead. “She owns Triptych. Or actually she and I own it together. I started out as her submissive before she bought the place. I didn’t think much of it. She had money. I needed a place and had already gotten into the habit of selling myself to whatever Dom was willing to keep a roof over my head.”

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