Read Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead,Abigail Lee,Shantel Tessier,Vicki Green,Rebecca Brooke,Nina Levine,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Casey Peeler,Dee Avila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies

Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology (41 page)


Chapter Four


I scrubbed my hand over my face as I listened to what Yvette was saying.  My sister could be a cranky bitch sometimes, and tonight was no exception.  She was currently giving me her opinion on my choice of lifestyle and the fact it was taking me away from our family at a time she felt I was needed.

When she stopped speaking, I asked
You finished

That depends.  You listening

I checked the time on the kitchen clock.  It was nearly ten pm and w
d just gotten back to Da
s house where I was now staying after leaving the motel where
d been.  Dad had been admitted to hospital with more chest pain.  The doctors were concerned he was at risk of another heart attack and wanted to monitor him.  So w
d left him there and finally come home; I was tired and ready for bed.  And having Yvette rant at me about moving back to Brisbane really was the last thing I needed after the long day
d had.
m always listening, sis, but it does
t mean
m gonnado what you want.  Ther
s a reason I left Brisbane, and I ca
t say
m in a hurry to come back permanently

She blew out a long, angry breath.
I hate that bitch for driving you out of town

Yeah, well it was more than just her, and you know that

My phone rang, interrupting us, not that I minded.  It was
t a number I knew, and normally I would
t answer it, but my desire to get out of this conversation made me hit answer.
” I snapped into the phone.

The smoky female voice that came through was one that was etched into my memory.
I am
a bad driver

Her words were slurred, and I could barely hear her over the noise in the background.  I guessed she was at a pub, drunk.

ll have to take your word for it, babe, because you were this afternoon

I began walking to my bedroom, ignoring Yvett
s questioning stare.

Yeah, well I was having a really bad fucking afternoon.  My teacher threatened to fail me if I did
t screw him, and then I was running late for work, and the guy behind me kept honking at me, an
and, I just need you to know
m normally a good driver.  A really fucking excellent fucking driver

She was getting worked up now, and I listened with amusement which surprised the hell out of me; usually women who rambled annoyed the shit out of me.
So you can take your judgemental attitude and shove it where the sun do
t shine, MrPerfect Biker who must never have a bad day

I laiddown on my bed, stretched my aching body, and responded to her bullshit.
A couple of things, darli
.  Number one, I am far from perfect and I have bad days all the fucki
’ time.  Number two, I hope you told your teacher to go fuck himself, and number three, how the fuck old are you if yo
re still in school

I hoped to Christ she was
t a teenager;
d thought she was closer to my age.

m twenty-three.  Why, how old are you

Thank fuck for that.

And I did tell him to go fuck himself.  And I also told him
d fuck him over if he messed with me.  Shit, can you believe he did that

I did
t doubt for a minute that sh
d mess with him if he failed her.
ve met worse men so yeah I can believe it

She sigheda long breath into the phone, and I enjoyed the effect she was having on me.  I rubbed my hand over my hard dick, and closed my eyes.  I had
t fucked anyone since her, and now I wanted back in her sweet pussy.  As that was unlikely to happen, I decided to keep her talking while I jacked off.

Havoc, I need sex, and ther
s not a man in this club who I want to have it with

You want me to talk dirty to you

I squeezed myself and groaned,enjoying the new direction she was taking.  What I really fucking wanted was for her to talk dirty to me, and knowing her mouth, I had no doubt sh
d be good at it.

No, I want you to fuck me

Not gonna happen tonight, darli
m too damn tiredto move, let alone fuck

I could
t believe the shit coming out of my mouth, but it was true.  I was done for the day.

s a shame; I loved having your cock in my mouth, and really fucking loved sucking your balls
” she breathed into the phone, causing my dick to throb with need.

A male voice filtered through the line.
Sweetheart, you can have my balls in your mouth anytime

My eyes shot open, and I sat up, waiting for her reply.

Fuck off, asshole
” she muttered, still slurring her words.

His voice became angry.
tfucking tell me to fuck off, bitch

She did
t say anything back to him,all I could hear was the noise of the people in the background.  And then she said

Carla, what the fuck is happening
” I demanded to know; I was wide awake now.

He fucking groped my tit, but I think h
s gone now

Tell me where you are. 
m coming to get you
” I said as I grabbed the keys to Da
s uteand began walking outside.  I was
t sure why the hell I was doing this, but I kept moving anyway.

She rattled off the name of the club as I started the car.  Putting my phone on speakerphone, I ordered
Keep talking to me while I drive

The bar was a ten minute drive from where I was, and she prattled on about God knows what the whole time.  Fuck, I could probably listen to her voice for hours and stay hard the whole time.  And thank Christ that dickhead seemed to have left her alone.

I parked the ute, hung up from her and made my way inside.  The beat of the music, and the noise of the crowd assaulted me as I entered.  I fucking hated these types of clubs that played this dance music shit; give me a pub with a live band any day over this crap.  Spotting her at the bar, I headed in her direction.

She saw me, and smiled a drunken smile.  In the time between me hanging up on her and now, sh
d started talking to another guy, and he did
t look too pleased to see her watching me approach.
s this
” he asked when I stopped in front of her.

m with her, dickhead
” I muttered while curling my arm around her waist and pulling her to me.  She smelt fucking amazing and felt even better as I pushed my hand up under the bottom of her shirt and found skin.

Her hand snaked around my waist too, and she murmured
Yeah, h
s with me.  H
s got magic ways with his cock and I really hope h
ll show me them again tonight

I bent my mouth to her ear.
Jesus fuck, woman, yo
ve got a dirty mouth tha
s gonnaget you into trouble one day
” I said while trying to ignore the begging my dick was doing.

She turned to me, her eyes full of lust.
Can it get me into trouble tonight, Havoc

As she said this, her free hand landed on my dick and she began rubbing me.

s your middle fucki
’ name, is
t it
” I growled, reaching for her hand and pulling it off my crotch.
You keep that shit up, and
ll be banging you on the fucki
’ bar

She pouted at me.
You keep talking but all
m hearing is a whole lot of grumbling. 
ve never known a man to not jump at the chance of sex

The idiot sh
d been talking to cut in.
Baby, if you want sex,
ll give it to you

My head snapped in his direction.
Back the fuck off, asshole.  The only man sh
s gonnabe fucking tonight is me

He scowled but got the message and left.

As I watched him go, Carla placed her hand back on my crotch, and said
Halle-fucking-lujah!  Now can we hurry

I cut her off, and yanked her hand off my dick again.
Stop talking, darli
, and start fucki
’ walking.  And if you touch my dick again before I say you can,
m gonnamake your ass red

Her eyes widened, and a sexy grin formed on her lips.
I like the way you think, and I might just be tempted to break that command before you get me home

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