Read Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead,Abigail Lee,Shantel Tessier,Vicki Green,Rebecca Brooke,Nina Levine,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Casey Peeler,Dee Avila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies

Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology (36 page)



To all the dreamers and believers that have had to deal with life not going to plan.


To those of us who have picked ourselves up, dusted the shit off and gotten on with it. 


Sometimes life works out differently to the plan in our head, and tha
s not always a bad thing.


Chapter 1


She had to be fucking kidding me.  No way was I going there with a crazy bitch who was more than likely just trying to catch herself a man to pay her bills.

Rubbing her hand against my crotch, she begged
Come on, baby, take me back to your place and show me how well you can use this

Her hot breath on my ear turned me way the fuck off.  Pushing her hand away from my body, I muttered
I can use it really fucki
’ well, just not with you

She took a step away from me, clearly stunned at my refusal.  I knew her type; good looking and easy.  It was a pity for her that was
t my type anymore.  And she was obviously not used to being told no because she was
t handling it well.  Her face clouded over in anger.
Well are
t you a prick
” she spat
Leading me on like that and then telling me no. 
ve wasted my time on you; time I could have spent finding a man who knows a good thing when he sees it

Fuck, bitches like her pissed me off.  Usually, I would
t waste my breath on her, but
d had a shit of a day, and sh
d just pushed me that bit too far.
s get something straight, I did
t fucki
’ lead you on.  I did
t buy you a drink, did
t do much talking and I sure as hell never gave you the impression I wanted to fuck you. 
ve met too many women like you so I know what yo
re after, and ther
s no way yo
re ever getting it from me.  Been burnt once in my life, not going back for seconds.  So move the fuck on and leave me the hell alone

She stiffened and her mouth fell slightly open.  She recovered fairly quickly though, and narrowed her eyes at me.
Fucking asshole
” she snapped before giving me one last glare and stalking off.  I pitied the poor bastard she latched onto next.

Turning back to the bar, I motioned to the bartender to bring me another scotch, and contemplated why the hell I was back in Brisbane.  It had been six months since
d been here, and a year before that.  It was never long enough between visits as far as I was concerned, but my sister had her own way of bringing me back every now and then.  When sh
d called to tell me our father was
t well, I had
t hesitated to return home.  However, as much as I wanted to check on him, I knew I would
t stick around for long; too many bad memories lived here.

The bartender brought my scotch over and as I threw it back, a woman settled onto the stool next to me at the bar. I did
t look at her, but I knew it was a woman by her smell. 
.  The same fucking perfume my ex fian
é had worn.  I loved it, and yet I hated it simply because it reminded me of her.  Raising my chin at the bartender, I indicated my desire for more scotch. 
d knock myself out with alcohol before
d dredge memories of that bitch up.

So yo
re with Storm, are you

I turned and scowled at her.
m not interested.  I just want to have a drink in quiet.  You think tha
s possible

She did
t flinch, just raised a brow at me, and returned my scowl.
Hate to break it to you, Romeo, but
m not interested either.  I was just asking a question

d fully intended on turning away from her and minding my own business, but her smoky voice stopped me.  It was the kind of voice that commanded a ma
s attention, and it got mine.  My gaze lingered on her face for a good while.  It was her green eyes that did it; there was something there that called to me.  Sadness perhaps.  Definitely pain of some sort.  Whatever the hell it was, I wanted to know more about her and that was without even taking a look at the rest of her. 

m with Storm
” I answered, my gaze steady on hers.

She nodded, and then broke eye contact to ask the bartender for a drink.  I let my gaze drop to her chest and then lower.  She was
t my usual type; her breasts were smaller than I liked them and she was
t as curvy as I preferred.  And she was a brunette; I always went for blondes.  But fuck, she had something that was making my dick get hard and I needed to know what it was.

Turning back to me after sh
d ordered her drink, she asked
You know where the ladies room is

I nodded in the direction.
Over that way

She moved off her stool and slid her bag along the bar towards me.
You watch that,
ll be right back

Without waiting for my response, she took off in the direction
d indicated.  I watched her go, finding something about her that was definitely my type.  Her ass.  It had to be one of the best
d ever seen and desire slammed into me.  I wanted to hold that ass in my hands before the night was over.

You want another drink, buddy
” the bartender asked.

I dragged my gaze from her ass and answered him.
Just keep


I retrieved some cash from my wallet and placed it on the bar.
Keep hers coming too, until that runs out

She surprised the hell out of me by only taking a couple of minutes.  I raised my brow at her while she settled herself back on the stool.
That was quick

Reaching for her drink, she said
I did what I needed to do.  Besides, I needed this drink so there was no time to waste

Her words had barely left her lips when she sculled her drink.

ve never known a woman who didn't fuck about when they went to the ladies

She placed her drink on the bar and slid it towards the bartender who nodded and began making her another.
Yeah, well today I couldn't give a shit about my hair or makeup.  And tha
s saying something because if you knew me, yo
d know I normally spend hours on those.  You know what, though?  Today I realisedwhat complete asses some people can be, and I just want to sit here and stew in my own misery

She paused for a moment before continuing
And drink.  I want to fucking drink until I ca
t remember his fucking name.  And then tomorrow I might go around to his place and trash it and fuck his car up.  Tha
ll serve the asshole right

Again, she paused and then her face lit up and a wicked grin crossed it.
Fuck, and then
ll send my brother over to finish the prick off.  He wo
t know what fucking hit him

She raised her glass at me.

She lifted the glass to her lips and grinned at me before throwing another drink back.

I returned her smile.
Remind me to never piss you off

Her hostility towards whoever had screwed her over turned me on.  I wanted to help her fuck the asshole up.
What did he do

A frustrated sigh escaped her lips, and she ran a hand through her long hair.
What they all do; he cheated on me

She leant forward and pinned me with a hard stare.
Do all men cheat?  Is it like an impulse they ca
t control or something, because I gottatell you, just about every guy
ve dated has cheated on me

re dating the wrong men, darli

ve never cheated, and never contemplated it.  Sure, I do
t miss a beautiful woman when she walks past, but my dick stays firmly where it belongs

She assessed me for a few moments before leaning back away from me.
I actually believe you because ther
s no reason for you to lie to me.  But yo
re fucking hot so
m kindastruggling to believe women do
t throw themselves at you

Just because a woman is up for it does
t mean a man has to go there

Out of all the relationships
ve had, I think only three of them did
t cheat on me

Like I said, you need to look for different men

She shook her head.
m swearing off men for awhile

I could
t help but smile at the dirty thoughts running through my head at her declaration.  Fuck, sh
d managed to pull me from my foul mood; something not many people could do.
You gonna try pussy for awhile, darli

Another drink had been placed in front of her and she was just taking a sip when I asked her that question.  She almost spat it out.
s to say I have
t already tried it

She shifted on her stool so she was facing me, and levelled a sexy grin on me, waiting for my comeback.

This conversation was just warming up and my day was taking a turn for the better.  I had
t flirted with a woman in a long time; it was almost like the art of it was dying.  The women I met simply threw themselves at me; there was no challenge anymore and I fucking missed it, missed the chase.  I let my gaze drop to her lap and then slowly lifted it back up to her eyes before saying
Nothing like the taste of a woman on your tongue is there

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