Read Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead,Abigail Lee,Shantel Tessier,Vicki Green,Rebecca Brooke,Nina Levine,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Casey Peeler,Dee Avila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies

Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology (43 page)

We said goodbye and hung up.  My mood had lifted a little, and I decided to go dancing at the club again tonight.  Dancing always made me feel better, and it might help me forget my shitty teacher for a few hours.




              The bartender passed me a glass of water and I drank it all in one go. 
d been dancing for the last two hours and was sweaty and thirsty.  I was also on a high, and felt like nothing could shake my good mood now.  How wrong I was.

My phone buzzed in my bag, and I pulled it out and pressed it to my ear.

Carla, where are you

Shit, it was Havoc.  I did
t want to see him, and tried to fobhim off.
Why are you calling me, Havoc?  Did
t you say everything you had to say to me, this afternoon

His frustration was clear in his tone.
ve got no idea what this afternoon was about and I want to explain it to you.  Tell me where you are so I can come and see you

s no need.  I do
t want to see you again

Babe, you will be seeing me again; w
ve got shit to clear up

It was my turn to get frustrated now.
Look, we had a two night stand.  I
s done, so le
s just move on.  I really do
t need to know whatever the hell it is you think I need to know

’ hell, woman.  Are you this argumentative with every man you meet, or amI the only one blessed with your arguing

Fuck you
” I yelled into my phone, and hung up on him. 
Bloody men

The bartender raised his brows at me, and I shook my head.
t ask.  Men

He grinned.

I moved back out onto the dance floor and attempted to lose myself in the music again.  The time passed, and I could
t tell you how long
d been dancing for when strong hands slid around my waist, and warm breath tickled my neck.  Havo
s voice filtered through the music into my ear.
Time to talk, babe

I spun around to face him, and his hands landed on my ass and pulled me to him.  Our faces were close; eyes searching the othe
Why did you come
” I asked as I placed my hands against his chest.

I really do
t fucki
’ know
” he admitted.

The anger that w
d both been feeling over the phone was gone, and in its place was a sexual tension I was convinced we were both feeling.  How this man managed to make me want him even when I knew I did
t was beyond me.  But the pull to him was undeniable, and my belly fluttered with desire.

You should
t have come
” I said, my eyes still firmly on his.
We had sex, and neither of us wantanything more out of it, so I do
t need to know why you were a prick to me this afternoon

re right.  But the thing is that for once in my life, I feel the need to clear it up with you.  I need you to not think of me as that prick

I listened closely to his words, and watched his eyes and his face.  He was fighting this.  It was like he was torn between not wanting to be anywhere near me, and wanting desperately to tell me his reasons.  I could
t work him out.  And that right there made me want to take the time to do just that.  I wanted to know what made Havoc tick.

Pushing gently against his chest, I moved out of his embrace.
Okay, le
s talk
” I agreed, indicating for us to go outside where we could hear each other.

When we were outside, I asked
How did you find me

He shrugged.
Took a guess; it was right

Okay, so talk.  Why were you such an ass to me

His shoulders tensed up, and he raked his hand through his hair.
You know
m with Storm, right

I nodded, giving him the confirmation he needed to move on.

Part of my job with them is to sort out dickheads who threaten the club or the people close to the club.  This afternoon I was dealing with a situation when you turned up.  The guy involved is a nasty piece of work and I did
t want him to see you there.  Tha
s why I was trying to get you to leave

Shit, that was so far from what
d expected; it made me stop and think.  I cocked my head to the side.
So you do have some warmth in that heart of yours, Havoc

s not get carried away, darli
” he muttered.

My annoyance with him was gone, but I was
t about to let him off the hook that easily.
You know, there was no need for you to be so damn rude to me.  You could have just said that to me this afternoon and I would have left

His glare was piercing.  And again, I could
t read him.  After staring at me for what felt like an eternity, he agreed with me
Yeah, I could have, but in the heat of the moment I went with my gut, and my gut was telling me to get you the hell out of there fast.  I did
t have time for all the questions I knew yo
d ask if I tried to explain it to you

Clarity hit me, and fuck, it was
t what
d ever have thought about him.  I leant closer to him, and said softly
You were worried about me.  You cared what happened to me

My heart began beating faster at the thought.  I did
t know what to do with it, was
t even sure why
d said it out loud to him.

Scowling, he said
The only thing I care about right now is getting back inside of you

His hands hit my ass and he pulled my body to his.
You think we can take care of that now
” he growled.

With his erection pressing into me, and his earthy scent invading my senses, I struggled to say no.  I was caught in that in between where I did
t want anything further to do with him, but on the other hand, I wanted and craved only him.  Havoc was demanding, bossy, crude and unpredictable; all the things I did
t want in a man.  And yet, those qualities of his turned me on and drove me wild.  He excited me and just the thought of him got my heart racing.  I knew nothing about him, but I desperately wante
no, needed to know everything.


He stared at me, and pushed for an answer.  Trailing his finger down my cheek, neck and over my breasts, he said
I want these tits in my mouth again, baby.  And I sure as fuck want my cock in yours.  Tell me you want the same

Oh God, I did want that.  The ability to play games with men was not in me, and so I went with pure honesty.
Havoc, I am so wet for you right now that I doubt I could say no even if I wanted to.  But I do
t want your cock in my mouth,I want it in my damn pussy.  You think you can take care of that

He made a grunting noise
d never heard any man make, but shit, it was the hottest noise I think
d ever heard.  Grabbing me by the wrist, he began walking and dragged me along with him.  I stumbled a little but managed to quickly right myself.  When I saw he was heading towards a bike, my insides buzzed with desire.  I wanted to fuck him on that bike.

He gave me a helmet, and I murmured
ve been dreaming of sex on your bike

His forehead creased slightly.
Babe, the shit I want to do to you cannot be done on a fucki
’ bike so get that fantasy out of your mind

Really?  It would be so hot though

His lips crashed down onto mine, and he took my mouth forcefully before letting me go and growling
No, what would be hot would be me spending all night using my mouth and dick in ways you can only imagine; ways that you ca
t fucki
’ do on a bike

He smacked my ass, and ordered
Now get on

My body tingled all over, and I was fairly sure h
d convinced me that sex on a bike was
t all I thought it would be.  I did as he said, and held on tight.  Today had just taken a turn for the better.


Chapter Six


I ran my hand over the curve of Carl
s hip and over her waist.  She was asleep on her side, back to me, and the sight of her ass was the best sight to wake up to in the morning.  W
d fucked all night and had only fallen asleep about four hours ago.  Carla was as insatiable as I was when it came to sex.  I was ready for more and I reached my hand over her to drag my fingers through her pussy in an effort to wake her up.  She moaned in her sleep, parted her legs and rolled onto her back.

Dropping my lips to her chest, I continued to stroke her pussy while sucking on her nipple.  Her tits had grown on me, and I was possibly a converted tit man now.  A small handful really was all I needed; who the fuck would have thought?  Being able to fit most of one boob in my mouth was actually a turn on; I felt like I fucki
’ owned it when it was all in my mouth.

As I sucked, I kept my eye on her face, waiting for her to give me her gaze.  It did
t happen so I pushed two fingers inside her and bit her nipple.  Finally she cracked her eyes open and looked at me.  Smiling.  Fuck, that smile made my dick twitch.  I let her nipple go and murmured

Her hands came down onto my head and she ran her fingers through my hair as she lifted her ass off the bed slightly so she could push herself into my hand.
Morning.  What havoc are you gonnacause today

I shifted so I could brush my lips over hers.
” I whispered, and then more loudly
I thought
d start my day off with my tongue in your pussy.  Yeah

She pushed her pussy up again, and pulled my hair.
d say tha
s the best way for a woman to wake up

I nodded, and began making my way down her body.  My tongue had just entered her when a loud knock on the front door sounded.  I ignored it and began swirling my tongue inside her, but the knocking continued and grew louder, more insistent.

I pushed up off the bed.
” I yelled, and then said to Carla
You stay there. 
m gonnaget rid of whoever the fuck it is and be right back to eat you

She grinned at me from hooded eyes, and flicked her hands at me.
Go.  Hurry the fuck back though

I stalked to the front door and ripped it open with a
What the fuck do you want

My eyes hurt at the sight in front of me.  My fucking ex fian

.  She raised her brows and let her gaze roam over my body.  My naked body with my dick erect.
Do you always answer the door like that these days, Havoc

Only when
m interrupted in the middle of eating pussy.  What the hell are you doing here

I came to see if you were okay because I heard your Dad was in hospital

She took a step forward in an effort to enter the house.

I placed my hand firmly on her shoulder and halted her.
t take another step.  And do
t give me that fucki
’ bullshit.  You could care less about my Dad

She appeared upset at my words, but I knew her better than that.  Kelly was good at acting; hell sh
d acted her way through our fucking relationship.
God, you can be so mean.  And distrustful.  I do care about your Dad

m distrustful because you made me that way.  And the only thing you care about my father is that when he dies,
ll inherit half of his fucki
’ money

The air was tense around us as we battled.  I was under no illusion here; she was going in to battle hard.  Kelly was a money hungry bitch, and she had her eye on my inheritance.  No fucking way was I falling for her lies again. 

We were interrupted by Carla who appeared next to me.  I eyed her; she was dressed and looked like she was leaving.  I frowned at her.
What are you doing, babe

She looked from me to Kelly, and back to me.
m going to leave you to it.  Looks like yo
ve got stuff to take care of here

Fuck no.  Kelly was just leaving
” I said.  Carla leaving was the last thing I wanted; my dick needed her attention.

And then Kelly did what she did fucking best; she acted her way to fooling Carla into thinking there was shit going on where there actually was
t.  She rubbed her hand up my arm, and purred
Thanks for understanding.  Havoc and I have a lot of things to discuss and work out so it means a lot to me that yo
re leaving us to do that

s gaze latched onto Kell
s hand on my arm, and she pushed past us to leave.
See you, Havoc

Babe, how you gonnaget home?  You do
t have your car here

ll catch a bus, no worries
” she threw over her shoulder and kept walking.

I let her go.  As much as I wanted her to stay so I could get my hard on taken care of, I did
t have the patience to deal with female drama, and I could sense it here. 
d rather take care of myself than deal with bullshit from a woman.  But first, I needed to set Kelly straight. 

I directed my attention back to her.
Let me make something clear
” I barked at her
The day you fucked me over was the day my dick decided not to dance with you again.  You need to take your bony ass home and never fucki
’ set foot near me again.  Whatever you think is gonnahappen between us, is


I cut her off.
But fucki
’ nothing, Kelly.  You had your shot at me and you fucked it.  Now fuck off before I do something
ll regret

My tone was feral; she brought out the worst in me and I was helpless to control it.  I slammed the door in her face and stalked back into the house.  When I hit the kitchen, I punched my fist down onto the kitchen bench.

” I bellowed to the empty room.




              Four hours later, I was roaming around Da
s house at a loss.  I could
t fucking get Carla out of my head. 


Not since Kelly had a woman consumed my thoughts like she did.  In honesty, she consumed my thoughts more.  I did
t want this, but I had to see her.  My sanity was at risk if I did

I called her, and was surprised she answered on the second ring.
What do you want, Havoc

She sounded resigned, defeated.

s wrong

Even my concern for her was a foreign feeling to me, but I could
t stop the words falling out of my mouth.

m at work and
m having a shitty day with my boss.  And you and I really need to stop whatever this is.  You obviously have something going on with that other woman and
m not interested in getting between that

Fuck, babe.  If yo
d just let me explain this morning, yo
d know that woman is my ex and not a woman I ever want to see again.  As for your boss, what is he doing

She was quiet for a moment before responding.

Yeah, oh

Sorry, I should have waited

Her voice was quiet, hesitant.

Yeah, you should have.  But i
s done now

I was shocked as shit. 
d expected her to drag this shit out like women tended to do.  The fact she did
t made me want her even more.

m on my lunch break and i
s just about to end so
ve gottago

Tell me where you work;
ll come and see you at the end of your shift

Gossip Cafe.  You know it

I did.
Yes, what time do you finish


ll be there
” I promised and hung up.




              Two hours later, I entered Gossip Cafe, and my gut tightened when I caught sight of Carla at a table in the back.  I was an hour early but I could
t stay away any longer.  She finished with her customers and began walking my way.  When she saw me, she faltered, and slowed.  I did
t take my eyes off her; even surrounded by the busy hum of a full cafe and distractions everywhere, all I saw was her.  She was fucking beautiful.  Dressed in black pants and top with flour marks down them, her long brunette hair pulled back in a ponytail but with strands falling out everywhere, and a frazzled look on her face; she was perfect in her imperfection. 

She kept walking my way, her focus solely on me, but suddenly her attention was diverted to some customers and she ceased movement.  I narrowed my eyes to take it all in. 

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