Read When Love Calls Online

Authors: Unknown

When Love Calls (4 page)

“Uh…I knew!” Mike retorted as he pretended to pop his collar. 

I chuckled and squeezed his arm playfully. “Thank you for inviting me.” I said with modest eyes. I felt bashful for some reason and was willing my cheeks not to flush. I noticed he had a tendency of making me do that. It was an involuntary response that was beginning to annoy the shit out of me.
Easy Erin. He’s just an incredibly gorgeous, talented man who’s exceptional with his hands and has the body of a Greek god. No sweat.
I smirked to myself.

“You still interested in taking that ride down Lake Shore Drive?” Mike asks as we head in the direction of his motorcycle. I was thankful for the distraction and had realized my ego was much better off if I wasn’t gazing into his eyes. I was debating my next move when he said, “The water is really beautiful at night. Don’t worry, I know it’s a weeknight, so I’ll try to have you home at a decent hour.” He flashed that sexy half smile and it was the absolute last straw. I knew right then, and there I’d be getting a pickle tickle later, but I played along.

I chewed my lip thoughtfully and hesitated before I responded. “Sure, we can still take a ride… and, by the way,” my eyes scanned him from head to toe, “I’m a big girl. I can stay out as late as I want. I’ll let you know when I’m ready to go home.”
Well played!
Just as I was about to congratulate myself further for taking control of the situation, Mike chuckled at me and shook his head. He looked at me like I was amusing him before he turned and continued heading toward the bike.
I swear this man is… different.
He seemed totally unaffected by anything I did or said. Any of the other guys I’d dealt with would be eating out of the palm of my hand by now. 
Maybe if you stopped dating boys and dated more men…”
Amber’s voice echoed in my head. Maybe this was the difference between the “boys” I’d dated and dating a man. I had to admit, as uncomfortable as it made me, to feel like I wasn’t dictating every detail and outcome, something about Mike’s commanding presence drew me to him. I kind of liked the fact that he wasn’t panting after me like a puppy. I wasn’t about to let him know that though. I was still standing there with my lips pursed and deep in thought when Mike, who had already hopped on his bike, turned to look at me.

 “Get on this bike woman! Let’s go.” Mike showed me a smile that deeply dimpled his cheek. I cracked a smile and trotted over, hopped on the back of the bike and wrapped my arms around his waist. Beneath the thin fabric of his polo, I could feel the definition of his firm abdomen, and I absent-mindedly ran my fingers along each perfectly defined muscle.  “Excuse me ma’am. The ride is free, but I charge extra for copping feels!” Once again I had him laughing as he started the engine and wheeled out of the parking lot. 

We rode for about 30 minutes, and I was content to rest my head against Mike’s back as I watched the moonlight play on the water as we passed. The breeze caressed my skin, and I was beyond relaxed when the bike slowed to a stop on the beach. Mike let down the kick stand and hopped off, before he grabbed my hand and helped me down. Hand-in-hand, we made our way down to the shore. His strong arms enfolded my waist, and I let my head lay against his chest as I closed my eyes and inhaled the warm, damp air. “This is nice.”

I felt Mike’s breath against my neck, enticing me without words. He placed a tentative kiss against my lobe as he asked, “Did you wanna get wet?”
Shit yeah!!
“I mean, do you want to go in the water? I know we’re not really dressed for it, but we could put our feet in or…”

“Or what? Take off our clothes and jump in?” I was certain he would refuse.

“Well, if you want to, I’m up for it.” There was nothing but mischief in those chocolate pools of his. They sparkled like the lake water in the moonlight and I knew for certain the lake wasn’t going to get me the kind of wet I’d been waiting for.

 “I’m good right here.” I said mostly to his mouth. I was zoomed in on the lips that I still had yet to taste. Mike read my mind. He leaned down and kissed me slowly. He placed soft, teasing kisses on my lips before pressing his tongue to meet mine. My mouth parted reflexively as his sweet, warm tongue explored hungrily. I could feel the heat burning beneath my flesh everywhere he touched me. It was like he was branding me. I was covered in hot fingerprints and steamy kisses that trailed from my mouth to my collar bone. Again his mouth was pressed against mine as he palmed handfuls of my ample backside and squeezed hard enough to leave a dull ache. I melted into him and pressed my body hard against his. Electricity jolted through me and traveled to every erogenous zone. I was lost in his kisses and locked, willingly, in his embrace. Mike’s right hand explored my body slowly as it learned each dip and curve from my ass to my breast. I could tell he’d found what he was looking for as his nimble fingers squeezed and tugged the pebbled nipple protruding through my t-shirt and bra. I was panting, and my chest was heaving as I reluctantly pulled back into reality as distant voices reminded me we were still in public. I met Mike’s eyes with a hooded gaze and murmured, “I’m ready to go home now.”

I couldn’t get the door opened fast enough. The bumpy ride coupled with the vibration of the bike engine between my thighs had made my mounting desire almost unbearable. Mike closed the door behind him before he picked me up by my waist and pressed me hard against the wall. I gasped as he slid his tongue between my lips. I wanted to beg him to scour my body with that powerful tongue. I wanted it all over me. I clutched a handful of his unruly locks and willed him to kiss me deeper. When I felt his hands move to the button on my jeans, I dropped my legs to the floor and shimmied out of my pants. Now it was my turn. I fixed my eyes on his as my hands undid his fly. I flashed back in my mind to the glimpse I’d gotten in the parking lot that day of what could be beneath his boxers. I slid my hand into his waistband and grasped his already hard thickness. He didn’t disappoint in the size department.
That fact alone filled the night with promise, but when my touch awakened some untapped potential, my eyes widened at the swell I pulled from his shorts.
I shook my head in disbelief. When I looked up at Mike’s face, he was smirking at me. I was too turned on to give him any attitude. Besides, he had every right to be cocky. 

Mike let out a low guttural moan as I bit and sucked the taught muscles on the side of his neck. My hands never left the treasure I’d discovered beneath his boxers, and now Mike reciprocated by massaging the dampened flesh between my thighs with his fingers. His other hand was again on my breast which he took eagerly into his mouth. He taunted my nipple with his tongue before engulfing it with powerful suction. That was it. I came undone, and before I could control it, I released a grateful flow onto his fingers.  Encouraged, Mike reached down and pulled a gold-sealed condom from his right jean pocket. “Oh, so you were feeling pretty confident, huh?” I teased as I waited with anticipation. He was still rubbing my softness as he ripped open the wrapper with his teeth and slid the condom over what was now an incredulous erection.

 “I wasn’t being confident.” He whispered against my ear as he lifted my body and pressed me firmly against the wall. “I was being prepared.” In one swift motion, he pushed deep within me, and I gasped in painful pleasure. I made some adjustments so I could better handle all of him. The deeper he went, the more I craved it. He was deep, but I needed him deeper. I wrapped my legs around his back and began grinding in small circles. Mike grabbed a fistful of my hair and tugged hard. I yielded a bit to ease the intensity of the pain, but not enough to stop it. I liked it. A whimper escaped me as he pressed me hard against the wall and met my middle with quickened forceful strokes. I cried out in release as a low growl and shuddering breath signal Mike had had hit his peak. Exhausted and sweaty, we slid to the floor, still adjoined.
Shit, we never made it past the front door.
 I laughed out loud. Long moments of silence were broken as Mike turned to me and said, “Woman, you are something else.”

I was still panting and trying to catch my breath when I turned to face Mike. “You want to come upstairs? I have a perfectly good bedroom to do more of
in.” My eyes took in every detail of his face as I waited for his response.
God he’s gorgeous.

 “I wish I could, but I have to work early tomorrow. I had a great time with you tonight, so, please don’t take it the wrong way. I hope we can see each other again
soon.”  For a minute, I thought he was joking until he got up, and began to put his pants back on. Since they were still wrapped around his ankles, it didn’t take long.
This had to break the record for World’s Fastest Quickie!
  I felt dejected and a little annoyed but I would never give him the satisfaction of knowing that. I hopped right up and began getting dressed too. I stepped past him as he buttoned his jeans and snatched open the front door. Mike walked over and tilted my face up toward his and kissed me gently. “I’ll talk to you soon, right?”
Only if you call me first!!
I smiled tightly and nodded. I was already chalking this up to a one night stand, but I didn’t want to close the door completely on him being on my “do me” list.

As I stepped back and closed the door, I glanced at the wall clock; it was only 9:45.
This wasn’t how I’d planned on spending the remainder of my evening, but oh well.
Since the night was still young, I headed to the kitchen to grab a bottle of Merlot. I popped the cork and headed for the stairs, glass in hand. I poured a glass, set the bottle on the nightstand and took a long swig before I sat down on the bed.
I guess it’s just me and you tonight.
I said into my glass. I took another large gulp and contemplated breaking out one of my old friends from the closet but opted to see what was on the TV instead. I never actually watched television, it always served as background noise but tonight I thought I’d give it a try. I needed something to keep me from thinking about the mind-numbing sex I’d just had with a man I might potentially have to push out of my mind.  He’d made me feel things I knew I wouldn’t soon forget, things I didn’t even know I wanted.
Who knew I liked a little pain with my pleasure?
But that could all end up being irrelevant if I didn’t hear from Mike again. I wasn’t into chasing men down. If he wanted me, he knew where to find me.





I’d already started my Thursday morning rounds when Angie met me in the hall. “We’re all going to Thirsty Thursday’s at the O’Brien’s tonight. You coming?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there. Save me a seat.” I said over my shoulder as I headed toward the recovery room of my next patient. I was a surgeon. A damned good one. I came in every day determined to make a difference and to do my absolute best to save the lives of as many children as I could. I was driven, and every move I made at work was with intent and purpose. To be honest, it was the looming sadness that drove me. I pressed a bit harder each day, in the hope that it would one day fill the emptiness that remained from the loss of my sister. Some days I felt like I would never reach the place of fulfillment I was desperately seeking and that scared the shit out of me.
Focus Erin.
I headed into the room of my next patient and briefed the parents like always. That was me, always going through the motions. Making sure the routine was intact. In the past, I’d been able to resist the feeling that things had become stale and stagnant, but the past couple of weeks had me thinking otherwise.
I’m definitely ready to shake things up.

I left work with the intention of wedging Thirsty Thursday between Confusing Wednesday and Hopeful Friday. Friday was my date with Josh, and since I was planning to start things in my life anew anyway, I figured the sooner, the better. If I didn’t hear from Mike in the next couple of days, it would be full steam ahead with Josh.

I beat Angie, and the girls to O’Brian’s so I figured I’d warm the bar up a bit. “Two shots please and hold one on reserve.” I slapped ten bucks down on the bar and watched the people in the bar while I waited. Strictly for shits and giggles I put my hand on the bartender’s as he reached for the bill on the counter. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Chris and yours?” He slid his hand and the ten from my grasp.

“I’m Erin. I just thought we should have a proper introduction since you’ll be spending a good bit of time with me tonight.” I flashed him a flirty grin. No doubt one he’d seen plenty of times before on other women’s faces. He was polite and reciprocated with a wink as he slid two shot glasses in front of me and poured two shots. I downed the first one before Chris even walked away. He cocked his head and gave me an eyebrow raise before heading to the other end of the bar.

I took the second shot down and felt it burn its way to my stomach. I caught Chris’s attention and threw up a finger. “Are we meeting again so soon Erin? Let me get you a water and a menu to go with your shots.” His look of uncertainty let me know he thought I was doing too much too soon, but in my usual fashion, I rebelled and took another shot down, right there in his face.

“Aww Chris, you do care.” I said with feigned sincerity. He shook his head and placed a glass of ice water in front of me before attending to some other patrons.

“Damn girl you couldn’t wait?” Angie popped up behind me. I swiveled around to find her and the other girls standing there. I flagged down Chris and as he approached I yelled over the music, “One more for me and one for each of my friends.”

“You good?” Angie placed her hand on my shoulder and searched my eyes to determine my level of intoxication.

“I’m good Ang.” I did my best not to slur my words, but Chris and Angie still eyed me intently. I collected myself before I slid down and gave my best sober strut toward the bathroom. 
Shit. Maybe I did go too hard too soon but dammit I feel nice.
After using the facilities, I splashed some cold water on my face and headed back to the bar. I climbed back on my stool and had Chris bring me an order of fries and another shot.

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