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Authors: Dawn Doyle

Welcome to New Haven (88 page)

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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Alex’s lips still brushing hers, inhaling him. She was almost back to that place in his room.

Fired up, wound tight and hurting.

Almost as much as before.

Holly pushed her tongue forward and lightly licked his lip.
Alex growled and smashed his lips to hers, tongues blending together. Holly grasped Alex’s head, twisting her fingers in his hair, his hands gripping her waist. She knew he was trying hard to keep his hands off her ass and her breasts.

“Whoa! Sorry.” Said Alex’s fifteen-year old cousin, Sam. “I’ve been asked to come tell you that the food’s ready, but I see you’re already on dessert.” He said, waggling his eyebrows.

Alex and Holly parted when Sam had started talking.

“Funny, Sam.” Said Alex with a smirk and a light blush to his face. “We’ll be over in a minute. Thanks.”

When they had collected themselves, they left the privacy of their table and saw Ben and Dev doing the same.

They met up, and the girls smiled at each other, knowing what each other had been doing. “I’m starving.” Said Dev as she winked at Holly.

Not for food.

They grudgingly went to get some food, but they
to eat after all.

It was a huge buffet with different foods, salads, and desserts.

Alex, Dev and their group sat at a table together. Alex and Dev together with Holly next to Alex and Ben next to Dev. The parents and grandparents all sat together at another table, passing comments between them and looking over at them, every few minutes.

It was as if they were conspiring against them.

Holly and Alex were holding hands at the table, as were the others.

“I guess this is the love table.” Said Sam as he approached them. “Look at all of you, holding hands.” He smirked.

“Yes it is.” Said Ben before he landed a deep kiss on Dev’s lips.

“Aaanywayyy.” Said Sam.
“The guys are all going to sit together and ‘chat’ without the girls. My Dad asked me to come tell you guys.”

Alex turned to Holly. He didn’t want to leave her.

Every time the family got together, the group of guys would go off together, as would the girls, to catch up. They’d talk about their lives, jobs, guy/girl talk etc.

“It’s ok.” Holly said. “Anyway, I’m finding it harder and harder to keep my hands off you at the table.” She whispered into his ear.

“Oh babe, you have
idea how much I’m controlling myself right now” He replied as he sneaked a squeeze of her butt.

Alex kissed her tenderly, and the guys all got up and moved to sit with the men.

The women went to sit with the girls, and Alex noticed Abuela purposely sat between Dev and Holly.

“Hey birthday boy!” Rami said as Alex sat down next to him.

Yep. He’s had a few drinks.

Alex saw his Dad’s face splitting grin. The guys were chatting about the usual stuff. Cars, sports, their jobs…when the subject changed to girls.

Rami leaned into Alex and he knew, by the look on his face, he wasn’t going to like what he said.

“Hey son, I see you’re getting more and more
he winked and smiled.

“Dad!” Alex whisper shouted as he groaned inwardly.

“Just don’t worry son. It’ll happen soon enough. She’s eighteen next week?” Rami asked with a huge mischievous grin.

Alex looked at his Dad in horror. He couldn’t believe he was trying to discuss this with him, with a table full of people.

“Hey, there are other things you can do besides sex, you know. Your Mom and I…”

“Oh my
! We are
having this conversation!” Alex said, putting a hand to his face to hide his embarrassment.

“I’m just saying…” Said Rami. “…But seriously now. We know how much you love each other and that’s amazing. You’re not just going out to do it with just any girl.
She’s your other half.
Just like your Mom is mine.” He said with a warm smile.

Alex heard a squeal coming from Holly’s table, and he snapped his head to see what was happening.

What he saw melted his heart.

Holly had a hold of baby Carlos, and she was tickling his tummy with her fingertips, making him squeal with laughter.

The other girls were laughing because of Carlos’ giggling.

As he began to drool, Holly picked up a napkin, wiped his mouth, and resumed their play, like it was second nature to her. She made funny faces too which Carlos found amusing.

“Whoa, look at that!” Said Mike, Carlos’ Dad. “He’s found a new friend. Getting scared Alex?” He laughed.

“No, not at all.” He replied, still mesmerised by Holly. She looked so happy there with Carlos, and he looked just as happy to be entertained by her.

Alex imagined Holly sitting there with
baby. Bouncing on her knee and giggling wildly. A little girl looking just like her Mommy.
Dark hair and green eyes. They would have a boy too, of course, looking like his Daddy.

Alex’s stomach was in knots thinking about it.

He was excited for that future with her.

“Aaalexxx!” Said Rami, snapping his fingers.

“Huh?” Alex came out of his own world, and the guys were all staring at him.

“Dum dum du dummm.” Sang Mike.

Alex rolled his eyes, but smiled, turning back to Holly.

“He’s so cute!” Said Holly as she had Carlos arms, making him dance. He was giggling as Holly was moving him.

“Yes you are, aren’t you? Hey? A little cutie pie.” She said to him.

“Babababa.” Said Carlos.

Holly looked to Alex and saw that he was watching her. Her body instantly tightened under his stare.

She’d looked at him as his Dad was saying something, a few moments before. Rami was grinning whilst Alex looked extremely uncomfortable.

“Serás una buena madré.” Said Abuela, placing a hand on Holly’s cheek.

“Oh my God!” Dev mouthed, her mouth open in a surprised smile.

Holly looked at her as she tried to understand what Abuela had said.

“Good…mother? Yeah, My Mum’s great.” She said.

Dev was holding a hand over her mouth, stopping her laugh.

“Oh, sweet girl, I know that” Abuela chuckled. “I said
will be a good mother.”

“Ohhhh.” Said Holly, eyes widening.

“Little Carlos doesn’t take to many people, yet he’s comfortable with you.”

“Hey babe.” Said Alex as he walked up behind Holly’s chair.

“Hi babe” she replied before he leant forward to kiss her, sweetly.

“Hola Carlos!” He said to the little guy. “I hope you’re not making moves on my girl” He smiled, making Carlos giggle. “You gonna give your big cousin a cuddle?” Alex asked, and he held his hands out to Carlos.

He shied away towards Holly.

“Wow!” Said Lily. “I’ve never seen him refuse Alex before.”

“I don’t blame him. Look who’s holding him.” He said, winking at Holly, brushing the back of her hair with his hand.

Holly stood, still holding Carlos, sitting him on her hip.

“Do you want to go to Alex?” she asked the baby boy clinging to her. “Bababababebe” He replied, happily.

All eyes had turned to Alex and Holly playing with Carlos.

Alex held his hand up for a high five, and Carlos smacked his hand. He tickled his side, and Carlos shrieked, making everybody laugh.

“Do you want him, Alex? No, you can’t have him.” Holly was saying as she held Carlos forward, then turning him away from Alex as if teasing him.

They played for a few more minutes until Carlos began to yawn. He finally accepted Alex’s arms for a quick cuddle before going to his Mom, Lily.

Seeing Alex with a baby in his arms warmed Holly. He didn’t look awkward holding him at all. He looked completely comfortable.
In a few years…

Alex pulled Holly in, embracing her, gazing into her eyes.

“He likes you.” He said whilst he ran his thumb over her cheek.

“He’s a gorgeous little boy” She replied.

“Have you been around kids much?”

“Emily’s friend had a baby when she was twenty three. I saw her quite a lot.”

Alex sat on Holly’s chair, bringing her with him to sit on his lap.

“Good! You need to do something for me.
For luck.” Said Abuela with a cheeky twinkle in her eyes. “Devon too.” She said as she removed her wedding rings. “Here” she passed her engagement ring to Dev.
“Put it on you ring finger and rotate it clockwise, making a wish.”

Dev did as Abuela asked and handed it back.

Holly saw a ‘look’ pass between Abuela and Evie.

“Now you, Holly.” She said.

Holly nervously took Abuela’s ring and placed it on her ring finger. As she slipped it on, she felt Alex’s breath stop for a second and she didn’t know what he was thinking.
She rotated the ring three times and made her wish.

Alex to be safe and happy.

She started to remove the ring, and Alex stopped her.

“Wait. Just a second.” Holly turned her eyes to him, and he was looking down at her hand with a look she couldn’t decipher. Then, he looked up at her.

“Ok, you can give it back now.” He said as his thumb ran down her waist as he held her.

Holly passed the ring back to Abuela and noticed the same look she gave to Evie; she was giving to Alex.

She turned back to Alex, but he was already looking back at her. He looked as if he were trying to stop a grin, and he failed miserably.

Alex squeezed her and placed a light kiss on her cheek.

Evie got up from her seat, looking to Rami.

“It’s time!” She said excitedly.

A huge cake was wheeled into the room.
Holly stood, so Alex could, and everybody started to sing ‘Happy Birthday’.

The cake was white, three tiers and had one side decorated with edible butterflies and fairies.
The other side with gym weights and electronic gadgets; iPad, Xbox, cellphone.

Alex kissed Holly and Dev kissed Ben before they went to stand by their cake to blow out their candles.

Everybody clapped and cheered.

“And now…” the DJ’s voice came over the speakers. “…A little reminder of the birthday twins’ life over the years!”

A screen came down as Alex and Dev made their way back to Holly and Ben. The lights dimmed.

“Oh no.” Squeaked Dev as a picture of a heavily pregnant Evie appeared on the screen.

The next picture was the twins wrapped up after being born.

“Awww.” Chorused the guests.

Holly took in a sharp breath as more, and more pictures were shown. Alex looked so adorable.
His chocolate eyes looking into the camera.
Even then, his smile could melt hearts.

There were pictures of them playing in kindergarten and school pictures together. They looked so happy and beautiful.

“You were such a gorgeous little kid.” Holly said to Alex. Her eyes not leaving the screen.

“Thanks, babe.” He said as he held her back to his front, arms wrapped firmly around her waist.

The next picture had everyone laughing.

Alex watching TV whilst he let Dev put hair ties and clips in his hair.

“What? I looked totally hot” He joked.

The teen years rolled by, and Alex was getting more handsome with each passing photo, if that was even possible. It was evident that he was maturing

If Holly had met him back then, she had no doubt she would’ve reacted to him in the same way. The pictures rolled on, and Alex seemed different.

Like he was… depressed. She had an idea why.


She looked up, and Alex kissed her nose. He knew that
knew why he looked that way. His smiles weren’t genuine, if not a little forced.

Then there were recent ones. Holly could tell they were taken in the last few weeks. Alex looked the same, but he looked happier. Holly’s eyes transfixed to the screen as Alex’s smiles became real.

Dev looked her usual stunning self and it was clear she was turning into a woman.

Holly’s hand flew to her mouth at the next picture as everyone else said a mixture of “Awww” and “Oh my God that’s

“When did they…?” Alex said as the was taken of him sitting at the dining table, ear buds in and he was drawing.

The photo was taken at an angle that showed Alex’s face, but also his drawing. It was a picture of Holly sitting with her head resting on her hand, under her chin, at school.

“You drew a picture of me?” Holly asked, looking up at him. Alex nodded.

“I’ve drawn a few pictures of you.” He smiled. “I’ll show you if you’d like”

“Definitely” she nodded quickly.

The next was Dev, on her phone, laughing.

“I remember that” Dev said. “I was talking to you, Hol.” She added and raised her eyebrows.

“Yeah, laughing at my embarrassing moments.”

The next picture was a shock to Holly.
Alex was standing, slightly turned towards the camera, looking down into his phone as if he were texting. His hair falling forward in that way she loves.

He was wearing black jeans and nothing else.

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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