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Authors: Dawn Doyle

Welcome to New Haven (42 page)

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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A: :o CU2moro. Xx

Definitely cold shower! Extra freezing!

Holly was sitting in her room, so red faced, she thought she could set fire to the place.

“Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I said that!” She whispered to herself and started giggling.

She lay back and thought about Alex’s text telling her she’s ‘beautiful’.
Her face broke into a huge grin, and her chest swelled as she sighed.
It had taken her a while to translate ‘you are too’ because she sat staring at her phone rereading her message over and over again.

Holly laughed.

“Emily’s going to go mental!”

Her big sister always thought of Holly as
naïve, delicate, little flower.
Unless she was pissed off that is.

Holly’s thoughts were broken when her phone started to ring.

“Hi Dev.” She said as she answered.

“Holly! Oh my God! I can’t believe it!” Dev squealed so loud Holly had to hold the phone away from her ear.

“I was expecting this call a while ago.”

“I called as soon as I heard Alex’s shower turn on.
You two…oh it’s great, Hol!”

“What do you mean, Dev? What did Alex tell you?” she asked.

“After some persuasion, he showed me your texts to each other.
I left after you had said ‘you are too’, nicely done by the way.”

Holly was relieved Dev didn’t know what had come after that.
Her lady parts were aching just thinking about Alex in the shower…naked.

“I’ve wanted to tell you for soooo long!”


“Don’t zone out on me, Hol. I’m releasing this tension here.”

“Sorry Dev.” Holly chuckled. “Carry on.”

“Ok, so,
Alex has said I can tell you stuff.”

“Tell me what?”

“Shh Hol, I’m getting there! Anyway, Alex likes you! He’s liked you since you started school, and a lot it seems. Ahhh I feel better now. Phew!”

Holly heard Dev blow out a breath of relief and she dropped back on her bed as the words sank in that Alex had liked her since the first day.

“Better?” she asked Dev.

“Oh yeah.
Better. So how do you feel knowing that?”

“Actually…” Said Holly as her body screamed with joy.
“I feel relieved that I know, but a little sad too.”

Dev didn’t give her time to explain when she cut in.

“Why the hell would you feel sad? Alex is great!” Dev said in defense.

“I know.” Said Holly. “It’s just the way I lose it with him face-to-face.
He probably thought I didn’t like him and that’s why I avoided him.
The thought of making him feel bad, makes me sad.”

“Ohhhh” Said Dev with realisation. “Well he obviously knows why now, so he’s happy.
And Hol?”


“I’ve never seen him smile like that before. When you kinda told him you liked him back. Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me, that’s just how
She smiled.

“What made you suddenly tell him?”

Holly had been so nervous Alex finding out about her liking him, that she thought she’d never say anything.
However, the things she picked up from the store after school on Tuesday, would’ve kinda given him an idea.

“I just pulled up my big girl pants.
I had to get over my awkwardness.
Em told me, before she left, ‘not to let my nerves drown my feelings’. I guess I decided that wasn’t going to happen.”

“That’s so awesome!” Dev said, excitedly.
“What do you think will happen tomorrow?”

“I’ll probably get tongue tied in his presence, as usual, and make an idiot of myself.” Said Holly with a snort.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Said Dev.
“I’ll try to help in any awkward situation, but I bet Alex will understand.”
Holly sighed.

“Yeah, he’s pretty great.”

“One more thing before I go.
Can I tell
now?” Dev pleaded.

“Would it make you feel better?” Holly asked in a teasing tone.

“Oh definitely!” Dev’s voice rose an octave.

“Hmmmm.” Holly said as if she were thinking about it.
She knew Dev had wanted to tell Alex right away.

“Oh come on!” Dev said with impatience.

“Ok sure.
He knows now, so yeah, go ahead.”

“Holly, you’ve
idea how happy I am right now!” Holly laughed at Dev’s childlike happiness.

“Well, now I’m going to get that shower.”

Holly had turned the temperature down for a few moments.
Her body was still burning from her ‘chat’ with Alex.
Saying she was beautiful and when she said she was getting into a shower, he said he now needed a cold one.

Holly didn’t understand how she’d gone from a shy, quiet girl to somebody who, from just a look from a
certain guy
, gets hot.
But not just hot.
So heated that it travelled all over her body, her breasts, her stomach and right down to her core.

Oh fuck!

Now, she was practically on fire! Holly turned the shower right down to cold and gasped as the freezing water hit her.

“Alex! Alex!” shouted Dev as she banged on Alex’s door.

“What?” He said as he opened it with a start.

“Guess what?
Oh never mind…Holly lifted her gag order too!”
She said as she pushed past him and sat down.


“Agh! You told me I couldn’t say anything and so did she.
I. Have. Been.
Dying here!” Dev took a deep breath.

“Well…What did she say?”
He asked when she just looked at him with a grin.

“She likes you, Alex…”

Dev told him all about Holly’s first day.
Seeing Alex, not being able to speak, getting nervous, finding out who he was…
When Dev got to the part about the pool, she giggled.

“Holly had to avoid you because all she could think about was you…shirtless.” She waggled her eyebrows.

“She did?” He kinda knew, when Ben had suggested it first, it had made sense, but to have it confirmed felt fucking amazing!

“Oh yes.” Dev said as she nodded her head. “Don’t you remember being pressed together with her arms and legs around you? Your arms holding her tight?” Dev said as she batted her eyes.

“Of course I do!” Great.
He needed to stay sitting down because he was getting hard again.

“Well that made our Holly a little hotter than usual.” Dev waggled her eyebrows again and Alex was stunned.

“Wow! Now, I feel better.” Said Dev as she let her head fall back in relief.
“I need a lie down.” And off she went to her own room.

“Ho.Ly Fuck!” Alex said out loud.

He got up off his bed and walked into his bathroom again.
He turned on the shower.


His body had been getting used to the daily dose since Holly’s arrival.
He stripped down and stepped into the water, again…and squealed like a girl.

Chapter 15

Dev had a huge smile on her face as she sat next to Holly in homeroom.

“Hey there…beautiful.” She said, and Holly giggled.

“Hi Dev.”

“Alex was happy last night.” Dev whispered.
“I told him about you.
You should’ve seen his face!”

“What did you tell him Dev?” Holly asked accusingly.

Dev told Holly the things she had repeated to Alex.

“He didn’t laugh?” asked Holly. “I mean, about me not being able to talk to him.”

“No of course not.
I think he was happy that
did that to you.”
Holly felt so happy as they smiled to each other.

“What the
is this, huh?” Said a sly Stacey as she waltzed into the room. Holly hadn’t seen her around as much as the previous weeks, and she suspected that she was off planning more ways to get Alex to sleep with her. That girl was going to get a slap if she kept up with her bullshit.
Holly felt the anger rising just from her presence.

“You two are smiling like you got laid.
Oh, wait. That would mean you had to actually open your tight ass chastity belt. Now, we couldn’t have that, could we?” She asked in a mock sympathetic voice.

“Go fuck yourself, Stacey!” Said Dev icily.

“Oh I already did.” Said Stacey, wiggling her fingers.

“Ugh! You’re disgusting!” Said Holly.

“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” Stacey laughed and took her seat next to Cerise.

“Dirty bitch.”

“She makes me want to vomit.” Added Dev.

Alex and Ben we’re already at their station when the girls got to A.Bio.
Holly looked up, and Alex gave her a big, sexy smile. Her face flushed, and she felt the heat rush through her at the sight of him.
Dev smiled and nudged Holly.

“Aww, that’s so sweet.” She whispered.
“So romantic. ‘He smiled at her from across the room, her adonis within her reach…’”

“Oh Dev, what
you been reading? You sound like a romance novel.” Holly said.

“Oh shush and let me have my moment.” Said Dev with a sigh.

“I take it you’ve been texting Holly again.” Ben said as he saw Alex’s face.

“Yeah. Last night.” Alex said quietly as he turned to Ben. “Later on, Dev came banging on my door.
She told me that Holly had ‘lifted the gag order.” He said with air quotes.


“Dev said Holly likes me back.” Alex grinned.

“Wow, that’s a surprise!” Said Ben sarcastically.

It had been clear, to Ben, that Holly liked him.
Alex had just been too blind to see it.

“She has since she started here.” Alex continued.
“Like, since the first day. When she didn’t know, I’m Dev’s brother.” Alex felt as if he were going to explode with joy.

“That’s awesome.
Really man. It’s great that you now know. Maybe you’ll stop second guessing.” Said Ben.

“Yeah, sorry about that.” Chuckled Alex.

The teacher spoke up to start the class.
Halfway through, Alex’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He smiled when he saw who it was from.

“Do I need to ask?” asked Ben.

H: This class is dragging!

A: Definitely.
The view’s not bad though. ;)

Alex looked to Holly to see her reaction.
Her ears had turned pink.

Oh she’s definitely blushing!

A: You’re blushing.

H: How can you tell?

A: Your ears go pink too.:D

H: OMG! :O


“Ahem!” The teacher made a sound to get their attention again and gave Holly a pointed glare.

“Sorry” She whispered.

They got up to leave when the class ended.

“Sorry about that.” Alex said from behind her.
Holly turned to look at him.

Holy mother of sexiness!

“Oh…um…not your fault.” She said with her, now, trademark blush.

“Ok, when you’ve finished staring at each other, we need to get to Chem class.” Said Ben with fake irritation.

“Oh…uh…yeah.” Said Holly and she, and Dev, walked towards the door.

“I hope this class doesn’t drag too.” Said Dev with a bored expression.

“It depends were you’re sitting.” Said Alex as they walked into Chem class, which was only two doors away from A.Bio.

Holly turned to him and he gave her a wink and a cheeky smile. She was in so much trouble with this guy!

“Hey, Holly.” A girl said as Holly took her seat.

“Hi…Clare?” Holly replied.

Did Alex just wink at you?”

“What?!” Holly was taken aback at the question.
Why would Clare want to know that?
“Yes, he did, why?”

“Because he
does that. I mean, nobody’s seen him do that to
girl here.
Is there, like, something going on with you two?” Clare asked as she looked towards Alex.

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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