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Authors: Dawn Doyle

Welcome to New Haven (81 page)

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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Holly hadn’t been in Alex’s room before.
This wasn’t technically his room, but it was for now.

As they walked through the door, Alex put his bag on top of the dresser and Holly sat on the center of the bed.
The bedroom was a basic square with a double bed in the middle of the wall, to the right. The bedcovers were plain, navy blue, white sheets and navy pillows. Nightstands that matched the dark wood bed frame, with silver handles on the drawers.

To the left was a matching five drawer dresser. Off the end of the bed was a closet with a single door.

This was the guest bedroom that Ben stayed in.

“I showered just before you got here, but I put my lounging clothes on.” Alex said as he grabbed some clothes and underwear. He saw that Holly had noticed, and he smirked.

“Yeah I’m not wearing any.” He said, and he winked as her mouth fell open.

Holly turned her back on him as he walked to the closet, so he could change.

“No peaking, Missy.” He teased.

“Hey!” She said as she snorted a laugh. Holly could hear him chuckling from behind her.

“I’m done now.” He said in a low voice as he crawled up the bed behind her, causing her skin to prickle all over.
He came right up to her to whisper in her ear.

“Did you
to look?” He asked, sensually.

Holly swallowed hard and nodded her head. Fire flowing, instantly through her body.

Alex softly kissed the side of her neck as he kneeled up, placing his hands on her waist. Her loose plaid shirt disguising her figure, until he put his hands on her.

From his position, Holly knew he would be able to see her breast standing proud from her body, her breathing ragged making them heave up and down.

She knew what he could see, and she liked it.

As Alex continued the kissing assault on her neck, she dropped her head back, and to the side, to give him better access.

“You’re so sexy.” He growled into her skin, and Holly whimpered as she pulled her lips into her mouth.

He pulled away and held her shoulders, to turn her to face him. He went back down on his hands and knees, looking her right in the eye.

“Move up the bed.” He breathed, as his lips parted.

Holly inched back up the bed, and Alex followed, crawling over her.

As she got further up, Alex loomed over her so she had no choice but to lie down, her head on his pillow.

He maneuvered so he wasn’t between her legs but, just like at Five Oaks, he was to her side.
His left leg between hers and he pulled her right leg across him, hooking behind his thigh.

He gazed hungrily at her mouth, as if he were just waiting to devour every inch of her.

Holly wanted him to.

She wanted him more than anything.

One more week. Just one.

Her heart was beating rapidly; her breath quickening and her core was aflame.

Alex slid his left hand up her outer thing and grasped her rear, pulling her towards him.
He leant on his elbow whilst still able to tangle his gingers into her hair.
She had loosely clipped is back, and he removed it, taking a handful of hair.

“Alex…kiss me.” Holly almost begged.

“I wondered when you’d cave.” He smirked, and he brought his mouth down on hers, thrusting his tongue to loud with her own.

His lips, so hot and soft, felt like paradise.

Holly Moaned with pleasure as his hand travelled up from her behind to her waist, her shirt lifting slightly as he moved, exposing her skin. Her hands held onto his hair.

God! His hair is fucking fantastic!

Black, short around the back, and side blending to longer on the top.
Leaving him with a style that could be slicked back or sexily mussed.
Holly preferred the latter, the way he wore it.
Especially after she’d run her hands through it.

Holly flinched as she felt a jolt through her insides, and she quietly cried out ‘ah’ as Alex released her mouth and began licking and sucking her neck.

She gripped his hair tighter, and he growled in arousal.

Holly let go with one hand and stroked down his body until she could reach his deliciously perfect ass, and she gripped, pulling him closer to her.

“Fuck!” He said and took her mouth again. Nipping and sucking her lips.

Holly reached under his T-shirt and began lightly caressing his back.

As she worked her way up, his hard muscles quivered beneath her touch. Coming back down, she turned her attention to the front of his torso.

His tight, prominent abs…she felt a zap through her centre.

She stroked over his hard, defined pecs…another zap.

She moaned into his mouth as he hand stroked higher to his shoulder.

She squeaked as his hand slid under her shirt and slowly stroked up and down her back.

Alex continued to wonderfully torment her skin as he moved his hand to her stomach.
He gently travelled up, and before he reached her breasts, she was willing him to reach them, he slid his hand to her side and down to her waist. His thumb still around her front with his palm and long, strong, fingers cupping her side.

Holly broke their kiss, panting, chest heaving, perspiration tickling her skin. Alex stared, lovingly, into her eyes.

“Alex…” She whispered as she removed her hand from his hair and took hold of the hand he had under her shirt.

Did he think she was going to remove it?

Maybe due to how they’s almost ended up there a few days before?

Holly bit her lip nervously as he moved his hand…up and towards him. Sliding over her skin. She looked into his eyes as she lifted his hand off her and down onto her breast.

Alex gasped, his breath shuddering, pupils taking over his irises.

With her hand onto of his, she squeezed his hand in order for his fingers to gently grip her.

“Oh my God.” He breathed and clamped his eyes closed, before swallowing hard.
“Holly.” He said as if in pain, before opening them again.

Holly removed her hand, leaving his in place, and reached up to stroke his face and brought him down to kiss her.

Alex’s hand remained still as their tongues began their sensual tango over again.

Then, Holly felt him move.

His fingers spread wider, and his hand lowered slightly to cup right under her heavy mound and gently pushing up and gripping.

His thumb brushed across her hard nipple, and she cried out into his mouth, electricity firing through her body. Her lady parts buzzing with energy.

She could feel
parts wanting the same thing.

To join together.

To be free from their restrictions and love each other like they wanted to.

“You’re so fucking perfect.” Alex whispered as he took a breath.

“I want you so much.” Holly whimpered.

“You don’t know how bad I want you right now.” He replied, with strain in his voice as if just telling her was agonising.

Holly took a shaky breath before sucking his lip into her mouth. Her hand in his hair, the other scraping the skin on his torso in frustration. She could feel that it was only turning him on further.

“Waiting sucks.” She said.

“Don’t say that.” He growled. “I’m so close to ripping your clothes off you. You have no idea how much I’m having to control myself.”

Holly’s hands slid down his body and to the waistband of his jeans. Alex’s eyes widened, before her hands moved around his waist.

She gently pushed her fingertips down the back of his pants until she felt his bare, sculpted ass under her palms, squeezing.

Alex moaned out loud as she pulled his hips towards her.

“Alex! Ben’s just pulling up!” Dev shouted.

“Fuck!” He said as he pressed their foreheads together, both out of breath.

“Saved by the Dev” She said with disappointment.

“I don’t think I wanted to be saved.” Said Alex, surprising Holly. “I’m sorry babe, you get me so turned on…”

“I like it when you are.” She said, looking into his eyes.

“I can’t go downstairs yet.” He made the gesture of looking down. His ‘friend’ was standing to attention.

“I’ll walk in front of you” She said as they untangled themselves from each other.

They got up and walked down the stairs. Just in time for Ben to walk through as Rami let him in.

Holly stood in front of Alex to hide his ‘excitement’.

“Happy birthday twins!” Ben said as happily as he could. He came over to Alex and gave him a bro- hug, which wasn’t too bad because he could stay hidden, keeping his hips behind Holly.

Ben hand Alex a gift bag and looked around.

“Where’s Dev?” He asked as she had disappeared. Without waiting for an answer, he rushed off to the kitchen, Alex and Holly following close behind.

Ben stopped when he saw Dev talking to Evie.

“Uh…Happy birthday, Dev.” He said and slowly walked to her.

Alex could see that Ben was apprehensive because of what had happened the day before.

“Thanks.” She said as she accepted the bag.

“Well open them!” Said Evie, almost as impatient as Dev was earlier.

Alex had gotten the newest racing game for his Xbox and some gift cards for iTunes and Amazon, like he wanted.

“Cool, thanks, man.” He said, pleased with his gifts.

Dev nervously opened hers.

Holly knew things were a little awkward between them after yesterday’s argument, and it could be felt, thick, in the air around them.

Dev opened the box and gasped as she pulled out a large fairy figurine, wearing a black dress. Black hair with a blue stripe at the front and large blue wings, by Anne Stokes.

“Um…” Dev cleared her throat. “Thanks…Ben.” She said as her eyes teared up.

“You’re welcome.” Ben replied. Watching her face as she looked down at her gift.

“Hol, can I talk to you for a sec?” Holly squeezed Alex’s hand and then followed Dev to her room.

“What’s the matter, Dev?” She asked as Dev made room for the new fairy among the others.

“He gets me a new one every year.” She said with a sniff.
“This one…” she held up a small fairy with white wings and a pink dress. “…He bought for me when I was seven. He said it looked like me in my fairy costume.”

Holly was silent whilst she let Dev continue.

“Every year after that, he got me another. This one, he got for my fourteenth birthday.”

The fairy had beautiful lilac and silver wings with a lilac dress. It was barefoot, dipping into a pond from a lily pad.

“That’s when I kissed him.”

A sad tear ran down Dev’s cheek, and she quickly wiped it away.

“The thing is…he kissed me back. He kissed me back and then said it shouldn’t have happened!”

Dev went to sit on her bed and Holly followed, putting her arm around her shoulder.

“He didn’t stop buying them for me, obviously, but he never stood close to me after that. Probably so I couldn’t ‘pounce’ again.” She said with her fingers up, emphasising the word. “Not until today.”

“So he’s never hugged you…at all?” Holly asked. She remembered Ben putting his arm around her at the underwear store. Maybe because of the over friendly assistant, but he didn’t have to.

“Not really. He’s rested his arm around my shoulder when Alex has been there, but that’s about it. We kind of started fighting after the kiss. I mean, sometimes we don’t. Like when Ryan asked Riss out, he asked for details and we talked.” Dev was upset as she finished talking.

Holly’s heart was breaking for her. She knew she had to say something but not to tell her too much.

Ben needed to step up and tell her.

“I don’t think you should give up, Dev. You know my theory. Besides, you have a party tonight and a hot dress to wear. If that doesn’t get him to open his eyes…well…I’ll gladly bash him over the head for you.”

Dev’s eyes widened, a smile tugging at her lips.

Holly wagged her eyebrows and nodded.

“Oh. He’s going to
what he’s missing.” Dev said mischievously.

she is.” Said Holly as she pulled Dev in for a hug.

“Let’s go Hols. We have a mission, but first…school.”

They both giggled and went back downstairs where Alex pulled Holly in for a kiss.

“Thank you for the lovely gift Ben. It was very thoughtful of you.” Dev smiled which left Ben looking confused. “We should go before we’re late.”

“What happened?” Alex whispered in Holly’s ear, and she shivered as he grinned, seeing what an innocent whisper did to her.

“Let’s just say she’s not done with him

“I got an iPad air, and some cash.” Alex said when Ben asked what they had gotten from their parents.

“I got cash too and the designer shoes I wanted.” Dev said. “They’re gorgeous.
They make my legs look like they go on for miles.”

Dev was animated as she spoke and Holly had to bite her lip and hold in a laugh.
She knew exactly what Dev was up to. Torturing Ben…phase one.

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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