Warped (Dueling Devils Book 4) (13 page)

threw her head back and rocked into him, gripping his hair. “Hayes, God, yes.” She
locked her legs around him and he quickened his speed. Her muscles clenched
around his tongue. Her body shook and she yielded the release he’d been aiming
for. He slurped her juices and moved back, lowering her legs to the ground. He
slipped two fingers inside her and pumped in and out, scissoring his fingers to
stretch her out. They’d danced around sex for the past couple of months. He’d
shown her his test papers and she’d gotten a fresh set of her own. Now, he
wanted inside her. “You’ve got such a greedy pussy. Look how tight you’re
clutching me with those, tight, hot, walls.” He thrust faster and she rolled her
hips. “Give it up to me baby, I want every scream, every sigh and every drop of
your cream.”

God, Hayes!”

angled his fingers and she screamed. “Fucking music to my ears, babe.”

breasts heaved and her nipples pressed through the bra. He leaned forward and
bit down.

arched her back. Her walls clamped down around his fingers and she came, hard.

so beautiful when you let go baby.” He removed his fingers and sucked them into
his mouth. He peppered her face with kisses and stood, lifting her into his
arms. “When I make love to you, it’s going to be in the bed we’ll be sharing
from now on.”


be packed up and moved by prospects. I need you here with me.”


words were the sweetest he’d heard since her yes. He leaned down and devoured
her lips. They came up for air inside his bedroom and he laid her on the bed.
“I think we’re both a little overdressed for the occasion.”

grinned, showing the tiny dimple in her left cheek.

watched her come into her own over the weeks as she settled into her new life.
They peeled off their clothes and he drank in the sight of her. Long legs,
strong, thick thighs, a concave belly and high firm breasts. She was a wet
dream come to life. He liked his woman with some give and a handful of breasts.
She offered all that and more. She laid back on the bed and he crawled
in-between her open legs.

with her like this was like being a virgin again, and re-discovering sex for
the first time. Their lips met and he ran his hands over her soft curves,
savoring the feel of her silken skin. She raked her nails down his chest and he
shivered. He kissed his way down her neck lingering at her pulse point. Her
hands massaged his shoulders and back. He soaked up the comfort and the magical
feeling of hands that wanted to explore his body. She understood the badly
burned portion of his body was more sensitive and took care. She ran her hand
over his scarred back and he moaned.

she whispered.

I get any harder babe, my dick will turn to stone.”


had never been fun before. It’d always been something done in the dark quickly.
This woman had changed everything for the better. He captured her lips and pushed
his body up over hers. She reached down between them and gripped the base of
his dick. He moaned into her mouth.

parted and she traced his lips with the tip of her tongue as she stroked him
slowly. “I like it when I hold you in my hand, and I can feel your heartbeat
throbbing and taste your moans.”

like to take control.”

like that you allow me to have it.” She moved her wrist faster and paused at
the head to smear his pre-cum around with her thumb. “Now, you’re the one who’s
wet for me.”


spread her legs wider. “I want to feel you moving inside me, erasing the memory
of everyone else. I want to feel your cum heating me from the inside out.”

She released him and he lined up with her entrance. He pushed his head inside
her and paused. “So tight.”

gasped and he body tensed.

babe, relax your muscles. Let me inside that pretty pussy.” He pulled out and
pushed back in. “Give me those eyes, too.” Their gazes connected and he eased
back in. Her body gave and he pushed home. Completely surrounded by the body of
the woman he loved, he was overwhelmed and close to coming. Tight, wet and hot—she
tested his endurance. “Give me those fingers.” He opened his mouth and she slid
them inside. He sucked them and released them with a moan. “Let me see you rub
yourself baby.”

eyes smoldered at him like hot chocolate as she rubbed her clit. Her lids
lowered and she let her head fall back. Her breathing came in pants.

continued his steady pace. “Tilt those hips baby.” He bottomed out and they
both moaned.

good, Hayes.”

gritted his teeth, holding off his orgasm as she undulated beneath him. Her
breathing increased and her walls contracted. He increased his speed. The slap
of flesh against flesh drove him. He slammed into her body. She placed her feet
flat against the bed and met him thrust for thrust. Sweat rolled down his back
and between the valleys of her breasts.

going to come.”

it, baby.”

muscles locked around him and he let go, exploding as her contractions milked
him dry. He rolled his body to the side, taking her with him, so they could
remain connected. “You okay, babe?”

is not the word I’d use to describe how I feel. Maybe blissed out would fit
the bill.”

bent down and they shared a sweet kiss, too exhausted to do much more.

love you, Hayes.”

love you too, Symone.” He pulled her to him and inhaled her sweet scent,
content here in the new home they were building from the ground up.





a weekend spent in the bed, Symone walked into work Monday morning floating on
cloud nine. She hummed as she started the coffee and set out donuts. This was
more than she’d ever dreamed of having. A kind of free falling with the belief
that any hindrance would be worth the prize that waited at a safe landing.

knock came.

frowned. No one ever came in this early other than Monster, who she now knew
was trying to charm her in his own way. She walked away from the table where
the coffee and breakfast rolls sat and laughed.

stood with her face pressed up against the glass like a small child.

unlocked the door and the blonde bounded inside like a graceful gazelle.

got my ass up at the crack of dawn to come down here, so you better dish.”

morning to you too.”

the greetings sister,” Chase drawled.

laughed and held out her hand.

let out a low whistle. “Holy shit. I didn’t think old boy had it in him.”

be surprised,” Symone mumbled.

are in order! Shit! I’m going to throw you a bachelorette party to end all

face flushed with happiness. Symone was reminded of the bond she’d once shared
with Gia. Closer than most sisters, they’d experienced the joys and pains of
life together.
It’s time to have that conversation.

wrong?” Chase ducked down into a chair and met her lowered gaze.

should hear about this from me, not someone else. I owe her at least that much.
All these months, I’ve been getting my shit together and her wounds have been
left to fester.” She sighed. “I need to get my house in order. I wasn’t ready
before, but Monster changed everything.”

glad, you know. He never deserved what he’d been handed, in my opinion.”

he didn’t,” Symone said, thinking of the secrets she shared with the twins.

shop phone rang and Symone frowned. “That’s weird.” She walked over to the desk
and answered. “Devil’s Auto Shop.”

you’re there. Call all the appointments for today and cancel them.”

she asked. He sounded frazzled. It wasn’t like him.

Yeah. Ardy’s gone into the labor. I’m at the hospital and trying to get
everyone here taking shifts. I need eyes on the kids and I want people securing
the hospital in case my bat shit crazy ex is lurking around. I don’t trust that
bitch. It’d be just like her to wait until now to come back on the scene.”

it done. Anything else I need to do?”

be ready to act if I call you. I already let the crew know, so no one will be
heading in.”

here,” she vowed, full of loyalty for the man who’d taken her in and given her
protection when he had no real reason to. There were good people left in the
world. They might not look clean cut, or live life by the rules society had in
place, but personal experience told her demons came in pretty packaging and said
and did all the right things, until they had you alone.

alright, Symone.” The dial tone sounded in her ear and she smiled.

up?” Chase asked.

went into labor.”

shit, Boss man is going to be a daddy again. I’m starting to wonder if he’s
going for the biker Brady Bunch or something.” She shook her head.

me call the appointments and we can get out of here and lock up,” Symone said.
She walked around and sat down, calling and apologizing, citing a family
emergency. “Alright, I’m done.” She shut down the computer and stood. “Let’s
lock up.”

want to get breakfast?” Chase asked as they hit the lights and exited the

have some things to take care of this morning. But thanks for the offer.”

problem, I’m going to grab a breakfast burrito on the way home and crash out.
No amount of sleep is too much for me.” She gave a small wave and strolled to
her bike, looking for all the world like an alternative model with her pierced
lip and a full sleeve visible in her short sleeved t-shirt.

watched her drive off and placed a call to Gia.

wrong?” Gia asked. Her worried tone made her wince.

If you have the time, I’m ready to have that long overdue talk.”

gasped. “There’s a gaggle of people here at the hospital. I won’t be missed.
When and where do you want to meet up?”

place in fifteen…twenty minutes?”


disconnected and she walked to her car excited, nervous, and immersed in her
past. Memories of their time together floated on the surface of her brain. The
good, the bad and the indifferent. As sisters did, they’d had their knockdown
drag outs, and always came back together, because in the end, all they had was
one another.

steered her car through the streets, reflecting on her history. She pulled into
the parking lot, cut the engine, and rested her head on the steering wheel. Right
or wrong, confronting painful things was always difficult, and acknowledging
that her feelings were fucked up, cut her deep. They said misery loved company,
but the reality was hurt people, hurt people. Seeing Gia, whole, beautiful, and
blissfully happy had been a knife turn in a festering wound. She’d always be
the one who got away while she stayed behind and lived through hell. It was an
unfortunate fact, but she didn’t have to let it rule her, or continue to make
her bitter

going to do this right.

sort of tension between Demon’s Vice President and his woman was bad. She got
out of the car before she could change her mind and walked to her apartment.
The small space felt almost foreign. She’d been spending more and more time at
Monster’s condo and all her best memories were there. Barring the ones she’d
made with Chase. She set her purse down on the table near the door and toed off
her pumps. A knock sounded. A glance through the peephole showed Gia dressed in
jeans and a Dueling Devils hoodie.

opened the door and stepped back.

Gia greeted.

thank you for coming. Please come in.” She gestured her inside with her arm.
“We can sit on the couch.”

Gia walked over to the mid-sized couch and sank down.

locked the door behind her and joined her. “There are many reasons why I asked
you here. But the first is to explain myself. Seeing you was a slap to the
face. You’re happy here. You have a family of your own making and your beauty.
It’s a painful reminder of what slipped through my fingertips. Picturing you
somewhere in the United States free and happy was a double-edged sword. It gave
me the strength to endure, but it also gave me a place to misdirect my anger. I
couldn’t express that to Mylandra or her people. It would give them too much
pleasure and lead to making things worse for me. It was shitty, I admit it. But
I never claimed to be perfect. When I saw you again, it was like all that
bitterness exploded inside me and spilled out of my mouth.” Symone shook her
head. “I’m sorry for that. I really am. I had to put distance between us to get
my head back on straight.” She met her friend’s hazel eyes and winced at the
pain visible there.

understood in a way. When I found out you’d been alive this entire time while
being tortured. I hated myself. If it hadn’t been for Lefty, I would’ve
spiraled into a bad place. We understand more than most that life can fuck you
up majorly. But this was—too much,” Gia whispered.

have no idea,” Symone whispered back.

do we go from here?”

place better, I hope. Things have changed for me in the past few months. I have
a clearer vision of what my life could be like. I spent so much time over the
past years feeling afraid and numb. I don’t want to do that anymore.

you don’t have to,” Gia whispered.

are you so good to me, Gia? We both know I’ve been a bitch.”

you’re my sister and you were hurting. Because with a few inches to the right
we could’ve had our roles reversed.” Gia took her hand. “I know it won’t happen
overnight, but I think what we had is worth fighting for.”



need to tell you something.”


asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

jaw dropped. “Monster? Tall, quiet, and slightly menacing member of the Dueling

laughed and nodded. “That’s the one.”

he make you happy?”

showed me what it is to be happy,” Symone said.

I’m happy for you.”

about you and Lefty?”

if it were up to him, we’d be pregnant right now.” Gia rolled her eyes. “He’s
like a damn steamroller when he wants something.”

snorted. “I think it’s a Dueling Devils trait.”


yeah, but he’s been very patient. I’m lucky to have found him.”

spent the rest of the morning catching up on the time lost. The band around her
heart loosened with every minute that passed. It would be a battle to air the
ugliness and go through the pain of proper healing.

it would be worth it.
Around noon, they received a text.

born at 11:30. Ardy is resting and Baby Girl is doing just fine.”

laughed. “I bet he called her baby girl because they didn’t pick a name. Those
two were on different planets when it came to names for a little girl.”

close to them?” Symone asked, genuinely interested.

am. Ardy’s become a great friend.”

feel the same way about Chase.”

I thought the two of you would get along well. I wouldn’t have left you here

was more than I deserved at the time.”

it really wasn’t.” Gia stood. “I want to get her some flowers and maybe a pink
blanket for the newest bundle.”

Monster said he’d swing by when his shift was over, so I’ll stay here and wait
for him while those closest to the family visit.” She walked her to the door. “I’ll
talk to you soon?”

you will,” Gia agreed.

she walked out of the apartment, a new sense of balance accosted her. With
every step forward she made, another chain linking her to the past gave way.


*  *  *  *


word tense didn’t come close to describing the vibe floating in the air as he
did his stint of patrolling with Pan. It was a common practice to place them
together to do things. Monster glanced down at his watch once more.

more minutes to freedom.

were doing hourly sweeps of each floor, insuring Ardy’s and the newest little
lady's protection. He wasn’t sure if Demon was paranoid, or he’d heard
whisperings of his ex’s return. Drugs made you do crazy shit and she’d been in
bad with their rivals. He couldn’t blame his Pres for erring on the side of

going to ignore me the entire time?” Pan asked from his position propped up
against the wall across from him.

not ignoring you. I just don’t have anything to say.”

Pan scoffed. “All you’ve done over the past few years is keep everything to yourself.”

are you talking about?”

like pulling teeth just to have a real conversation with you.”

because I decided to stop wallowing in my own self-pity?”

does it have to be about that?”

life hasn’t been a fucking bed of roses for me Pan. You’ve had blinders on. Like,
if you ignore reality, it doesn’t exist. I didn’t have the luxury. People treat
me like a pariah…it’s a fact, not an opinion. Women were freaked out or grossed
out by me on the regular. Especially, the vain ass bitches we deal with. The
tag-teaming we did was them throwing me a bone to have you. I got sick of
living in your shadow. So, yeah, I went internal. You should’ve understood

I wanted was my twin brother back! You turned into a virtual stranger.”

I turned into the man I needed to be to survive. It wasn’t personal. Can’t you
see that? We couldn’t carry on the way we once had, when we’re night and day.”
Monster sighed and shook his head. He’d no clue why his brother acted this way.
“Why didn’t you just ask me, man?”

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