Warped (Dueling Devils Book 4) (6 page)

come on, D.”

got a problem with what I’m telling you V.P.?”

yeah, I do, when it comes to my old lady.”

had me take Symone on as one of my own. That makes it in an in-house problem,
which means I get the final say. Now, you and I are going to take a walk and
leave these ladies alone. That means you too, Chase. She’s a big girl. I’m
pretty sure she can take care of herself in your absence.”


tightened in Symone’s chest. “We both know I’ve been through worse,” she urged.

enough. I’ll be around if you need me,” Chase replied. She walked off.

followed behind Demon reluctantly.

on, let’s get you something to drink,” Demon prompted.

room grew silent.

you going to hate me forever?”

pain dripping from every syllable cut Symone to the quick. “This has nothing to
do with hate.”

Then why can’t you look at me?”

I’m jealous as hell of the chances you took and ran with. You did everything we
dreamed about and as proud as I am? I’m jealous and bitter and so fucking

did what you asked me to. Everything I did was with you in mind.” Gia’s voice
shook. “I can’t stand having you here like this hating me.” She shook her head.

glanced up and refused to let the tears building in her eyes fall. “I can’t
help the way I feel.”

Please. Jesus, I thought you were dead! All this time, I’ve been mourning you.
I built the club as a monument to you. You have to know that.”

know,” she whispered.

what? What do you need from me?”

exploded out of her mouth. “How can I tell you what I don’t know!” Symone
screamed. The sound of her own raised voice made her jump. It’d been so long
since she expressed the torment happening inside her mind.

give me something. You were the reason I escaped. I’ve never forgotten that.
Without your encouragement, I’d still be back there rotting. Seeing you filled
with so much contempt for me rips my heart right out of my chest.”

sorry,” Symone whispered. “I just—I need time and space.”

shook her head. “Yeah, I hear you.”

this isn’t about hate. I love you and that never stopped. It’s about me. What’s
in my head.” She tapped her left temple. “My fucked up issues I need to deal
with before I can move forward.” Holding her breath, she took a few steps
closer and paused in front of Gia. “One day, you and I will mend the broken
bridge between us. But now is not that time.”

swallowed. “One day though?”

The good between us outweighs the bad, Gia. I know that logically, but right
now, I need to do this on my own and for myself.”

remember that feeling. When I first got here, I didn’t want to owe a soul. I
don’t want to steal any of that journey away from you. I just want you to know
I’m here.”

me, I know.”

sighed. “Okay then…we’re squared.”

I think we are.”

me go get Lefty. I’m sure his stubborn ass is chomping at the bit.” Gia turned
and walked away.

exhaled…the first link broken in the chain of the past that held her tight.


*  *  *  *


girl’s here.”

glanced up at Pan and sneered. “The fuck are you talking about, brother?”

you don’t know.”

narrowed his eyes.


sat up straighter on the stool. “Where? With who?”

who else? Last, I heard she was talking to Gia in the poolroom. Lefty wouldn’t
stop ranting about it at the bar.”

the story between those two?” Monster asked.

one knows.” Pan shook his head. “They’re tight-lipped about it and Lefty is
like a rabid dog. You look too hard at Gia and he’s in your face.”

laughed. “It’s a one-sixty.”

as shit is what it is,” Pan mumbled. “That brother would be in here running
through girls like a one man pollination program. Now, he’s glued to her side
and making fucking cow eyes.”

a bad thing to find something that makes you happy.” Monster shrugged.

on the hunt for an old lady?” Pan tilted his head.

worried about it?”

I don’t want to be odd man out,” Pan answered.

on, we’ve been walking down two separate streets when it comes to women for a
long ass time.”

was your choice,” Pan retorted.

heard the accusation in his brother’s voice. “How?”

pulled away and started changing things.”

I admitted what you’re still in denial about.”

are you talking about?” Pan said. His eyes were wide and dilated.

changed after the fire. I couldn’t live the same life. You think those girls we
shared wanted both of us? No, they wanted you.”

Pan growled.

sighed. Being realistic wasn’t the same as admitting defeat. Pan didn’t get

don’t want to be responsible for this half-ass living you’re doing.”

what you’re worried about? No one is blaming you—”

Pan slammed his palm down on the bar. “We’re not doing this.” He stalked away.

shook his head.
And the elephant in the room remains.
He turned to the
bitch behind the bar eyeing him like he was Jason Voorhees. “Give me a whiskey
straight up and leave the bottle.”

nodded and scurried off like a rat when the lights come on.

biker bunnies.

you piss him off? I thought we’d get to have some fun tonight?”

whiny voice made him cringe. “I’m sure you can turn his mood around, Holly.” He
turned to look at one of their regular girls.

slender rocker with green highlights and a gaggle of tattoos poked out her
pierced lip. Her large brown eyes were widened comically.

them away. They don’t work on me.”

sighed. “Dammit, you’re my kryptonite.”

needed to be.”

bartender filled his glass and left the whiskey.

slammed his drink back and saluted her with the bottle.

on, Monster, don’t you want to have a little fun?” Holly ran a finger down his
arm. “You always like what we do. Remember the last time me, you and Pan had a
little fun?”

image of her flinching when she touched his marred skin and saw the scars that
covered his torso and back was burned into his brain. That’s when he decided to
stop accepting scraps. ‘Cause the shit hurt too much. “Yeah, I remember.”

like you’re going for sainthood or something.”

you want Pan, go get him. I don’t have to be a part of the equation.”

you really that blind?” she scoffed.  

I’d step lightly if I were you. I’m not in the mood, and you’re walking a
tightrope. You’re no one's old lady. You’re a guest we allow to come into our
home and service us. Just so we’re clear.”

gasped. “The fuck, Monster?”

tired of playing games with silly girls.”

clenched her jaw and shook her head. Snickers left her lips and she leaned in.
“You know, I only wanted to offer you a good time. I’m the one bitch here
who’ll touch your warped skin and pretend to like it.”

smiled at her venom. “News flash, you’re a shitty actress.”

stood up straight and stormed off.

brother, you’re zero for two tonight. That’s the second person I saw you run
off,” Demon interjected.

smirked. “You don’t miss a thing, do you, P?”

why I’m in charge.”

doesn’t take much for Pan to get a bee in his bonnet and sometimes, bitches
forget their place.”

there are many reasons Pan got the moniker Pan.” Demon shook his head. “I’m
about to head out, so I’m making my rounds.”

Ardy’s getting close, isn’t she?”

grinned and nodded. “Any week now.”

paternal pride always amazed Monster. He’d never been shy when it came to
showing his affection for or to his kids. It was something he admired about the
man. “Good for you, P.”

thinking about little Monsters?” Demon arched an eyebrow.

with that is, knowing my luck, they’d be little Pans.” They both laughed. “’Side’s
need a woman for that first.”

ladies have a way of creeping up on you when you least expect it.” Demon
clapped him on the shoulder and continued his way through the bar.

sank down in the stool beside him.

pursed lips and narrowed eyes told him she was hot about something. He glanced

talking to Gia.” Chase answered his unasked question. She waved the bartender
over. “Give me something cold and in a bottle, darling.” The words rolled off
her tongue.

way she spoke to women always left Monster wondering if she was into women.
I’m not the only one interested in Symone.
“I think everyone in here
tonight heard, thanks to Lefty.”

chuckled. “Figures.”

two seem tight. What’s the story between them?”

have to ask her yourself.”

on, she’s not the easiest person to get to know.”

the best ones are, Monster.” The bartender returned with the beer. “Thank you,”
Chase said. She took a swig of her beer and sighed. “What’s the deal with you
anyway? I can’t recall you ever showing this much interest in any woman.”


I’m telling you now, she’s been through enough. If you’re looking to hit and
quit it you need to keep fucking with these biker bunnies.”

you’re her keeper now, or something more?”

grinned. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

of. Just wondering if you’re staking your claim.”

yet. But if you don’t get the lead out, maybe I will.”

never said I wanted to.”

She cast him a look of disbelief and took another draw of her long neck.
“Either way, I suggest you prepare yourself, because here she comes.”


okay, girl?” Chase asked, smoothly changing gears.

we’re good now.”

look like you could use a beer.” Chase scooted over to the stool to her left
and patted the vacated spot beside him. “Have a seat. Monster won’t bite.”

eyes were full of curiosity.

he thought he saw a dash of caution. The lack of fear pleased him. He gave her
a small smile and a nod.

shoulders relaxed.

beer for my girl here, please,” Chase called.

my girl
didn’t sit well with Monster. Frowning, he glanced down at
the counter to keep his annoyance to himself.

bartender set a beer in front of Symone. Monster reached out and grabbed it,
glaring at the bartender who was intent on insulting her. She’d receive the same
respect as old ladies and non whores. “You don’t open your own beers here.” He
twisted off the cap.

she whispered.

He winked.

full lips quirked upward at the corners and she ducked her head.

combination of shyness mixed with worldly knowledge made his cock twitch. Where
others saw scars, he saw a survivor. The desire to know her story deepened. He
tossed back another shot to loosen up. She made him nervous. It’d been a long
time since he gave a fuck what any woman thought. “You enjoying your first
night out with the Dueling Devils?” Monster asked.

don’t know. We barely made it through the door. Only thing I’ve seen so far is
the game room.”

need to remedy that and show her around,” Chase suggested. She plunked her
bottle down on the bar. “But first, I need to take care of a little business.
Can I trust you to keep an eye on her?”

not a child,” Symone drawled.

but you’re new to our world and it’s like a sweet fragrance everyone wants to

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