Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)


Copyright © 2014 by Krystal Morrison.


All rights reserved.


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This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to institutions or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.























of his name, Sebastian whirled to face its source.


“Helen”, he said smoothly, his chiseled features softening into a smile, “what a pleasant surprise”.


Her delicate face creased into a smile; her soft brown eyes, warm with affection as she embraced him lovingly while he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. He scanned the crowd for Paige and was relieved when he discovered that she was nowhere in sight. He did not want Helen to see him with a woman like her; regardless of her beauty and poise.


“I thought you and Dad were in France on business”, he added, attempting to hide his disdain at the painful reminder, that he and all that was important to him, was of no concern to his father.


“Now, now Sebastian”, she cupped his cheek fondly, “what sort of step mother would I be, had I not been present for such a grand occasion. Congratulations”, she beamed proudly.


Why couldn’t his father share a modicum of her care and concern for him? He asked himself bitterly.


“Thank you”, he said, shrugging aside the errant thought.


He was hosting a dinner party to celebrate the multi-billion dollar contract he had acquired for his company. The project was undoubtedly his largest since he had expanded his father’s Real Estate Empire into Construction, seven years ago.


“Besides”, she added, interrupting his reverie, “we hardly ever see you anymore. I mean ever since Elizabeth…” her perfectly manicured hand flew to her mouth as if to retract her words.


His stomach clenched at the mention of her name but he stomped down the untoward feelings that always accompanied the memory of her.


“It’s alright”, he squeezed her hand reassuringly.


“I’m sorry”, she said, her beautiful features creasing with pity, “maybe you should start dating again”, she encouraged softly.


Anger rose inside him. He did not want her pity or anyone else’s for that matter. Helen meant well, he told himself; willing the fury from his body.


“There you are”, Paige’s charming voice broke the awkward silence that had fallen between them as she glided to his side and snaked her arm through his. She smiled up at him and he made a spur of the moment decision.


“Paige, this is my father’s wife Helen Bradley, Helen; meet my girlfriend Paige Sinclair”, a sharp intake of breath escaped Paige but she masked it quickly and extended her hand; her full lips curling into a charming smile.


Shock gave way to delight as Helen grasped Paige’s pro-offered hand.


“It’s so wonderful to meet you”, Helen exclaimed.


“You too Mrs. Bradley”, Paige responded pleasantly as if what he'd just said wasn’t anything but the truth.


“Sebastian you should take her to dinner sometime”, Helen invited.


“Certainly”, Sebastian agreed, knowing full well he had no intention of honoring his promise. He hated deceiving Helen but decided that it couldn’t be helped.


"Would you excuse me a moment please?" Helen said, "I think I see one of your father's associate. It was nice meeting you and don't be a stranger", she added, sparing a smile for Paige before she floated into the crowd.


“What was that about?” Paige inquired curiously as soon as Helen was out of sight.


“Nothing that you need to worry about”, he said flippantly and she shrugged indifferently.


He appraised the elegant ballroom. The evening was almost at a close and most of the guests were moving towards the exit; others sipping on champagne and conversing. His eyes rested on Paige; their smoldering brown depths blazing with lust as they skimmed the length of her; from the firm thrust of her breast to her long shapely legs.


He led her to French doors that opened unto a semi-darkened terrace so they could speak privately.


“Is there any way that I could convince you to come back to my apartment”, he said silkily, stroking his fingertips along the smooth skin of her upper arms.


“What about Roberta”, she inquired, her green eyes wary.


“She’ll understand”, he smiled wolfishly.


“As long as you’ll make it worth my while”, her expression gave no question as to what she meant; money.


He nodded, “Give me a moment to make my farewells”.


He was glad he had not declined Roberta’s offer to take Paige in her
, he mused as he re-entered the ballroom. His notion of a divulging night was short-lived as he returned a few moments later to an empty terrace.


He swore under his breath as he glanced around the room and there was no indication of her. He sighed resignedly; striding purposefully towards his waiting car. Apparently he was to have a quiet evening. It was just as well, he decided, as such occurrences were rare.


His cell phone buzzed in his jacket pocket and he retrieved it impatiently.


“Sebastian Bradley speaking”, he said gruffly.


“It’s Leila”, a seductive female voice purred from the other end of the line, “meet me at the hotel”


His lips curled into a roguish smile as he ended the call and gave the address to his driver. It seemed he would have to take a rain check on that early night after all.



Two weeks later…

as she slipped into her jeans and t-shirt. It had been a hectic day at work and her muscles ached; she was looking forward to a long soak in a hot bath. An insistent knock sounded at the door and Maya’s dark head popped in; her dark eyes dancing with mischief.

“Why is Sebastian Bradley standing, in all his six feet plus glory, in the middle of the café”, Maya asked as she strode inside and closed the door behind her.

Paige frowned in confusion, “Sebastian who?”

Maya rolled her eyes dramatically, “he was on TV a few weeks ago talking about
some expensive project’, adding when Paige’s stare remained blank, “super rich, lives in Manhattan, gorgeous hunk…”

aya sank resignedly into a chair when Paige’s stare remained blank. Paige sighed heavily, it wasn’t her fault that she had no life of her own and her every waking moment was centered on Joshua and her Job. Raising a child was a full time job; especially one as ill as Joshua. Maya was the closest thing she had to a best friend and they hardly ever saw each other outside of their job; in fact she had met Maya at the bakery when she had started working there five years ago.

“Maybe he just wants to order something”, Paige mutt
ered offhandedly; retrieving her purse from her locker. Why else would the likes of him want to see her?

Maya snorted, “
Why would Sebastian leave the likes of the Upper East Side and travel all the way to Mount Vernon to buy pastry?” she asked sarcastically.

“Ok. Tell him I’ll be with him in a moment”, Paige said, her curiosity peaked.

She glanced at her watch; five thirty. She needed to get to the hospital; Joshua was expecting her. She slung her handbag over her shoulder and grabbed the box of sugar free donuts she had made for Joshua; hoping that whatever Sebastian wanted to see her about wouldn’t take more than a few minutes. She breezed through the doors that led to the café’s dining area; impatient to be on her way, only to stop dead in her tracks as she came face to face with the magnificent creature that was, without a doubt, Sebastian Bradley.

Maya had not been exaggerating; he was tall with sturdy built, broad forehead and high cheekbones and his lips… They were slightly full with a provocative curve
that beckoned to be tasted… savored. His eyes were the color of molten chocolate; their mesmerizing depths jaded with a hint of cruelty.  He had a rugged beauty that could rival any Calvin Klein model’s and win.  A lock of dark brown hair fell over his forehead and to her utter astonishment she itched to stroke it back into place. He was wearing a charcoal jacket suit that hugged the wide breadth of his shoulders and accentuated his perfect form. She barely realized that he had moved until he towered above her.

He spoke and she was instantly
reminded of Lucifer in the Garden of Eden. Was this how he'd sounded? No wonder Eve had tasted the forbidden fruit. His tone was smooth; yet formidable and commanding…

“Paige!” he said irritably and she jumped.

“I’m…sorry”, she stuttered idiotically, collecting her thoughts, “you asked to see me”.

His eyes grew pensive, “Is
there somewhere we can talk privately”.

She glanced around the room. The café was partially empty as it was
almost closing time. She led him to a vacant table in a far corner of the café where they could speak without interference or prying ears; curious as to what could possibly warrant a visit from Sebastian Bradley.



table and questioned his decision. She looked nothing like the woman he remembered, except her features of course. He knew there had to be some form of anonymity in her line of work but this seemed a bit drastic. Her hair which he remembered had been brown was now a startling shade of red-gold, caught into a ponytail down her back.

Her heart sha
ped face and plush bow mouth were the same…but her eyes. Although they were the same emerald green, they shone with innocence and a youthful exuberance he had never known; nothing of the jaded coldness he had sensed that night in her gaze. But then he had only been in her company for a few hours and how innocent could a professional escort be.

Her face transformed into a brilliant smile that seemed to brighten the entire room

“Can I get you anything?” she asked.

“No. I’m fine”, he said, cutting to the chase, “I have a proposition for you”.

She frowned, “what sort of proposition?”

“I want you to pose as my girlfriend for four months”, he said casually.

hat!” Paige screeched so loudly that an elderly couple sitting a good distance from them threw an odd glance in their direction.

“Could you keep your voice down?" he said through clenched teeth.

“Wait a minute. Did you just say you want me to be your girlfriend”, she whispered, her eyes bulging, as if she was grappling with the notion.

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