Read Twisted Online

Authors: Christa Simpson

Twisted (35 page)

BOOK: Twisted
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A shallow smile formed on my lips.  "Sorry to lay it on
so thick for you.  I'm sure it was a lot to hear all at once."

"It's probably for the best.  I see where you're coming
from and I want you to be happy.  We'll talk about it tonight, but for now we
should eat.  It's almost lunch and we haven't even eaten breakfast."

"I don't really feel like cooking.  What about Tim Horton’s?"
I suggested.

"That works for me, since I want to take you out for dinner
later.  You ready to go now?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Edwin took my hand and led me to the back door, where he
carefully secured the lock and proceeded around the house to do the same in the
front.  He opened the passenger door to his truck and I let some steamy air
escape before pulling myself up to get in.  He pushed my butt, to give me a
helpful lift, and swiftly rounded the truck toward his own door.

Over lunch we talked about superficial things: the weather,
my hair, the food; anything but the elephant in the room.

"So are we still on for dinner?" I asked, after
swallowing a bite of apple fritter.

"Yeah, I thought we would do dinner at a downtown
restaurant and maybe take a walk through the park after.  It's supposed to be
real nice out tonight."

"That sounds nice," I said, honest and hopeful.

Edwin’s gaze flicked to the exit and so I glanced over my
shoulder to see who had stolen his attention.  "Looks like we have
company," he said softly.

Samantha noticed us immediately.  Her latest victim, Caleb, did
soon after and gave us a full arm wave.  Sam shot me a cool gaze, as they
waited their turn in the short line-up.  Before long, they ordered their cold
drinks and came over to our table to join us.

"Hey brother.  How’s it going?” Edwin asked, sharing a
handshake with Caleb.

“It’s going,” he said, then ran a hand through his dark hair
with icicle highlights.

“Hey Abby,” Sam said.  “Edwin.”

I was amazed that she could manage to be pleasant with me
when Maddie wasn’t around.  She was outright ignorant, more often than not,
with her perfect little nose to the ceiling.  “Hey.  What are you guys up to?”
I asked.

“Caleb thought we should go for a walk,” Sam said, rolling
her pretty eyes.

“How was I supposed to know it was gonna be this hot?” Caleb
said to us.

"It's definitely a scorcher, but there's a nice warm
breeze," Edwin said.  He stretched his bulging arms out in the air and
then tucked his hands behind his head, his biceps displayed in a delightful
package framing his equally as intriguing face.

"It's suddenly even hotter in here," Sam replied, fanning
her face and flushing profusely.

If I didn't know any better, I would say she was flirting
with Edwin.  Yes, she definitely was.  She tried to catch his eye with a
seductive smile, lashes fluttering over her heated cheeks.  She was hitting on

"You guys going to the fireworks tonight?" I asked,
hoping to distract Sam.

"Well I've been trying to convince Sam to come with me
tonight, but she's giving me a hard time.  Maybe you'll have better luck,"
Caleb said, lifting his chin toward Edwin with a smirk.

See?  Even Caleb noticed Sam’s slutty charade.  “Well, I'm
definitely going.  You should go Sam," I said, though I really could care
less what she did.

Sam made a sour face and rolled her hazel eyes, suggesting
she had no intentions of going.  That seemed to hook Edwin's attention and, in
turn, irritated me even more.

"I feel you," he said.  "I could pass tonight
too.  I'm not really feeling it.  Honestly, I could use a nap right about now."

I swallowed my disappointment, upset to hear that Edwin was
dreading our night out together.  It was having a debilitating effect on my

"Me too.  I have an idea," Sam said to me and Caleb,
all chipper.  “Why don't you two go to the fireworks together and Edwin and I
can go to bed."

My mouth dropped open in disbelief.  Once I snapped my mouth
shut, I squinted at her with a cold, vexed stare.  She giggled at her own plays
on words, which were all too convenient to be unintentional.  Edwin chuckled at
her secret suggestion, though I knew he would never bed her.  Caleb laughed out
loud and then immediately called her out on it.

"You just want to get Edwin in bed," he said, amused.

"I didn't mean that.  Oh, guys!  That's not what I
meant," she yelped.

I was glad Caleb thought it was funny, because I certainly
didn’t think it was.  Angry, but with my best effort to stay calm, I stood from
my chair.  It screeched across the solid floor, but I didn’t even care.  I
couldn't sit and listen to that whore for another minute.

"Anyways.  We should get going.  Maybe we'll see you
there," I said, as I hinted for Edwin to get up.  I smiled at Caleb and he
looked like he wanted me to take him with us.

"Later," Edwin said, as we walked away.

"Gator," Sam replied, as if it was directed to her.

Silence followed us all the way home, until we walked into
the comfort of our open foyer.

"Can you believe Sam said that?" Edwin asked,
taking the words right from my mouth.

"I know, eh?  I don't think it was by accident

"I thought it was pretty funny.  You really think she
has the balls?"

"She said it didn't she?  And in front of Caleb at
that.  What a whore."

Edwin laughed.  "You're just jealous."

"Of Sam?  Never!  But I do notice I’ve been seeing her
around more often lately."  I stomped off toward the living room, angry
that Edwin was so amused by Sam's flirtations.

"You have nothing to worry about.  She's got nothing on
you," Edwin said, chasing after me.

I spun on one foot and stood my ground, fists at my sides, catching
him off guard.  "Quit kissing my ass.  I don't need your reassurance.”  I
paused.  Then with a huff, "You know what?  I need some air.  I'm gonna go
for a drive to Aliah's house."

Edwin reached his massive arms toward the ceiling and
stretched them out.  "You go ahead, I need a nap.  Check yaaa…" he said
with a yawn.  “Later,” he finished, dragging himself up the stairs.

He really had no clue.  This was not a laughing matter.

Still pissy, I retrieved my cell from my purse and punched
Aliah's number in.  I stepped out onto my front porch, as my call went straight
to voicemail.  "Hey Ally, it's me.  I'm coming over," I said, and
then ended the call. 
Would she ever forgive me?

PASSED SINCE I had visited Aliah's empty house and Edwin still wasn't giving
any indication that he planned to wake up any time soon.  That was about to
change.  I stomped to his room, walked swiftly to the bed and stopped, hands on
my hips.

"You gonna sleep the whole day away?" I grumbled.

He didn't budge, eyes sealed shut, and he looked so damn
comfortable that I felt guilty for interrupting him.  On a huff, I slipped onto
the bed and curled up behind him.

"I wouldn't mind," he answered belatedly.  He fell
silent for another minute and I wondered if he had fallen back asleep.

"Well I need you," I interrupted, acting like a greedy

Edwin tossed me aside, flung open the blankets and wrapped
both of his substantial arms around me dragging me into his warm lair.  It was
amazing how he could make me feel so secure at such a dangerous point in our
relationship.  Our bodies were pressed close together, our legs intertwined,
and Edwin nuzzled his nose in my hair, inhaling me like I was a dying flower.

Mindlessly, a tear fell down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it
away before Edwin could notice.  "I love you," I said, and I meant it
so much.

"I love you too Abs," he replied softly.

I tucked my chin in, hiding in his armour, the looming
conversation hanging over my head like a storm cloud.  The prospect of not
making love to Edwin ever again smothered me.  Emotions pooled thick in the
air.  Edwin stroked his hand along the curve of my lower back, cutting through
the grey skies with sharp white hot light.  Immersed in his tenderness, he
gently tilted my face up until our eyes met.  His eyelids slid shut.  Slow,
soft and thoughtful, he kissed me.

Mouth still on mine, Edwin gently pulled out my braids and
tousled my hair into loose waves.  "That's better," he growled, and weaved
his fingers close to my head.

His kiss grew hungry and I wanted to feed him.  Emotions
spilled from me and he consumed them, sharing my passion.  I was breathless,
desperate, as I gave him every ounce of myself.  I felt every trace of his
hands, every caress of his tongue, taking precise note of every tender touch,
measuring every movement of his hard body, as he took his time undressing me.

He was carefully attentive to my needs, tickling, touching and
exploring every inch of me.  As he exposed more flesh, his mouth covered over
it, tantalizing me to the core, until my body begged for forgiveness.

“I need you,” I cried, desperate, urgent.

Eager to satisfy, after skimming over me, once, twice, he entered
me, filling me to capacity.

"Yes," I screamed, emotion blasting from every
nerve ending, surrounding me in a rainbow of psychedelic colours and leaving me
in limbo between illusion and reality.

"Yes baby," he growled, his excitement mounting
with every violent thrust.

My eyes rolled shut and Edwin expelled himself into me,
clinging to my warm, convulsing body.

Still pressed deep inside me, Edwin's lips covered mine,
slamming me back into reality.  Unwilling to let him loose, I kissed him, fraught
with worry, each kiss unravelling and interpreting my pain.  He stopped me,
sensing my excessive determination, and gazed at me with those amazing aqua eyes,
revealing his own concern.

Without a word he scattered kisses tenderly across my lips,
my chin, my neck.  I ran one hand through his damp spiky hair, the other
clutching desperately to his muscular back.  I couldn't get enough of him.  It
was like our skin was fused together, but it wasn’t close enough for me.  Time
stood still, decisions on hold, while we touched with our hearts and felt with
our thoughts.  Staring into each other's curious eyes, wondering, worrying, we
searched for the answers, probing, inquiring, but not finding anything.

My eyelashes fluttered shut, breaking the intimate gaze.

Edwin sighed.  "We should probably clean up and get
ready for dinner."

"Do we have to?"

"I've got it all planned out, so you better," he
insisted, playfully steamrolling me to get out of his bed.

"That’s funny, you didn't sound too keen on it this

"It was all part of my plan.  I see it worked like a
charm," he said, killing me with his sexy grin.

"Where are we going?  You better tell me so I know how
to dress.”

"I'm sure you'll look great no matter what you're
wearing.  I have a request of my own, if it's not too much," Edwin said,
taking my hand and tugging me from the bed.  "Leave your hair alone.  I
like it all wild like this."  He tossed a wavy strand of hair in the air and
tucked another behind my ear, before leaning down for another soft kiss.

After lingering for far too long, I ducked away to check
myself in the mirror and gasped, shocked by my untamed hair.  "My hair's a

"Leave it.  It looks hot.”

"Yeah, I suppose if you like the whole dishevelled,
just-fucked look."

"I do.  I really do."  His smirk was honest and
sexy as hell.

I glanced back in the mirror, a poised grin on my rosy,
satiated face.  I could definitely pull it off if I wanted to.  "I think I
can work with it," I said, knowing it would display Edwin’s ownership of
me to everyone we passed.

And that made him happy.  I’d do anything to keep that
bright, optimistic smile on his face for as long as I could.  I kissed my
fingers and touched them to his lips.  "I’m gonna go get ready.”

After I showered, with smooth shaven legs, I shuffled through
my clothes with renewed hope.  There was still a chance, I told myself, as I
plucked an airy, strapless, blue leopard print shirt from my closet.  It would
match the wild look I was working perfectly.

I pulled on a pair of short black shorts that accentuated my
long legs and then slipped on a pair of strappy high heeled gladiator sandals
that I only wore in the presence of my monstrously tall and sexy man.

I strutted out of my room and down the stairs, feeling like a
million bucks and hoping for a good response from Edwin.  He was waiting
patiently in the front room and glanced up when I walked in.

"Wow," he said.  And the way that his eyes sparkled,
I knew it was a good wow.

"So, how do I look?" I asked, doing a supermodel

He approached with his hands out and, within seconds, he had
me in his arms.  "You look amazing," he growled, drawing my neck into
his mouth.  "If we didn't have reservations, I'd be taking you back
upstairs right now."  He kissed my mouth, his hands roaming over my soft
bare thighs.

BOOK: Twisted
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