Read Torn Online

Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Literary

Torn (44 page)

"Ooooh yeeees, fuck me hard! Fuck my pussy hard until you cum!" she wailed, feeling as if she was suspended in time.

Mo was dizzy with passion, she was so wet. Getting dicked down never felt so good before. With each thrust, her lips spread wider and wider. Sweat dripped from her pores as Boss quickened his pace. Picking her up, he spun Mo around, placed her on all fours and began beating it up doggystyle.

"Shit!" Mo screamed, pressing two fingers down hard on her clit, rotating them in a circular motion. "Fuck me, nigga, goddamn!"

Boss saw her playing with her clit and smacked her right ass cheek hard and said, "Move yo' hand! My dick gon' make you cum, not your fingers!"

Mo did as she was told and removed her hand and toyed with her nipples instead. Bending over so he could whisper into her ear, Boss pushed her hair to the side, bit her shoulder and demanded that she cum on his dick. Those magic words instantly caused her juices to come down.

"I'm cumming baby! Ooooh baby, it's raining! You feel it?

Oooooooh, Boss, you're fuckin' this pussy so good!" she screamed. Boss was hitting her pussy from so many different angles and depths that all Mo could do was grab ahold of the couch and pray to God that she didn't have an epileptic seizure.

"Shit, ma! Goddamn! What you doing to a nigga?!" Boss groaned, gritting his teeth.

Hot creamy juices saturated his dick. Blasting off as well, Boss came while still inside Mo. The feeling was just too good to pull out. Completely spent, they both lay breathing heavily.

"Goddamn nigga ... that was so good ... I wanna buy you a short set."


Angel in Disguise

Sherry exhaled smoke from a Virginia Slim Menthol. She
was pacing back and forth while talking on the phone.
Her full lips devoured the slim white piece of poison as she inhaled smoke into her lungs and her unborn child's lungs. It was 8:30 on a Thursday night and once again she was left at home alone. Amerie's "
Not the Only One
" softly serenaded the room as her feet left track marks in the plush carpeted floor.

"So how are you?" she spoke in between puffs.

"I'm straight, you?" the male voice on the other end of the line replied.

"Everything's good."

"How are the kids?"

"Good ... Versacharee in her room watching TV and Lil' Quan in the bed sleep."

"And the baby?"

every day
," she responded, rubbing her stomach as the house phone began to ring. Instead of answering, Sherry ignored the call and continued to talk.

"Cool, cool, so when you gon' be heading down this way?"

"Three weeks max."

"Three weeks?! Yo you slackin', ma. What I tell you? Once you in, do what you gotta do and get the fuck out," the male voice scolded.

"But baby, things like this take time," Sherry pleaded.

"Nah, fuck that! Wasn't that nigga outta town a couple weeks ago?!"

"Yeah but--"

"Yeah, but nothing! You should've been got that nigga!

Shit, in a minute I'ma start to think you love that nigga more than you love me!"

"Here you go. C'mon, West, don't start. Yeah I got feelings for the cat, but it ain't like that," she lied. "You know I love you. It's just complicated. You gotta understand that. He is my son's father."

"And so am I, so I expect to see you next week like we discussed! Got me down here tryin' to make things happen and you up there bullshittin'!"

"Look, I'll be there. I promise by then everything will be taken care of."

"How much you got stashed at Jahquita's house?" he asked in a huff.

"Almost fifty grand," Sherry replied, hearing the house phone ring again. "Look baby, I enjoyed talkin' to you but I gotta go see who this is that keep on callin' here. Who knows, it might be Quan."

"It's cool, ma. Just remember what the fuck I said."

"I will."

"A'ight man, I love you." West spoke deep in the phone.

"Love you too." Sherry held the phone for a minute cherishing the moment.

By the time she made it to the house phone, the caller on the other end had hung up. Sherry figured if it was important they'd call back, so instead of dialing star sixty-nine, she simply sat on the couch and lit another cigarette. Heavy thoughts weighed on her mind.

She needed to figure out what her next move would be.

Deep in thought, she gazed off into space and contemplated her circumstances. Quan wasn't the only one creeping. Sherry had secrets, too. She was five months pregnant and Quan wasn't the father. It was West's.

Quan was so vain that he never took the time out to think that she would actually cheat on him. He just knew he had her wrapped around his finger. He never thought for one second that he was sharing her, too. To him, Sherry was nothing but a naive little girl.

She figured this and ran with it. She let him think that he was her sun, moon and stars. She played the role of a dumb, gullible girl to the T. Yes, she loved Quan, dearly for that matter, but like the old saying goes, when the cat's away the mouse will play.

Quan left Sherry with too much time on her hands, giving just enough space and opportunity for West to move in. At first for Sherry, West was just somebody to kick it wit while Quan was out trying to be the perfect man for Mo. But after Quan played her and went back to Mo after he said he wouldn't, all bets were off. Sherry fulfilled her fantasy and took things with West to another level. Nobody, not even Jahquita, knew of their secret love affair. But like always, after you sleep with someone, feelings get involved, and like Mo, Sherry too became torn.

Torn between whether she should move on with West or keep trying with Quan. Deep down Sherry knew Quan wasn't shit but yet and still she held out hope that one day he would change his ways. But after three and a half years of prolonged pain, she was done. Her feelings had been disregarded and stepped on one too many times. All Quan did was fill her up with false hope and unfulfilled promises.

She was tired of going in a circular motion. The never ending merry-go-round she'd been on had to stop. She couldn't chase after a love that was never there to begin with. For months, Sherry had been torn between her feelings for Quan and West. She'd wanted Quan to be the one, but now she realized that he was never going to change. She thought that moving in would make the situation better, but he was never at home.

At night she always went to bed alone. He barely helped with the kids and on top of that some chick kept playing on the phone. Sherry was so over Quan and his arrogant ways.

Each day in that house was like being on death row. It killed her to be in his presence.

If something didn't happen soon, she was sure to snap.
this is the bullshit Mo had to put up with,
she thought.
fuck that! I ain't Mo!
Sherry wasn't going to sit around and let Quan drive her crazy. He'd done enough of that already. Mo might have let him run all over her, but Sherry wouldn't put up with it. She was prepared to walk away. She wasn't going to go out of her way to make sure Quan behaved.

She had plans. She'd told him from the very first day they had fought that he wasn't going to treat her like shit and get away with it. Quan must have forgotten, but Sherry hadn't.

For weeks she'd been stealing money from Quan's safe and stashing it at Jahquita's house. It was just a matter of time before she was fully ready to set her plan into place. Suddenly the phone rang again, distracting her from her thoughts.

"Who the fuck is this?! Hello?!" But no one replied. "I said hello?!"

"Is this Sherry?" a female voice finally responded.

"The one and only. Who else would it be answering Quan's phone."

"You coulda been Mo ... but ah this Deja, Quan wanted me to tell you he's locked up."

? Who the fuck are you?!" Sherry shouted.

"I guess you could call me ... one of Quan's really good friends."

"Bitch please, you talkin' to the wrong one! A man and a woman can't be friends, so fuck all the bullshit, homegirl, and let a bitch know are you fuckin' him?!"

"Nah ... I'm only seventeen soooo Quan said we couldn't fuck yet, but I did hit him off with a blowjob the night before last."


"Calm down. Me and Quan been kickin' it for a while now.

You of all people shouldn't be surprised. See I know all about you ... and Mo. But that's neither here nor there, all you need to know is when me and Quan was together tonight he got locked up."

"So you're the lil' chick that's been playin' on the phone." Sherry put two and two together.

"Actually I wouldn't call it playin'. When Quan didn't answer I'd hang up but me callin' on the phone should be the least of your worries. As a matter of fact we shouldn't even be on the phone. Our man could be callin' any minute now."

"Hold up ... wait. Before I let you go, what he got locked up for?" Sherry just had to know.

"Possession of an unlicensed handgun, five pounds of weed, and driving with a suspended license."

"So why aren't you in jail, too?"

"I know he said you were a little slow but damn are you deaf? I'm only seventeen, they let me go with a warning 'cause he said it was his."

"You got a lot of nerve, lil' girl, but its cool ... I'ma see yo' ass on the street one day."


"You know what, fuck that, today is your lucky day. I'm not gon' even come for your throat. I mean, I almost got a little respect for you. You played your position well so I'll be sure to tell Quan that you followed his instructions to a T. Once he gets out, I'm sure he'll reward you with a treat."

"Just be by the phone when he call." Deja sucked her teeth and hung up.

Sherry ended the call and clenched the cordless phone in her hand, pissed. Once again Quan had made her look like a fool, but this would be the last time. Fuck all the stalling, it was time to set her plan in motion so she pressed talk and dialed Jahquita's number. She answered on the second ring.

"What's the deal, hoe?"

"You know that package I asked you to stash?" Sherry calmly asked, lighting yet another cigarette.


"Well, I want you to keep fifteen for yourself and bring me the rest."

"What's wrong? What happened?" Jahquita asked, concerned.

"This nigga got me fucked up, that's what happened! One of his hoes just called the house!"


"Yeah, but I got his ass though."

"What the girl want?"

"Look, I'll fill you in on that once you get here. Call Jerome and them and tell 'em to bring the truck. We doing this shit tonight!"


Mo's head peacefully rested on Boss' bare chest as they lay sound asleep in each other's arms. Burnt orange sheets and a brown suede comforter covered their bodies. Mo felt so warm and cozy. She never wanted to get out of bed again. Lying in Boss' arms was the best. She always felt comforted and protected around him.

Mo was bordering on sleep, but she still could hear the sound of her Sidekick buzzing. She wasn't going to answer it though. She was simply too tired to get up and besides, the dream she was having was too good to end now. Mo was dreaming of holding a healthy baby boy in her arms.

But when she looked up into her son's father's eyes, it wasn't Boss' eyes staring back. It was Quan's. Determined to get a good night's sleep, Mo continued on with her dream while her cell phone continued to vibrate. She tried to ignore the call, but then her house phone began to ring, too.

"Boo, you gon' get that? Answer the phone." Boss shook her arm.

Pouting like a child, Mo sat up and reached for the cordless phone on the nightstand. The clock on the wall let her know it was three o'clock in the morning.
This better be a
fuckin' emergency
, she thought, pressing talk.

"Hello?" she groggily answered.

"You have a collect call from..."
But Mo couldn't hear the name.

"To accept this call press one."
Worried, Mo quickly accepted the charges for fear that her brother Cam might be locked up.

"Yo, Mo!" Quan's voice came through instead.

"Oh ... it's you." She rubbed her eyes.

"A nigga in trouble, ma. I need your help." Mo looked over her shoulder at Boss, who was still knocked out, and creeped out of bed. Closing the bedroom door behind her she stood in the hallway and whispered "What is it, Quan? You got two minutes. One."

"Look man, I got locked up tonight over some bullshit--"

"What kind of bullshit." She cut him off.

"Some felony shit." He tried to downplay the situation.

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