Read The Wilde Side Online

Authors: Janelle Denison

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

The Wilde Side (20 page)

BOOK: The Wilde Side
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"And if
remember correctly," he continued on with a lazy smile, "you're the one who insinuated that it would be best if we didn't see one another any longer."

She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned while recalling bits and pieces of their exchange. "Okay, maybe I thought it was a mutual agreement, considering all the conflicts of interest between us."

He casually strolled farther into the living room, moving toward the expansive windows instead of toward her, but his gaze remained on her face, warm and reassuring. "I don't see those conflicts of interest as real issues, unless we bring our affair out into the open, and we both have reasons for not wanting to do that."

So they did, but his agreement and accommodating attitude baffled her. She just didn't understand this drastic change in him, wasn't sure where it was all leading. "Scott... What are you getting at?"

"Bottom line? I still want you." His voice turned low and husky, gradually stripping away the defenses she'd tried so hard to erect against him since the moment he'd jumped aboard the elevator. "And even though I know it would be a helluva lot easier to just end things now and go our separate ways, I want the next month with you. On your terms."

"My terms?" She laughed, unable to hold back her burst of incredulous amusement. "I wasn't aware I had any."

"No promises, no strings, and no emotional entanglements," he said, repeating words she'd spoken to him in the beginning of their affair.

Yes, those had been her stipulations, which had been a way of protecting her emotions and making sure their relationship remained superficial. Hearing them now, after everything they'd shared together, they sounded so cold and impersonal when her feelings for Scott were anything but.

"And, of course, we'd keep the affair private and discreet and just between the two of us," he continued as he slowly, gradually, closed the small distance of space separating them. "And after our time together is over, we part ways as friends."

God, he made it sound so simple, so easy, so doable. What he was suggesting was crazy and risky, but no less insane than the way she'd propositioned him the night of her birthday, she supposed.

He stopped so close to her she could feel the provocative heat of his body, could inhale the scent of his woodsy cologne that wreaked havoc with her hormones and common sense. Reaching out, he tucked his index finger beneath her chin and tipped her face up to his, ensnaring her with the glow of need reflecting in his eyes.

Then he smiled, a sensual, charming,
smile, and her universe seemed to narrow down to just the two of them, nothing else. "If you need an incentive to say yes, I'd be happy to give you one," he said, all confident male.

Her pulse tripped all over itself, and anticipation coiled tight and low in her belly. "You think you can be that persuasive?"

He brushed his knuckles along her cheek, then cupped her jaw in his big, warm hand with his long fingers fanning out along her neck. "Oh, I know so," he murmured, the challenge in his tone unmistakable.

That hot ache spread through her, melting her resolve, making her live for the moment and this devastatingly sexy man who gave her such an incredible rush of feeling. "Give it your best shot," she dared, embracing that adventurous side only he seemed to bring out in her.

He lowered his head, the light in his eyes dancing with triumph, and the moment their lips touched she gave herself over to the exquisite feel of his mouth on hers, the rich, addictive taste of him on her tongue, and the promise of pleasures untold as he deepened the kiss even more.

Slow and seductively sweet.

Hot and deliciously wet.

Then ravenous and demanding.

God, she'd missed this, missed

He slid an arm around her waist and pulled her body flush to his, as if needing more intimate contact. In response, a shameless moan rumbled up from her throat, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and arched against him, rubbing her straining breasts, her throbbing nipples, against the solid plane of his chest. She felt his hard, thick erection at the crux of her thighs, reveled in it, and grew wet with wanting.

Too soon he ended the kiss and pulled back, and she actually whimpered at the loss. Her face felt flushed, her body quivered, and when she lifted her lashes to glance up at Scott, she found him gazing down at her with a look of smug satisfaction.

He'd proved his point; she'd give him that.

"See, that wasn't so bad, now was it?" he asked, the wicked, knowing sparkle in his eyes tempting her. "Now all you have to do is say yes."

Ashley decided that she was weak when it came to this one particular man, completely and utterly helpless to resist his allure, so unable to refuse him anything. She had a month, and she wanted it to be filled with memories of him.

," she said, praying her reckless decision didn't cause her a wealth of heartache in the end. Then again, did it really matter when she was incapable of saying no to this man?

She could have sworn she saw relief flicker across his features, but then whatever she'd seen was gone. He released her, but held on to her hand, which he lifted to his warm, damp lips for a chaste kiss, before severing that connection, too.

"Call me tonight," he told her. "You have the number, and I'll be waiting up for you."

Then he was gone, leaving her alone in her huge penthouse suite with a smile on her well-kissed lips.

Chapter 12


adison picked out a red satin and lace ensemble and held the skimpy outfit up to the front of her body, then struck a sultry, bad girl pose for Ashley. "So, what do you think of this getup?"

Ashley arched a brow as she took in the sheer mesh top, the barely there G-string panties, and matching lace stockings. The entire Victoria's Secret outfit bordered on risqué and was quite a departure from the practical sleepwear she'd seen her sister purchase in the past. "Good Lord, Maddie! Are you looking to give Adam a heart attack?"

Her sister grinned in amusement, seemingly pleased at the notion. "No, I just want to make him fall to his knees and beg," she said as she checked out another ensemble – this one a black vinyl corset with ties up the front and black mesh nylons.

"Well, the red outfit ought to do the trick just fine." Ashley glanced through a rack of floral stretch lace camisoles and panties and selected a few to try on. "Unless you want to get kinky with that black costume and have him think you've turned into a dominatrix."

Madison giggled, her cheeks flushing a warm shade of pink. "I think you're right. Maybe we'll do the dominatrix thing next time." She returned the black outfit and lifted up the scarlet-hued set for her perusal again. "When Adam sees me in this, I want him to think red-hot momma."

Ashley laughed and moved to a carousel of thigh-length, kimono-style wraps in a variety of vivid colors. "Sorry, Maddie, but there's absolutely
motherly about that outfit."

Madison gave a sassy toss of her hair as she glanced over her shoulder at Ashley, her eyes twinkling devilishly. "In that case, I'll
take it."

Ashley handed her sister a silk wrap in a coordinating shade of red. "Here's a matching robe to complete the set."

"Hmmm." Madison's gaze narrowed in thought as she considered the extra garment. "I don't know that I'll be needing a robe. I'm not looking to be modest with Adam. Friday night is all about
my inhibitions, not covering them."

Ashley understood all about shedding inhibitions and just how liberating it could feel. "Trust me, he's going to strip you buck naked when he gets home, but it'll be nice to wear a silky robe at breakfast the following morning. With nothing but panties underneath, of course, just in case Adam gets hungry for a different kind of meal."

A slow, dawning smile spread across Madison's face, and she added the robe to her purchases. "Oh, you are so bad, but I like the way you think."

With Sophie having fun at Grandma's for the day, Ashley and Madison made the best of her shopping spree. They spent another hour at the lingerie store, picking out a few extra nighties for Madison to wear – soft, feminine everyday kinds of sleepwear that would replace the oversized, shapeless cotton gowns she'd been wearing since the baby was born, along with new bras and panties.

Once they were done shopping and Madison proclaimed herself ready for her big night with Adam, they stuffed their bags in the trunk of Ashley's car, then headed off to Houlihan's for lunch. Madison ordered a cheeseburger and Ashley opted for a chicken caesar salad. After their waitress delivered their iced teas and moved on to another table, Madison's expression changed, reflecting a more serious side than she'd revealed all morning.

Madison folded her arms on the table in front of her and tipped her head inquisitively. "You know I've been dying to ask about that hunk that came to visit you the other day at the boutique. What's going on between the two of you?"

Ashley's time with her sister that morning had been all about Madison and boosting her self-esteem for Friday night, and she had been absolutely fine with that. But she'd known it was just a matter of time before her sister asked about Scott again – there had been just too much interest on Madison's part when she'd met Scott at the boutique for her sister to leave the subject alone.

Now Ashley had to decide how much to reveal and knew she wanted to keep as much of her relationship with Scott as private as possible. It made no sense to make a big deal out of a temporary affair that would end when she moved to San Francisco, nor was her relationship with Scott something she wanted out there in the open, ripe for speculation of any sort.

She affected a nonchalant shrug. "There really isn't a whole lot to tell."

Madison smirked, her disbelief plain. "Other than the fact that the chemistry between the two of you was hotter than a summer heat wave? Come on, Ash, 'fess up with the details."

Ashley took a long drink of her iced tea, thinking just how far she and Scott had come since the day he'd confronted her in her office. Since then, she'd agreed to let their affair progress for the month and enjoy their time together – pressure free. And Scott was holding true to that promise, as well.

She'd called him that first night, as he'd asked, and the two nights since. Surprisingly, their conversations had been light and fun and thoroughly enjoyable as they discussed likes and dislikes, opinions on books and movies, and he regaled her with tales of what it was like growing up being the oldest of four siblings. He made her laugh during those late evening phone calls, and during the day, whenever she'd see him across the lobby directing his men or helping to lay slabs of marble, he made her

But where their relationship had initially been based on sex and physical pleasure, they were now charting into more emotional, getting-to-know-you territory – a scary prospect, considering she had no intentions of letting their time together develop into anything permanent.

Ultimately, what she had with Scott was special and private, exciting and adventurous even, and something she didn't want to share – not even with her sister, because there was always the possibility of it getting back to her parents that she was "seeing" someone. And she wasn't ready for the questions that would arise, the assumptions, not to mention how her father and Evan would react to her relationship with Scott.

On the heels of those thoughts came a rush of frustration. She was getting so tired of having to think about everyone's reaction to everything she did in her life – professionally and personally. At least in San Francisco she wouldn't feel so stifled, and she certainly wouldn't have to worry about accounting for her every action and the choices she made.

Such as her decision to spend the next month with Scott. No, this would remain her own closely guarded secret.

She met her sister's gaze and held firm to that decision. "I don't mean to be rude, but it's really not something I want to talk about."

"All right, I'll respect that," Madison conceded. "I was just hoping that after the fiasco with Greg and your breakup with Evan that you were finally getting back into the dating scene."

Ashley smiled, refusing to be manipulated into revealing the information her sister so desperately wanted to hear. "No comment, Maddie."

Her sister sighed in disappointment. "Fine. But if you decide you want to talk about it, I'm here for you, okay?"

"Okay," Ashley promised.

Ashley sat back in her chair as the waitress delivered their meals, blown away by the realization that there had just been a reversal in the dynamics of her relationship with her sister. Since Madison was a little girl, Ashley had been her confidante, the one her sister turned to when she had a problem or issue she needed to resolve. Now Madison was offering her support, a listening ear if Ashley needed one, and it was so odd being on the receiving end for a change when she was so used to being the strong, reliable sister.

Their relationship was shifting and changing, becoming more equally balanced. Her sister needed her less, and while a part of Ashley found it hard to let go, she knew her sister was going to be just fine without her being around on a daily basis.

"So, we're all set for Friday, right?" Madison asked before taking a bite of her cheeseburger.

"Absolutely." Ashley stabbed at a piece of chicken with her fork. "I'll come and get Sophie about four in the afternoon, and I'll keep her for however long you need me to on Saturday."

Though Ashley had agreed to baby-sit Sophie and was looking forward to it, Friday night had turned out to be more than Ashley had anticipated. Last night while she'd spoken to Scott on the phone, he'd asked her over to his house for dinner Friday evening. She'd explained that she was watching her niece, and in a moment of pure spontaneity she'd invited him to her place, if he didn't mind having a baby around. He'd agreed, but only if he could make dinner for her, and she wasn't about to refuse a good meal.

The arrangement was perfect, really, what with Madison otherwise occupied, her parents at a charity function, and Evan in New York for the weekend. She could let Scott in through the private garage, and no one would be the wiser.

"Thank you, Ash," Madison said, her voice softening in appreciation. "This is the first time that Adam and I are going to be alone, all night long, since Sophie's been born. It'll be so odd not having to worry about her in the middle of the night."

"Think nothing of it," Ashley said, waving away her sister's sentimental gratitude. "Once Adam sees you in that sexy outfit you bought, I'm sure the two of you will be so busy having fun that you won't even notice that she's gone."

"Yeah, I think you're right." Madison beamed happily and lifted her glass of iced tea toward Ashley for a toast. "Here's to a night of sinfully sexy fun."

Unfortunately, that's the kind of fun she and Scott
be having Friday night – not with a baby in the house. Even so, Ashley clinked her glass to her sister's and gave Madison one last boost of encouragement. "You go get him, girl!"


There was something so inherently intimate about being in Ashley's kitchen, preparing dinner for the two of them while she held her adorable niece in her arms and let him handle the cooking. He'd insisted that she do nothing more than set the table, which she'd already done, and it was nice to see her just relax and be herself around him.

This was the Ashley he'd been dying to get to know, the lively, vibrant woman who'd greeted him with a breathless smile and a warm, soft kiss on the lips – something he knew he could easily get used to on a regular basis. She was finally gradually opening up to him and giving him the chance to discover all the different nuances of who she was, beyond the perception of the St. Claire name. Their phone conversations the past week had been very revealing, but it was this time together alone that he planned to take full advantage of to forge emotional ties and a deeper level of trust.

Ashley adjusted Sophie on her hip and moved closer to where he was preparing the batter for the crepes he planned to make. "You thought of everything tonight, didn't you?"

Her tone was bemused, making him wonder if any man had ever pampered her in such a simplistic manner. He glanced her way, loving the fact that she'd left her rich honey blond
hair down for him to thread his fingers through later, and enjoying the peasant-type blouse and skirt she wore – casual, comfy clothes that made her look touchable and very feminine.

"Our late night conversations this week produced some very enlightening information about you," he told her with a mischievous grin and a waggle of his brows. "Deep dark secrets I'm planning on exploiting to my full advantage."

"Like the fact that I love seafood crepes?" she guessed, taking in the fresh shrimp, crab, and scallop mixture in a nearby bowl.

He nodded. "Yeah, that's one of them."

She lifted the wineglass in her free hand, which was nearly drained of its pink-hued contents. "And that I have a fondness for cheap strawberry wine?"

"Surprised the heck out of me on that one." Never would he have dreamed a woman as sophisticated as Ashley would prefer Boone's Farm over a high quality, expensive vintage.

She drained the last of her wine and set the empty glass on the counter, out of Sophie's reach. "And did I see you put a quart of coffee Häagen-Dazs ice cream in the freezer?"

"I believe you did." He poured a dollop of the crepe batter into a hot, buttered frying pan, then stirred the creamy cheese sauce to go with the seafood ingredients. "And don't forget about the hot fudge, nuts, and whipped cream I brought, too."

She moaned softly and rolled her eyes heavenward, making Scott wish she was moaning for other reasons than having to do with dessert. "Oh, Lord, you're talking pure ecstasy to my taste buds."

He winked at her. "I'm only too happy to oblige your cravings." He meant that, in more ways than just food.

Catching on to the innuendo, she slanted him an alluring sidelong glance that packed a provocative punch. "Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Wilde?"

He chuckled as he flipped the crepe in the pan, then refilled her glass with more strawberry wine. "Maybe, just a little," he admitted. "Is it working?"

Her beautiful green eyes sparkled with a sassy, impudent light. "I'll let you know after the ice cream."

Grinning and enjoying their flirtatious banter, he turned his attention back to the stove, removing the finished crepe and starting on another. Seduction sounded mighty fine to him since it seemed like forever since he'd last had the pleasure of making love with Ashley, but that wasn't the sole purpose of tonight's date. Then again, he wasn't completely discounting the possibility of some hands-on time with her later, either. It all depended on how the evening progressed, and they did have the baby to think about, too, which was their first priority.

BOOK: The Wilde Side
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