Read The Wilde Side Online

Authors: Janelle Denison

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

The Wilde Side (19 page)

BOOK: The Wilde Side
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Since the guys crowded around the groom-to-be were more enthusiastic about the stripper than Adrian seemed to be, the sexy brunette turned her talents toward them and focused in on Joel, who held his arms out in surrender and told her, "Frisk me, baby."

Hoots, hollers, and clapping ensued as the woman gave Joel what he'd asked for, and he groaned in pure pleasure as she ran her hands over his body, pretending to search for concealed weapons.

The comments turned lewd and suggestive, and Scott laughed right along with Eric and Steve, who both agreed that while the stripper was nice to admire from afar, none of them missed being a bachelor or the dating scene. Even Alex admitted that the half-naked woman working the room didn't do it for him in a sexual way when Dana gave him everything he wanted or needed in that department.

And that left Scott, who was also content to sit at the table and watch the fun, but had no desire to be a part of the stripper's provocative antics. Just like his cousins and Alex, it appeared that Scott had found one particular woman who'd bewitched him and spoiled him for any other.

The only woman he wanted, the only woman he craved, was Ashley St. Claire – in every way that mattered.

Aww, hell, he was just as whipped as the rest of the guys sitting at this table.

The boisterous noise in the room faded as Scott seriously considered everything that Steve had said to him earlier, making him wonder if any kind of future with Ashley was possible. There were so many obstacles between the two of them, so many issues still left unresolved... And did he even stand a chance with her when they lived such vastly different lives?

There were no easy answers for that nagging question, just a voice in his head that told him that Ashley was worth his time and effort. Whatever was between them had the potential of developing into something stronger and bigger than the both of them if nurtured slowly and carefully – with a little bit of romance and a whole lot of trust. And that meant continuing with a private affair for a while, to protect his company's interest in the hotel's restoration work, and to give Ashley time to come to terms with her own feelings for him and decide what she wanted in her future.

He had to put forth the effort, had to try and fight for Ashley, to make her his, because he cared about her – but mostly, because he was falling in love with her.


It was nearly one in the afternoon, and Ashley's stomach growled hungrily, reminding her that she'd skipped breakfast that morning and was running on three cups of coffee, nothing more. She wanted to say that the abundance of caffeine was responsible for her being so jittery, but there was no denying that having Scott in such close proximity of the boutique on a daily basis had her nerves on edge, as well.

She sighed and placed a folder of banking information on the ever-growing pile of things she needed to review with Joan in regard to her new duties as executive manager of the boutique. Another few weeks and the woman would be on her own, and Ashley wanted her to be well trained in all aspects of running the store.

Once she was done shutting down the computer's accounting database, she headed out to the front of the store to see how Celeste was doing with the new shipment of designer scarves they'd received that morning. The young woman was finished pricing the items and was in the process of clearing a spot to display the colorful fashion accessories, while Sara was helping a customer select a tennis outfit.

Satisfied that all was running smoothly, Ashley made her way up to the front of the shop and behind the checkout counter. She went through the day's receipts, purposefully making herself look busy even as her gaze strayed to the construction work going on out in the lobby area. Workers from Nolan and Sons were tearing up sections of the old tile flooring, which would eventually be replaced with rich marble accented in beige and gold tones to match the rest of the hotel's decor.

She glanced around for Scott, who'd been there to supervise the project since it began two days ago, but at the moment he was nowhere in sight, which meant she had a clear shot of making it to the private office area without running into him, so she could head up to her apartment for a bite to eat. She let Sara and Celeste know she was leaving for about an hour, and with her key card in hand, she headed across the lobby and past the registration desk.

Amazingly enough, she'd managed to avoid direct contact with Scott for the past two days, but that didn't stop her from watching him from afar when he was within her line of vision. Not only was he there to supervise the work in progress, but he had no qualms about getting involved in the actual labor part of the project to help his men when they needed an extra pair of hands. It was those times that Ashley found her gaze inexorably drawn to him, mesmerized by the way the muscles in his arms, across his back, and down his thighs rippled and bunched as he lifted and moved heavy chunks of flooring.

He was a gorgeous, earthy, sexy man – even when he was coated in dust and debris – and her attraction to him was impossible to ignore, no matter how hard she tried. So, she looked her fill from afar, let her mind wander down that dangerous road of "what ifs," and imagined seductive scenarios that made her heart race and her body ache to be near him. But those fantasies dancing in her mind inevitably turned to a soul-deep wanting, and when their gazes happened to meet across the way and she caught a fleeting glimpse of the heat and hunger in his smoldering blue eyes, it was as if nothing else existed but the two of them.

Yet the real world did exist, and hers consisted of a life that was about to become her own: a new life that included moving to San Francisco and starting out fresh and new – without anything threatening to destroy her chance at happiness – a new life of being independent and self-reliant – without feeling pulled in so many different directions in an attempt to please the people in her life and live up to their expectations.

But craving this new, less complicated life didn't stop Ashley from wanting more of Scott Wilde, more of his sexual healing and more of the emotional connection she experienced only when she was with him. Beyond their physical attraction, he made her
, and it had been a long time, if ever, since anyone had touched her heart and emotions so profoundly.

Mentally pushing aside those futile thoughts, she unlocked the door next to the registration area and entered the secured section of the hotel. She started down the corridor toward the elevator leading to her penthouse, and just as she was coming up to Evan's office suite Scott stepped out of the reception area and closed the door behind him.

She came to an abrupt stop before she collided into that hard, unyielding body of his, her eyes wide in surprise and her entire system paralyzed by shock. He appeared just as startled to see her, too, and she knew this reunion hadn't been pre-planned, that their encounter was purely by chance, as she feared would eventually happen. But it stood to reason that Scott would have things to discuss with Evan in terms of the restoration work, and that meant he'd have temporary access to the private offices until the work was completed.

The hallway was quiet and empty, and there was no one around to witness their accidental meeting, but Ashley was all too aware of Evan's secretary just beyond that door. Then there was the possibility of Evan himself leaving his office at any moment and catching the two of them staring at each other, each one waiting for the other to say something to shatter the awkward moment stretching between them.

Finally, Scott opened his mouth to speak, but Ashley cut him off with a polite, succinct, and very impersonal "hello," then darted around him before he could respond with any kind of greeting of his own.

The beating of her heart pounded in her ears, and her insides quivered like the consistency of Jell-O as she focused on the end of the corridor and the elevator she needed to take up to the sanctuary of her place – which seemed a mile away.

As she walked away, she could feel the heat of Scott's gaze on her backside, and it took every ounce of willpower she possessed not to glance over her shoulder to look at him, to let him know in a single adoring glance how much she still wanted him – ached for him, desired him – despite the way things had ended between them.

She swiped her key card and breathed a huge sigh of relief when the metal doors immediately opened to let her in, allowing her the escape she desperately needed. Stepping inside the waiting elevator, she punched in her key code, then leaned against the railing for support before her unsteady legs gave out on her.

Closing her eyes, she gulped air into her tight lungs, wondering how in the world she was going to manage being in such close proximity with Scott for the next month, while acting as though they were strangers when just seeing him again was enough to tempt her sensibilities and shake her resolve to resist him?

The elevator jarred with a muted
as Scott lunged inside just as the metal doors were beginning to close shut. Ashley's eyes flew open, and she gasped, unable to believe that Scott would put them in such a compromising predicament.

Instinctively, she reached out to press the button that would keep the elevator doors open so she could demand he get back out before someone witnessed them together in such an intimate setting. Instead, he caught her wrist, intercepting her attempt, and the doors sealed shut before she could do anything about it.

She stared up at him, an overwhelming sense of panic welling up inside of her. "What are you doing?"

"Don't worry. No one saw me." His tone was low and as soothing as the thumb he stroked across the pulse point at her wrist. "I made sure of it."

She gaped at him. And that was supposed to reassure her?

"Don't worry?" she repeated, her voice rising in near hysterics as she finagled her arm out of his grasp, mainly because she couldn't think straight when he was caressing her skin so seductively. "You're the supervisor on the job downstairs, you just came from Evan's office, and you're currently on your way up to my place, uninvited I might add. You're putting us both in an inappropriate and potentially compromising position, and you're telling me
not to worry?

The man had the audacity to smile, throwing her practical, sensible mind into a maelstrom of confusion. "No one will ever find out, unless you want them to," he murmured.

He took a step back, giving her space along with the option of using the phone in the elevator to call security if she felt the need. The whole situation seemed so surreal to Ashley, as did Scott's cordial disposition, which was a direct contradiction to the fiery temper he'd displayed during last week's showdown in her office.

Gone was the contempt that had squeezed her heart in a viselike grip, and now there was an undeniable edge of determination in his expression, a fortitude that seemed far more dangerous than his anger had been. She didn't understand the drastic change in him, or what there was left to say when he'd held nothing back during their previous confrontation, but she was curious enough to want to find out.

A soft
announced that they'd arrived at the forty-fourth floor of the hotel and her penthouse suite. The doors opened silently, and this time Scott waited for an invitation to join her instead of bullying his way in, which she appreciated.

"Since you're already here, come on in." She stepped out of the elevator, and he followed her through the foyer that led to the living room. She put the coffee table between them, then turned around to face him again.

His gaze took in the lavish decor and the huge floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the city, then came back to her with a lopsided grin that told her he was blown away by the lap of luxury in which she lived.

"Nice place," he said.

She grew uncomfortable with his idle scrutiny and any preconceived notions that might be floating through his mind, because this wasn't who she was – the opulence and extravagant decor that was more ostentatious than warm and welcoming. The penthouse had come fully furnished and professionally decorated when she'd decided to make the move, and while there had been many times over the years that Ashley had considered redecorating the apartment to reflect her more simplistic and streamlined tastes, something had always held her back. Maybe she knew this wasn't
place, not in the heart-and-soul way that mattered. The suite belonged to the hotel, and she was living there because it was convenient and practical.

She was certain he wasn't there to discuss decorating techniques, and she was anxious to hear his reasons for hijacking her elevator. "What do you want, Scott?"

He slid his hands into the back pockets of his faded jeans, his stance confident and his eyes a serious shade of blue. "I want you," he stated very quietly.

She hadn't seen that reply coming, and the jolting impact of those unexpected words couldn't have shocked her more – especially considering how they'd parted ways after their last standoff. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought he'd still want her after the way she'd deceived and hurt him. Never would she have imagined that he'd make his desire for her known, and pursue it.

Still, she remained cautious – guarded. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but during our last conversation in my office I got the impression that you'd rather not have anything to do with me."

"I was upset, justifiably so," he said with a shrug. "I'll admit I didn't like the fact that you kept your identity a secret, but now that I've had time to think about everything you told me, I understand your reasons. Respect them, even. And despite what happened, I can't change the way I feel about you." He'd left her wide-eyed and speechless.

BOOK: The Wilde Side
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