Read The Stallion Online

Authors: Georgina Brown

The Stallion (21 page)

When at last it felt as though her sanity was under threat, he entered her. But, like everything else, it filled her being as well as her pussy.

Each sweet thrust made her nerves tingle and her body tremble. Slowly he thrust, then faster, then slower again.

Just the size of him was enough to blow her mind. She had wondered at it even before he had blindfolded her. His penis, she thought, was the one thing that bore no resemblance whatsoever to a Greek or Roman god. Like the copper statue that peed perpetually into the fountain in the courtyard, it was big and owed nothing at all to classical statuary, except perhaps its shape.

But thoughts about size, shape and what it looked like were being steadily overtaken by her imminent climax. She lifted her pelvis to meet him, the mound that enclosed her bud of passion slamming with easy precision against him.

She felt his hands cover her breasts and his fingers fondle her rising nubs and she rolled in delight. His stomach slammed hard and quick against her, and his cock, engorged with the blood of his own passion, filled her like no other had before.

Higher and higher her passion soared in her dark, silent world. She threw her head back, the only part of her body that could still truly move. Her teeth bit into her gag, and her pelvis heaved like a volcanic eruption to meet his.

It felt as if she could swallow him up whole, as though she were a very deep well around which his and her orgasm could echo till time immemorial, never-ending, always teetering on the edge of total climax.

Strongly and virulently like an explosion of dynamite, she came.

Her hips thrust again and again to meet him. She struggled against her bonds, her cries of release captured in the silky smoothness of her gag.

She felt Gregory tense above her. Then the throb of his release in gradually diminishing sensations until his orgasm was finished.

Not until he had repeated his attention twice more, and
had pushed morning through the window, did he untie her.

They embraced before he left, the heat of his muscles reigniting her passion for one last, more mutual liaison before he left her.

He had been loath to stay that bit longer, a slight nervousness entering his eyes when she had first suggested it. But once her lips were on his and her hand had captured his rising stem, his will was no longer his own.

Dawn had barely broken, but Nadine, as always, was up early. Behind the mirror she watched, grim-faced, her body still damp and naked from her early-morning shower.

‘My, my,’ she growled, her lips hardly parting, her teeth barely moving. She let her towel slip to the ground, and caressed one breast with her hand whilst the other folded back her shorn labia and teased her ripe bud to erection. ‘But you are a disobedient little pussy, aren’t you. But never mind, Nadine will do something about that. Nadine will break you in to her will.’

With that, she threw her head back and plunged her finger into her own warm depository.


great believer in sea water. Not that she was alone in that belief. Many in the past and present have praised its healing capacity and sworn by its ability to strengthen equine tendons as they prance and gallop through the waves.

The beach was two hours’ drive away and, being that there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and a warm day was forecast, lunch had been packed in generous hampers. Wine, milk, cream and butter had been safely stored in a couple of cool boxes.

Nadine seemed inordinately full of herself prior to their departure and would probably have continued in that mood for the rest of the day if Alistair had not informed her that she was to pick Sir Reggie’s daughter, Clarissa, up from the airport.

Then her brightness turned to thunder.

Taking discretion as the best part of valour, and throwing herself into grooming, polishing and helping the stable lads, Penny noted the furrowed eyebrows and black looks and made an extra effort to keep out of her way. Auberon, perhaps by choice, did not.

It was only when Penny slipped into the dark humidity of the hay barn and heard the swish of a riding crop and the loud thwack of its contact with bare flesh, that she realised Nadine was taking out her bad mood on Auberon’s bare buttocks.

She timed her footsteps to coincide with each stroke so the crunching of gravel or rustling of straw could not be heard as she crept towards the sound.

Auberon was on all fours, trousers around his ankles, and
was applying red stripes to his behind with all the strength at her disposal.

Nadine’s usually pale face was fire red, and her steel-grey eyes blazed with light.

Penny held still and watched a while, her own breath quickening and her hips rotating as she imagined the delicious tremors of delight that Auberon was enjoying. But Nadine knew that, too.

With a look of cruel delight in her eyes, Nadine stayed her hand.

‘Roll over,’ she ordered.

Auberon obeyed.

Penny covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes opened wide as she beheld Auberon’s mighty member, proudly erect, a pearl drop of semen balancing on its quivering tip.

‘My, my,’ she heard Nadine say. ‘I see you’re almost there, my dear boy.’

‘Y . . . es, y . . . es,’ stammered Auberon as Nadine trailed the tip of the riding crop around his upright penis and over his ginger-haired balls.

‘If I just tapped that one little opening of yours,’ drawled Nadine, her voice laced with menace, ‘that eyelet of passion, you’d come, wouldn’t you, pretty boy?’

‘Y . . . es,’ stammered Auberon again. ‘Y . . . es, y . . . es, I would.’

The cruelty of Nadine’s sudden smile matched the look in her eyes.

‘But I won’t!’ she growled. With that, she withdrew the crop and carried it upright across her shoulder as though it were a rifle.

The look of disappointment on Auberon’s face was matched only by the sudden wilting of his erection.

Lightly touching her own twitching sex, Penny watched in astonished disbelief as what had been hard became soft and
in upon itself. She saw the tears in Auberon’s eyes. How cruel Nadine could be when she didn’t get her own way, Penny thought to herself, and how much she must have wanted to go to the beach.

From common sense and her own knowledge of Nadine, Penny suspected something special had been planned for the occasion. What that something was she hadn’t a clue, but if Nadine’s treatment of Auberon was anything to go by, it must be pretty unusual and particularly special.

As she left Auberon and Nadine, she made a big effort to banish the thought that whatever plan had been scuppered today would be back another day . . . and with greater intensity.

But she forgot about Beaumont Place and Nadine once they were up in the horsebox and away.

A carefree atmosphere travelled with them to the coast. The windows were open and a warm breeze kissed her face and softly caressed her neck. Her eyes were bright, as blue as the sky, and she smelt of fresh spring flowers.

She felt cool today, shorts, T-shirt and trainers replacing the usual riding gear. Today, her long hair was plaited into a thick rope that reached just beyond her shoulder blades.

Around her, disturbed only by the breeze, was the smell of horses and leather, and the faint, but irresistible scent of well-muscled young men.

Stephen drove, Penny sat next to him, and Auberon and a beefy stable-lad with dark hair and a cleft chin named David sat next to him.

Before they had left, Penny had watched with some curiosity as Nadine had gathered the boys to her. They’d huddled in a group for a few minutes, with Nadine’s long arms around their necks, drawing them to her like a clutch of this year’s ducklings.

Although her curiosity had been aroused, Penny didn’t let her being left out of the head-to-head worry her. It was too nice a day for that. Whatever Nadine had instructed, obviously it didn’t apply to her, so she didn’t even bother to ask the boys what had been said.

Today she felt elated, and once the briny freshness of the sea breeze blew through the cab of the horsebox, all thoughts of Nadine and Beaumont Place were left behind – or they would have been, if Alistair hadn’t been following them.

Alistair never travelled in the horsebox. He always followed on behind in his chauffeur-driven car, a gleaming Rolls-Royce that had a sister Bentley in the garage, plus the black Porsche that Nadine drove.

The spot on the coast they headed for was private, and belonged, like a lot of other things, to Alistair Beaumont.

Steep cliffs topped with private woods of thick gorse and virgin birch surrounded the beach. A private road ran through the trees and a high gate was locked firmly behind them.

The beach formed an almost perfect crescent of yellow sand. With the sound of tumbling waves came the sound of the horses in the box behind them, nickering with excitement once they’d detected the change of air and the fact that the box had rolled to a halt.

‘It’s getting hotter,’ said Penny, tilting her head to look up at the blue sky overhead and the fringe of steep cliffs around them, where seagulls circled and shrieked to the bright day.

‘That’s why we’re parked here,’ said Stephen with a wink, his lithe muscles swimming invitingly beneath the whiteness of his boat-necked T-shirt. ‘Shady for the horses. Never mind us mere mortals.’

Penny laughed with him and tossed her plaited tail.

‘But you’re going to be hot,’ said Alistair, his eyes raking
her peach-coloured T-shirt and matching shorts. ‘You should take it all off.’

‘Yes,’ said Penny in an uncharacteristically clipped manner. Alistair had taken her by surprise. There was something about him today that was different. There was no furtiveness about his wandering eyes and broad smile, no perceived barrier between her and him. What was it, she asked herself, that was so different? She answered her own question: Nadine was not here.

She couldn’t let this chance go. She must not; she had to take advantage of it. She pulled her T-shirt over her head. Her breasts bounced free, pink nipples responding proudly to the breezy air. Her sweat was sweet and tinged with a light floral spray.

As if the breeze had caught it and flung it their way, the two stable lads stopped what they were doing; eyes glazing over and pricks pounding against their zips, they molested her breasts with their minds.

‘Not a bad idea, eh, sir?’ Stephen said suddenly, his eyes looking squarely at Alistair, though sidelong glances played like the breeze over Penny’s firm mounds.

Alistair stared for a moment before he answered. ‘No,’ he said at last in a long rush of breath. ‘Not a bad idea at all.’

Penny, like the stable-lads and Auberon, took everything off. Now the breeze kissed and parted her pubic hair and cooled the warmth of her rounded behind, which had sat too long on the journey to get here.

To her disappointment Alistair did not take off his clothes, but his eyes were fixed on her. He made no bones about it, and the barest hint of a smile played around his lips as his gaze travelled from her bouncing breasts to the glossy patch of hair that nestled between her thighs.

‘What about you?’ she asked him as the lads bridled up the horses.

‘No!’ He stepped back from her reaching hands as though they might burn him if he allowed them to touch him.

She tried to read his eyes, then dropped her gaze to his pubic area. Disappointment made her frown. How could he be so different from the others? How could he not be excited by the aspect of her bare body and thrusting breasts? It didn’t seem real.

She returned her gaze to his eyes. They met hers. They were bright, and his breathing seemed tight in his chest. He wanted her. She knew he did, and yet his cock gave no sign of it.

Confused and feeling slightly temperamental, she turned away from him and returned the smiles Stephen and David so willingly gave her. Even Auberon was forthright in his gaze as if his inhibitions had been thrown off with his clothes.

‘Do you want a leg-up?’ asked David, the burly lad with the dark hair and unusual chin. The first juices of arousal wetted his palm as he placed one hand beneath her seat to get her up on the bare back of the horse.

No saddles today. They galloped the beach bareback. Alistair was left far behind them.

The horses’ legs splashed in the white froth of the rolling waves, their mouths straining against the confines of the bit.

Penny laughed. Stephen, David, and even Auberon, who had appeared a little distracted on the way here, laughed as the spray blew into their faces and white-winged, black-headed gulls cackled overhead.

The canter was fast, but the rhythm of its tempo was as steady as ever, the rolling slide and the horse’s back warm, smooth and arousing against her naked pussy.

Out of the corner of her eye, Penny could see Stephen, then David, then Auberon, their cocks flipping from side to side across the horses’ withers. Even so, she she knew they were
as they rode; she knew the rhythm of the ride was having the same effect on them as it was having on her.

Droplets of sea water flew into her face, clung to her hair and splattered her breasts with a brisk coolness. Her nipples burst into expectant peaks, and her exposed clitoris bumped and slid along her horse’s back.

All the while she laughed as she raced Auberon on one of his mounts, Stephen on another, and David on her own chestnut. She rode her grey.

At a fast gallop, they reached the end of the beach to where unassailable rocks broke jaggedly skywards and divided their private seascape from the more public areas beyond.

‘We’d better turn round,’ Stephen shouted breathlessly, his horse rearing as he reined it in.

Now Penny fastened her eyes on his unfettered penis which seemed to rear its head in time with the horse.

Just as he had suggested, they did turn round. This time, Penny did not lead the chase, but reined in at a slower pace behind. Responding to her own thoughts and fancies, she had an urge to study their gait, those taut buttocks and firm thighs bouncing up and down on the horses’ backs as they made their way back to the horsebox and Alistair.

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