Read The Stallion Online

Authors: Georgina Brown

The Stallion (20 page)

Unable to resist any longer, Penny closed the tips of one finger and one thumb over each. The fine ridges of the thrusting protrusions felt strangely silky beneath her touch. She felt them rise, then grow more engorged with blood and desire as her palms rested there.

‘Harder,’ breathed Nadine.

Penny clasped the nipples more tightly and pulled them upwards as high as she could until the whole of the breast seemed suspended on each glaring nub of rosy tissue. The oil made them more glossy, lending a silvery shine to the translucent skin. They looked succulent, too succulent to leave just to trembling fingers. Urged by waves of energy generated from within, Penny took the swollen flesh into her mouth. She closed her eyes as her lips covered them; she sucked hard and long and felt the nipple growing to an even greater proportion on
tongue. She sucked again and again, nibbling every so often as the fingers on the other hand continued to pull at its partner, then to tease and pinch it to respond better than it already had.

‘Suck me harder,’ Nadine’s voice rasped through her lips. Her nails began to dig into Penny’s back, then one hand pressed against her head, holding her fast against the swollen breast, forcing her to suck, nibble and bite exactly how and when Nadine wanted her to.

Penny managed to gulp air before the lean, yet uncommonly strong hands forced her lips on to the other breast. She repeated what she had already done, her mouth sucking long and hard, her teeth nipping gently, then more firmly, at the growing flesh. All the time, Penny’s other hand pinched and pulled at the newly released nipple, which was now swollen and red from her oral treatment of it.

As the hand that held her relaxed, her mouth released its delicacy. She kissed between the breasts, her wet tongue and nipping teeth eliciting more cloudy exclamations from Nadine’s throat.

Her head and her hands began to move again. She trailed low over the narrow waist, the flat stomach. Her own proud nipples brushed lightly over the skin as her hands massaged the lean hips.

She raised herself up slightly so her hands could come inwards, and her fingers and eyes could examine the prominence of the shorn mound of Nadine’s sex. How naked it looked, the lips purely white and as smooth as cream, a stripe of pink showing like a delicate insert of glistening silk in between.

Nadine’s legs widened. Hanging from amid the fleshy lips, Penny could see the pink frills of the inner petals and the fattening bud of Nadine’s clitoris as it thrust out from its fringe of moist flesh.

Moans of pleasure accompanied the writhing of thighs, the thrusting of belly and sex before Penny’s face. Penny could feel the silkiness of Nadine’s flesh together with the plump sexuality of her naked labia.

She slid her fingers further, lightly teasing the gleaming frills and the springing love bud. They looked sweet, dripping with the honey of arousal. She bent lower. Her tongue tasted the smoothness of the outer lips before dipping in between, savouring the salty sweetness of another woman on her tongue.

Nadine’s murmurs of pleasure were nothing to Penny now. Again, her own sex was responding to stimuli, her hips rocking gently as her fingers opened and probed more deeply, more languorously, to explore the petals and undulations of Nadine’s sex.

Nothing could stop her from seeking her own climax. She swivelled round so her own pussy was above Nadine’s face and she felt a shiver of delight course over her belly as the long, white hands gripped her buttocks before the wide mouth sucked at her and the long tongue teased at her clit.

Sensations of rising climax made their bodies rock in unison as their tongues dipped faster. Their teeth nipped in a sprightly fashion at each other’s pink flesh, that which was usually hidden and was now so well-exposed.

Musk and sweetness spread in equal portions to cover Penny’s face. She plunged faster, her fingers and mouth determined not to just imitate Nadine’s actions, but to surpass her.

Their bodies fell together, their hips jerking in pulsating time as the high-crested waves of a shattering climax flowed over their entwined flesh. Buttocks plunged and breasts swayed until the last eddies of delight had shivered over their sublime bodies and faded away down their lean thighs.

‘You have hidden depths, pussy-cat,’ said Nadine thoughtfully, as they lay together afterwards. ‘I do not believe you even knew you had such talents yourself.’

Beneath the long fingers that stroked so soothingly through her mane of dark hair – and those that traced imaginary lines over her taut rear – Penny herself pondered the same things. There was no doubt that she’d always been sexual, but these new practices to which she had only lately been introduced had never been part of that sexuality. Something had triggered them off, and now, once they’d escaped, there seemed no heights to which they did not aspire. Perhaps it was the wager, she told herself, the excitement of trying to seduce a man who so far had proved elusive. She didn’t know the answer, but achieving the seduction of Alistair and the winning of her wager with Ariadne might very well be it.

The hand that had stroked her hair now stroked her face. The stark grey eyes met hers, though Nadine’s look was glassy and distant. ‘I shall divulge a lot before your stay here is out . . . tell you things, show you things,’ she said throatily. ‘So will Alistair. I hope you learn well, my dear. I hope you learn very well.’

Penny studied the sharply defined cheek-bones and the deep set of the chilly eyes before she responded.

‘I’m sure I will.’

The gaze held hers. The smile was close-lipped and thoughtful, yet at the same time full of dark knowledge.

‘Any and everything, pretty pussy, any and everything.’ The voice was low and slow as poured treacle. Her kiss was warm and moist; again, Penny melted beneath the soothing hands of Alistair’s sister.

Behind the mirror, Alistair watched. Gregory stood behind him, his eyes also caught by the scene.

‘You just wait, you hot little bitch,’ Alistair said grimly. ‘You just wait.’

He said it almost as though he had forgotten that Gregory was there. It certainly looked that way to Gregory. Alistair’s eyes were boring into the glass as though just by the heat of their desire he could make holes through it, smash it and leap through, drag Nadine off the bed and plunge his aching tool into the young showjumper.

Gregory asked himself why Alistair didn’t take Penny when and where he wanted. Even though he had known her for only a short time, he certainly couldn’t envisage her saying no to anything Alistair might suggest.

But he wouldn’t ask Alistair why he didn’t. It wasn’t his place to. All he knew, as he looked at Alistair tonight, was that his jaw was clenched almost to breaking-point and his fists were balled so tight that his knuckles showed white. He couldn’t believe that Alistair wasn’t aroused. He certainly was. His cock was rocking against the front of his faded and over-tight, blue jeans, and beneath the blackness of his T-shirt, his heart flooded his body with rivers of passionate blood.

When Alistair did tear his eyes away from the mirror, Gregory could see droplets of sweat running down his forehead.

‘Where’s Auberon?’ Alistair asked somewhat curtly.

‘Saying good night to his animals. He always does.’

Alistair nodded grimly before stalking off.

Gregory only glanced at him before looking back to the scene on the other side of the mirror.

He didn’t care that Alistair was going to take his unrequited passion out an Auberon. He didn’t care, because he knew Auberon enjoyed the sting of the whip and the abuse that Alistair would mete out to his naked body – indeed, he knew full well he would welcome it.

Gregory waited until Nadine rose from the bed, kissed the apparently sleeping Penny on the shoulder, then departed from the darkened room. He waited another ten minutes after the door had closed behind Alistair’s sister before he saw Penny stir and smile sleepily towards the mirror. Even though she could not see him, he smiled back, went out the same door as Alistair had left by, and made his way down the steps that came out behind a thick green tapestry on the landing. Then he pushed down the handle of the door that opened into her room.

‘Gregory,’ she said in a soft and yielding voice, ‘I’ve been longing for this.’

‘So I noticed,’ he replied in a hushed and expectant voice.

She laughed lightly and, in the dimness of the room now lit only by a few stray beams of moonlight, she watched as he removed his clothes, her legs gradually opening as the full beauty of his torso was revealed.

In the moonlight, he looked even more like a Greek god: the Apollo of legend, or Hector of Troy. His skin glistened and his muscles rippled. Proudly erect and rearing in expectation, his manhood stood but a hand-span from her face as Gregory paused and stood silently at the side of the bed.

Enthralled by its splendour, she lifted her head from her pillow, leant on one elbow and reached out to encircle the offering he had brought her.

‘It’s beautiful,’ she murmured. ‘Good enough to eat.’

‘Then eat it.’

He tangled his fingers in her hair and brought her head closer until her lips kissed his throbbing crown. It reared in ecstasy, and, as though to calm its excitement, she flicked at it enticingly with the tip of her tongue whilst her fingers held him firmly. His flesh was as warm and soft as crushed velvet in the palm of her hand. Of course, her actions did nothing to
his excitement. Like a live animal, it moved in her hand and leapt towards her tongue.

She opened her mouth and sucked him in until she was halfway down his mighty stem. Her hands caressed the peachy softness of his balls that hung like ripe and glorious fruit between his thighs.

‘Let go,’ he breathed suddenly and, to her surprise, took her hands from his cock. ‘Sssh!’ he added. ‘Just do as I say.’

She let her hands fall and lay back on the pillow.

Thick red ropes held back the green-and-red tapestry curtains that hung from her bed. Gregory took these; as Penny writhed with rising excitement, he wound them around her wrists then tied them to the thick barley sugar twists of the wooden uprights.

He did the same to her ankles. Now the soft moonlight lit her body. She was spread-eagled against the thick bed cover.

‘Now,’ he said, kissing her neck and nibbling her earlobes. ‘Now, don’t be afraid. I am going to do everything that you need. You need only lie there and feel what I am going to do to you. It will be sheer pleasure. Is that understood?’

In the light of the moon, he saw her nod. ‘Yes,’ she whispered.

By the light of that same moon, she saw him smile.

‘Good,’ he whispered back.

From her bedside drawer he took a pair of stockings. They were black ones and, if she remembered rightly, they were trimmed at the top with black lace and red bows. But she wouldn’t be wearing these, she thought to herself, not now, tied up as she was.

Raising her head from the pillow with one hand, Gregory wound one stocking around her eyes. Now she could not even see the moonlight. He tied it behind her head in a smooth and comfortable knot.

The other stocking he used around her mouth as a gag. What he did to her ears, she didn’t know. Perhaps they were a pair of skiing earmuffs. All she knew was that she could neither speak, nor see, nor hear. Only one sense was left to her – that of touch.

She lay in her dark and silent world, knowing that Gregory was gazing at her helpless body. In her darkness, she tried to imagine what he was seeing and feeling.

Gregory was gazing at her. He was transfixed by the helpless beauty of her offered body. Vulnerability and the softness of moonlight had made her more beautiful than he could ever have imagined. She was naked, and her sex open to anything he cared to put into it. And that, he knew, was where he scored over Nadine. He had the ultimate weapon to put into her. Nadine did not have that. Alistair did, but seemed disinclined to act.

He put Nadine and Alistair from his mind. Now he had Penny to himself.

He ran his hands down from her shoulders and rolled her breasts in the firmness of his palms. Her back arched and her body sought to reach him.

‘Patience, my beauty,’ he whispered, his breath directed on her cheek. She felt that breath, but could barely hear the words upon it.

His fingers rolled her nipples before he kissed them and enjoyed the small squeal of delight that broke from beyond the nylon gag.

He lay the hardness of his chest against her absolute softness. Then he raised himself up on his hands and bent his head to nibble ruthlessly at her nipples.

Beneath him, her pelvis writhed. He understood what she was after; knew the hardness of his penis was heavy against her and that she was wet with desire.

‘Not yet,’ he murmured, even though she could not hear him.

Penny did, indeed, want his penis in her. His whole body was hot and hard against her, yet his penis was hotter. She wanted it badly, and in the dark world where only touch was left to her, the need for penetration was more greatly intensified.

His lips were hot as they travelled over her body and made her back arch more severely than before. She felt them linger over her belly, and felt the wetness of his tongue dive into her navel before his journey continued. Everything was feeling; it was all touch. Her very link with the world outside her darkness was touch and, because of that, her senses were sharper and her responses more intense.

Fronds of pubic hair were sucked into his mouth along with her flesh, and she rolled her hips with pleasure as his fingers opened her outer lips then furled back the delicate folds beneath.

Behind the closeness of her bonds, she whimpered. If she had not been gagged, she would have screamed for more.

Wetness erupted in her sex as his tongue flicked lightly over her clitoris. Her legs felt weak and, no matter what side she turned to, she could not escape his tongue, his lips or his hands. But then, she didn’t want to.

Her body tingled, her sex was tantalised. Nothing remained in her mind except the sensations of this experience. In her dark, silent world, sex had taken over her mind, her being – her whole body. Nothing else existed: not the room, not the moonlight; not even Gregory. Sex had stolen her soul.

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