Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (30 page)

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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She looked at the cutlery he had laid out and
then sat down.

"I use chopsticks." She said.

"Okay. You use chopsticks." He shrugged and
began forking in his Moo Shoo.

"And you use silverware." She said. He
stopped chewing.

"Yes. I use silverware. This is a great
conversation." He said sarcastically.

"You're eating Chinese food with a knife and
fork. Is it that you live on pickle and cheese sandwiches in
Demovic Towers and never learned how to use chopsticks?"

"Can you please stop calling my home Demovic
Towers? You make me sound like some an out of touch aristocrat who
doesn't know how to brush his own teeth."

"How about you stop calling me kidney? You
make me sound as though the only thing I've ever done in my whole
life is have kidney failure."

Zachary stopped completely and put down his
knife and fork. He looked at her directly and she felt as though a
wave of pure masculinity washed over her.

"You're right." He said. "I'm sorry. I won't
call you that again kid--" He stopped himself. "Kiddo."

"Don't call me kiddo either."

"Also right. Suzy. Is Suzy okay?"

She rolled her eyes.

"You know for someone who's so successful in
life and who shows up on TV more often than a coke commercial, you
sure can be one big dumb galoot."

He smiled again.

"Galoot? Baboon? I'm guessing you don't get
out very much."

"You try going out on the town with a kidney
dialysis machine strapped onto you. It might put a crimp even in
your style, even with all those smoldering good looks--"

She stopped short, a chunk of Moo Shoo lodged
in her throat. She stared down at the table.

"Stop it now." He said with an annoyingly
sexy grin. "You're going to give me a huge…"
thought, "head with all these compliments. If I didn't know better
I'd almost say you were coming--"

"I'm not coming onto anything or
. Look at me. Do you think a girl who cared the least
thing about you would dress up like this if she wanted to come onto

"I was going to say 'coming down with
something' and that therefore you aren't thinking straight, but
obviously you had something else on your mind."

The flush of crimson that seared her face
nearly put a hard crust on the Moo Shoo it was so hot.

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.
Suzy just wanted to get to bed, hide under the blankets and never
see this man again.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I didn't mean to
embarrass you. It's just that you're so good at embarrassing
yourself." He was still grinning. If it hadn't been so damned
infuriating it would have been the sexiest smile in the world.

Suzy turned to him and glared.

"You are without doubt the most

"Insufferable? Here we go with the 1950s talk
again. Who do you think you are, Audrey Hepburn?"

"Gah!" The chunk of Moo Shoo in her mouth had
gone the wrong way and she was choking.

"Cat got yer tongue?" Zachary jibed at her.
"Is the phraseology 1950s enough for you?"

Suzy couldn't get a word out and began
struggling for air, clutching at her throat. Zachary sprang into
action immediately, lifting her from the chair he took her from
behind and applied the Heimlich maneuver. Two goes and the chunk of
pork flew across the room to a waiting Harry who had
surreptitiously entered the room having escaped both his cage and
the closet.

"Wow." Zachary said, still holding her. He
was confused as all hell. The woman in front of him was dressed in
nothing but the cutest little pajamas he had ever seen. Her hair
was pulled back into the simplest of ponytails revealing the
elegant lines of her neck and his lower abdomen was squeezed tight
against her perfect soft little ass as a result of the first aid
bear hug he had given her.

It was way too late now. He was afraid to let
her go in case his stiffening rod sprang from his pants in the
middle of the room.

"You can let me go now." Suzy asked.

She thought.
Absolutely humiliating
. And yet as she felt the strong arms
around her, the hot breath on the back of her neck and the powerful
crush of his lower abdomen and pubic bone to her soft ass, Suzy was
indescribably aroused. She watched Harry scamper back across the
room and held Zachary's arms tightly shut around her own abdomen,
pushing them unconsciously lower as she did so. The feeling was
exquisite. She couldn't remember what it felt like to have a boy
enter her, and she had never felt a man. She wasn't even quite sure
what it was she was feeling behind her now anatomically, but God
she wanted it.

"Let me go. Please. I just, just need to go
to bed. Please."

"Of course." He croaked as he carefully let
her go, mindful that as a result of their proximity any movement,
even to separate them was likely to cause enough friction to his
member to leave it visibly erect through his hand cut pants.

He let her go as slowly and carefully as he
could but that only made things worse. He should have pushed her
vigorously away from him. As it was he felt her ass slide down his
member and just barely cross the engorged tip. He choked a short
gasp of suppressed pain and pleasure as he let her go and sat down
quickly to compose himself. Suzy for her part had felt every long
inch of him as he let her go. The sensation of something hard and
eager was palpable through the thin fabric of her nightwear, but it
been so long since she was close to a man, and even then it had
been so brief, that she couldn't really be absolutely sure of what
she had felt.

Zachary was a Demovic brother after all. His
girlfriends must be beautiful, reed thin, dripping in jewels and
designer clothes, temptingly wrapped up in expensive and sexy
lingerie. It all just existed in her stupid, oversexed, post
recovery imagination.

The couple exchanged a glace; wordless,
motionless. Harry hopped up onto the table to inspect the hardly
touched food but neither of the two humans moved to intervene.

"I'd better go." Zachary said in a very low
voice. "I mean, really go this time. Just tell Melissa and Jason I
stayed the night on the sofa."

"Okay." Suzy whispered.

"Let's not do this again." He said as he
walked towards the door without looking at her. When it closed
behind him tears quickly filled Suzy's eyes, exactly what for she
wasn’t sure, just like so many things that night.

"Never again." She whispered as she watched
Harry tuck his jaws into her plate of Moo Shoo, his back legs
planted firmly into what was left of Zachary's dish.

Her phone buzzed in her pajama pocket and she
put it to her ear. Melissa was MIA with Jason on some kind of hot
date, so it had to be her friend Bella, the only other person who
would call her at that time of night.

"Hey Bella, it's so good to hear your voice
right now."

"Sorry to disappoint you cupcake, just your
big sister here."

The last person she wanted to
hear from. She forced a smile to her face and sent it down the

"It's good to hear your voice too Melissa. So
how's the hot date going? Are you two still at it like bunny

"Suzy, come on, we already talked about this
passive-aggressive hostility. I know you're attracted to Jason but
that's no reason to take it out on me with crass remarks like

She felt like screaming. Melissa was
everything to her, her mom, her dad, guardian angel, but God damn
it she could be infuriating.

"No analyzing." She said, a little too loud.
"What do you want?"

"Okay, okay, knowing when to back off is part
of my job too."

part of your job."

She had ceased practicing shortly after her
relationship with Jason had begun. He was officially her last
client as a practicing therapist.

"Okay. Suzy, look, I'm sorry okay? But I have
some really great news."

"Well that I can certainly use. What is

"Is Zach there?"

"No. Not anymore."

Melissa was suddenly concerned.

"What do you mean? He's supposed to spend the
whole night with you, that's what he agreed to do for Jason and

"He was. I mean, he will be, he's just gone
out to get, uh, takeout food."

"Takeout? He doesn't do takeout. And besides,
why wouldn't you just call for takeout? Who 'goes out' for

"Stop grilling me for Pete's sake.
wanted the take out and he wanted some fresh air. Do you have to
make a big deal out of everything?" She hated lying but she had
already promised Zachary and besides, it was a white lie that would
just save everyone from pointless concern.

"Well actually, it's kind of better that he's
not there."

"Why's that?"

Melissa thought a moment. Why was it better
that he wasn't there?

What the hell.
She thought.
get to the point.

"You've got a job little sister!"

"I have?" Suzy's mood lifted in an instant,
like a giant storm cloud lifting to reveal the sun. She hadn't been
able to work in years and longed to have her own source of income
to begin paying back her sister and Jason too of course. He had
been so incredibly generous; paying all her medical bills, making
sure she got the very best of care and then hiring the nurse to be
with her practically 24/7.

The problem with working however, was that
never having had a real job before, it was virtually impossible to
find something that would even cover her bills, let alone pay that
kind of money.

"Tell me, tell me, come on I can't stand it,
what is it?"

"You are going to so love it."

"Come on, please don't do this to me, you are
such a tease."

A job would so make up for the disastrous
night with Zachary Demovic and help her get that stupid, gorgeous,
arrogant, infuriating man out of her head.

"It’s well paid."

"How much?"

"Get this, $50,000 a year starting pay."

Her jaw dropped. She would have been thrilled
with half that--it just didn't seem possible.

"How can that be? I've got no

"Don't worry about that, they'll train

"Who's they?"

"You're going to meet lots of new

"Does lots of new people include male

"Don't worry about that little sister, just
learn the job first. Of course there'll be boys--"

"Men, Melissa. I'm looking for men."

"Jesus Christ have you been eating raw steak

"It's easy for you to say with Jason Demovic
jumping your skinny bones every night of the week, but I haven't
seen action in this decade and the last one wasn't great

Melissa smiled to herself. Her little sister
meant everything to her. Suzy gave meaning to her older sister's
and with her carefree attitude and light-hearted way of looking at
things she was capable of lifting all the weight of the world from
Melissa's shoulders.

"I better warn them to lock up the single men
in this place before you get to work tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!" She squealed. "So soon! No, I
just can't, I need time. I need time to--"

"To what? Get a makeover? This is work
cupcake, not a dating game. You have a couple of good business
suits, just get out the steam iron and be ready by 8am


"Yeah, that's the time us working folk leave
the house, but how would you know that?"

"What's the address? Where do I need to be?
And for God's sake what is the Goddamn job already?"

"Get this little sister." She paused. "Are
you ready for this?"

"So help me Melissa, if you don't tell me I
will scream until your eardrums bleed."

Melissa was loving it. She hadn't heard her
little sister so excited about anything since they had found about
the altruistic and anonymous kidney donor who had so generously
agreed to change their lives forever. But that excitement had been
different, it was the tearful relief of a heavy burden, the
reprieve of a slow death sentence. This excitement was the pure joy
of something new and fun happening in your life.

She held the phone away from her ear as the
screaming Suzy threatened had already begun.

"Okay, okay!" she shouted into the
mouthpiece. "You're going to be PA to a top executive."

The screaming continued.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! But how?
I've never done that before. How am I going to do it?"

"Calm down. It's okay, really it is. He's a
really nice guy. Well, once you get to know him."

"Who is it?"

"Listen very, very carefully."

She let her simmer for one more tense moment
of silent anticipation.

"It's Zachary Demovic! Can you believe it?
Jason's brother urgently needs a new PA. The guy goes through them
like six packs of beer on Super Bowl Sunday. He wants someone new
and fresh who can listen to him, understand his needs and not try
to do things their own way."

Melissa held the phone away from her ear
again expecting more eardrum splitting screams of delight, but
there was complete silence.

"Did you hear me?"

"Huh? Yes Melissa, yes I sure did."

"So? Isn't that great news?"

"Of course, of course it is. But Melissa, are
you sure about this?" Suzy was trembling and white as a sheet. This
should have been good news except for what had just taken place in
her apartment with her new boss.

Out of shock Suzy began to feel her ire rise;
obviously the bastard had known about this all along and had lead
her on for his own weird and perverted reasons.

"What do you mean am I sure about this? No, I
mixed him up with another billionaire. My apologies, it's Warren

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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