Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (29 page)

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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He stood up and walked slowly towards her
with his own plate of jagged bread and lumpy cheese in his hand.
Suddenly Suzy regretted her actions. He was just trying to be nice
to her and she had thrown it in his face. Probably he really did
have a private chef and that was really the best her could do.

His shadow loomed over her and she realized
just how tall and huge he was compared to her small frame. He was
very close to her but she didn't back off. After all, she was in
her own home. His broad chest was right in front of her nose, she
could smell just a hint of his obviously expensive designer cologne
and felt again the thrill of proximity to such a large and
attractive male of the species in her very own home.

She lifted her head just a shade and turned
her eyes up, waiting to see what expression was on the man's
impossibly handsome face. Was he still upset? She should have been
afraid, or at least a little nervous, but she wasn't. Suzy was
surprised to find herself incredibly excited and ready for



Chapter Three


Zachary looked down at the slim frame of the woman in
front of him. He was still inexplicably stung from her rejection of
his stupid badly made sandwich. Why the hell was it affecting him
so profoundly? He had blown off multi-million dollar deals and
software releases gone wrong without a second thought. He had had
three star Michelin meals dumped over his head in public and just
gone back to finishing his entrée as though nothing had

But this damn sandwich? He was more upset
about it than the maddening hold up in the construction of his
Demovic University site.

He was impressed. This girl was provoking
very strong reactions in him in more ways than one.

The young woman's eyes looked up at him and
appeared huge from the angle below him.

In an instant he stooped to kiss her. It was
automatic. A response of pure instinct that surprised him as much
as it did her.

He felt a wobble in his knees and more
disconcertingly, the beginning of trouble in his trousers, serious
trouble. There was a teenage boy size boner developing in his
Calvin Klein shorts. He gasped slightly and took a step back.

"Where's that phone." He grunted as he opened
the pedal bin and slid his own sandwich in on top of hers. "Order
some takeout if the place is so good." He put his plate on the
counter and walked briskly back to the sofa, relieved to sit down
as the pesky boner grew in size between his powerful thighs.

This is freaking ridiculous.
thought with exasperation.
I am never babysitting again. Screw
you Jason and screw you Melissa.

Suzy took in a deep breath, blinked her eyes
and waited for her brain to recover from the blaze of hormonal fire
that just had wiped thoughts.

"Did you just…?"

"I did. I'm sorry. It was an accident. Let's
just order out and forget about it. Like I said, I'm sorry. It was
a mistake. My mistake."

He couldn't do this. It wouldn't be fair.
There was too much she didn't know about him for this to even be
contemplated. Their relationship was about as imbalanced as it
could get. grasping, rake thin socialites and celebrities were fair
game, but Suzy was a real person, almost a relative at this point
and then there was the whole kidney transplant thing as well.

"My mistake." He repeated.

Suzy was relieved and disappointed at the
same time. Disappointed about what, she wasn't exactly sure. What
did she really expect him to do? Sweep her up in his arms, take her
to the bedroom and ravish her within an inch of her life?

That'd be nice.
She thought and then
quickly suppressed the idea.

She looked at Zachary and he was back to his
unreadable self again, like a man carved from stone. He was
obviously regretting what had happened; kissing a stupid little
girl like her when he had bevies of beautiful women at his beck and

Act like it never happened.
She told
Eat some Chinese food, make small talk and then go to

She picked up the phone and hit the speed
dial for the Soon Big Chinese takeaway. She cleared her throat and
then ordered her usual; Moo Shoo Pork with egg noodles and fried

"What would you like?" She asked Zachary, her
voice unsteady.

"Whatever." he said, taking a swig from his
beer bottle. He was still clearly upset about what he had done.

"Everything twice." She said and hung up the

"I'm sorry about the sandwich." She said

"I think I'd better go." He said, standing up
quickly, his unexpected wood now under control.
Better get the
hell out of here before the damn thing stands to attention again
and I make a bigger fool of myself than I already have.

Suzy felt a huge pang of disappointment. He
grated on her but she passionately wanted him to stay. It didn't
make sense.

"I've just ordered take out for you." She
said desperately.

"Here." He said and put a hundred dollar bill
on the counter. "That should cover it."

"That's way too much." She said.

"Keep the change."

"Keep the change? What do think I am? Your
twelve year old niece? I don’t need your change money or your

"Whatever." He picked the bill back up

She thought.
Please don't go.
Just stay a little bit longer.
The thoughts raced through her
mind. Earlier in the evening she had longed for privacy but
suddenly she couldn't bear the thought of him leaving. She was
surrounded by people all the time but was realizing just how
acutely alone she always felt. Zachary was nearly at the door. He
would disappear from her life again back to his billionaire tycoon
life-style, back to his night-clubs and bars, his socialites and
starlets. She might not see him for another eight months or even

"Ohhh…" She cried out loudly and put her hand
to the scar on her back where the donor kidney had gone in. Zachary
turned instantly and was by her side in a second, sweeping her up
in his arms.

"What's wrong?" He said, his earlier
gruffness subsumed by intense concern.

She felt his strong arms surround her, his
warm breath on her neck and her own heart begin to pound as wild
hormones coursed through her.

"It's okay." She said. "Just a twinge, you
know? From the surgery. It's fine." She stared at his strong,
handsome neck as she spoke. She couldn't believe she was in his
arms so soon again--twice in the one evening. How many women could
say they had been swept up into Zachary Demovic's arms not once but
twice in the one day?

Probably more than you think.
thought and felt a spike of jealousy go through her.

"You're not okay." He said. "That's it. I'm
staying. And you're going to bed right now."

"No!!" Her room was a total mess. She
couldn't let him in there.

"No arguments." His arms squeezed her tightly
pressing her well developed breasts sensually against his strong
chest. "It's out of your hands now. Which way is the bedroom?"

"Let me go." She struggled in his arms but it
was useless, he was huge and determined.

"Has to be this way." He said and marched
down the hallway. Suzy continued struggling but somehow it was only
making her even more aroused. She was ashamed of the condition of
her bedroom but at the same time she was wildly turned on to be
physically manhandled by Zachary into her own boudoir, like a
primeval male about to have his way with her.

He pushed the door in with his foot and then

"You have got to be kidding me." He said.

"Put me down." She squealed and wriggled in
his arms.

"This is how you live? For real?"

He surveyed the strewn clothing everywhere,
the underwear on display on the floor and hanging from open
drawers. In spite of himself he felt another raging boner beginning
to threaten his pants. This was the bedroom of a real girl, no, a
. Although he had invaded countless feminine
spaces in his time they had nearly always been pristine, prepped
for his arrival, temples of seduction, totally and absolutely fake
in every way. This messy bedroom took him back to the first girl he
had ever dated. He had just finished high-school but it was still
the closest thing to a real relationship with a woman he had ever
had. The girl had been a little older than him and he had felt so
intimidated and turned on at the same time whenever she took him to
her bed.

She had been about Suzy's age at the time,
early twenties, and he had been barely eighteen, but she had seemed
so old, so mature. Suzy at the same age seemed still like such a
little girl to him. Or did she? He confused and he didn't like

He put her gently to the floor again.

"I'm uh, sorry Suzy. Look, you get ready for
bed and let me know when it's okay to come in, alright?"

"Get out." She said, bristling with
embarrassment and the desire to have her bones jumped all at the
same time.

"Of course." He turned and left.

When the door closed she sat down on the bed,

Couldn't anything ever go right for her where
boys were concerned?

Jesus Suzy, stop calling them boys, you
aren't sixteen anymore.

Why the hell hadn't she tidied up her room?
On the other hand, why on earth would she have bothered? The only
people who ever entered it apart from her were her nurse, Melissa
and Bella her best friend. There was also an element of rebellion
against her big sister in the untidiness; Melissa was so organized
and anal about everything that Suzy knew the condition of the room
was a constant source of annoyance for her and quietly relished the

Suddenly she wanted to be alone again. All
she would ever do with a man like Zachary Demovic was embarrass
herself. He was out of her league and he obviously thought of her
as some kind of charity case, overgrown child that he felt
responsible to look after. He was only staying because she had
faked a kidney pain for God's sake.

She set to putting on her most frumpy pajamas
and when she was done she went over to the little box where Harry
her pet ferret was sleeping. The two together were guaranteed to
kill any sexual feelings she was having towards Zachary. They could
eat Moo Shoo together and then she would go to bed and get a good
night's rest. She needed it.

When she was ready she left the room and
schlepped up the hallway in her giant panda feet slippers. Harry
nestled in her arms. With a bit of luck the affectionate rodent
would keep Zachary at a distance as he did most men. The little guy
was ragingly jealous about her contact with other males and
regularly put fear into the mailman, the landlord and any other man
that set foot near her. Even the superhumanly charming Jason
Demovic had to keep his distance when Harry was in the room.

When she got to the living room Zachary was
just finishing laying the table. The takeout had arrived and he was
serving it onto dishes.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "We can just
eat from the containers, you don't need to lay the table."

Zachary smiled and walked around the table
straight towards her. She was taken aback again. Somehow his
proximity seemed to shut her brain down every time and turn her
hormones wildly up.

Before she knew it he had scooped Harry up
into his arms and was walking around the living room.

"Now who's this little guy?" He said with his
back to her, cradling the rodent.

"Be careful!" She warned him. "He could go
for your eyes."

Zachary turned around and Suzy was astonished
to see her tiny, jealous friend and protector licking the
billionaire's face like a well trained lapdog.

"What the…?" She couldn't believe her

"This little guy? I don't think so. What's
his name?"

"That's, uh… his name is…" Her mind went
blank. Zachary looked at her with a mocking grin on his face and
then ended the sentence for her.


"My God, how did you know?"

He lifted the tiny medal on Harry's collar
with his large index finger. "Says right here." Harry licked the
finger furiously. Suzy watched with her mouth open and suddenly
felt jealous of her pet. It was a first. She snatched him out of
Zachary's arms and marched back to the bedroom with him.

She scolded him as she returned him to his

"You're supposed to be protecting me you
little rat." She hissed. Harry looked back at her with the closest
thing to a knowing smirk of condescension that a ferret is capable

"Ugh." she grunted in frustration as she
closed the closet door. "Men."

When she stood up Zachary was right behind

"Jesus Christ." She said. "You followed

"You didn't say where you were going. I just
wanted to make sure Harry was okay."

It was a lie. He wanted to be in this woman's
bedroom again and he couldn't see the point of resisting it. He had
completely forgotten about that first relationship all those years
ago and this room, in all its feminine disorganization, the smell
of the woman who lived there, lay there, dreamed there, it was like
a spell taking him back to that time before Zachary Demovic
billionaire, public figure and playboy had come into existence.

It was frightening but exhilarating at the
same time.

"Please just get out." She said quietly.

He nodded his head and complied.

"Men." Suzy hissed again as she watched him
leave. This particular man had to be the most exasperating
individual she had ever met in her whole life.

When she arrived back at the table he had
served neat portions of Moo Shoo and noodles onto her plate, as
though trying to prove that he was not a complete idiot where
things of the kitchen were concerned.

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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