Read The Forbidden Lord Online

Authors: Sabrina Jeffries

The Forbidden Lord (16 page)

Her breath caught in her throat. His hot gaze was fixed on the swells pushed up by her short corset until they nearly spilled out of her gown. She ought to cover herself, but her hands inexplicably stayed tangled in his hair. Starting in the hollow at the base of her throat, he dragged his index finger slowly down between her breasts.

“Don’t…you shouldn’t…be so wicked, Jordan.”

“Wicked?” he rasped. “I’ve not been nearly wicked enough with you.” Hooking his finger beneath her bodice and chemise, he tugged the muslin down on one side. Her breast sprang free as if eager to flaunt itself for him.

Shocked at her own acquiescence, she dropped her hand to her bodice, but he caught it, imprisoning her fingers while his other hand reached for her exposed breast. His eyes met hers in a look as potent as opium and just as mesmerizing. Wordlessly, he ran his thumb over the nipple, which puckered into a tight little knot beneath his deft touch.

“Goodness…gracious,” she gasped when he stroked and teased it again. Curse the seductive wretch. It felt so…so thrilling!

She couldn’t bear looking at him, at the triumph in his face. But as her eyes drifted shut, she didn’t stop him from touching her either. The urge to experience his caresses overwhelmed her modesty as
the exquisite sensations turned her knees to putty and her resolve into air.

When he took her mouth again in a searing, sensuous kiss, she rose to it, welcomed it, slid into it as if into a waking dream. She was as boneless as a sleeping cat, except that she wasn’t asleep. She was awake, and so very alive, more alive than she’d ever been in her life.

Somewhere in the swirl of wild, ungoverned excitement, she realized that his hands launched twin assaults—one freeing her other breast while his other hand inched above her garter to stroke the soft, inner skin of her upper thigh. At the intimate caress, she abandoned all pretense that she might resist. The reckless Lady Emma had completely possessed her, filling her with a fierce urge to feel his hands on her.

How could she have spent so many years in complete ignorance of what a man could do…could tempt a woman to do? She craved every glide of his fingers across her sensitized nipples, every wispy caress, every sweet, tormenting motion.

His parted lips left hers to trail openmouthed kisses over her cheeks, her closed eyelids, her temples. She couldn’t think or move or do anything but be. Her world had shrunk to this alluring exchange of intimacies. The scent of marble dust and the rough wooden table beneath her curling fingers were her only links to the physical world beyond him.

Then his mouth followed a path down the slope of one breast, and before she knew it, he was devouring it as he rolled the nipple of the other between his thumb and finger.

Goodness gracious! How wanton, how sinful!

How delightful. A moan escaped her lips as she
arched back, letting him suck her breast so hard she nearly shot up off the table from the sheer pleasure of it.

“Jordan,” she whispered as she raised her hands to grip his shoulders. “My God…Jordan…this is…this is…so…so…”

“Scandalous?” he murmured against her breast.


He drew back from her with a grin. “That’s what I adore about you,” he said as he took his hands off her long enough to remove his coat and toss it on the table, then unbutton his waistcoat. “You aren’t ashamed of a little honest pleasure.”

Somewhere in the depths of her fevered brain she registered that he shouldn’t be removing his coat. But then he caught her hands and placed them inside his waistcoat to rest against his ribs, and the urge to explore his body the way he was exploring hers became almost painful. Shamelessly wishing he would also remove his linen shirt, she felt along his sides with curious fingers, molding the muscles as she went. They were as firm as the sculpted ones of the naked figure behind her, hard and lean and very male.

When her hands reached his waist, he groaned, then unbuttoned the top two buttons of his trousers. Grabbing her gloveless hand, he slid it inside. “Touch me,” he whispered, his gaze hot on her as she resisted feebly. “Touch me as you touched him.”


“The statue.” His voice was hoarse with need as he pushed her hand down to where something long and hard strained against his stockingette drawers. “The centaur.”

“I didn’t…touch him like this.”

“You might as well have,” he choked out. “You
made me jealous of the damned statue, for God’s sake.”

His admission thrilled her. It was surely wrong to put her hand on his groin and certainly beneath his trousers, but she wanted to touch him very badly. Besides, looking at that statue had roused her curiosity. Timidly, she curled her fingers around him as he bade.

The hard thing leapt to life in her hands, and she let go with a gasp.

“No, don’t,” he groaned, then pushed her hand back to cup him. Her mouth went dry as his hand urged hers to stroke him. “God, yes, like that. Don’t stop.”

He thrust against her hand a couple of times, his eyes closed, his expression one of sheer need.

But when she tightened her grip on him out of curiosity to see the effect, his eyes shot open and he jerked her hand out of his trousers with a curse. “That’s too good. No more. I can’t take any more.”

His wanton gaze locked with hers as he reached for the hem of her skirt and drew it up so high it bared her legs nearly above the knees. “Your turn,” he whispered with a teasing smile that froze her breath in her throat.

What did he mean?

He showed her. Smoothing his hands up her thighs, he caressed her lightly above her garters. Then she felt his fingers open the slit in her drawers. She tried to clamp her legs together, but his body between them prevented that. “Jordan, I don’t know if you—”

The first caress made her jerk. The second made her sigh. By the third, she was aching for more, her hips writhing on the table in her attempt to get closer to his teasing fingers. “Dear heavens, Jordan…

“Yes, Emma?” He stroked her again, and she gasped. “Do you like that? Have I pleased you?”

“Goodness gracious—”

Whatever else she might have said was lost in the needy kiss he gave her. He fondled her devilishly, driving her to madness. She no longer cared what happened to her. She was in the arms of the man she’d dreamed feverishly about for weeks, and he was showing her what passion was all about. Everything else paled by comparison.

Her hands gripped his shoulders, flexing and unflexing as he made her twitch and wiggle. When he slid his finger inside her, she was beyond being shocked. This was what she’d been waiting for, what she wanted. It was delicious. She liked it—she loved it!

“God, how I’ve wanted to do this from the first moment I saw you,” he rasped out. “I’ve wanted to touch you, to have you in my arms like this, to be inside you, my sweet, adorable darling.”

The endearment sent a thrill coursing through her.

“I’ve thought of nothing but you since we kissed,” he said fervently, his finger driving deep inside her.

Somehow she’d grown damp inside, making it easier for him to stroke her. “And they say you have no romantic feeling,” she whispered as she clutched at his shoulders. “How wrong they are!”

He delved inside the slick passage between her legs with a particularly insolent caress. “This isn’t romantic feeling, my dear. This is desire, pure and simple. I’ve never lacked for that. Not for you.”

It took a few seconds for his words to drift through the haze of seduction, but when they did, she froze and drew back to look at him. “Wh-what did you say?”

He nuzzled her ear, his finger still thrusting inside her. “I said I’ve always wanted you. Surely you knew that.”

His words were like a cold bucket of water dumped on her head. All her rampant urges and shameful impulses died at once.

The…the lecherous wretch! She’d thought he wanted her, but he’d just wanted
! Oh, mercy, she was going to be sick. She’d been such a fool!

Frantically, she grabbed at his arms, trying to get his hands off of her.

“What the devil are you doing?!” he cried when she dragged his hands from beneath her skirts. The incredulous look on his face was exactly what she deserved for being so stupid.

“Get away from me!” she cried desperately. “I don’t want your hands on me!”

“Damn it, Emma,” he growled as he reached for her. “What nonsense is this?”

“It’s not nonsense!” She batted his hands away, then shoved free of him and leapt off the table, hurrying to the opposite end of the room. She turned her back to him. “I won’t…I
do this shameful thing! It’s wrong!”

As tears of mortification and anger welled in her eyes, she fumbled with her clothing, trying to straighten it, trying not to think of the things she’d let him do. And all because she’d been foolish enough to think he actually cared for her! She would have fully given herself to him if she’d thought he was in love with her.

But no, not Jordan. Not him, with his hard heart. It had been lust and nothing more. For goodness sake, it hadn’t even been for
, but for Lady Emma! And only because he thought the woman from Scotland was as experienced as those…
those fancy women he spent all his time with. The bastard!

“Emma, there’s no shame in making love,” he bit out as he came up behind her.

He laid his hands on her shoulders, but she shrugged them off. “No shame for you,” she whispered. “But no matter what you think of me, I do have a reputation to uphold. And if I throw my virtue away—”

“Throw your virtue away,” he said sarcastically. “It’s a little late for that, isn’t it?”

Horror gripped her as she swung around to face him. “You don’t mean that what we just did…that I…” She knew something of how a woman lost her virginity, but not in great detail. He’d put his fingers inside her. Was that the same as…did that mean he…“Did you take my…my virginity?” she asked, appalled by the possibility.

“What the devil! Don’t you know?”

“Of course I don’t know!” she cried in sheer frustration. “I’ve never been with a man like…like that! How would I know?”

His jaw went taut, and he looked decidedly ill. “I thought…from the way you acted in the garden, the way you kissed me…hell, from the way you acted just now, the things you allowed me to do, I thought—”

“I did those because I believed you cared about me!” she burst out, then instantly regretted the confession. “I was curious, and you were so…so—”

“Persuasive.” His voice was now under his wretched control. “Yes, I have a talent for persuasion. And I wanted you, Emma. I still want you. But that’s all there is to it. If you think that this little encounter shall result in marriage—”

“Oh, for goodness sake,” she snapped, remembering their first time in the carriage. “I’ve never
seen a man so convinced that women are trying to trap him into marriage!” Rage made her reckless. “
not the one who dragged you in here!
not the one who wanted ‘one kiss’! In case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve had my share of suitors since I came to London. I don’t need to trick some hapless man into marriage, Jordan!”

For a moment, he looked stunned. Then his eyes narrowed, and his tone grew icy. “You’ve said that before, Emily.”

She started to retort, then froze. She
used those exact words—the first time they’d met, in the carriage. And he’d just called her Emily, not Emma.

Her heart sank. Dear heavens, he knew. He knew because he’d made her so angry she’d forgotten her role. A thousand curses upon him! She couldn’t even take it back or invent some explanation for her words. Playing a role was beyond her at the moment, when her emotions were raw and he was standing there, his hands clenched in fury.

Panic-stricken, she darted toward the door.

“Emily, no!” he growled as he lunged toward her.

But he was too late to prevent her. Praying that the guard was still there, she pounded furiously on the door and shouted, “We’re ready to leave! You can let us out now!”

“Yes, milady,” a muffled voice answered.

Relief coursed through her at the welcome sound of a key being inserted in a lock. Then Jordan pinned her against the door so hard she could feel his arousal against her backside. “Devil take you, Emily, we have to talk,” he hissed under his breath.

She shook her head violently. “Let go of me! I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” The door shuddered beneath her fingers. “Release me or I swear I’ll scream.”

He hesitated, his breath hot and hard against her cheek. She felt the guard trying to open the door, but Jordan still had her braced against it.

“Milady, is there something blocking the door?” the guard called out through the door. “I can’t seem to move it.”

She twisted her head to glare at Jordan, daring him to attempt keeping her in there. For a long moment, he glared back, and she feared he might actually do it.

Then with a curse he stepped away, allowing her to step away from the door, too.

It swung open at once. The guard looked suspiciously from Jordan to her. “Is everything all right, milady?”

She forced her voice to be calm. “Everything’s fine, thank you.” She walked out, grateful that there was no one else in this part of the museum at the moment.

“Wait!” Jordan said behind her.

She paused, all too aware of the guard’s gaze on her. “Yes?”

“You’ve left your bonnet and glove behind, Miss Fairchild,” Jordan said acidly.

She faced him slowly, hardly able to meet his implacable gaze. He held the items out, and she took them, not even bothering to correct him. It was silly to go on pretending with him. He knew who she was now.

The enormity of that fact suddenly struck her. She couldn’t just walk away, not without making some attempt to salvage the situation. She cast the guard a pointed look. “Excuse me, sir, would you give us another moment alone?”

The guard scowled at Jordan, whose missing coat and waistcoat surely demonstrated that something had been going on in the room besides sim
ple admiration of the arts. But if he noticed, he didn’t say anything. With a curt nod in her direction, he turned away. “All right. But I’ll be over here, miss, if you need me.”

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