The Billionaire's Impulsive Lover (The Sisterhood) (13 page)


Claire didn’t care how he proceeded though. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she moved with him, but more for herself, moving to ease the building ache, the fire that was consuming her. The faster he moved, the higher the fire built until it exploded all around her, her body clinging to his as the world spun out of control.


Mitch watched her climax for all of two seconds before her body pulled him into his own. Pulling her close, he captured her scream in his own mouth, covering hers as they both climaxed.




Chapter 8


Claire sighed, feeling wonderfully content and warm and she snuggled into that warmth, pressing against the heat behind her and smiling happily. There was a hazy sun coming through the lace covered curtains and a warmth on her back that was unusually nice, she thought. As her mind shifted from sleep to consciousness, the events of the previous night slowly came back to her. She realized the warmth was Mitch and the heat was his body while his arm was wrapped around her waist, his other arm was her pillow.


A heavy hand came around to her stomach, pulling her more tightly against that warmth. “Keep that up and you’re going to wake up a lot faster,” he growled into her ear, then proceeded to bite her ear lobe while his hand moved up to cup her breast.


Claire smiled as she felt his body’s response to his own and her movements. “I thought you ran out of condoms last night.”


“I went out about midnight for additional supplies. Which is why you didn’t get much sleep last night, and it’s already about nine in the morning.”


Claire gasped and sat up in the bed, looking at the clock with growing horror. “Nine o’clock? It can’t be! We have to get out of here,” she said and jumped up from the bed, taking the sheet with her to wrap around her nakedness. It wasn’t hard to grab though because the bed sheets were mostly on the floor along with the pillows and the comforter. She knew they’d had some pretty physical activities last night, but she’d had no idea that they’d destroyed the bed clothes so dramatically. She tossed the fitted sheet onto the bed at him. “Here, you make the bed while I shower.”


He grabbed the sheet and tossed it to the end. “It’s your fault it came off last night,” he said and followed her naked into the shower, reaching in and turning on the hot water while at the same time, ripping the sheet off of her. “But regardless of who did it or how the sheets came off, we are definitely not making the bed.”


“We can’t leave it like that,” she said, but then gasped when he lifted her up, high enough so her nipple was at his mouth level, at which time he took full advantage of her bra-less state.


Claire let her head drop against her back, wrapping her legs around his waist as he sucked on her nipple, biting it gently and making her squirm. Mitch deftly carried her into the shower where the warm water cascaded over their bodies, adding to the sensuality of their lovemaking. As did the scented soap Mitch rubbed all over her, making his hands slick and driving her more insane.


About an hour later, she sighed as she looked across the room as Mitch pulled on the shirt he’d been wearing the day before. “I’m starving,” Claire said as she fluffed her hair as best she could. They hadn’t brought any clothes or makeup, so she looked like a fresh faced teenager. Her freckles were even showing now that she didn’t have the concealer to hide them from Mitch’s curious perusal.


“Don’t look at me like that,” she said as she caught him staring at her in the mirror. He was completely dressed looking fresh and clean while she felt rumpled and ridiculous without her makeup and hairspray to keep her curls in some sort of organized style.


“You look more beautiful without makeup on than you do with it. You should go out like that all the time,” he said.


Claire rolled her eyes. “That’s a sweet thing to say, but it’s not going to happen,” she confirmed.


He sighed and took her hand in his. “Come on, woman. You wore me out. I’m starving and breakfast is about to end if we don’t get down there.”


Thankfully, when they arrived in the dining room, breakfast was still in full swing. Apparently many of the guests were getting a late start this morning because of the storm the previous night.


They were immediately shown to a table and told that the breakfast was buffet style with plates at the end. Mitch took her hand and dragged her over to the buffet table, then proceeded to load up her plate with eggs, fruit, sausage and muffins, adding twice as much to his own plate.


“What happened to the healthy stuff you were talking about last night?”


He didn’t even look at her as he loaded more onto both their plates, adding a blueberry muffin to the corner of his own. “You wore me out. I need as many calories I can absorb to get back my energy,” he explained as he topped everything off with two large glasses of orange juice. “Move, woman,” he said and playfully spanked her bottom to get her moving back to their table.


Claire laughed and chatted about everything while Mitch ate and responded to her inquiries but not adding a whole lot to the conversation as he ate. When he finished his plate, he looked over at hers and started on the half she hadn’t finished. She became silent as he took over her leftovers and he looked up. “Why did you stop talking?” he asked.


Claire hid her hands under the table and shrugged. “I sounded like a chatterbox, didn’t I?”


“I like listening to you,” he said and took another piece of her bacon.


That was definitely a surprise. With a bright smile, she laughed and shook her head. “You’re definitely not the man I thought you were when we first met.”


“Good to know. I think,” he said and finished off her scrambled eggs, then snatched her orange juice, downing the remainder in seconds. “Are you ready to go?” he asked when he was finished.


She stared at him across the table. “Don’t you need to digest or something?”


“Not really. I can digest while we’re on the road.”


“On the road to where?” she asked as he pulled her up out of her chair, then tucked her against his side with his large, muscular arm draped over her shoulders, keeping her next to him.


“Back to my house. I’m sorry Claire, but we’re abandoning the search for Gary at least for today.”


She couldn’t believe how quickly Mitch had the room paid for and they were back in his Jaguar, speeding down the road, whizzing by the dewy trees as they dried out from the previous night’s rain storm. Sure enough, when they came to the main bridge that led out of town, the water was just underneath the bridge with water still puddling from where it had raged over the top during the night.


He stopped for a newspaper at a convenience store and bought two more cups of coffee, handing her one along with a handful of sugar and cream packets. “I don’t know how you like your coffee,” he explained. “Can you read while you drink?” he asked, handing her the newspaper.


“Sure.” She dumped several packets of sweetener into her coffee, then opened the paper to the front page. As he drove, she read through the main articles, then skipped on to the opinion page, laughing at several of the articles printed there.


Before she knew it, they were pulling into his driveway. Seconds later, he was around the car, opening her door and pulling her up and into his arms. He carried her inside, barely stopping to greet Duke before he carried her up the stairs.


“Did Duke go hungry last night?” she asked when he gave her a small break to open the door to his bedroom.


“He has an automatic feeder and a dog door through the kitchen. He probably was in heaven last night chasing rabbits in the back yard without me to force him inside for a break,” he replied before he focused all her attention on his hands which were quickly divesting her of her clothes.


For the rest of the afternoon and evening, Mitch proceeded to show her all the different ways to make love, everything she’d missed over the years while she held out for this kind of passion with a man.


Sunday evening, she forced him to take her home, explaining that she desperately needed a full night’s sleep so she could be productive in the morning at work.


“You can sleep here,” he said and moved his hand up her bottom.


She slapped it away, but not before the tingles started up again. “No. You know you won’t stop so that means I have to go home.” She couldn’t believe that she could still feel like this after making love so many times over the past forty eight hours. The man was a demon, she thought, wondering how other women could complain about the staying power of men when she wasn’t sure if she would be able to walk properly for several days.


In the end, he realized she wasn’t going to relent on going home and he gave in. He drove her home, but at her door, he pulled her into his arms, kissing her until she was clinging to him. “Go to sleep, princess,” he said softly and gently pushed her inside her door.


Claire moved slowly up to her bedroom. Taking a long, warm shower, she almost wished Mitch was here with her, remembering the showers in his huge marble bathroom as well as the late night swims in his enormous pool. The feeling of the water on her naked skin had felt incredibly erotic.


She fell into bed and slept until her alarm went off the following morning, groaning as she shut it off and afraid she might not be able to make it in to the office.


The only thing that got her going was the thought of seeing Mitch during the day. She didn’t always see him, but he was usually visible as he went to meetings with his various department heads. Mitch wasn’t like other CEOs that stayed up on the top floor and had his people come to him. He went out and met with the staff members, hearing from them and seeing how they were doing. He’d told her over the weekend that it gave him a better sense of what was happening in the company.


She didn’t see Mitch at all that day, but when she arrived home, she found a huge bouquet of flowers sitting outside her doorway. The card was simple. It only said, “Good night sleep?” with an M at the bottom.


Claire smiled as she brought them into her kitchen, the wonderful rose scent filling the small area and lightening her mood enormously. She left him a message that night, but unfortunately, didn’t get a chance to talk to him. In an effort to not become too depressed, and feeling a bit silly for needing him so much, she picked up her decorating magazines and sorted through the pictures, clipping the ones she thought would look good in his house. She’d been pleasantly surprised when she’d walked into his great room and all the furniture she’d suggested had been perfectly positioned around the room. The odd request for her to get naked and lay on the couch hadn’t even bothered her, so pleased at the idea that he’d liked her suggestions. And once she’d done as he’d asked, he’d followed her down. Making love on a couch definitely had different possibilities than a bed, she thought with a silly smile as she clipped out an elegant four poster bed which reminded her somewhat of the bed they’d shared at the bed and breakfast that first night.


The following morning, she sent the pictures up to his office via inter office mail, along with a note that said, “No obligations – just some suggestions.”




Chapter 9


When she didn’t hear from him that day, or the next, she vacillated between angry and sad. In desperation, she stopped at the grocery store on the way home and stocked up on her normal hobby supplies. When she walked into her townhouse, she proceeded to bake all of her favorite foods. There were brownies with a mint frosting, chocolate chip cookies with brandy flavoring in addition to the traditional vanilla flavoring, a key lime pie as well as a peanut butter and chocolate pie, both with cookie crusts.


It was midnight by the time she finally gave up and headed to her bed, feeling no better than when she’d started. Furious that even her old reliable hobby of baking hadn’t soothed her heartache, she fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of running after something that wasn’t there only to run into brick walls when she turned a corner.


Days ago, she wouldn’t have believed that Mitch was one of those love ‘em and leave ‘em types, but the evidence over the past few days was to sharp for her to ignore.


Wednesday morning was awful. At the beginning of the week, she’d anticipated any possible sight of Mitch in the hallways, elevator or parking lot. Now, as she parked in a different space on the opposite side of the building, she dreaded the possibility. She was so angry at herself for falling for his sweet words and caring looks that she was almost sick.


“You’re just like all the other men!” she spat as she slammed her car door. “But that’s okay. I understand,” she said, talking to herself as she stomped to the side doors, entering from the basement instead of the main lobby so she could avoid even the possibility of seeing him. She didn’t want the disappointment, so if she eliminated the potential, there couldn’t be any disappointment.


There was frustration. And sadness. And a large dose of humiliation that she’d given in to a guy who was a master at seduction.


“Hey Claire!” David Phelps said, sticking his head in her doorway. “A group of us are going out for drinks tonight. Want to join us?”


Normally, Claire would have politely turned him down. But since all she was going to do tonight was mope around her kitchen baking more cookies, it would probably be better if she just changed the scenery. Maybe then she wouldn’t waste so many groceries.

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