The Billionaire's Impulsive Lover (The Sisterhood) (12 page)


“Have you ever had sex, Claire?” he asked softly, filling up her wine glass.


“No,” she finally admitted, but wouldn’t look at him again.


“Would you care to explain? You’re a beautiful, incredibly sexy woman and I’m sure there were ample opportunities in the past with other men. What’s held you back?”


She concentrated on cutting her stuffed chicken into small, bite sized pieces carefully in an effort to avoid looking up at him. “Do we really have to discuss this?”


He hesitated, then nodded. “I think we do.”


She placed her knife and fork at precise angles on her plate, then looked out the window once again. “In high school, when I started to….fill out… for lack of a better term,” she started off, “the guys were pretty obnoxious, panting over any of the females who were actually starting to show a feminine figure. I was one of them, and it was a complete turn off. While the other girls used their newfound feminine figures to gain power over the guys, I only wanted men to take me seriously and pay attention to my brain instead of my breasts when I conversed with them. Once the rest of the female population showed their feminine feathers, the boys drifted off from the initial group of feminine butterflies, but still wouldn’t leave me alone. I dated some, but there was almost a time limit each guy would give me before he would expect more than just kissing. So I simply stopped dating.”


He didn’t say anything and Claire was grateful as he patiently waited for her to continue her story. “When I went to college, I started dating again, but the guys there were much more aggressive. I tried with one or two guys, but I couldn’t go through with it. I really needed to feel something more than just friendship for a guy before I slept with him.”


“And you didn’t find any guy that was worth taking the risk?”


She shrugged, picking up her fork and moving the rice around on her plate. “None of them let me get to know them before the pressure started.”


“So you stopped dating again?”


“Yes. For a while I wondered if I was gay.”


He smiled and shook his head. “You’re not gay, Claire.”


She laughed softly, feeling good about his emphatic tone. “I know.”


“Please tell me you experimented though.” He said this with a glimmer in his eyes.


She couldn’t help but laugh once again. “No. I’m sorry but I didn’t get that close. I had lots of female friends, but women just didn’t do anything for me.”


He sighed. “It’s just as well. I’m having enough trouble keeping my mind from straying. The idea of you being with another woman would just send me over the top.”


“Why do men like that so much?” she asked, taking a moment for the reprieve.


“I don’t know. We just do. Continue the story. You’re in your mid-twenties. Tell me what happened after college.”


She shrugged and took a deep breath. “About the same thing. Men became a bit more sophisticated, but they still wanted the same thing. And none were willing to date me longer than a week before they expected an engraved invitation to my bed.”


“Then Gary came along.”


“Yep,” she confirmed. “Then Gary came along. He was nice at first, very sweet. And I kept bracing for him to push me just like all the others. But he never did. We would go out to dinner, laugh, talk, joke around and then he’d take me home, leaving me on my doorstep with a simple kiss on the cheek. It was refreshing.”


He finished up his salmon and poured water for himself and her from the pitcher the waitress had left. “Can you tell me what you’re waiting for?”


“What do you mean?” she asked, taking the water and enjoying the cooling sensation as the icy water slid down her burning throat.


“What would be your criteria for giving in and having sex?”


She thought about that for a long moment, never having been asked that before. “I don’t know. It’s always been an issue to say no that I’ve never thought about a reason to say yes. I guess it would just have to feel right.”


“What would feel right to you?”


She shrugged, feeling enormously relieved that she’d finally admitted the truth to him. When the subject of sex came up with other men, she never would have told any of them that she’d never been with another man. With Mitch, it just felt right to tell him the truth and have him understand her history and why she had such a hard line.


“I guess I’m waiting for the guy who sweeps me off my feet. Someone who drives me wild when he kisses me and I don’t have any ability to say no.”


Her comment hung in the air between them. Claire realized that what she’d said was completely true. She was waiting for those amazing feelings of passion, of desire, to swarm over her so she couldn’t think anymore. None of the other men she’d dated had even come close. But every time Mitch touched her, she lost focus. When they kissed, she wasn’t ever the one to stop, it was always some external issue that interrupted them, leaving her wanting more, but still terrified of what she was feeling.


The waitress arrived at their table, smiling brightly but then realizing the tension at the table. “Should I wrap that up for you, ma’am?” she asked politely.


Claire shook her head, her gaze never leaving Mitch’s face, the intensity of the look he held her under. “No, thank you.”


“Yes,” Mitch contradicted. “She’ll need something later on,” was his only explanation but Claire understood instantly, that painful blush creeping up once again to infuse her face in color.


“Is there a hotel nearby?” Mitch asked, tearing his glance away from Claire and looking politely at the waitress.


That bright smile popped up again and Claire’s stomach just about fell out of her body. “Linda has several beautiful rooms right upstairs. I believe three of them are available if you need a place to stay for the night.”


Mitch nodded. “Tell Linda we’ll take one.


The waitress lifted the plates and bopped off to find the owner, leaving Mitch and Claire in the silence behind. Linda appeared a few moments later with a key and a smile. “It’s a good thing you decided to stay the night,” she said. “The rains have flooded the bridge out of town so it would be difficult to get out of here anyway. But here’s the key to number five, just up the stairs and at the end of the hallway. Breakfast tomorrow starts at seven but will last until about ten o’clock so no need to rush.”


Linda must have understood the tension because she moved away from the table, circumspectly busying herself with the other guests. Mitch stood up and tossed down several large bills for the meal and the tip, then turned to take Claire’s hand in his larger one.


Claire stood as well, placing her hand in his. She knew he realized she was nervous because her hand was shivering. But he held her hand firmly, leading her through the tables and up the stairs. Sure enough, at the end of the hallway was a robin’s egg blue door with a brass five nailed in the center. Mitch unlocked the door and let it swing open. Claire peered inside, trying to appear casual about what was going to happen, but she wasn’t feeling casual.


As they stood in the doorway, Mitch looked down at her carefully, trying to gauge her mood. “We don’t have to do this Claire. We can just get a good night’s sleep and continue the search tomorrow morning.”


She looked up at him, grateful for the possibility of a reprieve. But now that she was here, standing in front of him with a huge four poster bed in the middle of the lovely room, she knew that she wanted to go through with this. She wouldn’t regret this decision tomorrow, or the next day. No second thoughts, no equivocation. She wanted this man and all his gentleness and passion. She wouldn’t think about the fact that she was having sex with a man she’d known for only about two weeks.


And when he bent down to kiss her, she realized that she wouldn’t be thinking at all. Because just like in the past, as soon as he kissed her, her mind went blank and she could only feel.


He kissed her there by the door for a long time, his hands resting against her waist but not moving. Claire could feel the tension in him but didn’t understand why he was going so slowly. Reaching up, she put her hands on his shoulders, her hands moving against his tailored shirt, feeling the muscles underneath the expensive fabric and fascinated by the movement. She wanted him to do something, to show her what to do next but he barely moved, just kissed her over and over, driving her crazy both with his mouth and lack of any other movement.


Then her hands reached up and touched his neck, the skin feeling hot under her fingers and that seemed to flip a switch. Mitch groaned and picked her up, pressing his body against her as he spun them both around so her back was against the wall and his body was pressing against her chest. The feeling of helplessness made her feel soft and feminine, she pressed herself more firmly against him, feeling more of him at this height with her hips pressed against his and she wiggled, gasping as she found that her core was in exactly the right place against his erection. She experimented again and almost groaned as her movements created a friction in exactly the right place.


Mitch moved from her mouth to her neck, his hands diving under her shirt and finding her breast, all the while Claire continued to move against him, mindless now as she drove harder against his body. When his strong fingers found her nipple, her body flew apart and she cried out as she pressed against him, moving just for herself as she her orgasm took over her body, her fingers gripping his hair, holding him exactly where she wanted him to stay.


Mitch watched as this woman, his woman, climaxed in his arms fully dressed. Fascinated and more turned on than he’d ever been in his life, he shook his head, trying to re-gain control of his body. All he wanted to do right at the moment was to tear off his close, strip her naked and dive into her soft flesh to find his own release. But he wanted this to be incredible for Claire. She’d given him her trust and he wasn’t going to lose it simply because he was so hot for her.


He put his hands on her bottom and held her against him as he carried her over to the bed. Placing her gently against the soft comforter, he looked down at this vixen who had driven him crazy for so long. He had her exactly where he wanted her he thought and stood up to pull his shirt off.


Claire sat up and watched in fascination as those muscles were finally revealed to her. She loved seeing the magnificent muscles, bulging from his arms, shoulders, chest…everywhere. And when he came down to her again, his massive arms holding him above her as he waited for her to look her fill, she was too tempted to touch, her fingers reaching up and sliding against the lightly rough surface.


Mitch shuddered at her first touch and Claire loved feeling it ripple through his body and up to her fingers. She moved her hand around, trying to get that reaction once again. When her hand moved down his chest to his stomach, Mitch chuckled and grabbed her hand, shaking his head and pinning her arm over her head. “Too soon,” he growled and bent his head to nibble along her neck, his teeth pulling her sweater out of the way to reveal more of her skin.


“Must come off,” he said and his hands whipped the red sweater over her head, then froze as he looked at her red lace bra she was wearing, the lace tantalizing as he looked at her breasts, her nipples teasing him through the delicate material.


His head bent to kiss the tops of her breast while his hand reached behind her and snapped open the closure. Within moments, he had her bra off and tossed behind him and Claire gasped as his mouth covered her nipple, sucking and teasing, her fingers diving into his hair and holding on as her back arched up to his mouth in reaction.


Mitch took what was offered but couldn’t hold back any longer. Within moments, he was off the bed and pulling her slacks off, tossing his own possibly in the same place her sweater and bra had landed. He didn’t know and didn’t care. As he looked down at her body, completely naked to his gaze, he felt as if he were about to explode with the need to possess this tiny woman.


“I’m sorry, Claire,” he groaned as he bent down over her one more time. “I can’t wait any longer.” He quickly tore open a condom and moved back to her warm, welcoming body.


Claire’s body was already opening for him, desperate to feel him inside her and her welcoming arms pulled him closer, her body rising to meet his. She was just as desperate as he was and needed something to end this horrible ache inside of her. “Please don’t wait!” she said, then gasped when she felt him at her opening. Her eyes widened as he entered her, slowly, filling her up and she bit her lip as her hips adjusted to take in his size.


“Just relax, baby. You can take me, I promise.” He eased back a bit, then forward, grinding his teeth as he felt her slick body take him into her. When he felt the barrier, proving that she was indeed a virgin, he bent his head, unsure of how to proceed.


“Please!” Claire gasped. “I’m okay. Just go ahead.”


Mitch looked down at her, wondering how someone so gorgeous, so incredibly sexy, could have remained a virgin for so long. At this point though, he wasn’t going to think about it for too long. He needed all of her and with a grimace, he pushed past the barrier and buried himself fully inside her heat, then waited for her to recover.


Claire felt the resistance but was so desperate, that once the pop was completed, she him to finish the job. But when he simply stayed there, still, not moving at all, she wanted to hit him. “Mitch, please don’t stop!” and when he only looked down at her with a worried expression, she really did punch him, but very lightly. Not that anything she did to this giant of a man would hurt him physically. In fact, his reaction to her punch was a loud bark of laughter, followed by her hands being grasped by one of his own and raised over her head.

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