Read Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #Short Stories, #Erotica, #Anthologies (Multiple Authors), #Fantasy Fiction; American, #Erotic Stories; American, #Literary Collections, #Canadian

Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage (23 page)

BOOK: Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage
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She took him by the hand and led him to the front door of their small house, pausing long enough to look over her shoulder at him. He sucked in his breath at the sexual promise that made her eyes smoky and her face flush. Once they were safely inside, he shut the door behind them and pulled her into his chest. “With me, your needs, your wants, your desires will always come first. For once, someone is going to make you the more important one.”

Her lips parted in surprise and he took advantage, capturing her mouth as he slipped his tongue inside. When she responded by sucking in, he let out a groan of pleasure. Female elves were known for taking charge in the bedroom and she was living up to that reputation despite her upbringing. He grabbed a hem of her top.

“I can’t wait any longer to see all of you. May I?” She nodded her head.

Her lips were swollen from their play and her slender neck was red from his love bites. That beautiful mane of hair of hers was messed, her eyes glazed in passion. In other words, she was the most seductive thing he’d ever seen and he was about to claim her as his. He gave a silent prayer of thanks to the Goddess. After years of turning her back on him, she had finally blessed him. He slipped the shirt over her head and sucked in a breath at the sight of her perfect breasts pushed against a green lace bra. “Nice,” he praised.

“The panties match.” She took his hand and put it on the waist of her pants.

He dropped to his knees before her, his face level with her stomach. He placed a gentle kiss on the taut flesh before her circled his tongue around her navel. “So beautiful,” he praised. Slowly, he peeled down her pants so her legs were revealed, inch by succulent inch. Devin paused a few times to taste certain areas that tempted him the most—the inside of a thigh, an inner knee, a calf. Once the garment was pooled at her feet, she kicked off her shoes before he finished until she was clad only in her undergarments.

He stayed on his knees as he issued a command, “Turn around and brace your hands on the wall.” When she obeyed him, he licked his lips in anticipation. With trembling hands, he pushed her panties down to her ankles. Immediately, he was drawn to the twin globes of her ass. He rubbed his palms over the soft flesh, reveling in way she arched her back and thrust even closer to him. “Please,” she whimpered.

“Please, what?” He rubbed his hands over her again before giving her a not-so-gentle love tap.

She shrieked in pleasure.

As the flesh turned red, he licked the sting away before giving her another slap.

“I need your mouth on me.”

Another keening wail tore from her lips as he brought his hand down again. “Here?” he asked as he licked at the reddened flesh on her ass.

She turned her head and bit her bottom lip as she shook her head back and forth.

He tapped her on the other side and laved his tongue over it. “Here?”

“Devin, you’re killing me.”

Unable to hold back his delight at finding a female who knew how to make her demands known, a chuckle rumbled in his chest. Grabbing her by her soft hips, he spun around so he faced her pussy. She was wet, the moisture clinging to her dark curls and his mouth watered in anticipation. Leaning forward, he blew gently on her clit before brushing the back of his knuckles over her slick folds. “Here? Is this where you want me?”

“Yes! Oh Goddess, yes!”

As soon as he touched her with his mouth, she shattered into an orgasm thanks to all of his teasing. So he brought her to another one, using his tongue to lick, his lips to suck and his teeth to nip. She stumbled a few times as her knees buckled and she had to grab onto the doorframe so hard her fingers turned white.

This time when she screamed his name, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He stood up, unzipped his pants and moved them down just enough to free himself. As he wrapped one of her legs around his waist and thrust into her hot pussy, she let out a choked sob. He closed his eyes as he felt her body adjust to him, the sheath as tight as a glove around his cock. He slid out before entering her again, slowly so he could prolong the enjoyment for both of them.

“This is what I’ve been missing all this time,” she marveled. “I just never knew it.”

“What, great sex?” He continued to move in and out of her as he unsnapped her bra so he could palm her breasts.

“No.” She moaned when he tweaked her nipples. “You. I never knew it before I found you, but I’ve been looking for you forever.”

She moved away and he instantly mourned her enveloping heat. Until she unbuttoned and slid his shirt off his shoulders, then gave him a scorching kiss. “Now that you have taken care of my needs, it only seems fair that I take care of yours.”

“Okay, if you insist, I won’t argue with that logic.” He licked his lips, still tasting her on them as he allowed her to grab his hand and guide him down the narrow hallway that led to the bedrooms.

“Which way?” she asked.

He pointed to his door and she took him in. Once they were at the foot of his bed, he continued to let her take charge as she finished undressing him, her lips and tongue caressing him randomly, much like he had done to her earlier.

“Lie down,” she ordered before she licked the tip of his ear

He obeyed, lying down on his back, but he propped himself up on his elbows so he could watch her crawl up. She moved like a stalking cat, slowly working her way up his body, stopping at his hard cock. With a look of wonder, she gently caressed the tip, collecting a drop of pre-cum with her finger.

“Do you know what my sister told me?” she asked as she brought her digit to her mouth.

Struck dumb, he could only shake his head like an idiot as he watched her suck it clean.

“She told me that male elves could go again and again. That unlike humans, they have no trouble getting hard right after they have an orgasm. Is that true?”

He finally found his voice. “Yes.” He let out a hiss of pleasure when she gently squeezed his balls.

“I think I’m going to have fun putting that rumor to test.” She gave him a wicked smile before she wrapped her mouth around him and sucked his cock like she’d sucked her finger.

Devin jumped on first contact and barely restrained himself from thrusting forward into her sweet little mouth. Despite her dirty talk, he could tell by the hesitant way her mouth worked him she wasn’t experienced. The mere thought that she was doing something to him that no other male had ever enjoyed made him almost drunk with passion.

“You really don’t have to do this. I—” the rest of his chivalry was cut short when she sucked in so hard that he bumped the roof of her mouth. He fisted both hands in the comforter and let her work her magic on him. After a few minutes, he could feel the pressure fill up his balls.

“Honey, you may want to pull back, I’m going to come,” he whispered. She ignored him and sucked him into a blinding orgasm. With a groan, he shot hot jets of semen into her mouth. Jorvin didn’t act offended or upset, she took everything he gave her with gentle swallows. Humbled, he stoked her hair as the waves of pleasure rode through him.

Once it was over, she licked her lips and looked up from under her dark lashes at him.

“Straddle me,” he urged. “I need to get back inside you.”

“But you can’t possibly be ready yet.” She looked down at his already erect cock. Her eyes grew wide. “Oh, I guess you weren’t bluffing.”

With a chuckle, he grabbed her soft hips and guided her onto his cock. As soon as he filled her, she threw her head back with pleasure. “You’re so deep. Oh, I like this.”

“Start moving. Ride me.”

She did as he instructed, moving slowly at first, then increasing her speed as she grew more sure of herself.

The look of passion on her face was so raw and pure that Devin knew he would carry that image with him forever. Her eyes were closed, her cheeks pink with passion and her hair cascaded over her naked flesh.

This time, they came together, her screaming his name, him groaning hers. When it was over, she collapsed on his chest. Content to stay that way forever, he stoked her spine for several minutes before he rolled her over and took her again. It wasn’t until he’d had her three times that he was completely sated and he gathered her up to his chest and spooned her.


* * * *


Jorvin idly played with Devin’s fingers as she gathered up her courage. By the way he’d talked earlier, he really did believe they were lifemates, but some small part of her was still afraid that he’d been playing her to either get her into bed or distract her so Hunter could get Korin. But after watching the way her sister lived with regrets made Jorvin determined not to suffer the same fate.

“What would you say if I told you I wanted to go with you when you left?” she blurted out quick before she lost her nerve. He sat up so he could gaze down at her and what she saw there soothed her fears. The green eyes were filled with relief and love.

“I would say that you would make me the happiest elf on this realm or the other.”

There is another realm?”

He laughed before giving her a kiss. “Don’t worry, I will teach you everything about our kind. I can’t wait to show you our wonderful customs and history.”

“It can’t be that wonderful of a place if they exiled someone as great as you.” She playfully tweaked his ear.

A hint of sadness touched his eyes. “Yeah, well my brother and I broke ancient custom when we helped a fairy captive escape. We knew the consequences before we did it.”

“And yet you did.” She kissed him. “You did it because you knew it was right and you are of pure heart.” He blushed and she had never seen anything so cute.

“Let’s go help Hunter before your brothers kill him.”

She reluctantly got dressed and they went out and got into his car. No sooner had they pulled away than Devin got the faraway look in his eyes that told her Hunter was contacting him telepathically. By the way he cursed out loud, she knew it wasn’t good. “What?” she asked, her heart hammered in her chest.

“Jackass got discovered. Your brothers have him surrounded.”

She gasped. “No one can get hurt. Korin or I would never forgive ourselves.”

He gunned the engine. “Then we better hurry. Hunter won’t let her get away from him again, there is no telling what he may do.”

He quickly navigated the streets until they reached her family’s isolated farmhouse. As soon as he pulled up, she could see the chaos that was playing out in their front yard. Hunter stood in the middle of her three brothers who all had their swords out and pointed at him. They probably would have already gone in for the kill were it not for the fact Korin had her arms around Hunter, shielding him with her body.

Jorvin jumped out of the car before Devin even had a chance to put it into park. “Loredean, Avery, Jace, stop it now!” she yelled. Devin came up and put his body in front of hers in a protective manner. Her stomach lurched when she saw he had a sword out, too.

“The odds are a bit more even this time, boys,” he said in a deadly calm voice.

She put a hand on his arm. “No, please. No bloodshed. You promised me as my lifemate.”

Her oldest brother, Loredean, curled his lip in disgust. “Not you, too, Jorvin? I thought you had more sense than to get all hot and bothered over a stray.”

“Don’t talk to her that way,” Devin snarled.

“I’ll talk to her anyway I want,” Loredean countered. “She’s my sister and I’m going to be damned if some strange elf is just going to come in and take her away.”

All the males shifted into their fighting stances. Jorvin shoved past Devin. “Enough, all of you!” Relief flooded her body when they all paused to look at her. “Loredean, you are not the boss of us. Korin and I love these males and we are going to be with them for good. You have two choices, either you lay down your sword and accept them or you lose us. Korin and I will walk away from you and you will never hear from either of us again.”

“You can’t be serious?” Avery gaped, his eyes narrowed in anger.

“I am dead serious.” Even though Avery had asked the question, she directed her words to Loredean since he was the head of the family. “Look at how much Korin has been suffering. Would you want that to continue for her? For me? You deny us our lifemates, you are dooming us to a life of unhappiness. I know you, Loredean, you have always wanted the best for us. Well Devin and Hunter are it.”

Loredean hesitated for a few seconds before he cursed under his breath and lowered his sword, Avery and Jace followed suit. “Are you sure?” he asked with a resigned tone.

“Yes,” she and Korin answered in unison.

Loredean cussed under his breath again. “Fine,” he spat out the word like it choked him. He directed a warning glare to the two brothers. “But if either one of you hurts my sisters, just know there will be hell to pay.”

Korin squealed in delight as she wrapped her arms around Hunter and kissed him. Jorvin embraced Devin and did likewise. As he held her, she knew he would never let go.









BOOK: Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage
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