Read Sweet Reflection Online

Authors: Grace Henderson

Sweet Reflection (8 page)

“Mate, gotta go.” He starts to pack up some tools and stretches his t-shirt up over his head, pulling it down to cover his abs.

James looks to me accusingly, “What the hell did you just say to him?” He frowns and looks between us again then narrows his gaze on Blake. “Thought we were gonna have this bedroom finished today? I need the guys to start painting it soon or we’ll get behind schedule.”

“Just put Dean and Ryan on it now. They’ll be fine.”

James shakes his head and voices his protests again, “Mate, seriously you can’t just leave. There’s too much to do.”

Blake smirks, “I’ll be here early tomorrow. But right now my bride-to-be needs me. You know how it is. Gotta keep my woman happy.” He wiggles his eyebrows and James stutters but it’s too late. Blake is out the door with one last wink in my direction before he can get the words out.

“Idiot.” James mumbles to no-one in particular and slumps back against the wall. He looks over at me whilst I struggle to keep the smile from my face.

“You women are all the same; nothing but trouble.”




She’s got the biggest smirk on her face I’ve ever seen. It makes me want to grab her head and kiss it right off her. But I’ve become accustomed to putting my feelings aside and acting like a jackass.

"Did you have a reason for coming here, or did you just want to ruin my day?" I ask pointedly, raising my hands and my voice to match. I know I'm overreacting but I never did have a good hold on my emotions and this girl is making it worse.
She starts walking towards me slowly. Her gaze is on me, her eyes holding mine. I take a deep breath in and let it out harshly as she gets closer. I'm waiting for her to yell at me, I know I deserve it, but she's wearing her poker face and it makes me uncomfortable. I swallow hard as she stops abruptly right in front of me and tilts her chin up sharply, confronting me.
She hardens her voice, "I had a very good reason for coming here." Her eyes are still looking at me searching for something. After a few seconds she closes them, and her body stiffens. "And it didn't involve you."

I'm shocked at her attitude even though I'm not. It's always been harsh words between us. Sure, we've argued back and forth and at times I get so pissed off I want to throw something. But this, this is different. There's no underlying sexual tension. There's no hunger in her eyes. It feels like she really hates me.
I don't know what to say, but before I can think of anything she's walked straight past me and is on the other side of the barn. Ryan turns as he hears her approach and grins, leaning down to kiss her cheek. I recognise the look in his eyes as they sweep over her body and the tight little skirt she's wearing because it’s the same as mine. If I could get away with it I'd warn him away from her but he's on Blake’s team and I have no claim to her anyway, as much as it makes me want to put my fist through the wall.
"Darling, how is the bedroom coming along?" Alex startles me. I tear my eyes away from Laurel and turn to face Alex. I first notice her outfit. She's wearing a short black skirt that shows off her long legs and a skimpy little strapless top that's showing way too much skin. It's not like her to dress like that and when I lift my eyes I notice she's twirling her hair round her finger. She's acting like she's a sixteen year old with a crush not a grown woman with a business empire.
"Good. Bedroom will be done tonight. Just got to paint. But the guys are working on that now."
She raises an eyebrow and looks past me towards the back where Laurel and Ryan are still laughing with each other.

"Doesn't seem like they're doing much work to me. She's distracting your men James, and you're allowing it." She pulls back to look at me, and I stifle a chuckle because if Ryan was actually one of my men I'd probably have fired him eight months ago when he kissed my girl. I shake my head, she isn't my girl I tell myself again for the millionth time, it's not going to happen.
"Well, I can't wait to see my new bedroom and give it a test drive." She winks and leans in forward, "Maybe you can ride with me," she whispers in my ear and grazes her hand against my arm as she walks away.

She's another one that pushes my buttons. I don't know what it is with the women in my life but it's like they get under my skin. Make me feel, and Alex doesn't make me feel anything good at all. A long shudder racks my body as I think about what we did and what I'm trying to keep from happening again. As I turn back round to see what Laurel's doing I realise she's been watching us. I don’t think she can see us properly because I’m in the way, but she’s still frowning. Ryan's leant back against the wall with a cocky grin on his face, and as I watch how close they're standing, I remember Alex's words about how I'm allowing it to happen. He may not be a member of my team but with Blake gone, I'm solely in charge of the project so it’s stopping immediately. She has to go. I stride over to them and grab Laurel's arm.

"It's time to go." My voice is hard, harsh, but I don't care. I just need her to get away from him.
She looks at my hand that's wrapped round her upper arm and then up at me.

"Excuse me?" She grits out through her closed teeth, but two can play at that game and I lean in to her ear, “I said, it's time to go." She shakes her arm out of my grip and brings her hands to her hip. "I heard what you said, but I was wondering why you were being such a jerk?"
"Hey J, calm down, we were just chatting." The motherfucker clearly has a death wish and my anger rises.

"This has nothing to do with you Ryan. Get back to work." He straightens up away from the wall and I know he's pissed off. I don’t ever speak to staff with that much attitude, especially grown men, but I match his posture in case he wants to start something. I'm definitely not in the mood for any peacock displays.

Laurel steps in between us and grabs his hand, "Just ignore him. It's okay. I should get back anyway. I'll see you tomorrow night." He nods tightly and squeezes her hand before she starts to walk away. I tell Ryan briefly what he needs to finish before he goes home tonight and catch up with Laurel just as she's about to get in her car outside.

"What now? I left, didn't I?" She swings round to glare at me.

"What are you doing with Ryan tomorrow night?" It's none of my business but I can't stop myself from blurting the words out. Real smooth.

She frowns at me whilst she considers my words and whether she wants or should tell me.

"What's it got to do with you?" She challenges. Really, it has nothing to do with me but I have to know whether she's seeing him or not.

"I'm just looking out for you that's all."
She laughs but it's an indignant, sneering laugh that doesn't look good on her.

"I don't need you protecting me James. Ryan is a nice guy. He likes me, he talks to me like I'm a human being. He treats me well, like friends should. And he's offered to take care of some odd-jobs for me at Proposals."

She tilts her head to the side and deals her last blow, "If I need protecting from anyone, it's you."

I want to ask her what she means by that, but her long blonde hair flies out to the side as she turns her back to me and when I blink again, she's gone. Shit, I’ve fucked up again. It always seems to happen when we’re together. It doesn’t feel like we can have a simple conversation without it turning sour. And I know that was completely my fault. I have a lot of making up to do.



Chapter Six




I love the sound of happiness and laughter ringing throughout the store. I feel proud that I can help women with such an important part of their day, and they’ll leave feeling beautiful and sexy and confident. And when I can help someone that means so much to me, it gives me a warm, tingly feeling all over.

The girls are all sat on the sofa, and Julia’s in the armchair across from them. I know Cassie’s having a hard time without her mum here, but her Gran is doing an excellent job of keeping her spirits up and my mum has come along for some moral support. They get along great and seeing them together is special to me.

I’ve cracked open some champagne and everyone has a glass to get them in the mood. “So, I have listened to your directive and pulled a few styles myself for you to have a look at, but don’t be worried you’ll hurt my feelings, try anything you want on.”

“There’s so many Laur, they all look the same. Show me the ones you picked because I haven’t got a clue. But I don’t want anything too fancy.”

“I thought you might say that so I’ve not gone over the top. Somehow I don’t see you in a “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding’ style dress.”

Her grimace makes us all howl with laughter, “God could you imagine? Me, in a big, pink, fluffy, tulle, lace, bow, ribbon, feather concoction. It would be hideous, I don’t know how they do it.”

I carefully pick up all the dresses and take them into the fitting room. There’s a couple she won’t even give the time of day to, but two styles have her nearly crying at how much she loves them.

After I help her into one dress, she pushes the curtains to the side and steps out into the showroom where everyone’s chatting. Her presence silences them all as they turn to look at her. The one she has on is a Jenny Packham; fitted diamond encrusted bodice, which floats down her hips giving way to a slim sheath skirt. It’s a perfect combination of vintage and understated with a hint of sexy because it clings to her curves.

Julia chokes out words first, and starts to dry her eyes furiously, “You look beautiful, darling. So grown-up.”

Jen nods her head in agreement, “I love it; it really suits you.”

“It’s so gorgeous,” Emma pipes up.

“Baby, your mother would be so proud. You look lovely.” My mother makes everyone’s eyes suitably wet and we’re all passing tissues round to each other. Cassie walks over to the mirror and tilts her head, her eyes running up and down the length of her and smoothing the dress down in places. “I think this is the one and I haven’t even tried any others on. Is that bad?”

“No, most people go back to the first one they tried on. But I would try a few more on if I were you, just to make sure you are definitely happy.”

We select a couple more to try but Cassie turns her nose up at them all. “Sorry, but it’s number one all the way. How much is it?”

“Nope, I’m not telling you that. I told you it’s a present.”

“Are we going to fall out about this?” She asks and has both hands on her hips, tapping her left foot.

“I don’t know, are we?” I smirk and write down all the details so I can get her the right size in. “It should take a few weeks to come in, then we’ll book you in for a fitting.” She hasn’t said anything and I’m beginning to think she hasn’t heard when I look up from the desk and see tears streaming down.

“Hey, stop it. We’ve had our tears, now it should be smiles and laughter.” I stand and walk round the desk so I can give her a hug. She sniffs into my shoulder and pulls away, breathing in steadily to straighten herself.

“Right, I’m fine now. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, chick. He’s not going to know what hit him when he sees you. You’ll look amazing.”

We all say our goodbyes apart from my mother who stays to help me clear up.

“It’s a lovely thing you’re doing for Cassie.” I start to wash up the glasses and shrug a shoulder.

“Yeah well she’s my best friend. And she’s found the love of her life. I want her to be happy.”
Mum turns to look at me and cocks her head to the side, watching for my reaction, “And what about you? Anyone you’re interested in?”

I turn round from the sink and stare back, “No, why is that?”

“Oh, I just haven’t seen anyone around after Darren.” She leans her hip against the side of the table, “You need to put yourself out there again Laurel. It’s time. You can’t let him and what he did to you control your life anymore.”

I sigh deeply and cut her off, “Mother…”

“No honey, just hear me out. He hurt you. Badly. I get it. But he was a silly child really. I know that’s no excuse but don’t let it keep you from putting your faith in another man again. And I’m not talking about the men that you’re out with until all hours of the early morning. Yes, I hear you creep your way into the house at four a.m. You’re a big girl now, I realise that. And you can make your own decisions but I will tell you this: not all men are like him. Your father was the most amazing man I have ever met.” I snort indignantly because what they had was a once in a lifetime kind of love.

“I’ll never find a man like daddy so why try?”

She laughs at my scrunched up face and I realise I haven’t said the word ‘daddy’ in years but I miss him so much that it just fell out.

“Yes, your father was a great man, but he was far from perfect. He was forgetful, and lazy and thoughtless sometimes. Even jealous at times. But we loved and trusted each other with our lives. What I’m saying is, every man is different, so please don’t judge them all in the same vain as Darren. Open up your heart again Laurel, because I want to see you happy. And I can tell you haven’t been lately.”

She’s right there, but talking about my dad has brought the lump back and words are stuck behind it. If I try to speak, I’ll probably end up crying, so I nod and turn back round to carry on washing up.

Half an hour later, we’ve finished tidying up the store and mum heads back out to go grocery shopping. For the rest of the day, in between the smiles and the laughter, the tears and the tantrums, I don’t stop thinking about her words and how much I’ve used what Darren did to me as a way of escaping the reality: I’m just one big scaredy-cat.

It’s early evening at the store and I’m winding down and tidying up from my last appointment of the day when the bell chimes. I turn around expecting Sally to be back having forgotten something, but my heart leaps at the familiar face.

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