Read Sweet Reflection Online

Authors: Grace Henderson

Sweet Reflection (16 page)

I turn my head gently so I don’t jog the bed and wake him. One arm is draped heavily over my stomach and his face is buried in the pillow, eyes closed; breathing steady. My eyes drift over his hair which is all messed up, his shoulders, strong arms and the curve of his back, then to the covers pooled at his waist. The sun is peaking through the blinds and I reach down low to the floor beside me to find out the time from my phone but I’m pulled straight back up again by those strong arms,

“And where do you think you’re going?” He says sleepily. His voice is low and gruff and I find it sexy as hell as I remember him whispering his dirty-talk to me last night.

He pulls me even closer to him, gripping my hips and resting his head on my chest. “Everyone needs a bosom for a pillow,” he mumbles as he buries his head further between my breasts.

I can’t contain my laughter, “Cornershop? Really?”

“Yeah, that song’s a legend.”

“Because it mentions boobs?”

He’s perked up now and lifted his head to look at me. “Yeah. I’m a sucker for them. These in particular.” His hand reaches out to cup one of mine and squeezes gently, tongue darting out to lick my hard nipple. My head jerks on the pillow and I arch my back to try and get further into his mouth. As I’m spinning from the feel of his tongue swirling round and his gentle caress making me wetter than I’ve ever been before, somewhere in the distance I register a ringing sound but it isn’t until he’s pulled away and the cold air hits my skin I realise it’s actually a doorbell. He grins and kisses me on the cheek with a loud smacking sound, climbing out of bed. I follow his bare backside to the other side of the room and find myself biting my lip remembering how the tight muscles felt under my grip.

“Now who’s the perv.” His deep snigger brings a flush of crimson to my cheeks and he pulls on a pair of shorts thwarting my ogling efforts.

“I feel violated,” he says playfully as he covers his chest with his hands.

“Whatever. You love it really.” He winks as he walks out the door and I rest my head back on the pillow, thoughts floating back to last night. I dig out my phone to find the time and it’s only eight so still early. I don’t have to work today and I hope James doesn’t either, because we didn’t get much talking done, and it’s long overdue. There’s two deep voices coming from the hallway, so I scan the room and think of something I can put on. I can’t wear my dress and I don’t have anything else so I get up and take a peek in his wardrobe. I flick through the hangers and there in the middle is a pale blue collared shirt that I’ve seen him in when we’ve been out. It hugs him in all the right places and brings out the colour of his eyes, so I decide to wear that. It’s not that long, it stops mid-thigh, but it’ll have to do. As soon as I put it on the smell comforts me; it smells like laundry detergent, fresh and clean with a hint of James and his cologne mixed in for good measure. I nip into his en-suite and rummage around to find a spare toothbrush head, and some mouthwash. I wash my face and brush my hair and start to feel a little sexier.


The hall’s quiet but I can hear sounds coming from the kitchen so I make my way down, with a little hop in my step as I go. My view settles on James as I walk through the door, he’s laying out plates of food on the island in the middle of the room.

“What’s all this?” I ask, as I walk over to him and he swings an arm over my shoulder.

“It’s a feast fit for a princess,” he smiles and kisses me on the forehead, “I had it delivered from the deli round the corner. I’m kind of a regular when I’m working from home so they don’t mind bringing it round for me.”

“When did you ring them? I didn’t even hear you get up.” I can’t believe he had breakfast delivered for me, he’s being so thoughtful and it takes me by surprise how different my impression of him is now after a week of spending more time with him.

He looks at me awkwardly and fiddles with some plates in front of him.

“James?” I wonder why he’s being so shifty all of a sudden.

“Okay, don’t take this the wrong way but I rang them yesterday evening before I went to the party. But it’s not what you think.”

I bring my hand up to sit on my hips, “So you didn’t think I was that much of a sure thing that I’d be around for breakfast. You didn’t think that I would just fall into bed with you and you could have your wicked way with me?”

“The way I see it, you had your wicked way with
” He grins and I do my best to keep my face straight even though I want to laugh. I shake my head and turn to walk out the door but he twirls me back round and brings me close to him.

“Okay, okay, let’s talk and I’ll-“

He stops mid-sentence and flexes his fingers on my back then rubs his hands up and down my sides, “Wait, this is my shirt. How did I not notice this before?”

“Because you were too busy giving yourself a mental pat on the back for getting what you wanted.” I say huffily, hoping he gets that I’m pissed.

“That’s true, I was very happy I got what I wanted. Because I’ve wanted it for so long, and it was better than I ever imagined our next time to be like. I didn’t order breakfast because I
you’d be here. I ordered it because I
you would. And if you were, I wanted there to be something special the next day that might make you hang around a bit longer.”

His head bends down to kiss behind my ear and he drags his teeth over my earlobe as he talks, sending a shiver all over. “So do you want to hang around a bit longer? Maybe the rest of the day?” He pulls back to look in my eyes and I have to take a deep breath at the intense look he’s giving me.

“Yes,” I finally breathe out and his relief is palpable as I feel his muscles relax around me.

“Cool. Sit down and I’ll get us some drinks. Coffee, tea, orange juice?”

“Coffee, for me please.”

He puts the kettle on and finishes loading up the plates with breakfast. It’s like he’s just ordered everything off their menu; there’s fresh fruit, pastries, yoghurt, cereal, bacon sandwiches, and pancakes.

“I didn’t know what you would want so I got some of everything.” He looks at me and there’s an uncertainty in his eyes, a vulnerability that I’m not used to seeing from him.

“I love it all. I don’t know where to start.”

“Let’s start at the beginning.” He says as he places a mug of coffee in front of me and sits on the stool opposite. His eyes have narrowed and I’m not so sure he’s talking about breakfast anymore.

He sips his tea and bites into a croissant. He’s waiting for me to start and I can’t find the right words yet, so I gesture for him to go first.

“Okay. Nine months ago I saw a very beautiful blonde haired girl in a bar. She was wearing a sinfully short dress.” His eyes smile like he’s remembering that night and my heart starts being wildly as I wait to hear what he’s going to say next.

“She had these killer legs, and a smile that lit up the room, but she was flirting with a load of guys
. Problem
. But I devised a very cunning plan with a little help from the Date Doctor and it worked. And I couldn’t believe it when I asked her to go home with me and she agreed.” He gulps down some more tea and clears his throat, and I’m left staring in anticipation of the rest of the story. It’s like I’m reading it a romance novel and it’s not actually my life.

“She was hot, and I mean hotter than the Caribbean hot, and I had to pinch myself several times that night to make sure it was actually happening, and I hadn’t passed out drunk somewhere dreaming her up. She was sexy, fun, knew exactly how to please me and honestly the way she felt in my arms was enough to keep her on my mind the following week. I didn’t get her name and I was kicking myself I let her go; I think I was just in shock.”

Hearing that night from his point of view is so strange because I remember everything up until we left the bar. I remember his huge grin as we talked and flirted, and the feel of his body against mine when we were grinding on the dance floor, his hands and his mouth on my neck. He clears his throat again, and it’s a nervous, apprehensive gesture, but his honesty is only making me more addicted to his words.

“You have to know though, I’m not used to feeling something that strong. I’m not proud to admit I’ve been with a lot of girls but this one, she was different. I knew it then but struggled to admit it. The next week I was having drinks with friends and she showed up like she’d just stepped straight out of my dreams. I’m a guy, I don’t believe in fate or destiny or any of that mushy bullshit, but even I had to admit there was some force out there throwing us together. But again, I faced another problem. She was too drunk to remember our night together. A night I hadn’t stopped thinking about. So you can imagine how frustrated I was.”

I nod and pick up my coffee.

“I thought she didn’t care, and I felt stupid for thinking about it so much when she obviously hadn’t. All I could think about that night was kissing her again, taking her back to my bed, again. So when I saw her talking to another guy who had his arm around her I just snapped. I realised she was like me, someone just looking for fun, one-nighters. So as she flirted with one guy, I did the same with a girl I know. The game ended, and she won. She slept with him, and I tried my damn hardest to forget about her.”


I sip my coffee as he takes another bite of his croissant thoughtfully.

“I didn’t sleep with Ryan.”

He looks up at me, and his eyes search mine to try and get the rest of the story. “Ryan’s a good friend, but I didn’t want him like that. I wanted you. But when you saw us together, there was something that just overtook you like you were going to flip. And when Shannon draped herself all over you, you didn’t push her away and I was hurt, because I thought you wanted me too. You allowed her to put her hands on you, you kissed her right in front of me and all I could think about was getting you off my mind. So I played the game too. He walked me home but nothing else happened.”


This is the first time we’re getting it all out in the open and it feels like hearing the night from each other’s point of view has given us both something to think about. It’s the first time we’ve realised that we’ve both been feeling exactly the same; wanting each other but trying our best to forget.

I stick my fork into a piece of pineapple and hover it against my lips.

“So, the kiss last month? A mistake?” I take a bite then wait with baited breath for his answer.

He puts down his bacon sandwich, and leans back taking a swig of tea. “The only mistake I made that night was not admitting to you how I felt. I was taken aback at how strong my feelings were for you, still, and yeah, I was a bit unsure of what I wanted. Laurel, I haven’t had a relationship in years. It’s not because I don’t like you, because I do. I’ve just been so used to the single life. Girls always try and get me to settle down with them, it’s annoying; they become clingy, stroppy when I can’t spend time with them. I work all hours when I’m on a project, travel the country looking for the next one that’s going to grab me and I’ve just not got close to anyone because of it. Then I met you, and you changed my outlook on it all. I actually want to spend time with you, hell I should be working right now but I’m playing hooky. You’re a bad influence on me, babe.” He shakes his head with that cute half smile and I have a sudden urge to wrap my arms around him, so I get up and move round the counter. His eyes widen; I’ve taken him by surprise, but he swings around and I settle in between his legs and rest my head on his shoulder. His arms close in tight around my back and he draws little circles on my hip. “I don’t know how it’s taken me this long to get my shit together, but it is definitely together now,” he murmurs into my hair. A few more seconds and I pull away dazed, his scent is intoxicating and the feel of his hard chest underneath my hands has me gripping the edge of the counter so I don’t throw myself at him.


“What are you thinking, babe?” He’s frowning and I realise I pulled away so abruptly he still has his hands out, and my face is burning.

“Nothing.” I respond quickly, embarrassed about where my thoughts have actually taken me. My eyes drop to his chest, I’m trying really hard not to reach my hand out and stroke over every muscle and duck my head to lick his nipples just like he was doing to mine earlier.

“Oh, really?” He asks sceptically, and gets out his seat, and as soon as my back hits the counter I realise I’ve stepped to the side and he’s followed.

think…” He picks up my hand and pulls a finger into his mouth, sucking gently and running his tongue all over. His eyes are fixed on mine and they are so full of heat that I let out a soft moan imagining his tongue everywhere else.

“…That you…” He lets my hand drop and moves in closer, tugging my hair back and gripping my neck so it’s completely bared to him. He pulls the collar of his shirt to the side and, starting at my collarbone, licks all the way up to my ear. I’m wet and tingling all over as I clench my legs together but it makes the ache even stronger.

“…Are thinking…” His kisses come slow and tender on my neck and whilst his breath warms my skin, one hand floats slowly up the back of my thigh. I close my eyes and drown
in his soft touch.

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