Read Surrender to Temptation Online

Authors: Lauren Jameson

Surrender to Temptation (21 page)

This, I knew, was what was going to tip me over into the water. And it did, over and over again. But as I sputtered to the surface for the fourth time, I realized something.

I was having fun. Even if I never managed to do it, I was having fun trying.

On my fifth try I managed to get my weight on my feet without tipping the board. I whooped with joy, holding my arms to the sides to get my balance.

“Perfect!” I looked down and caught Zach's stare. Elation whipped through me, hard and fast. “Try to keep your balance. I'm going to nudge you into position this time.”

“Okay!” I didn't even want to argue anymore. The waves that he steered me toward were tiny and close to shore, but I didn't care.

“Have you ever been skiing, Devon?” Every muscle in my abdomen and thighs screamed as I tried to keep myself steady while the board slid through the water.

“A few times.” My parents had given me lessons as a teenager, but I had felt pressure to excel and as such had never shown an aptitude.

“Riding the wave isn't that different. Position your weight so that you move down the wave, or downhill. Try to stay in front of the white water. Then have fun.”

Before I could reply, he shoved the board forward, into the path of the oncoming wave. My eyes told me it was hardly more than a foot high, but beneath my feet it felt enormous.

“Aah!” I screamed as the water propelled me forward. I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting to tumble into the water at any moment.

Instead, I found the wind whipping my hair and droplets of salt water spraying my skin. Stunned, I opened my eyes wide.

I was on the board, and the board was on the wave. The wave was moving, carrying me closer to shore.

“Fuck!” Exhilaration and adrenaline slammed through my system. I grinned until my cheeks hurt, reveling in the sensation until the wave died and I tumbled into the water.

When I surfaced, Zach was there, and he looked concerned and proud.

“Well?” With a hand on each of my shoulders, he checked me over, looking for scrapes or bruises.

There were none. I felt fantastic.

“That was incredible!” He took the board, then knelt in the shallow water and removed the leash from my ankle. “Oh, can't we do it again?”

He looked up at me, and his eyes blazed with heat.

“I told you, you need to save some energy.” With a hand on my butt, he nudged me forward and out of the water. “We can go again tomorrow.”

“Hmpf.” Once on the sand, I turned and watched him pull the board in. The desire to try riding the wave again melted away as I drank him in.

He looked like a water god. As he dropped the board and tugged his wetsuit off, I nearly swallowed my tongue.

I hadn't seen him get ready before my surf lesson. Beneath the wetsuit he wore a snug black bathing suit that cut off at the top of his thighs, leaving every other part of his glorious body open to my avid stare.

Need washed over me like the wave I had just ridden.

Looking up, he caught me looking.

“Take off your wetsuit, Devon.” His eyes followed the movements of my fingers when I did as he said, peeling the thick, clinging fabric down the length of my body.

The soaking-wet scraps that made up my bathing suit did nothing to hide my sudden arousal. My nipples were hard peaks, and the midday sun cast shadows on my skin.

“Take off your bikini.” I decided to see how he would react to being teased.

“I want to surf some more.” I pouted deliberately, and caught the hint of amusement on his face. “I liked it. It's even better than sex.”

He pounced, knocking me off balance. Before I knew it he had lowered me gently to the ground. My back to his chest, my cheek was pressed into the sand, my ass in the air.

“I think you're confused. The board must have hit you in the head when I wasn't looking.” With steady fingers he undid the strings at the sides of my bikini bottoms, then removed the fabric and threw it across the sand.

“Look at your gorgeous ass.” There was the sound of fabric pulling against wet skin, and then his naked pelvis pressed against me from behind. His flesh was cool from the ocean, but his cock was hard and warming rapidly.

“Oh.” Pressing back against him, I rotated my hips. He pulled back, breaking contact, and I groaned with disappointment.

“I thought surfing was better than sex.” One hand clasped me at my hip, and the other worked its way between my thighs, teasing the soft skin there. “Maybe you shouldn't get any more sex, since you don't appreciate it.”

“No!” I panted when he removed his fingers, as well. He laughed, then returned them, this time sliding two right into my slick, waiting heat.

“Say sex is better than surfing.”

Half laughing, half moaning, I pushed back against his fingers. My pussy clenched around his fingers, and he began to work them in and out.

“I'm waiting.” Zach fucked me with his fingers until I felt my nerves begin to sizzle, then withdrew until only the tips remained inside of me. I cried out, trying to draw him back inside, but he held me steady with his hip.

“Say it, Devon.” His hand squeezed my hip, coaxing me to do as he asked. “You know it's the truth.”

“Fine, you bastard!” A strangled cry escaped my lips as he pushed those talented fingers back inside of me. “Sex with you is better than surfing!”

He stilled for a moment, and I whimpered. I was so close.

Then a hum of satisfaction left his lips, and the hand on my hip slid forward and down, coming to rest on my clit.

“Come for me, Devon.” Clasping my clit between his thumb and forefinger, he began to roll the engorged flesh in a steady rhythm that made my knees buckle. He moved with me as I lowered closer to the sand, the press of his fingers relentless on that sensitive nub.

I came soundlessly, riding a wave of desire that was both hard and sweet. When the tension in my muscles eased, he pulled his hands from my flesh.

I wanted to collapse in a boneless heap on the sand, with Zach pulling me close. In the post-orgasmic haze, though, I found that I couldn't even murmur a protest when he stood and hefted me into his arms. “What now?”

I liked the sensation of being cradled against his chest. I liked the way his muscles rippled as he carried me across the strip of private sand, to the winding stone staircase that led us back up to the house. “My bikini bottoms. And the surfboard!”

“I'll get them later.” I might have dreamt it, but I thought I felt him nuzzle my wet hair with his lips.

“I can walk.” I shifted against him, but didn't put up much of a fight. I was too comfortable in his arms.

“Devon.” Zach's voice was stern, but when I looked up into his face, his eyes held nothing but warmth.

“Let me take care of you.”

My brain chafed at the idea of needing to be cared for. My body, however, had other ideas. I found myself snuggling into his embrace, warmed by the idea of someone looking out for me.

The past few years, I had had no one but myself watching over me. If this was life with Zach, then I knew, with a sinking certainty, that I wanted more than just sex.


ait here.” Zach's voice was firm as I snuggled into the towel that he had wrapped around me. His eyes were full of need as he brushed his knuckles over my cheekbone. The tenderness of the gesture made my breath catch as I watched him stride into the bungalow, unabashed in his nakedness.

I supposed that he didn't have any neighbors up here to gawk at him, but still, I had grabbed for the towel he brought to me, feeling incredibly exposed in my skimpy bikini top and nothing else.

I sniffed at the towel, hoping for a whiff of his scent. Instead, I found that the cotton smelled a bit musty. Zach hadn't been kidding when he'd said that he had never brought anyone up here. A man with as much wealth as he had would, I assumed, have someone stop by now and then to look after the house.

This towel told me that that wasn't the case. For some strange reason, that made me happy.

“Warming up a bit?” Zach exited the sliding glass patio doors of the bungalow, carrying a stack of more towels and a large men's shaving kit.

“Yes. Thank you.” I eyed the kit warily. His rigid cock told me exactly where his mind was.

I watched as he set the towels and the case down by a large wooden post. I hadn't noticed before, but the top of the post had a showerhead attachment, and the tiled stone flooring at its base dipped into a drain with a grate.

He turned the handles and water rushed from the showerhead. I shivered when I saw the steam rising into the air, recognizing quickly that the muscles in my body that had been abused while surfing were craving the heat.

“Come here.” I followed his beckoning finger and moved underneath the outdoor shower. A sigh of pure, hedonistic pleasure escaped my lips as the water flowed over my body in a torrid rush. The contrast of the water with the chill in the air woke every nerve in my body and set it to singing.

Strong fingers toyed with the strings at the neck of my bikini, peeling the fabric away from my breasts. It fell in a sodden heap at my feet moments before those hands began to massage something that smelled of strawberries and champagne into my hair.

“Never had an outdoor shower before?” I groaned in pleasure, answering his question without words, as Zach rubbed the shampoo through my hair, kneading my scalp in the process. He took his time, rinsing and rinsing again before moving to my shoulders.

“Have to get rid of all of the sand.” He lathered soap over my shoulders, my breasts, my torso and farther down, washing me thoroughly. His touch was firm enough to make me very aware of his hands on me, but still so light that it was nothing more than a tease.

I relaxed as I realized that his shaving kit had held shampoo and soap, rather than the toys I had imagined.

His hands between my legs made me inhale sharply. I panted through the sudden surge of arousal, pushing against his firm strength at my back.

His cock was thick and hot where it rubbed against my backside. I wanted him to slide inside me and take me as we showered.

“Put your hands on the post.”
, I thought, and did as he asked. The eyes that I had closed with anticipation flew open when I heard a metal snick and felt something snap around my wrist.

“Zach!” He secured the second bracelet. I could move my arms up and down, but wrapped as they were around the post, now secured with handcuffs, I couldn't do anything else.

Panic flared as I realized that I was bound there, helpless.

Zach looked down at me, his expression serious. He held up a tiny silver key.

“This is the key to those cuffs, Devon. I have it, and can unlock you in seconds.” He placed the key on the bench that ran the perimeter of the patio area, where the late-afternoon sun teased out a metallic glint. “Tell me. What is your safe word?”

It was hard to breathe, but I knew that he was expecting an answer.

Yes, I knew my safe word. And yes, I trusted that if I used it, Zach would stop immediately.

I may not have been able to trust him with my heart, but with my body I had no doubts.

“Good girl.” Bending to the shaving kit, he rummaged through before pulling out two objects, a white tube and an object that I couldn't identify.

It looked like a small, elongated light bulb, with a flat circle on one end. I cocked my head, studying the thing, when a realization hit me.

A tube of lubricant.
And something that was about to go where nothing ever had before.

“I'm going to fuck your ass tonight, Devon.” Zach's expression was dark, smoldering, and dangerous. I knew that I could use my safe word, but feared that Zach would shut down on me completely if I used it.

Oh God.

“This is to warm you up so that I don't hurt you.” Opening the tube, he squirted a clear gel up and down the length of the plug. Pressing one hand to my waist, he pulled me until I was out of the direct stream of water, though still close enough to be warmed by its steam.

“Are you nuts? That thing isn't going to help. You're huge.” Somewhat frantic, I pulled at the handcuffs, which held tight. I noticed then that they were lined with fleece, probably to keep me from marking my skin, but it still hurt, and I sucked in a pained breath.

“Do not do that.” Zach's voice was flat. He wasn't at all pleased with my attempt at freedom. “If you want out, then use your safe word. Otherwise I expect willing participation.”

A whimper escaped my lips. I knew what anal sex was, of course, but I had never considered it. Ever. The idea of Zach's huge cock pressing through the tight flesh was nerve-racking—and, if I were honest with myself, incredibly arousing.

No matter what he did first, it would hurt like hell.

“Zach. I . . . I don't think I can.” I didn't want to use my safe word, didn't want this to be over, but as I stared up at him beseechingly his face seemed as if carved in stone. As if no warmth or emotion had ever warmed his features. “Please, no.”

“You have your out, Devon.” His words were softer than the look he gave me, and I had momentary hope, but it was quickly squashed. “Part of this relationship means that you will trust me to push your limits, but to take you no farther than you can go. In return, you'll receive more pleasure than you've ever dreamt of.”

A snort escaped me—I couldn't help it. Even as he glowered at me, I couldn't stop the sarcastic comment from leaving my mouth.

“Don't you mean that
will receive pleasure?” I cried out when, in the blink of an eye, he had moved behind me and spread my cheeks.

I tensed, waiting for the invasion. But even in my nervous state, I realized that not once did I truly consider using my safe word.

“Trust me.” I felt the tip of the plug press against my tight opening, and I objected with a cry. The plug was cold and hard and just felt wrong.

But when Zach's free hand slid from the cheek of my ass to splay flat over my stomach, arousal twined with the wrongness of it all, and my emotions became horribly tangled and confused.

“Push back against me.” Biting my lip and hesitating for a moment, I did as he asked. I cried out when the unyielding plastic pushed the virgin muscles open. Pain blinded me for a moment, and then it eased, the plug pushing through the tight ring of muscles and settling inside of me.

“Oh, God.” I froze. I had no idea what to do. It felt so foreign, so strange, and not at all like the sensation of Zach's cock inside of me.

“Hands on the post, Devon.” I bit my lip. Well, this might not be any fun for me, but the barely suppressed excitement in Zach's voice told me that he was aroused to the point of pain.

Swallowing a groan, I did as he ordered.

“Now. Push back against me again.” Taking a deep breath, my stomach rolling with nerves, I did. My eyes widened and I cried out as the plug slid farther inside of me.

It burned. The heat spread until my entire ass was on fire. It was uncomfortable. It was painful. It awakened nerve endings that I hadn't even known existed.

“One more time.” I couldn't. I swallowed a moan. I couldn't have that thing any farther inside of me. It wouldn't fit.

I wasn't going to use my safe word.

“Now.” I pushed back again and gasped at the burn. When Zach lowered the hand that was on my belly to my clit, I jumped at the startling stimulation.

“There is pleasure in this for you, Devon. You just have to decide if you're going to let it in or not.” A sarcastic laugh escaped me, even as I wondered if he could possibly be right. I still felt stretched too far, uncomfortable, my flesh on fire. But his fingers circling over my clit added pleasure to the mix, and I cursed as the onslaught of sensations threatened to take me under. It seemed I would get no relief from the intensity of Zach's sexual urges.

It would have been so much easier to fall for someone whose taste in sex had less earth-shattering results for me.

When Zach pinched my clit lightly, a whisper of pain merging with pleasure, the thought was wiped from my mind.

“Stop fighting it.” Zach murmured in my ear, and I tensed as I felt movement from the plug. He was pulling it back, easing it out of my flesh, and I gulped in air as I worshipped him in blessed relief.

“No.” I growled when he pushed it back in, still so very slowly. He didn't respond, and I felt something cold pour through the division of my ass, followed by his fingers massaging it, swirling around the entrance filled by the plug.

“Yes.” The plug moved back out again, until only the very tip was in. When he pressed it forward yet again I paused in my protests. The extra lubricant helped ease the passage of the object into my body. It was still uncomfortable, but the cool gel banked some of the fire.

Zach's fingers slicked into my wet pussy, gathering my liquid heat, then back to continue working my clit. The pleasure of his touch there and the new, unexplored sensations elsewhere made me begin to tremble, unsure of what was happening to me.

“Hang on tight.” My fingers curled into the damp wood of the post as Zach's fingers began to move faster on my clit, rolling it in that expert way he had. Despite all of my protests, I felt tension begin to build in my very core.

“Come now.” As if he had commanded it, pleasure exploded through me. As I gasped my way through my climax, I was dimly aware of the plug beginning to move inside of me, harder and faster and deeper than it had before.

“Zach.” I moaned my protest, but was surprised to find that I didn't truly mean it. My climax had sweetened the edge of pain, and now it had all turned into pure sensation.

“That's my little minx.” My voice echoed into the air as he used the plug to fuck in and out of my ass, the sensation still strange but something I found myself thrilling to.

I groaned softly when he pulled the object out of me entirely. Though my muscles eased, I felt strangely empty.

Then I thought of what was coming, and I tensed all over again.

“Easy.” I wished I could see his face, but all I could do was hold on. Something warm and wet was poured over the entirety of my bottom. I arched into the touch when Zach began to massage the flesh there, rubbing the liquid over my cheeks and into the crevice. When he worked a finger inside of the place where the plug had been I found that it actually felt good, and I squirmed, wanting that sensation of fullness again.

“Open your legs farther.” Something hard slid between my legs. I shifted, confused and aroused, as Zach's finger followed, sliding into the heat. He pressed his finger against the slick, bullet-shaped thing inside of my pussy, and a moment later my knees buckled when vibrations burst to life in my womb. “Don't you dare let that fall.”

“Zach!” His hands returned to my ass, again spreading my cheeks. I had a mental image of what I must look like to him, bound, open to his stare, pink from arousal.

Then he pressed the head of his cock to the pucker between my cheeks, and I found myself retreating to a place where all that existed was sensation, and I couldn't think at all.

Incomprehensible sounds fell from my lips as he slowly, slowly pushed inside of me. His erection was far bigger than the plug had been, and my flesh protested as it was stretched to its fullest extent.

It hurt. But as he eased in, then out a fraction, then in a bit more, I found that the hurt felt good.

“All right?” he asked me. I didn't need to stop to take stock; I nodded frantically, suddenly afraid that the sensations would stop. My breaths came shorter and shorter as he continued to ease in, pull back, and push farther into me.

Finally he came to rest with his pelvis cupping my bottom. I could feel the heavy weight of his testicles pressing against the tender flesh of my labia. Though he didn't move, the fullness of his cock inside of me created pressure on the vibrator that worked in my pussy.

It was too much. It wasn't enough.

“More.” I barely recognized the voice that spoke, though it was my own. “Please. I want more.” I thought that I heard Zach murmur my name with pleasure before he wrapped my wet hair in his fist, pulling my head back toward him.

“Mine.” I wasn't sure who spoke the word, and then I didn't care. Zach slid almost all the way out of me, and then all the way back in. My moans became pleas as he set a steady rhythm, never rough yet always moving at that unrelenting pace.

“I can't hold back much longer.” Zach's voice was grim as he slid his hands between my legs. One parted my lower lips with sure fingers, and the other slid inside of me, catching the vibrator between thumb and forefinger and driving it up inside of me farther.

He thrust inside of me again, and though there couldn't possibly have been room, he pressed the vibrator up inside of me as far as it would go. It pulsed against the thin membrane that parted my two most intimate places, and the sensation was so intense that I tried to pull away.

Zach's strong body held me in place.

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