Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3 (9 page)

I wonder what’s going down.

Crash nods to Techie and they both start heading outside like their on a mission, storming fast like something’s actually going down. Turning to face Skye, I kiss her head and let go of her hand.

“Gorgeous, can you order breakfast and I’ll be right back? Just want to check on something.”

She smiles and sits down on a stool. “Sure thing, handsome.”

Turning I follow quietly outside to watch Techie stepping over Steel’s Hog. Furrowing my brows, I wonder what the hell he’s doing. Surely, that’s not allowed. Jigsaw must wonder the same thing as he rushes up to Techie grabbing his shirt. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but Techie’s shaking his head as Jigsaw lets him go. Jigsaw slumps his body and pounds his chest like he’s angry. I’m starting to contemplate whether I should go over when Jigsaw rushes across hopping on his Hog too. Crash jumps in a cage and the three of them take off out of the compound—Techie on Steel’s Hog. It’s really strange to me that Techie would get on another man’s bike, especially his best mates, who he knows wouldn’t let anyone else ride it. Something isn’t adding up for me. So I walk over to the gate and look up the post toward Sentinel.

“Yo, Sentinel, where are they going?”

He shrugs. “I have no idea. I don’t know anything that goes on around here. I’m just a lousy gatekeeper.”

Slumping my body and exhaling at his apparent care factor, I try to lighten his mood. “You’re there to keep an eye on everyone that comes and goes from the premises. That’s an important job.”

“It’s bullshit, is what it is. You’re doing all the good stuff. I just hope you’re reporting in everything you’re being told.”

I duck down in reaction to his words hoping like fuck no one is out here to hear him. “Keep that talk down will you, you cockhead.”

“Yeah, yeah. Go back to kissing arse.”

“Hey, don’t forget I’m the only friend you have in this joint. You don’t want to get me offside too do you?” I berate.

He huffs and flares his nostrils. “Stealth, I don’t think I have any friends in this joint, to be honest. You don’t have any loyalties, not from what I can see, not to the right people anymore. I don’t even know who you are right now.”

“Oi, stop with this bullshit. I know you want to fit in here too, but you keep pushing and prodding people and they’re getting suss of you. You’re the one going about this the wrong way, not me.”

“What the fuck ever, you sit in here in your fucked up make believe world thinking you’re in with these thugs and I’ll do the real work, how’s that?”

“Doug, I’m on your side.”

He huffs while shaking his head. “You sure have a fucking shithead way of showing it!” He turns his head away from me and closes the gate, not only on the compound but also on our conversation.

Taking a deep breath as my aggravation with him rises, I turn around marching back inside to have breakfast with a gorgeous girl. Then I plan on spending the rest of the day drinking beer.

Lots of beer.

Chapter Seven


My head is pounding from over drinking yesterday. Honestly, I’m taking this
drinking like a biker
thing to the extreme. I need to settle it down a bit. Dragging myself out of bed, I get dressed and wander out to the clubroom. The smell of the customary bacon wafts through the air, and for once it churns my stomach rather than making it grumble. I really did have too much to drink yesterday.

Licking my dry lips as I look around the clubroom, I notice Mad Dog talking to Chops. He spots me and nods his head toward me as if he wants me to go across to him. Stopping on the spot, I raise my eyebrow and tilt my head in question and he frowns.

“Get over here, dickhead,” he calls out waving his hands about.

My body reacts before my brain has time to engage, so I stride over to him wondering what’s going on. He smiles and slaps my shoulder.

“What’s happening?” I ask.

“We’re heading in to sort out another shipment of guns and eccys to a local street gang. They’re new out there, and we want their business before anyone else can snatch them up. Can you get the brothers ready for a ride?”

Nodding my head, I rub my chin remembering Sentinel’s pep talk about reporting things in yesterday. The talk that made me drink like there’s no tomorrow. Wondering what kind of information I can get from Mad Dog, I decide to try. “Where’s the location of the meet taking place?”

Mad Dog smiles. “At an old abandoned factory about thirty klicks from here, on the outskirts of Gawler. It’s the old red building that the kids think is haunted. No one ever goes out there anymore. It’s the perfect place for a meet. Secluded, in the backwash, where no one can hear fucking anything.”

Taking in all the information, I nod and half-smile taking a deep breath. “Right, I’ll get my brothers ready. When do we leave?”

“Now. The meet’s in forty minutes.”

Nodding, I turn quickly as my stomach churns trying to make a decision.

Do I report this intel, or do I let it slide?
If I let it slide, Doug will be on my case. I can always say I didn’t know where the meet was taking place until I got there. Nodding my head to myself, I decide on that plan. I’m not reporting this in to Hudson. I know I’m supposed to, but I can’t find it in myself to have my brothers arrested, not yet anyway.

Strolling off, I make my way over to Jigsaw and Lookout, who are standing with Techie watching something on his tablet. Glancing over Techie’s shoulder, I see that they’re clearly watching porn, not to mention the sounds coming from the tablet confirm my suspicions. They all cheer as the woman deep throats the guy on the screen with the massive cock. Shaking my head, I clear my throat and they all turn to look at me with great big smirks on their faces.

“Oh, Stealth man, you gotta watch this.”

Shaking my head, I turn up my lip. “No, I’m good.”

“What? You don’t like porn, motherfucker?” Lookout asks raising his eyebrow.

Smirking, I shake my head and laugh. “No, it’s not that. It’s just… oh fuck it, I don’t know.”

Techie looks up to the ceiling and takes a deep breath. “A study found, that men watch porn that matches their own image of sexuality. Around ninety percent of consumption is on the internet, and single men watch porn for an average of forty minutes, three times a week. So this is perfectly normal, Stealth.”

Smirking, I nod my head and swallow hard. “I know it’s normal, but watching it with a group of guys… well, is kinda—”

“Gay?” Lookout asks and everyone smirks at him.

“I was going to go for strange.”

“Oh, right,” Lookout says nodding matter-of-factly.

“A full bloom of furious beauty brings stiff hardness to the rod,” Jigsaw chirps with a giant grin still looking at the porn. The girl moans while sucking on the cock.

Furrowing my brows. I shake my head. “Anyway… Mad Dog needs us to go for a ride. We’re meeting with a new street gang to set up a deal with them for eccys and guns. The Prez wants us all there.”

Techie turns off his tablet ceasing the porn. Jigsaw whimpers rearranging his crotch as we all step toward the clubroom exit.

“I’ll get Ryder and Behemoth,” Techie expresses and strolls off in another direction.

We congregate outside, and all move toward our Hogs. In a way, I feel guilty for not reporting this in. But I feel even better knowing that my unit won’t be there to hound my brothers. I know I’m walking a fine line here, but sometimes you just have to go with your gut.

As I mount my bike, I look up to Sentinel in his post and he’s watching me like a hawk. I know he wants to know badly where we’re going, and hoping like hell I’ve reported it in, but I can’t deal with his judgemental eyes right now. I have work to do, and a deal to make with some new buyers. Starting my engine, Mad Dog rides off front door and Jigsaw follows along with Techie. I pull out and ride through the gate, risking a glance up at Sentinel. He glares at me and I shake my head letting him know I haven’t reported this in. His hands throw up in the air in apparent annoyance as I turn my head forward ignoring his outburst, and continue to ride with Lookout and Chops behind me.

Grinding my teeth as I ride off down the Virginia street, I shake my head slightly at Sentinel’s behaviour. He needs to be more careful with his actions or our brothers will become suss of him. He’s becoming a danger to the success of this mission.

The wind licks at my face as we ride along the streets on the way to the factory. My heart is pounding a little faster, as I haven’t been to a meet before, so this is all new to me. I have no idea if this is going to be tense or just a pleasant, happy chat.

We pull into the parking lot, and straight away I notice four 4WD’s stationed in the car park. We park our Hogs and get off noticing the obvious absence of people. Mad Dog looks back at us and brings his hand to his gun nodding his head. We all draw our weapons and step cautiously and quietly toward the open loading dock door. Behemoth stands out the front to take guard, and as we enter five men are standing around casually talking, but one guy spots us striding in with guns drawn and he pulls his weapon. The others turn and draw their guns too. My heart lurches into my throat as I notice one guy stands in front of the others not holding his gun, but throws his hands in the air in surrender.

“Hey, hey. We’re here to do business not point guns at each other. Weapons down boys,” the guy with the bald head says. He seems sensible as he looks at Mad Dog and grins. “Mad Dog, it’s nice to meet you in person. I’m Gunner, the Head of The Silver Syndicate.”

Mad Dog lowers his weapon and looks back at us nodding so we lower ours too. “Sorry about the defensiveness as we came in. You can never be too careful, Gunner,” Mad Dog tells him and Gunner nods.

“No, I understand. In this business, you have to protect yourselves. You’re safe here. We have no beef with you. We just want to start our business arrangement on a mutually beneficial ground.”

Mad Dog smiles. “Agreed. So, let’s talk business. We can distribute a load of AK-47’s to you on a quarterly basis, along with a shipment of E tablets, quantity to be decided by you.”

Gunner nods rubbing his chin. “Seems fair. Do you want the cash in a lump sum on the day of the handover?”

Mad Dogs nods. “I think that’s best if you’re happy with that.”

Gunner looks back at his men and then back to Mad Dog. “Seems fair to me. Well, once we get the first shipment in process, I’ll look at the quality and we’ll be in business… Nice meeting you, Mad Dog.” He puts his hand out to shake Mad Dog’s, he smiles and places his hand out to shake Gunner’s as there’s a noise like something metal rolling on the floor, followed by an almighty explosion. It rings through the factory reverberating off all the walls so loudly it knocks me off my feet. My body’s shaking as my ears ring from the intense noise as I try to grasp my bearings.

I know I need to get up—this could be bad, very bad.

Shaking my head and opening and closing my eyes a few times, I look up to see everyone on the floor grabbing at their heads. I’m sure that was a stun grenade. Sliding my body toward Mad Dog, a swarm of men entering the factory catches my attention. Looking up, I see José and his lackeys, but more of them this time. I notice a group of them wearing vests displaying the Ingratos insignia.


I reach for my gun and bring it up, but my body isn’t reacting like I want it to. It’s still in shock from the stun grenade, and one of José’s men, who’s in a suit walks up to me pointing a gun right at my forehead. “Drop the gun.” I can barely hear him over the persistent ringing in my ears. But I can lip read just fine. I drop my weapon to my side, and he kicks it away from me as I look at Mad Dog. He glances at Gunner like he’s going to fucking kill him.

“You sold us out!” he yells to Gunner.

“Who the fuck are these people?” Gunner calls back still holding his head.

“Now, now, settle down. Don’t have a lover’s tiff because of little ole me,” José teases standing in between Mad Dog and Gunner. They both look up at him as we all remain on the floor surrounded by his men, and the Ingratos gang members aiming guns at our heads.

“Gunner pleased to meet you. I’m José. Mad Dog here has already made my acquaintance. He also knows that these streets are my turf and that any drug or gun deals go through me. So any business you agreed on with Mad Dog, you now run through us. Okay?”

Gunner looks at Mad Dog as he grits his teeth and balls his fists.

“You fucking gutter trash,” Mad Dog scolds bringing his fist up punching José in the back of his knee causing his leg to bend forward and consequently he falls to the floor.

The lackey next to Mad Dog brings his Glock up and smashes it into Mad Dog’s head causing him to collapse to the ground. Blood is pooling from his forehead as I take a deep breath, my heart racing a million miles a second.

“Don’t be a fool, Mad Dog. We’re being polite. We could just as easily end you all rather than just take your business. We’re giving you the option to live, but if you keep making poor judgement calls then I won’t be so forgiving,” José says standing back up and straightening his suit.

“Fuck you, cunt,” Mad Dog spits out still spread out on the ground.

“You wish you could fuck me?”

Mad Dog grunts and tries to stand up, but the lackey steps on his back and pushes him back to the ground.

“Prez, stay down,” Chops calls out, actually saying something sensible for once.

“You will regret this, José,” Mad Dog spits through gritted teeth.

“I don’t think I will… Gunner, it’s a pleasure doing business with you. I’ll call you with a time and location to set up our first meet. I already have your details.”

Gunner screws up his face and shakes his head. “What? How?”

José smiles and pats Gunner on his bald head. “Oh, I have my ways. Nice chat everyone. Have a good day.”

José turns walking out of the factory, his snakeskin boots thumping harshly on the cold concrete. His lackeys and the Ingratos all walk out backward pointing their guns at us the whole time, so we can’t pick up and fire at them.

Taking a deep breath as they retreat, I stand up and storm over to my gun, picking it up and placing it in its holster. Striding back over, Jigsaw is helping Mad Dog up off the ground as we all stand around wondering, ‘
What the fuck do we do now?’
How the hell did they know about this meeting?

“Is everyone okay?” Chops asks. I nod along with everyone else as Mad Dog rubs the dirt off his cut. “This is a fucking outrage. I can’t let those fuckers get away with this. Taking our business, it’s unforgivable. José has got to pay.” Mad Dog starts to pace the floor as I look at Chops and purse my lips.

“Prez, you need to think more clearly when you’re around these guys. Especially, when
have the upper hand—”

“Don’t tell me what to do, boy! Who the fuck are you to come in here and tell me how to run my club, huh?”

Raising my hands in surrender and shaking my head. “I’m not telling you how to run your club, just requesting you to be careful. You wanna end up dead?”

He huffs and leans in pushing my chest making me take a step backward. “You don’t know what you’re on about. Just shut the fuck up and let me handle this!” He storms off past me toward the exit. I glance at Chops, who’s shaking his head and frowning.

“Guy’s fucking losing the plot,” Chops mumbles and trudges off behind him as I look over to Gunner. His men are walking out the other exit as Behemoth steps in rubbing his bleeding head looking dazed and confused.

This didn’t go so well.

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