Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3 (7 page)

“Who does José work for?” Mad Dog asks moving in, shoving his fist into the still bleeding finger.

He moans out breathing harshly through his nose as he grits his teeth. “I’d rather go deaf than tell you anything about José.”

Mad Dog pulls back smirking. “Ah, so you do know José then. And going deaf, eh? We can arrange that if you won’t talk.”

“Go your hardest esé.”

Closing my eyes, my body slumps wishing he hadn’t said that. This guy’s asking to be killed. Although I’m pretty sure, he was never coming out of here alive anyway, but he’s just going to make the road to death a hell of a lot more painful if he doesn’t cooperate.

Chops picks the scalpel back up and moves to his side. The Mexican’s eyes move to the left as he watches Chops. He smirks as he grabs hold of his ear.

“What the fuck hombre. I didn’t mean it literally!”

Chops laughs. “Sorry, what? I can’t hear you?” He then brings the scalpel down behind his ear flap and begins to hack at the membrane with his scalpel.

A shudder runs down my spine as the Mexican screams out in sheer pain as the scalpel slices through his ear detaching it from his head. Yes, this won’t make him deaf, but it will absolutely cause a lot of pain. He squirms in the seat and his moans start to quieten as Chops pulls his ear away and throws it on the floor with the tip of the Mexican’s finger.

“There. They make quite the pair together on the floor there don’t they? But things are better in threes, I think? Don’t you think?” Chops asks.

“Oh, yes, definitely! Three isn’t a crowd at all,” Mad Dog agrees.

“What the fuck. No. No more. Please esé.”

“Then tell us what we want to know about José.”

He exhales and his body slumps. “Okay. I’ll tell you what I know. Word on the street is José is working for someone big. I don’t know his name, I’ve never met him. But my gang, the Ingratos, are working the streets for them. We supply the local gangs and thugs with their guns and drugs, and it keeps them happy.”

Mad Dog exhales and nods. “Who’s them?”

“I don’t know. That’s all I know, I swear.” He looks up to the right, I huff and shake my head.

“He’s lying again.”

Mad Dog looks at me and nods. “Chops, make the duo a trio.”

“No, no, please!” he calls out as Chops moves into him with a scooped shaped object. I wonder what it’s for, but then Chops moves two fingers to hold his eye open one above and one below his eye socket and I know this is going to be gruesome.

“No, not my eye. Please.”

But Chops doesn’t hesitate and plunges the scoop into the Mexican’s eye socket. His scream is louder than any of his previous. My stomach churns and bile rises in my throat, but I keep it down.

I hate this, but I love it.

My heart is racing as my mind is torn in two directions.

I should hate every second of this shit, but in some twisted as fuck way, I want the damage done to this guy. I want the intel, and I want him to suffer for being an arrogant arse prick.

I don’t know who I am anymore.

Blood pools down his face as liquid oozes from the socket too. A slight popping sound makes me swallow hard as the eyeball falls out of his socket and dangles lifelessly against his cheek. Clear liquid mixed with blood oozes from the now open eye socket as the Mexican is now eerily quiet. All moaning stopped, and just his harsh breathing can be heard in the room along with mine and the rapid beating of my heart.

“You still awake, amigo?” Chops asks slapping his leg.

He jolts slightly and swallows hard. “Si… barely.”

“Maybe this will wake you up. Off to be in the land of three,” Chops says grabbing some scissors and severing the strands holding the eyeball to his face. The Mexican groans and jolts as the eyeball drops onto his lap and then rolls onto the floor with his finger and ear.

“Now, maybe we have jogged your memory. I repeat… who are

The Mexican swallows hard and takes a deep breath. “The Cartel.” All traces of sarcasm and aggression are gone from his voice, and now he’s only talking with lackluster defeat.

My back stiffens and a cold sweat runs over my skin. The 5113ers said they would come after us. I guess they weren’t lying.

“Fuck!” Mad Dog runs his fingers through his long hair and turns toward me clenching his jaw. “I suppose we knew this was coming.”

I nod as Chops grabs a large knife from the bench and looks to Mad Dog. He nods and Chops looks down into the Mexican’s remaining eye and smiles. “Thank you for your honesty.”

“Can I go now?” the Mexican asks.

Chops nods. “Sure, I’ll just undo your head restraint.”

I furrow my brows wondering what the fuck is going on, as Chops moves behind the Mexican and loosens his head restraint. He flexes his neck and looks over to Mad Dog.

“I won’t tell the Cartel I was here. I swear.”

Mad Dog nods and smiles. “I know.”

Chops brings his hand up containing the knife and shoves it straight into the Mexican’s neck. Blood splatters out all over Chops’ shirt. The Mexican gurgles, the blood pooling in his throat as his artery pumps it out of his system quickly.

I thought it was too good to be true.

Taking a deep breath, I watch as his head falls to the side gasping for air as Chops twists the knife slowly in his neck.

“C’mon let’s get a beer. I have some thinking to do.” Mad Dog slaps my shoulder and turns around walking toward the staircase. Taking one last look at the mangled Mexican, I figure it won’t be long before Jigsaw gets to him, and there’ll be more than three body parts on the floor.

Chops pulls out the knife as he smiles wide. “Enjoy your first time, Stealth?” he calls out.

“It was a wild ride,” I answer and turn needing to get the hell out of here. My feet hit the black stairs and they feel like lead weights. Sure, I’ve seen people die before. Hell, I watched it when the 5113ers came in all guns-a-blazing, but this was different. I feel like something in me is irrevocably changed forever.

For the worse or better?
I’m not sure yet.

Only time will tell.

Chapter Five


We traipse up the stairs to the clubroom, and when we arrive the top of the stairs the guys are all laughing as Penetrator and Lookout are sitting at the bar staring each other down with the rest of the guys surrounding them. I look at Mad Dog, who rolls his eyes and shrugs, walking off to the assembly room by himself. I turn and stride over to my brothers to see what the hell is going on.

“Ready?” Crash calls out.

Lookout and Penetrator both say, “Aye,” putting their elbows on the bar for an arm wrestle.

“Place your bets!” Crash announces, and everyone starts putting their cash on Penetrator’s side. But Lookout, even though he’s strange, his muscles are huge.
I know where I’m placing my bet.
I place a twenty down on Lookout’s side.

“Thanks, bitch! At least, someone knows how this is gonna go down. And I love going down, especially on men.”

Everyone laughs as Lookout glares at Penetrator. “Hold up! What do the participants win?” I ask and they both look at me and smirk.

“Yeah, what do I win?” Penetrator asks.

“I think we should pick your prizes,” Crash announces and everyone else nods.

“Yeah, if Penetrator wins, Lookout has to be his bitch for a month. Basically his slave,” Crash declares. Everyone laughs as Lookout slumps his body and huffs.

“Fuck me, motherfucker. My prize better be fucken good,” Lookout states.

“If Lookout wins, he gets to dry hump Penetrator doggy style against the pool table while we video it and put it on YouTube!” Ryder declares. We all laugh, except for Penetrator, who shakes his head.

“No way, fuckers.”

“Yes way! That’s the best motherfucken prize I’ve ever had. That’s the deal or this whole thing is off,” Lookout says moving his arm into position.

Chuckling to myself, I shake my head wishing Steel was here. He would fucking love this.

“Okay fine! But I’m going to fucking kick your tiny little black arse, Lookout. Ain’t no fucker doggy styling me on the pool table.”

“Yes!” Lookout calls out as Penetrator grabs his hand and they lock into position.

“Right, on my mark. First one to put the other flat on the bar counter wins. Ready… and… go!” Crash calls out.

Their hands clench, muscles tensing, veins protruding, as they both sway from side to side. It seems a fairly even match. My brothers all around me cheer and wave their money around. Penetrator grits his teeth as a smile crosses over Lookout’s face. The hands move over to the side, swaying down, with Lookout’s hand on top.

Yes! I fucking knew it!

“Go, Lookout, go. Pound his arse!” I say with a laugh trying to edge him on using the words he’d use.

He smiles wide as Penetrator groans, his whole body shaking with the losing battle. My brothers are all cheering and egging Lookout on, even though their money’s on Penetrator. Lookout blows a kiss to Penetrator and then slams his hand down on the bar.

Cheers and exacerbated sighs ring through the clubroom as my brothers all celebrate or mope over the win.

“Ha! Take that motherfucker. I’m gonna fake rape your motherfucken arse, so fucken hard bitch you’ll be walking funny for a week.”

I burst out laughing as Penetrator rests his head in his hands with a long drawn out sigh as I collect my money from my correctly placed bet.

Thank you, Lookout!

“You’re not really going to put it on YouTube are you?” Penetrator asks. I smirk as Crash pulls out his phone.

“Abso-fuckin-lutely I am! Now over to the pool table so you can be Lookout’s bitch,” Crash says. We all walk over to the pool table, Lookout with a not-so-surprising spring in his step.

“C’mon Penetrator, a bet is a bet.” Ryder grabs him by the collar and pulls him off his bar stool and drags him over unwillingly to the pool table.

I can’t wait to see this.

Ryder places him against the pool table and Lookout smiles wide and rubs his cock through his jeans. “I’m ready when you are, baby.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake. Really guys?” Penetrator asks.

“Yes!” we all say in unison.

Ryder turns him around and bends him over the pool table. His arse on show in his baggy jeans for us all to see. I can’t stop laughing. This is just the light relief I needed after what I just witnessed with the Mexican.

“I swear to God, I’m going to pay you all back for this you fucking bastards,” Penetrator says as his cheek leans against the green of the felt pool table.

Lookout moves in behind him and chuckles. “I’m fucken well gonna enjoy this. Hold on tight, motherfucker,” Lookout says, then brings his hand up and slaps his arse hard making him jolt forward.

Penetrator goes to stand up, but Lookout moves in behind him grabbing his waist and starts gyrating his hips into his arse as if he’s fucking him from behind.

“Oh yeah! You like that, bad boy?” Lookout asks. We all laugh as Penetrator tries to stand up groaning about this being fucking ridiculous, but Lookout slams his back down so his front is against the pool table again. His chest thuds against the wood and the sound makes us laugh even harder.

“Take that Daddy… and that… and that. You like a big black cock, don’t you motherfucker?”

“Fucking hell, Lookout. Let me the fuck up, you fucking gutter trash piece of shit!” Penetrator demands. Lookout pushes his face into the pool table while grinding his cock into his arse.

Crash is holding his phone up recording the whole thing. I’m laughing so hard I’m coughing from the lack of air.

“You love the cock, don’t you Penetrator. Say you love my motherfucken big black shiny dick,” Lookout teases thumping his hips into Penetrator’s arse.

Penetrator screams out in annoyance and moves back with all his might, forcing Lookout backward and into Crash.

“You guys find this funny?” he yells, his eyebrows scrunched together, his jaw clenched and his neck tensed so tight the veins are protruding.

“Actually… yes, very,” Ryder says.

“Well, you’re all fucking lunatics! You’re gonna pay for this. All of you. And you, Lookout, you come near me with that filthy cock of yours again and I’ll fucken rip it off.”

“Only if it’s with your teeth, motherfucker,” Lookout teases, causing us all laugh again. Penetrator yells some more obscenities and storms out of the clubroom, obviously to get away from us all mocking him.

Poor guy.
Na, that was as funny as fuck.

Walking up to Lookout, I slap him on the back as he continues to chuckle. “Great acting you did there brother, that was priceless.”

He smirks. “Hey, anything to make that motherfucker uncomfortable. Plus, it was as fucking hilarious. Humping anything is good by me, I’m okay with any arse as long as it’s pretty.”

Laughing, I shake my head wondering if he’s being serious or not. I can never tell with him.

I wonder if his whole way of talking is just a front, or if he’s actually playing for both sides?

“Anyway, thanks for the entertainment. I needed it.”

“What for motherfucker? You having a bad day?”

Taking a deep breath, I nod. “You could say that. Well, not bad as such, just… different.”

He nods. “Oh yeah, one of those. Well, just remember what my favourite lady once said,
‘We’re not in Kansas anymore’

Furrowing my brows, not only because
is one of his favourite women, but also because I don’t understand the quote. “I don’t follow?”

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “Geez motherfucker, keep up. You’re relatively new here, you haven’t been in the club long. Life here is fucken different. It’s not like a normal life. It’s not like Kansas. You get me now, mo-fo?”

Nodding, I understand what he’s saying. Even though I’m new, I have to get used to how things run here. He’s basically telling me to harden the fuck up but in his Lookout way. “I got you. Thanks, brother. It takes a bit of getting used to.” I look over toward the Chop Shop.

He jolts his head back and shakes it adamantly. “Oh, hell no, motherfucker. That place don’t take getting used to. That place is a fucken circus. Don’t go down there if you don’t have to. That shit gives you nightmares. If you can stay awake through it, which of course, I never could… blood and all. That shit’s nasty, motherfucker. Even thinking about it I’m getting woozy.” He reaches out grabbing my shirt as he sways on the spot.

“Shit! You gonna pass out?”

He shakes his head slightly and takes a few deep breaths. “Nope. Just thinking of Justin Timberlake in tight jeans… yeah, that shit’s helping.” He takes a deep breath as I try not to laugh. “Okay, I’m good. Thanks for believing in me, fucker. Now I gotta drink.” He walks off with a strut to the bar.

Shaking my head, I wonder how anyone like him could have ended up in a biker gang. But these guys are pretty accepting and take in all sorts. I mean Jigsaw doesn’t speak in any way that you can understand and he’s here, but then again his talents are quite useful for the club. Then there’s Crash. A biker who can’t ride motorbikes because he crashes anything with two wheels.

This club really is a place for oddballs.

Walking over to the bar, I figure I may as well get a drink too. After this strange day, I need something to take the edge off. Taking a seat on my own, Acid and Blade are behind the bar pouring the beer. They seem to be doing a much better job than what Sentinel and I did. I wasn’t too bad, but poor old Sentinel was… well, shit at it.

It makes me think of Knucklehead and how he was our prospect manager. I miss him, he was a good kid and didn’t deserve to die the way he did at the hands of the 5113ers. Every time I think of the day we were raided, it sends a shiver down my spine. Losing Knucklehead was hard, we were close. Then losing Steel to whatever beef he has with Chops, well that sucked too. At least, Techie and Lookout are still here. I love those guys, they’re great friends. I hate that, in the end, I’m going to have to bring them in, along with the rest of these guys.

At least, the girls will be free. Skye will be rid of this place. She won’t have to service the men, and she won’t be stuck here as a slave to the brothers abusing her for less than she’s worth. Sighing as Acid traipses up to me, he gestures for a stein and I nod, he lifts his top lip at me snarling like a dog and I furrow my brows and jolt back in confusion.

“You… okaaay?” I ask.

He stops snarling and smiles like a fucking lunatic. “Yeah, practicing my angry face. How was it?” I’m not sure how to respond. I want to laugh because it seems ridiculous practicing that shit, but in all honesty, the look was scary as shit. I thought the fucking kid had rabies for a second.

“Umm, it was great. Real scary.”

His eyes light up and he nods. “Fucking knew it. Blade said I looked like I had rabies, but I knew it was scary and not weird.”

I simply nod and pull my lips together with my teeth so I don’t laugh. He hands me my beer, and I swivel on the stool turning my back to him. He’s fucking weird, and I don’t feel the need to talk to him right now. Taking a sip of my beer, I glance to my left to see the club girls walking in, and Skye is with them. I smile at her as she walks by me, a tingle running down my spine at the sight of her.

“Hey, handsome.”

“Hey, gorgeous. How was work?”

She huffs. “Boring. Except for this one guy who seemed to really love the girls and me, he was throwing cash at us left right and centre. He looked important, you know? Business suit, bad haircut, ethnic, weird accent, but really creepy. I was glad to come home.”

“Did he try anything with you?” I ask, my protective instincts kicking in.

“No, just watched us, and gave great tips. Was harmless enough, but kinda unsettling the way he was eyeing us all. Felt like he was taking in how many of us were there, or something. Weird, I don’t know. Didn’t give me the warm and fuzzies that’s for sure.”

Taking in all this information, I’m not sure if it’s just some creeper or something to be wary of. I’ll make sure to inform Mad Dog later, but right now I’m going to spend some much needed time with Skye. I’ve had a rough day, she’s had a rough day, and I think we need to cheer each other up.

“Right, well, you have my number. If he comes in again and causes trouble, let me know. I’ll be there in a flash.”

“Will do. But right now, you in the mood for some company?” she asks.

Smiling and grabbing her hand I pull her down to sit on my lap. She squeals sitting down effortlessly wrapping her arms around my neck, looking right into my eyes. A shockwave runs down my spine just from looking at her. “I’d love some. Especially if it’s you smelling all gorgeous with that jasmine-scented shampoo like you are.” I swear that smell sends my cock hard instantly.

“You’re one smooth talker, Stealth.”

“I try.”

“Well, it’s working. You make a girl feel all jittery inside when you look at me like that.” She brings her hand up to my cheek and caresses it.

Raising my eyebrow, I smirk. “Like what?”

“Tilting your head and smiling at me so handsomely. The way your eyes sparkle when I look at you, I feel like I’m someone special—”

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