Read Stephanie's Castle Online

Authors: Susanna Hughes

Tags: #slaves, #sexual variation, #susanna hughes, #strictly disciplined

Stephanie's Castle (3 page)

So where was
Venetia? Stephanie had expected her to be there tonight to pick her
up. She had to admit she was disappointed not to see her. Finding
the control in the side panel by the seat she pressed the button to
wind down the window between her and the driver.

'Where's Mr
Devlin's chauffeur?'

'I'm Mr
Devlin's chauffeur, madam,' he replied frostily.

Venetia, then?' she persisted.

'I don't know,

hesitated, questions crowding into her mind. But she decided she
would play Devlin's game, and pressed the control button in the
opposite direction, watching as the glass panel whirred back up
into position.

Would Venetia
be at the lake? Or was it just going to be Devlin? If she was
absolutely honest with herself, she didn't really care. If Devlin's
intentions had been to sweep her off her feet, make her careless of
what was going to happen to her, he had succeeded completely. In
her affair with Martin she had allowed herself to be taken to new
levels of sexual awareness. Whether this weekend with Devlin would
produce equally new experiences she had no idea. But her affair
with Martin had taught her to be open-minded and not to shy away
from the unknown. She sipped at the vintage champagne, then
refilled her glass. One thing was for sure: this was definitely the
way to travel.


The car pulled
through the gates of a private airfield. Stephanie watched as it
drove up to a series of prefabricated buildings. The chauffeur
stopped the car and came round to open the passenger door.

'You'll need
your passport, madam,' he said. A uniformed officer had come out of
one of the buildings, clipboard in hand. He quickly examined the
passport Stephanie produced, made a note on his clipboard, and

'All in order.
Have a good trip, miss,' he said, handing her back the

Back in the
Cadillac the chauffeur drove around the buildings to a line of
hangars. Parked outside one of them was a white Learjet, obviously
being readied for take-off, its landing steps extended from the
passenger compartment. The chauffeur drove right up to the steps.
From the plane a Malaysian woman wearing a tight, white rough silk
Kheong-Sam high to the neck but split to well above the knee, came
down. Her thick black hair was cut short and parted in the middle,
a style which perfectly suited her round face and green jade eyes.
She opened the car door for Stephanie.

'Good evening,
madam. I'm Susie, your flight attendant this evening.' She smiled.
The chauffeur had taken the suitcase from the boot and put it
aboard the plane. 'Have a good flight, madam,' he said, touching
his hand to his cap in what passed for a salute.


'This way,
madam,' Susie said, leading the way up the steps and into the main
cabin of the plane.

If the inside
of the Cadillac had been luxurious, the inside of the plane was
palatial. In the main cabin there was a cocktail bar, comfortable
sofas, leather armchairs and a dining table with four chairs, all
upholstered in the finest materials - wild silk, the softest
leather, burr walnut.

'We will be
taking off in four minutes, madam. If you would please choose your
seat and fasten your seatbelt.'

chose one of the leather chairs. She could hear the noise of the
engines increase but the interior of the cabin was still remarkably

'Can I get you
a drink before take off?'

refused. She had already drunk most of the bottle of champagne on
the drive and did not wish to arrive in Italy the worse for wear.
That is not what Devlin would want. But she did order Perrier,
which was brought at once in a tall glass with ice and lemon. Then
Susie disappeared into the forward cabin.

Stephanie felt
the plane moving and moments later, with no queuing for runway
slots as in a commercial airport, the engines roared and they were
airborne, turning immediately to head south, the whole of London
spread out beneath them.

Susie returned
as soon as the plane had levelled out. 'It is perfectly all right
to remove your seatbelt now, madam.'

'How long is
the flight?'

'One hour and
ten minutes.'

'Am I the only
passenger?' For a second Stephanie saw that Susie hesitated before
answering the question.

'Some cargo,'
she said, not looking Stephanie in the eyes.

After showing
her the call buttons should there be anything she required, she
disappeared into the forward cabin again.

Intrigued at
Susie's response, Stephanie roamed the cabin enjoying the feeling
of being able to walk freely about in a plane. She looked out the
windows on the other side of the cabin. It was still light outside
and she could pick out details of buildings on the ground below.
Her feeling of excitement had not decreased since the moment she
had stepped into the car. She had never been in a private plane
before. It was quite an experience, she decided, something she
could easily get used to.

At the end of
the main cabin was a door in the bulkhead. Ever-curious, Stephanie
tried it and found it was locked. But there on the floor in front
of the door was a small brass key.

picked it up and fitted it into the lock of the door. For a second
she hesitated. If it were locked it must be locked for a reason.
Then curiosity overcame caution - as it so often had with her - and
she turned the key and opened the door.

The cabin
beyond was dark. From the light flooding in from the main cabin it
appeared to be an empty space stacked with a few wooden crates.

found a switch and lights came on. Then she saw why Susie had

There was
another passenger.

On the
bulkhead wall next to the door a man was strapped. He was
spreadeagled against the wall and fastened to it with heavily
padded leather straps at his wrists and ankles. He was completely
naked, but his face was covered with what looked like a carnival
mask. It had small holes behind which Stephanie could see the man's
blue eyes moving rapidly, trying to see what was going on, but
there was no mouthpiece and as she looked closer she could see that
behind the mask a gag was strapped tightly into the man's

For a moment
she thought she'd better leave, turn the lights off again and go
back to the main cabin: pretend she had never seen the 'cargo'. But
the feelings this apparition had aroused in her were too strong. It
was like a magnet pulling her forward, impossible to resist.

The man's body
was good, well muscled and firm. Closing the door Stephanie stood
in front of him, looking into his eyes through the small holes in
the mask. As she did his penis stirred. He was getting an erection.
Tentatively at first she ran her hand down his chest as far as his
waist, then up again. There was nothing he could do to stop her.
She could do anything she wanted with him. The idea made her feel
instantly hot. She could feel her cunt beginning to cream, or was
that her imagination? She circled the man's cock lightly with her
hand and it sprung to full erection. The man moaned through the
gag. It sounded as though he was trying to say 'please' but she
could not tell for sure. She trailed her other hand across his
chest again, then pinched at one of his nipples. He moaned again.
She pinched alternatively and saw his penis swell each time she did

She could feel
her knickers clinging to her now, hot and damp. It was not her
imagination. She hitched up her skirt and pulled her knickers down
over her stockings. The man's eyes tried to follow her movements as
far as his restricted vision would allow. Stephanie's excitement
was beginning to supersede any other feeling. She did not care what
happened. No doubt the champagne she had consumed emboldened her.
This whole trip was so bizarre, so extraordinary she could only
follow her instincts. There would be time for regret later. Now she
wanted an orgasm. She wanted to take this man.

Kneeling in
front of the man she used her hand on her clitoris, then pushed two
fingers into her cunt. There was no resistance. The feelings of
excitement she had experienced in her mind had been perfectly
communicated to her body and her cunt was already wet. As she was
only inches from it anyway, she opened her mouth and sucked his
cock in, producing another, louder moan. His cock was hot and very
hard. She ran her tongue around the tip then took her mouth away
and licked instead his big hairy balls.

This was like
a fantasy, like the games she'd played with Martin. The helpless
man, his cock hard and available for her pleasure. Her fingers
weren't big enough to satisfy her. She needed cock in her, his
cock. Pulling her skirt up over her waist she held his cock in one
hand down between her legs and pushed her backside into his navel.
It was not the ideal position but it would just work. She guided
the cock between the lips of her cunt then bent forward to increase
the angle. Yes, it was beginning to push between her labia and into
her. She could feel all her juices running over him. She pushed
back further and then he was home, a good few inches into her, and
she gasped at his heat. It was as though his cock were on fire. She
started to fuck him by pushing her backside up and down on him
while she wanked her clitoris. He was moaning regularly now what
sounded like 'thank you, thank you.'

'No!' Susie
stood in the doorway. 'You must not.' With a strength that belied
her fragile appearance she pushed Stephanie forward and off the
man's cock.

'How dare
you!' Stephanie was furious at the interruption.

'He's on
punishment. It is not allowed.'

stared into the cold, angry eyes of the Malaysian woman. For a
second neither woman moved.

'I want

'It is not
allowed for him to come.' Stephanie was too aroused and too excited
to leave it at that. Then she realised she had a trump card to

'Devlin told
you I was to have everything I wanted, didn't he?'

'Yes.' A look
of uncertainty entered Susie's eyes.

Stephanie corrected.

'Yes, madam,'
Susie repeated obediently.

'Everything I

'Yes, madam,

'I am telling
you I want this. Now.' Without waiting for a response Stephanie
pulled off her dress. She reached behind her back to unclip her
bra, then stopped. She was beginning to realise she had a certain
power. 'Undo this for me.'

hesitated then moved forward and unclipped the bra. Stephanie did
nothing. 'Well take it off me then,' she ordered testily.

Susie obeyed,
leaving Stephanie standing in the cabin in her dark grey suspender
belt, sheer cream stockings and high heels.

could see the man's eyes staring at her body. The altercation had
not diminished his erection. She was enjoying herself. She was in
charge. Somewhere behind all this, she knew, was Devlin, but for
the moment she was in charge, flying at 35,000 feet and six hundred
miles an hour, and she knew she could do and have anything she

'Hold his
cock.' Susie obeyed at once, obviously having decided that Devlin's
instructions in relation to Stephanie overrode any other
considerations. Stephanie resumed her position, pushing backward on
to the man. She felt Susie's hand on his cock and felt her guiding
it into her still-wet cunt.

'Now my
clitoris,' she said. The thrill of being able to order a woman to
do something so intimate practically brought her off at once. She
managed to restrain herself because she wanted to feel his spunk
inside her and let that make her come.

Susie's touch
on her clitoris was perfect. The man's cock felt even bigger now.
She could feel it swell. She knew he was going to come and she knew
her orgasm was there too. As she felt the first hot jets of spunk
spray into her cunt her whole body shook with her climax, making
her scream with pleasure and grind her body further back on to the
man to get him just that inch deeper so she could finish with it
there, as deep as it would go.

didn't want to move, but when she felt his cock slip out of her she
straightened up.

'Is there a

Susie nodded
and, collecting Stephanie's clothes, led the way back into the main
cabin. There, set in the forward bulkhead, was a complete bathroom
with a powerful shower, bidet, toilet and every possible toiletry
from shampoo to perfume, all recessed in custom-built mirrored

'We'll be landing in fifteen minutes, madam,' Susie said,
emphasising the
as if to confirm Stephanie's authority. But Stephanie was not
finished with her new-found power. She had had another

'Wash me
please.' She indicated her suspenders with a nod of her head and
immediately Susie unclipped them and rolled the stockings off as
Stephanie raised each leg in turn. Then Susie unclipped the
suspender belt and ran the shower.

'When the
temperature was to her satisfaction Stephanie stepped into the warm
water. The shower was strong and pummelled her body, making her
feel fresh and clean again. Susie took the soap and washed her
back, hesitating for a moment only when she came to the front,
waiting, perhaps, for Stephanie's approval which was given with a
nod of her head. For a moment Stephanie considered ordering Susie
to perform a more personal service but at this stage she decided
she did not want to over-indulge herself and settled for letting
Susie wash and dry her, and help her back into her clothes. With
this amount of luxury, over-indulgence was something she would have
to be careful to avoid.

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