Somewhere in Between (Madison Square #1) (5 page)

If something ever happened between us, it would complicate things way too much. Some lines were better left uncrossed. Drew was the center of my world, which sounded a little weird, but it was true. Drew was there for me when I had no one. He brought me back to life. I wasn’t going to risk losing him just to get laid, even though it had been a while.

He reached around me, stealing a piece of chicken from the pan, and I swatted at him with my spatula. He just laughed, leaning back against the counter. I had to reach around him to get a knife and he didn’t try to move out of the way. He just smiled down at me, watching me struggle to reach around his hard, sculpted body.

I started cutting up the limes, dividing them into wedges in an attempt to focus my attention on anything but how good he looked in that shirt. Man, my hormones were on overdrive tonight. I needed a drink.

After grabbing the salt from the stove, I licked my wrist and salted it before handing the salt to Drew. He took the shaker, his fingers briefly brushing mine, licked his wrist, and sprinkled on the salt. His eyes never left mine during the entire process. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve sworn he was flirting.

I handed him a lime as he poured me a shot and handed me the glass. We locked eyes and clinked glasses, then licked the salt off of our own wrists and downed the shot. My body warmed as the tequila spread through my system. Drew held his lime out for me and I did the same, taking the lime he offered between my teeth.

When I met his eyes again, there was something different there. I just couldn’t place it. He took hold of my hand, guiding the lime I held to his lips, his tongue flicking out to wet them before taking the bitter fruit between his teeth. I couldn’t help but stare at his mouth as he sucked the juice from the lime wedge.

I blinked and took the lime out of my mouth. Pulling my hand from his grasp, I turned toward the stove to finish dinner. When my back was safely to him, I exhaled, letting out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.

When I finished the quesadillas, I handed him his plate and a bottle of water, which he tucked under his arm. He grabbed the tequila with his free hand and headed for the living room. I followed behind with the salt, a plate of limes, and our glasses, then returned to the kitchen for my food and some napkins, taking a moment alone to calm my nerves.

He flipped on the TV, searching through the movie channels. When I came back into the living room and sat on the couch next to him, he had settled on a movie.

“Fight Club again,” I said, setting my plate in my lap, I scooped salsa onto my fork.

“Of course. Tyler Durden is a badass,” he replied. He took a big bite of his quesadilla, cheese stretching out from his mouth as he tore through the tortilla with his teeth. I laughed and handed him a napkin. He was such a mess.

“You always say that. Tyler Durden is a hallucination brought on by insomnia.”

He looked at me, cocking his head to the side like he couldn’t possibly understand why I didn’t want to watch Fight Club again for the millionth time. It was like this every movie night. We never agree on what to watch. We usually argue until one of us caves. Guess my turn to cave was tonight.

“Fine, we will make this interesting,” he said, pointing to the screen. “Every time Tyler flashes, we take a shot.”

“Deal,” I said as Tyler flashed behind the copier. I’m never one to back down from a challenge.

Grinning, Drew poured me a shot and handed it to me with the salt. We repeated the process: lick, salt, lick, shot, and then lime.

I finished off my food and set my plate on the table in front of us. Drew looked at me as I sat back on the couch. “You have some salsa on your…”

He swiped his thumb over my lip and brought it to his mouth, sucking his thumb clean. I just stared at the side of his head, but he kept watching the movie, laughing at something on the screen I couldn’t hear. What the hell was that? I must be drunker than I thought.

“Oh, here we go,” he said, handing me another shot and the salt. I took it and shook my head, pushing past the salsa thing. I licked my wrist and salted it. He reached over and grabbed my wrist, bringing it to his lips. He licked the salt off with one flat swipe of his tongue, then took the shot and bit into the lime.

I froze, staring at his fingers still wrapped around my arm. Now, we have been known to be overly affectionate from time to time, but this was taking things to a whole new level. I was sure that I had to be imagining things. After all, tequila did strange things to me.

Seeing my shocked expression, he laughed. “What?” he said, like it was no big deal that he just licked me. I mean, up until now we were just going through the typical tequila shot ritual and licking salt from our own wrists, but he was changing the game and it felt more intimate then I was used to. I met his eyes, mine narrowing as I tried to figure out his end game.

“Relax, Red. I used to lick the salt from your neck, remember?” He chuckled, focusing back on the screen in front of us.

That was true. When in doubt, blame the tequila. I quickly sprinkled salt on the spot he just licked, downed the shot, and bit into the lime. I was trying to convince myself that the warmth spreading through my body was from the tequila and not the feel of Drew’s tongue on my skin. I wondered what else he could do with that tongue. Tequila shots were not a smart idea.

Three shots later, I was feeling fantastic, if not a little woozy. Okay, a lot woozy. I leaned back on the couch and dropped my head to Drew’s shoulder. He shifted, bringing his arm around me, and I snuggled into him. He was comfortable. We stayed like that for most of the movie. We missed the last two flashes a while ago, but I was already on my way to sloppy from the shots we already had. There was no need to make it worse.

Drew looked down at me. As I raised my head, a lazy smile stretched across my face.

“You look happy.”

With the alcohol warming my belly, I snuggled closer. “You make me happy.”

He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. “You make me crazy.” His voice turned soft and deep. He brushed a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. He was only inches away from my face.

“You love it,” I teased.

His gaze went to my lips, and he shifted closer. His warm breath tickled my lips. “Yeah, I do.”

Then he did the unthinkable. He closed the gap, pressing his lips to mine, soft at first, then with more of a frantic need. His lips began to move against mine and I couldn’t help but match his pace. The kiss intensified as we both gave in, surrendering our lips to each other.

I felt so lightheaded. I couldn’t tell if it was the booze or his kiss. He pulled me tight against his chest, brought his hand to the back of my neck, and tilted my head, giving him better access to my mouth. The feeling was unbelievable. Everything felt fuzzy, like a daydream.

Aww man, that was it. I must have passed out at some point. It was a dream. There was no other explanation. So, when in Rome, right?

I ran my hand over his stomach and up to his chest, resting it just over his pounding heart as he parted my lips with his tongue. Oh my God, he tasted amazing, like salt, lime, and honey, my new favorite flavors.

I heard him moan in the back of his throat, and the next thing I knew I was on my back, pressed into the couch as his body fit perfectly against mine. It was the best tequila-induced dream I’d ever had. I definitely enjoyed it more than I should have. His lips were soft and firm. Our tongues were in perfect sync as we caressed and explored each other. My body went tingly and weak. All I felt were his hands and those lips as he kissed me breathless.

He ran his hand down my side, over my hip, and down my thigh, stopping to pull my knee up as he settled between my legs. I gasped as his lips left my mouth and began to travel down my neck. My body arched into him, fitting against him in all the right places.

Man, it was a really good dream. Then, like the best dreams always do, it faded to black.









Chapter 5



Drew (Then)


Alex: Are you going to this Sigma Kai thing tomorrow?


I shot a quick text back to Red.


Drew: Yeah.


Alex: Thank God! Kerri is driving me crazy. She has been a nut case all week.


Drew: You know she broke up with Sean right?


Alex: Seriously? Well I guess that explains the frantic need to attend a frat party.


I shook my head. I couldn’t say I was sad about Sean and Kerri. That chick was a bitch. Sean seemed to be doing okay, but I still needed to warn him that she was going to be at the party.

I’ve been to the Sigma Kai house a few times with my brother before he graduated. I stayed cool with his fraternity brothers, so they kept me in the loop for the good parties.

When Sean and I made it to the house, the party was already crazy. Red plastic cups littered the front yard and the bass from the music was so loud, it made the house seem like it had a heartbeat. I heard a cheer from a group of guys on the porch who were standing in a circle around two girls making out. I just shook my head. I couldn’t believe the shit girls would do for attention. Sean stopped to watch and I grabbed ahold of his jacket and dragged him in the house.

Inside, the house was sensory overload. The music thumped so loud I could feel my heartbeat changing to keep up with it. The lights were dim except for the full assault of strobe and dance floor lighting. The air smelled of stale beer, pot, and desperation.

I looked around to see who was here as I felt a pair of arms snake around me from behind. I turned to see a tiny blonde locked onto my back. I smiled down at her. She was cute, but it was way too early in the night for me to settle. She looked up at me, her blue eyes glazed over. She was either already drunk, high, or both.

“Hey,” she said, blinking fast in an awkward attempt at batting her eyelashes.

“Hey,” I said, trying to pull her off of me.

She just tightened her grip around my waist. “Haven’t I seen you playing football in the quad by the science building?”

“Yeah.” I made another attempt to remove her.

“Let me guess. Tight end?” she asked, grabbing my ass to test her theory. She giggled at her lame attempt at a joke.

I could tell that getting rid of her wouldn’t be easy, so I had to switch tactics. I smiled down at her and her hopeful eyes widened. I ran my hands down her sides to her ass. “Yours is pretty tight too, babe.”

I bent down and lifted her up. She rested her legs on my hips and wrapped her arms around my neck, giggling into my face. I took two steps forward, deposited her on a bar stool, and ducked out of her arms, which were wrapped around my neck.

“Not tonight,” I said. I turned around to find Sean.

He was already hitting the keg pretty hard, so my guess was Kerri was here already. I looked around and caught sight of her surrounded by three guys from the lacrosse team, but no sign of Red. I went up behind Sean, dropping my hand on his shoulder as he poured another beer and handed it to me. He stared at Kerri as he downed the cup and went in for another refill. This was a bitch move, even for Kerri. It pissed me off. Sean was a good guy. He didn’t deserve this shit.

Just then, I saw Red standing in the doorway to the kitchen. She looked at Sean, then over to where Kerri was holding court. Red’s face twisted with disgust as she marched over to us. Before I even knew what was happening, she grabbed Sean by the back of the neck and kissed him, pulling him against her. Sean seemed surprised at first, then responded, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her back. I had no idea what the hell was happening. I just stood there, staring at them making out in the kitchen while people cheered and raised their glasses.

When Red finally broke the kiss, she asked, “Is she looking?”

Sean looked toward Kerri and nodded. Red took his hand and led him into the other room. I glanced at Kerri, who was fuming. You could practically see the steam coming off of her head.

I headed into the other room and saw Red smiling up at Sean. He leaned down to give her a hug as I walked up to them. “Okay, anyone want to tell me what the hell that was about?” I asked, hooking a thumb toward the kitchen.

Red shrugged. “She needed to be put in her place. I was not just going to stand there and let her rub it in Sean’s face. He didn’t deserve that.” She looked up at Sean, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re a good guy, Sean.”

“Thanks, babe,” he said with a smile. He slid an arm around her waist. “You know, I wouldn’t mind a little repeat.” He leaned in to kiss her again.

Red palmed his face, pushing him away. “Nice try.”

Sean just laughed. “Can’t blame me.” He took off into the other room with a bit more spring in his step.

I stared down at her, my mouth still hanging open. I was completely in awe of this girl.


“I think I just fell a little bit in love with you,” I stammered.

She laughed. “As long as it is only a little bit.”

The rest of the night was pretty great, actually. Red kicked my ass at beer pong and even got up to sing a horribly off key version of “U Can’t Touch This” with Sean. I left the two of them on the dance floor and went to grab refills from the bar.

I stopped to talk to a hot little brunette in a red dress. After getting the brunette’s number and drinks for Red and Sean, I headed back to the dance floor, but Red was no longer alone. Sean was dancing with the clingy blonde from earlier and Red was dancing with some douche in cargo shorts and an Abercrombie t-shirt. The only thing missing from his typical douche uniform was the puka shell necklace. When Red wrapped her arms around his neck, I saw it. His douche uniform was complete.

I just stood there, watching him rest his hands on her hips as she swayed to the music. Her long red hair was pulled over one shoulder. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

We had gotten pretty close over the last few weeks. We spent a lot of time together, watching movies, talking, studying, and really just getting to know each other. She was the only girl I had spent more than one night with in a long time. I had always been attracted to Alex, but she was becoming my best friend. I cared about her, what she thought, and if she was happy.

Watching this guy paw at her on the dance floor when I knew she had been drinking was making me crazy. It took every ounce of my self-control not to go over there and get between them. I knew she would be pissed if I intervened. I did my best to shake off my caveman protective instinct, but when that didn’t work, I grabbed a shot from the bar and went in search of a distraction.

I found what I was looking for in the form of a gorgeous sorority pledge. Her short white tennis skirt and her tight pink tank with her house letters stretched across her chest provided all the distraction I needed. I focused on tennis skirt, but kept Red in my line of sight at all times. Lucky for me, tennis skirt was so enamored with the little bit of attention that I was giving her that she didn’t seem to notice.

I saw Red heading toward me out of the corner of my eye, but pretended to be listening to tennis skirt ramble on about her big sister.

“Hey,” Red said.

“Hey there.”

“I just wanted to let you know I’m headed out.” She put her hands in her back pockets, looking between me and tennis skirt.

“Do you want me to take you?”

“No, it’s cool. I’m catching a ride with some girls from my dorm.”

“Okay, text me when you get in.”

“Okay, see ya.”

I watched the douchebag grab her arm. She smiled and talked to him for a minute before she turned and headed for the door. At least she wasn’t going home with him.

“Who was that?” tennis skirt asked.

“Don’t worry about it, babe,” I said, wrapping my arms around her waist. “What do you say we get out of here?” I leaned down and kissed her neck.

“Okay.” She giggled.

Now that Alex had left, I could focus on finding out what was beneath that tennis skirt.

Later that night, I put tennis skirt in a cab and headed back to my apartment. I grabbed my phone to see if Alex had gotten home. Nothing. I looked at the time.

Two forty-five in the morning. I knew it was late, but I had to make sure she was home and safe. I dialed her number and hit call. It rang a few times before she finally picked up.

“Hello.” Her voice was rough and sleepy.

“Hey, Red!”

“Drew? What are you doing? It’s,” she paused, “almost three.”

“You didn’t call. I wanted to make sure you made it home.”

“You were serious about that?”

“Of course I was. I wanted to be sure you were safe.”

“I figured you were with little miss tennis skirt. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“I was, but I still would have answered.”

She chuckled. “You would answer a call from another girl while fooling around with her?”

“You’re not just another girl”

She was quiet on the line for a minute. “Okay, I’ll text next time.”

“Good. Did you have a good time?” I asked as I lay on my bed.

“Yeah, actually. I think I really pissed off Kerri. She didn’t come back to the dorm, so I guess I will have to deal with that tomorrow.”

“You can always hide here if you want. I mean, Sean definitely owes you one for that little display.”

“Oh, trust me. I plan to collect eventually.”

“I hope you do. So, I saw you dancing with that guy earlier.”

“Yeah. He seemed nice. His name is Peter Russell. Do you know him?”

“No. I know some of the guys from Sigma Kai, but he must be new.”

“He asked me out.”

“Really. Are you going?” I was curious to see if she was really interested in this guy.

“I’m thinking about it. I’m not really into the frat guy type, but I’m supposed to be getting back out there, right?”

“Right.” I did my best to sound on board with the idea. I was going to have to check this guy out. “Well, I’ll let you go back to sleep. Sweet dreams, Red.”

“Night, Drew.”




The door to my room opened and I sat up just as Red slipped in. She was wearing my Zeppelin t-shirt, her long legs bare. She moved slowly toward me, stopping just beside my bed as I swung my feet to the floor.


She smiled and stepped between my legs, putting her hands on my shoulders. I looked up at her as she slowly brought her lips down to mine. The kiss caught me off guard, but I recovered quickly and kissed her back, my tongue parting her lips as I placed my hands on the smooth skin of her legs.

She stepped closer, breaking our kiss and bringing me closer to her fantastic breasts. She threaded her fingers through my hair as my hands slowly traveled up her thighs. I slipped my hands under the t-shirt and up her hips. She dropped her head back and sighed.

She was naked beneath the shirt, and even though she was still mostly covered, the thought of her in nothing but my t-shirt had me almost crawling out of my skin.

I met her eyes and she smiled, running a finger across my bottom lip. I grabbed her hand, pulling her down on top of me as I lay back on the bed. She kissed me again. I was lost in the taste of her. She tasted like mint and cherries.

She broke the kiss and sat up, her legs straddling me as she reached for the hem of the t-shirt she was wearing. She pulled it over her head, removing the last barrier standing between me and her naked body.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whispered as I ran my hand up the smooth skin of her thighs and up her stomach. She moaned when my fingers reached her breasts, and I brushed the tight bud of her nipple with my thumb. Her body was incredible. It was everything I’d imagined it to be, maybe more.

She scooted back a little and reached a hand in my boxers. When she wrapped her fingers around me, I almost lost control right then and there. She pulled my boxers down my legs and crawled back up my body. She pressed her lips to my stomach and up my chest. She felt so good, so soft and warm. I could feel how much she wanted me. I felt it radiating from her.

She sat up, straddling me again, and wrapped her fingers around me, guiding me through the slick folds of skin right to where she wanted. She positioned herself over me. Her grip on my cock was firm as she lowered herself down. Both of us hissed as the warm sensation of being inside her overwhelmed me.

“Fuck, Red,” I whispered as she shifted to take more of me in.

I looked up at her beautiful green eyes and she smiled as she began to rock her hips, grinding her body into mine. It felt so raw, so intense. I didn’t know how long I could last.

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