Read Something Wicked Online

Authors: Jillian Sterling

Something Wicked (17 page)

BOOK: Something Wicked
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"You were amazing," Finn grabbed me, taking me
into his arms once we got into the house. I relaxed into him, his firm body
holding up my exhausted one.

"I am so ready for bed," I said, stifling a yawn.

"I was hoping you would say that." Finn shot me a
Cheshire Cat smile.

"When was the last time I slept?" I asked,
slightly sorry that I didn't opt for dinner. The exhaustion hit me hard on the
drive home.

"Doesn't matter. I'll do all the work," he

"Finn," I squealed as he swept me up into his
arms. I struggled weakly against him. Getting off my feet actually felt kind of
good. I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes, ready for a good sleep. But
instead of carrying me upstairs, he brought me into the living room. He kicked
the magazines off the coffee table and then deposited me on top of it. He came
down on top of me, peppering my face with kisses.

"Finn, what are you doing?" I twisted under his

"Remember that day we met?" he asked, running his
hand down the side of my body.

"The day you came to inquire about renting the

He nodded, pressing his pelvis into me. I hoped the old
table held up. "You forgot about the appointment. Came to the door in a

"I got dressed," I argued.

"I know, I remember watching you walk up those

I gasped. "Wait, what did you see?"

"Enough that when you came back down I hoped you didn't
see my raging boner."

"Like the one you have now?" I teased, pressing my
hips up to meet his. His breath caught.

"I wanted to throw the tea and cookies across the room
and take you on this table."

"Like right now?"

"Like exactly right now."

His hand inched up along the inside of my thigh. I smiled to
myself, waiting for his reaction to the surprise underneath. His expression
changed as his hand moved higher, going from normal horny Finn, to slightly
confused, to kid-in-a-candy-store. His eyes were as wide as saucers.

"You mean to tell me you've been commando in a
miniskirt all day and you didn't tell me?"

I nodded, a sly smile spreading across my face.

"Damn," he said, brushing his fingers lightly
along my slit. "We may have to do this day all over again, so I can take
full advantage."

He covered my laugh by bringing his mouth to mine, kissing
me hard. "You think I'm kidding?" he asked when he pulled away.
"At the very least we are going out to dinner at a place with tablecloths
and you are absolutely spreading those sexy legs while we eat."

His voice was husky, his breath teasing my neck with gentle
warmth. His hand once again just brushed against my wetness but this time he
paused, the tips of his fingers dancing along my labia, carrying my juices up
to my clit. I shook in anticipation as his thumb circled my nub. I felt his
erection press against me, and I reached for his jeans, fumbling with the

"Why do you buy button flies?" I whispered in

He laughed and pulled his hand out from under my skirt. It
was his turn to fumble with the buttons. In frustration, he yanked so hard that
two popped off and flew to the other side of the room. I wasn't the only one
who needed to do laundry. His hard cock peeked over the waste band of his jeans,
and I eased my hand in and massaged his balls.

"Fuck it, Iz, I can't wait," he said, pushing his
pants down his hips. Free from the confining jeans, his cock stretched out across
bare thigh. Finn pushed my skirt up and plunged his cock into me. My body
absorbed the force of his thrust, leaving me groaning in pleasure. He pushed my
t-shirt up and scooped my left breast out of its bra cup. He dropped his mouth
down to it, running his tongue along my nipple.

"Oh, Finn," I whispered. I reached my arms around
and sunk my nails into his back, lifting my hips to meet his. My exhaustion
faded with each stroke of his cock.

He pushed my legs up further, my knees now near my ears, as
he re-angled himself. I bared down hard just as he dropped straight down and
filled me completely. My body exploded with so much pleasure I thought I was
going mad.

The sound of a key sliding into the lock of the front door
caught us both by surprise. I dropped my legs, wrapping them around his waist.
We stilled for a moment, and while we waited he gave a slow, teasing grind of
his hips. My breath caught as his penis slowly rocked against the walls of my
sex. I was so close to orgasm, and I squeezed my Kegels. Finn's eyes nearly
popped out of his head.

A second squeeze and I was definitely coming. I pressed my
hips into him, contracting my muscles faster and faster, my breath following
the same rhythm. Finn closed his eyes, his intense expression told me he was
desperate to hold back.

"Jesus, you two! You couldn't wait to get
upstairs?" Amanda yelled, shielding her eyes as she walked in.

"Amanda," I started, but my voice was breathy with
the orgasm that was building.

"No, really, don't say a word, I don't want to hear any
of this. Or see it!' She ran up to her room, taking the stairs two at a time to
get up there faster.

With the sound of her door slamming upstairs as my cue, and
one more well-timed squeeze of my Kegels, I let loose the orgasm that was building
inside of me. Finn, his hand roughly squeezing my still exposed breast, plunged
his cock into me faster and faster. "Fuck, Iz," he roared as he came,
pulling his cock out of me quickly. It throbbed against my stomach and his
semen squirted out onto my skin. I pressed his throbbing member against my
stomach as it finished expelling the warm, milky fluid.

"Wow," he said, raining gentle kisses down onto my
face and neck and along my exposed breast.

I giggled, feeling the spent sperm slide down the side of my
stomach. "I think I need a tissue or something."

Finn looked at my face and laughed, reaching to the floor to
grab some tissues out of the box that went flying when he cleared off the
table. He stole glances at me while he wiped off my skin.

"What?" I asked, covering my face with my hands.
It was kind of weird how he was looking at me.

He dropped the tissue and pulled my hands away, "Stop!
I want to look at you."


"Because," he took a breath before continuing.
"Do you realize this is the first time we've had sex and it had nothing to
do with magic?"

"Oh wow, yeah, I guess it was," I said. Of course,
the other times we had sex were more than about the magic for me, but I didn't
want to push it.

"Did it feel different?"

I shrugged. "Maybe. At least I didn't have to think
about anything but, you know." I smiled, feeling almost shy, which was
weird since we just had mind-blowing sex on the coffee table.

He chuckled at that, running his hands along the curve of my
stomach. He dropped his head to kiss me gentle on the lips. He pulled away, and
whispered. "I love you."

"Wait, what?" I asked, not sure if I heard him

"Izzy, I love you. I am in love with you."

"Are you sure?" I asked, stupidly.

"Yes, I am sure," he admonished. "I didn't
even think of magic while we made love. I've never done that before."

"But what about the coven?" I choked out, almost
afraid of the answer.

"What about it? Iz, we can practice with or without the
coven. I've never felt magic like ours, it's powerful. That we love each other
too, that's a bonus." He paused and looked at me. "Wait, you do love
me, right?"

"Yes, of course!" I cried. "I do love you,
Finn. Goddess help me, I love you so much."

"Then fuck the coven," Finn said with a laugh.
"They can accept this or not. But we are partners in magic and love. I'd
think they'd be crazy not to accept this."

"Me too," I smiled, pulling him down to me,
desperate to feel the crush of his muscled pecs against my bare breast.

"Wait," he said, pulling himself back. "About
your mother..."

I sighed, and considered her for a moment. "I don't
know if I want to see her yet," I answered honestly. "I know she's
your High Priestess, but to me she's nothing. She left me, and even though I
know why she did it, it's still not something I can easily forgive."

"I get it," Finn said, wrapping his body around
mine. "And I am okay with that, even if she's not. If it happens at all,
it happens at your pace. Agreed?"

"Agreed," I said, nuzzling into him.

"So want to grab dinner? I'll take you someplace fancy
if you wear the skirt with no underwear."

He may have said dinner, but his hands were wandering,
pressing gently on my mons while his mouth found my breast again.

"I don't think I am hungry for food," I teased, my
hands also traveling along his body. "Why don't we go try out some

He dropped his feet to the floor and lifted me into his
arms, and carried me upstairs. "You're absolutely right. We have so much
to practice.




"Trick or treat!" a chorus of kids sing-songed
from my front porch.

I swung open the door, bucket of candy at the ready.
"And what are you supposed to be?" I asked my excited little
visitors, who squealed with delight at the "good" candy that I was
dropping in their pillowcases.

"I'm a witch!" A little voice squeaked out from
the back of the throng of kids.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked her, stooping
down as I dropped candy into her bag. "Me too."

Her eyes went wide as saucers and then she giggled.
"I'll keep your secret," she said.

 I stood just as Finn came up behind me. He wrapped his arms
around me as the gaggle of trick 'r treaters headed over to the next house.

"What do you think? Time to call it a night?" he
asked. We both stared up into the sky, at the extraordinary harvest moon.
Halloween night, with the veil between the living world and the spirit world so
thin, was a good night to practice magic. The harvest moon meant that it was
also an important night to do it.

"I thought you'd never ask," I said, leaning into
him. We had gone celibate for the past week, to make sure that our magic wasn't
diluted for the spells we planned on working tonight.

It was a week of torture.

The past two months where a blur. We worked our magic just
about daily, often several times a day, and business at The Witchery was
booming. Finn quit bouncing at Huskies to help me in the store, and I was on
track to get my degree by next summer, as long as I was able to keep up my
course load. If The Witchery kept up like this through the holidays, I'd
entertain the idea of grad school.

Finn's coven—my mother's coven—agreed to our partnership,
somewhat reluctantly. We are pretty sure it was my mother's attempt to get into
my good graces so that I would agree to see her. That wasn't off the table, but
for now I didn't want any contact. I needed to take that relationship slow, and
Finn was very supportive of my decision.

Not that it mattered. Finn and I decided to form a coven of
our own, one with no strictures on partnering. A sex magic partner was no
different from a life partner, and we wanted a coven that respected that in
addition to those that believed in polyamorous relationships. There was room
for everyone, as far as we were concerned.

Tonight's spell was the start of this coven building

Finn's hand slipped easily down to my ass as we walked up
the stairs to our room. Electricity surged through my body at his touch. It was
the perfect night to conjure a little magic.



BOOK: Something Wicked
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