Read Sex & Mayhem 01 Road of No Return Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #tattoo, #motorcycle club, #mc, #Gay, #outlaw, #violence, #piercing, #crime, #biker, #first time, #family issues, #coming out, #homophobia

Sex & Mayhem 01 Road of No Return (8 page)

“So, I’m your first guy, huh?” murmured Zak, in hope that the drug would loosen Stitch’s tongue.

Stitch took another long drag between answering. “Yeah,” he said, looking at the ceiling.

“Why?” Zak brushed the back of his hand up and down Stitch’s side as they enjoyed the smoke.

“Oh man, I’m not like you. It’s not exactly a part of my lifestyle.” Stitch closed his eyes.

“I guess you’re lucky to have met me,” said Zak and moved his head to rest against Stitch’s bicep. If this would end up as a recurring thing, he would scrape Stitch out of that shell of his like a juicy oyster.

“It was definitely unexpected. I don’t know what’s gonna happen now, but if you do stay quiet, we might both get lucky more often.” Stitch smiled, even though he didn’t open his eyes. He had such a strong, handsome profile with a wide nose and succulent lips.

“I am discreet. I get why you’d prefer to keep a low profile.”

“I don’t want people to get any stupid ideas, you know?”

“Like what? That you’re weak, or something?” Zak rolled his eyes, watching the hunk by his side. This was a small town, and he could imagine many people, especially from a similar background to Stitch’s, would have misconceptions about gay men.

Stitch turned his head to Zak and opened his eyes slightly, looking like the most tempting of men with the smoke swirling around his beefy body. “Guys in my club wouldn’t appreciate that.”

Zak nodded and crossed even more space, breathing in the scent of Stitch’s underarm, slightly spicy but still fresh, with a hint of some musky deodorant.

Stitch laughed at the tickle and put the tiny bit he had left off the joint into a cup on the nightstand. Zak pulled on the comforter to protect them from the cold slowly creeping up his skin. He was relaxed, warm, and entertained the thought of waking Stitch at night with a surprise blow job. He was sure they would both enjoy a development like that.

Chapter 5

Stitch opened one eye. The pink curtains made him slowly realize where he was. The day before felt like someone else’s life. He looked to the other side of the bed, but Zak wasn’t there. Nor was Versay for that matter. Fucking rabid poodle.

This wouldn’t be the first time Stitch woke up in someone else’s bed, but he already anticipated an unnaturally high level of awkwardness, and all his senses screamed for him to pick up his stuff and run. On the other hand, it wouldn't be enough to just run. As girly as this bedroom was, with its pinks and baby blues, with the dried flowers in a huge vase, the room belonged to a guy, and nothing could erase what Stitch had done the night before. The logical part of his brain kept suggesting that since he already went for it, fucked Zak like a bunny in heat, then he might as well continue because there was no taking it back. If the guy knew how to keep quiet, Stitch could finally have a hot guy to fuck. Not to mention the mind-blowing head Zak had given him. He’d love to have that inked up body under him again.

Stitch got up and sneered when his calf stretched, reminding him of the bite from yesterday. He looked around the room, cursing beneath his breath. All his clothes were downstairs so his chances for a quiet backdoor exit were slim. All he could do was to dress and sneak out before Zak returned from wherever he’d gone. Stitch pushed back the strands of hair that escaped from his ponytail and walked out of the weed-smelling bedroom.

The moment he stepped into the corridor, he heard the sound of old school rock and roll music from downstairs.
. This meant Zak was home, which amounted to the necessity of some awkward small talk if Stitch wanted to fuck him again. What was worse, as he descended down the staircase, his nose was immersed in the rich smell of bacon and coffee.

Was this guy actually making him breakfast? A guy. Making him breakfast. It wasn’t even about Stitch’s comfort zone. It was so out of his experience to have interactions of this sort with a guy that he felt as if he were fifteen again and clueless about how sexual relationships worked. Stitch tiptoed into the studio and pulled on his jeans as quietly as possible. The moment his belt buckle rattled though, he could already hear Versay's claws tapping on the wooden floor in the corridor.

“Rise and shine!” yelled Zak from the kitchen. “I’ve made us a little something to start the day.”

Stitch let out a deep sigh. He needed to have a talk with that dog. He put on the rest of his clothes and headed for the kitchen, feeling painfully sober. When he opened the right door, he couldn’t help but bite his lip at the sight before him. Zak was hotter than the bacon sizzling in the pan. A colorful pair of boxer briefs sat low on his hips, uncovering the sharp hipbones and clinging to the cock hidden underneath the cotton. There were some silver chains on his neck, one of which caught on a nipple hoop as Zak turned the bacon in the pan.

He had the most gorgeous tattoos. Vibrantly crisp, black-and-white with just a touch of color, mostly red. On his back was a naked woman mounting a broom over a dark, somewhat grotesque cityscape. Her red hair tangled across the sky, as if it wanted to reach the bright moon tattooed at the back of Zak’s shoulder. The buildings were inked all around Zak's midsection at his front overseen by three expressionist figures, one of which was a grinning cat. He had smaller figures, demons and monsters, drawn into what looked like two neverending queues running all the way up his legs, each of the monsters crawling to worship that amazing ass and cock. Zak’s arms were like the canvas for an asylum-themed fantasy, with men in straitjackets, creepy medical instruments, and demonic doctors. Stitch had a sudden urge to read the book the ink was inspired by.

He turned to smile at Stitch. “Hi.”

A silly smile bloomed on Stitch’s lips, and he walked closer. Zak was perfect. If he were a girl, Stitch would marry him. Today. “Hi.” He still remembered how that body felt in his hands, all firm and masculine. Nothing like Crystal’s soft curves. Stitch took one more step and slid his fingers under the waistband of Zak’s briefs at the back. The feel of that hot body forced a low grunt out of him.

Zak chuckled and divided the bacon between two pink plates with poodles at the edges, which already housed two eggs each. Sunny side up. There was also toast, which Zak pulled out of the toaster, and some coleslaw. “How do you like your coffee?”

Seeing no protest, Stitch slid his hand lower and squeezed Zak’s ass. “After sex.” He watched goose bumps appear on Zak’s forearms, and he wanted to lick each one. This was madness. He shouldn’t be doing this yet it felt so right.

Zak switched off the cooker and dipped his chin to look Stitch in the eyes, one brow rising even as a smile tugged on the corner of that sweet, kissable, cocksucking mouth. He pushed back into Stitch’s hand.

So fucking eager that Stitch could come in his pants just from fingering that tight ass. He leaned closer for a kiss, hoping Zak wouldn’t mind his stubble. All he wanted was to have those inked thighs spread for him again.

Zak turned to face him as though he was waiting for it and moved his thumb up and down Stitch’s neck. Judging from the broad grin on his face, he didn’t mind the prickly hairs in the least.

“No hard feelings for cold bacon then?” he whispered, his succulent lips closing over Stitch’s.

“No.” Stitch smelled Zak’s skin, all fresh and tangy. So unlike Crystal’s favorite perfume. He slid his other hand to Zak’s ass as well and picked him up, surprised by the weight he had to bear. He sort of expected it after yesterday, but it was still completely new. Like riding a new brand of bike. Almost the same, but slightly different. He stepped forward, just enough to set Zak on the wooden table.

Zak grinned at him and slid his hands to Stitch’s hips, pulling him in between the spreading thighs. He kept smiling as he leaned in for another kiss, his breath coming in a shuddery gasp. So fucking inviting it made Stitch’s cock twitch.

Stitch sucked on Zak’s bottom lip, blood throbbing in his head as if it wanted to explode. He unbuckled his belt, already imagining his cock back in that tight ass. Zak had fucking milked him yesterday. It had felt so hot that Stitch’s knees were getting softer by the second when he remembered the sensation. He couldn’t imagine any of the guys he knew melt into him like that, want to get fucked up the ass, and smile at him after.

“Oh, baby, you’re so hot,” he rasped and pulled on Zak’s briefs, eager to reveal the penis and the naughty piercing above it. That Offspring song?
Want you bad
? Zak was its epitome, and his charisma made Stitch want to lick each metal stud and hoop in Zak’s body. He was the male version of a Suicide Girl.

Zak raised his hips slightly to make it easier to take off his briefs and deepened the kiss, pressing his chest against Stitch’s. His body was so hard, as if muscle was compressed over his bones, making his body denser than any other Stitch had ever touched this way.

“Am I getting you hard already?” whispered Zak, suddenly biting into Stitch’s chin. The sensation bordered on pain and sent little explosions all the way to Stitch’s cock.

“I got hard the moment I walked into the kitchen.” Stitch pushed Zak’s briefs to the floor and unzipped his jeans. It was hard to focus though when he got to see Zak’s cock, all ready to come for him. It had been glorious to feel that gorgeous, warm dick pulse in his hand, almost on command.

“Yeah? I should have blown you when I woke up to your morning wood,” whispered Zak with a bright grin. “I would have gotten rid of you sooner, Trouble.”

Stitch took a deep breath at the idea. He loved how shameless Zak was, talking about cocksucking like it was licking a lollypop. “You wish. You just wanted all the bacon to yourself, right? Tough luck, I’ve got a different kind of meat for you.” Stitch chuckled and gave Zak a kiss before pushing his own pants lower. Damn, it wasn’t like pussy sex. He needed lube. Stitch turned around and got some butter on his fingers.

Zak grabbed his wrist and shook his head. “Condoms and butter don’t mix well. Left drawer,” he added with a wink. He seemed genuinely happy about the perspective of getting dick up his ass, and he wasn’t feminine at all. It was unbelievable. Completely blew Stitch’s mind.

“How about we skip them then?” Stitch rasped, wiggling his fingers. He wanted to howl. “I wanna come in you. It’s not like I’m gonna put a baby in there.”

Zak snorted and nuzzled Stitch’s nose, unfazed. “Yeah right. One time I did it without a rubber, and the guy gave me chlamydia. Thank you very much.”

Stitch sighed, strangely feeling rejected. It wasn’t logical, and he knew it, nor was it enough to soften his dick, but it still stung. He would fuck Zak without one someday. At the moment, he was too horny to argue. “Okay, okay, jeez.” He brushed the butter into the sink and started searching for the right drawer. He found it without much trouble. Among some pens and notebooks was a small bottle of lube and several condoms tossed over the stationery like colorful sprinkles.

“Don’t you care about that?” asked Zak.

Stitch looked to Zak’s spread thighs and concluded he didn’t care about much else right now. “Sure I do,” he said just for the sake of it, as he got some lube on his fingers.

Zak grinned and leaned back, resting a fraction of his weight on his elbows as he raised his legs and rested the heels on the edge of the tabletop, spreading himself for inspection. His cock was ripe and ready, and the long sack drew closer to Zak’s body, shaven so clean it seemed to glisten, as if polished. Then there was the dark swirl between his buttocks, not quite exposed yet.

Stitch had died and went to heaven. Zak was the perfect breakfast in the sunshine, on the kitchen table, if the thought didn’t paralyze Stitch, he’d lick that meal all over. Instead, he smiled back and pushed his slippery fingers against Zak’s anus. Even touching it sent a shiver up Stitch’s cock.

Zak’s features went slack as he made a guttural sound and spread his thighs wider, maneuvering his ass closer to the edge of the table.

Stitch slid two fingers in, spreading the muscles as he watched Zak’s face. It was the one thing he’d missed yesterday. He wanted to see Zak writhe and moan for more cock. Zak dropped to his back and moved his hands down his body in a snake-like movement. Having sent one lower, to his stomach, he pinched his nipple with the other and grinned at Stitch. “They’re so thick and rough...”

“You like that? Tell me.” Stitch was mesmerized by how the rings in Zak’s nipples glinted in the sunlight. He pushed his fingers farther and moved them in a lazy manner. He needed Zak to get addicted to him. To beg for it. To come round and wait outside the club just to get fucked. This would not be a one-time thing and Stitch already knew it. Those inner walls were so incredibly smooth. He couldn’t wait to feel them without the rubber sheath, to feel the full extent of their warmth and creampie Zak’s sweet tight ass.

Zak blinked and licked his lips, which seemed to have darkened and become fuller since their first kiss just minutes ago. He started gently massaging his cock, split his balls with his thumb and gasped as his hole twitched around Stitch’s fingers. “Yeah, it’s very hot, very masculine.”

“You never had a guy like me, have you?” Stitch bowed down for a kiss and let his fingertips trail up Zak’s thigh.

“No one was as much of a pest as you,” murmured Zak with a mad grin only comparable to the vicious smile the cat tattooed on his chest had. He buried one hand in Stitch’s shirt and held on, looking him in the eye, as if challenging him.

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