Read Sex & Mayhem 01 Road of No Return Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #tattoo, #motorcycle club, #mc, #Gay, #outlaw, #violence, #piercing, #crime, #biker, #first time, #family issues, #coming out, #homophobia

Sex & Mayhem 01 Road of No Return (7 page)

“I just— I’m not a trained monkey. Don’t tell me to ‘behave’ or I’m gonna fucking snap,” Stitch lashed out, though he didn’t back away from the touch.

“It was a joke,” muttered Zak, slowly circling the cockhead with his thumb. He wasn’t all that comfortable in this position, but he could bear with it for a bit longer. He just wanted to fuck so badly. It had been ages since he last hooked up, and it hadn’t been all that good either. “Don’t offend me, and we’re fine, yeah?”

Stitch took another deep breath, looking more bare than ever, with his eyes wide. “I didn’t mean to. I’m… so fucking horny, I see your gorgeous inked ass. All I want is to fuck you good. I don’t wanna use you or nothing.” He sighed, looking into Zak’s eyes.

Zak swallowed, surprised by the raw honesty. He nodded, unsure what to say, and patted the condoms before delving his own fingers into his hole to stretch it out. Stitch’s jaw dropped, and Zak snorted at his face. “Come on, you said you want it,” he urged him on, drilling his hole with three fingers. Warm waves of shivers cascaded all over his body.

“Fuck yes, I want it.” Stitch took the condom out of the wrapper and rolled it on his thick dick. “Let me in,” he moaned and put his hand on the side of Zak’s buttock. The heat between them was becoming unbearable.

“Add more lube?” whispered Zak, slowly pulling his fingers out of his stretched hole. He reached back with his other hand and spread his cheeks to show Stitch what he had been missing all this time. He moaned, curling his toes on the tiles beneath his feet as anticipation reached its peak.

“Oh fuck, you’re so sexy, baby. So dirty, so sexy.” Stitch poured some lube down Zak’s crack before aligning his dick with the welcoming hole. Even feeling the pressure of the cock against his anus was making Zak want to rub himself all over this man. As horrible as it was, his body didn't care whether he was a 'baby' or a 'bitch'.

Zak tilted his hips, laying all of his weight across the chair. He buried his cheek in the leather upholstery and looked back, biting his lip. His cock was so heavy it was hardly bearable. He wanted this rough stud on top of him. “Fuck me, Stitch.”

That was all the encouragement Stitch needed to push his cock in halfway in one rough push. “Like that?” he grunted and put his hand on the small of Zak’s back. “Tell me how you like it in you.”

Zak’s ass radiated pain all over his legs and hips, and he raised one foot, hooking it over Stitch’s calf. He had overestimated his preparation but wouldn’t back down. “Gimme a moment, yeah?” he uttered, turning his face into the upholstery. Stitch's pheromones clouded his mind, and he forgot all about just how much prep he usually needed.

“Yeah, sure.” Stitch bowed down and started kissing Zak’s back again, holding onto his hips in a firm grip. It made Zak imagine this was the way Stitch held his bike. Steady. There was no more trembling in his fingers. “You feel so good,” Stitch whispered and his cock pulsed inside Zak’s tight channel like it wanted to communicate just how excited Stitch was.

Zak gasped and just as the pain started receding, he moved his hips back and forth, fucking himself on that stiff, meaty rod. His whole body was alert to the sensation of a prime piece of man touching him. “You’re so heavy...”

“You like that?” Stitch whispered into Zak’s ear, tickling him with warm air. Stitch’s whole body was like a living radiator. One that started moving in the same rhythm as Zak’s hips. Maybe Stitch had no experience fucking men, but he was learning fast and sure knew how to ride the wave. His hands kept sliding up and down the sides of Zak’s body, but it was when one of them reached down between his legs that Zak saw stars.

“Hold me down,” he whispered, moving his hips to get Stitch’s cock where he wanted it. He was one big shuddering mess already, and they’d barely started.

Zak didn’t have to ask twice. Stitch grabbed onto his arms and held him in place, giving Zak a taste of his strength. Zak's knees turned into goo when Stitch started slamming his cock in, suddenly nailing Zak’s prostate every now and again.

“This is what you like? This is how you want it?” Stitch uttered between one gasp and another.

Zak moaned when the pistoning cock hit his sweet spot again, and he struggled against Stitch’s grip just to check if he could get free. He was drunk with lust. “Yeah, right there... fuck, so good...”

“I’m gonna come soon,” Stitch rasped, never stopping to ride Zak’s ass. His hands were occupied, but he let his lips roam all over Zak’s nape. It was such an overwhelming experience, with those powerful hips slamming against his ass in sharp jabs, and the meaty hand jerking Zak off. Even the feel of the dressing over the tattoo on Stitch’s hip was like an experience in its own.

He groaned, tilting his hips again. “Do, please do.”

Stitch slammed into him, his body sweaty from all the heat. “So fucking sweet.” He bit onto Zak’s nape as he made his last deep thrusts and came in him with a guttural moan.

Zak bit into the upholstery when the cock twitched in him, milked by the muscles of Zak’s own ass. Stitch lay on him, panting for air, but never stopped to jerk Zak off. He even made those languid, round moves with his hips, the spent but still hard cock brushing over Zak's prostate.

“Yeah? Come for me. Come all over the fucking floor.” He bit on Zak’s ear.

Those raspy words did it for Zak. He trembled, and heat pulsed up his dick, knees going softer with each spurt of come. “Fuck, you’re so hot,” whispered Zak, fervently stroking Stitch’s calf with his foot again. He wanted to take this man to his bed, and do it again with him in the morning.

Stitch kissed the side of his neck, running his hands up and down the sides of Zak’s body. He didn’t say a word and in the end, he put his cheek on Zak’s back, scratching Zak with the stubble. It felt like thousands of little needles that seemed to exist for the sole purpose of enticing him. Zak arched into the hard body, trying to mold his back and ass into it as perfectly as possible. The cock was softening within his body, but he still gave it a little squeeze with his ass.

Stitch groaned his appreciation, but slowly pulled away, leaving Zak a panting mess on the studio chair. He gave his ass a pat as if commending him for a job well done.

Zak spun around with a wild grin and grabbed Stitch’s neck, pulling him in for another kiss. His body was both pleasantly tired and pumped up. The thick arms were around his waist before he could ask for it, and Stitch’s hot tongue once again explored Zak’s mouth in the sweetest way. There was no awkwardness to the kiss, no hitting teeth or drooling all over each other. Stitch was the best kisser Zak had ever had, all soft lips and agile tongue that made his knees go weak.

He’d love to just lie with this guy on the tattooing chair and fall asleep, relax, waking up to the sun, not Versailles’s whining.

“Intruder,” muttered Zak.

“You didn’t seem to mind the intrusion,” Stitch whispered with a crooked smile.

Zak snorted, delighted by the flirting. “You managed to convince me to its merits.”

Stitch looked like he wanted to put his hands into his pockets, but only realized he was naked and put them on Zak’s hips. “It was worth getting bitten by a dog.”

Zak stared at him, unsure what to say to that, but he eventually chuckled. “Romantic.”

Stitch laughed and pulled away, to get the condom off and throw it into the trash. “More like horny as fuck.”

Zak watched him with a small smile. What a gorgeous body: bulky, toned in just the right way, with a healthy tan, not too hairy... just as he liked his men. “You have some weed?”

Stitch cocked his head to the side and frowned. “Maybe.”

Zak grinned and reached out, touching the blond hair under Stitch’s navel. “Wanna get high?”

Stitch had a healthy color to his cheeks. “Hell, why not.” He slowly smiled and reached for his pants.

Zak took a good, long look at that firm ass, complete with sexy dimples at the sides. He squeezed his sphincter, enjoying the slight soreness. Stitch could have lasted a bit longer, but it was understandable considering he’d never fucked a guy before. Was he a closeted gay guy? Bi? It was not the time to ask when the big bad biker was in denial even about gay porn.

“At least I’ll know where to get it now. Are you the dealer, or do you know someone?”

“You’re straightforward.” Stitch chuckled and pulled on his briefs. “I know someone, but I can get you some.”

Zak leaned his butt on the chair and smiled at him. He could definitely see this being more than one hookup. Fingers crossed. “That would be nice. Alcohol gives me a terrible hangover.”

Stitch’s gaze kept licking Zak up and down as he pulled out a little tin. “Kitchen?”

Zak wiggled his brows. “Bedroom?”

There was a moment of silence, but then Stitch moved forward and patted the side of Zak’s ass with a nod.

Zak grinned and walked out of the studio with acute awareness that there was a pair of eyes glued to his naked buttocks so he kept his shoulders straight and gave a gentle sway to his hips from time to time. When they started moving up the stairs again, the gaze started burning his skin, from his back to his scrotum. “Let’s hope the dog can restrain himself from attacking you again.”

away. I don’t really have the heart to kick dogs.” Stitch’s fingers trailed Zak’s balls from behind. It was unexpected enough to make Zak stop and look back with a raised eyebrow. Did he want to fuck again? That would have been some impressive stamina.

“That dog needs another name.”

Stitch grinned at him and instead of shying away, he massaged Zak’s scrotum in a lazy manner. “Yeah.”

“Feel something you like?” whispered Zak, spreading his feet a bit more. Tiny shivers were dancing all over his skin. He could not predict what this man would do next.

“I like everything about this.” Stitch pulled his hand away and gave him a harsher slap on the ass. “Go on.”

“Ouch, what if I kicked back?” Zak laughed and walked all the way up to the first floor.

Stitch snorted and passed him on the stairs. “I’d have to pin you down.”

“That’s right, you already have,” whispered Zak and pinched the meaty thigh.

Stitch tensed up for a second, but continued through the dark corridor. “I should think of something else, because you seemed to like getting pinned down.”

Zak supposed this was a good moment to bring up some facts. “It feels good,” he said simply.

“I sure hope it did. I’m not looking for a charity fuck.” Stitch put an arm over Zak’s shoulders.

Okay, some things he seemed to know. “You don’t have to, do you? Such a hot stud?” Zak slid his arm around Stitch’s waist.

“It’s… complicated.” Stitch sighed, but didn’t move away.

“But you do date girls, right?” asked Zak, leading him to the bedroom at the end of the corridor.

Stitch stopped in front of the bedroom door. They could already hear the dog growling. “Yeah, sure… just not now. I’m kinda tired with all the divorce shit.”

Zak frowned at Versailles as they entered and pointed his finger at the doggie mattress. “Bed. Now.”

The beast whined but hesitantly obeyed and curled up on its tiny bed. Zak then looked back at Stitch and found his hand with his fingers. So was the biker bluffing, or was he really bi? He certainly couldn’t have faked the enthusiasm for gay sex. “I imagine that must be tough.”

“Not the most pleasant thing, no. What about you?” Stitch walked in and put on the light, giving Zak an amazing view at the muscular ass under a layer of cotton. He looked so out of place in the old lady's room, complete with flowery wallpaper and pink curtains.

“I’m gay,” said Zak without a moment’s hesitation.

Stitch licked his lips, looked to Versailles, then to the window, and started rolling a joint.

Zak walked around the bed and sat down on the edge of the mattress, with the soft white cotton under his ass. That was one awkward silence.

“You do any other drugs?” Stitch asked all of a sudden. He passed Zak the joint before scooting back on the bed, so close to Zak their thighs touched.

Zak chuckled and accepted his treat. “Oh, come on, weed’s
a drug. It’s a feelgood herb.” He nudged Stitch’s side with his elbow and rested his head on the muscular shoulder. The stuff smelled real good too.

“Yeah, I just wanna make sure. I can’t trust a junkie, and I need to trust you.” Stitch lit up Zak’s joint.

“I’m healthy, don’t worry,” said Zak, just to make that clear. He was always making sure to play it safe. Smiling at the joint, he pulled in some smoke and felt it worming through his lungs, spreading a gentle glow all over.

“You’re really… hot.” Stitch breathed in some smoke and bowed down to kiss Zak. Now that was a good start. Zak fell to the mattress, pulling Stitch down as well and smiled against his mouth. As silly as it was, he was enjoying this new closeness with a stranger who broke into his home an hour ago.

“What do you like the most?”

Stitch took another big drag of smoke, relaxing into the comforter. “What do you mean?”

Zak put one arm under his head for support and smiled, taking another slow drag. He was feeling more relaxed already. “You know, about me being hot.”

“I like the ink. I was never— I like all of it.” Stitch spoke slowly, as if it was hard for him to chose the words.

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