Read Seven Online

Authors: Amy Marie

Seven (19 page)

It’s eerily quiet as I make my way towards the station, overnight bag in hand. My thoughts drift to my time spent with Embyr over the past couple weeks. I have never felt so connected to someone—mind and body—after such a short amount of time. There is something about her that makes me want to confess all my sins and then commit more in the bedroom.

With all of my previous relationships, I was never able to tell any of those women what happened back in high school. My comfort level with Embyr is nothing I have ever experienced before and, even though I don’t know much about her, I feel like I’m already so in tune with her. Her quirks, facial expressions, and even her smile remind me a lot of Annie. I think that has a lot to do with me opening up to her about what happened back in high school.

Annie: my biggest regret. I try not to regret anything, but just grow and learn from it. But, if I could go back in time and change one thing, it would have been to go after what my heart wanted. My own insecurities kept me from doing that. Stupid high school mentality. Then, they started the bet. I didn’t want to lose my friends and I sure as hell didn’t want to be on the receiving end of their wrath. I should have stood up for her, not stand there and watch them bully someone I had liked for years. I can only attribute it to actually giving a fuck about what other people thought of me back then. After what they did to her, she was never the same again. She was this bright shining light and then, all of the sudden; she looked as though someone blew it out. She was empty, and I felt it was my entire fault. It was. I brought attention to her and then I stood by and watched.

I’m just glad I have someone I feel comfortable enough with to tell all this to now. Someone I can trust. After a great time at Ian’s party and an even better night last night with Embyr, riding my cock, I’m thankful that she seems to trust me more, as well. Where before, she was guarded; she seems to be letting her walls down a little more each day.

“Well, it looks like you got some ass last night,” Reece voice carries through the alleyway. I look up, finding him stopped ahead, waiting for me.

He waits until I’ve caught up before he continues walking along side of me. “That’s not your business.”

He scoffs. “Since when?”

Turning the corner, we are met with a crowded sidewalk and squeeze in where we can. “Since Embyr.”

His head shakes. “Game changer, huh?”

I nod. “And what about Trinity?” I ask.

“Man,” he sighs. “It’s weird. We haven’t slept together and, yet, I want to see more of her. I loved having her on my arm at Ian’s.”

I laugh as we walk into the station and pat him on the shoulder. “Apparently, we have both found our game changers.”

“I guess so.” His shoulders slump like I just gave him bad news. I laugh.

The station is buzzing. Yesterday’s crew just came back from a call and is pulling the truck back into the station. Reece and I head into our respective rooms, put new sheets on our beds, and put our Engine Six t-shirt and shorts on, ready to do our morning workout after changeover. The Captain walks past, yelling for us to hurry our asses up to the truck.

After changeover, Reece and I grab our water bottles and hit the station gym. It isn’t much: a couple of weight machines, a treadmill, elliptical, and dumbbells. We like to get our workouts in right away, before the rest of the crew heads down after breakfast.

“So, tell me about Trinity. Why is she so different?” I ask him in between sets.

“I don’t know, man.” He puffs out as he works his triceps. “I’ve never had anyone put me in my place. She’s spunky, and I can’t keep up with her. I love it.”

I raise my brows. “And, no sex, yet? She isn’t clouding your judgment with her pussy?”

He laughs, dropping the dumbbell to the ground. “Nah. It’s crazy.”

We work out for a few more minutes but I can sense something is on Reece’s mind. “What’s up? You’re quiet today.”

He sits on the bench, bringing his elbows to his thighs, and leans over his clasped hands. “Did you hear about Wesley?”

I search my mind for who he is talking about. “Wes . . . from high school?”

He bobs his head without looking up. “Yeah.”

“I haven’t seen or heard from him in years.” My hands come to rest on my hips. “Something happen? He ok?”

He looks up, his eyes full of concern. “He got caught with a student. She’s eighteen and attends his high school.”

My eyes widen. “Damn.”

“Yeah, she went all crazy and sent pictures to his job, the police, anyone she could.” He stands up. “Some crazy shit.”

“Well, I guess he shouldn’t have been fucking a student, Reece.” I step up onto one of the two treadmills and start my run. Reece takes the one next to me.

“Don’t you think it’s weird, though?” he asks, matching my speed.

“What’s that?”

He takes a minute to answer back. “Patrick getting arrested. Thad’s scandal with another man. Wes and the girl, and I heard Evan got caught cheating by his wife.”

I wipe sweat from my forehead with my towel. “Who told you all this?”


I laugh. “Ian is nosey. He has to know everyone’s business.”

“Ian has to be nosey,” he points out. “He is a private investigator.”

Punching the incline up to three, I look over. “Speaking of Ian. Can you believe the shit he said last night? Not wanting to drudge up the past.”

He doesn’t look my way. “Yeah, but I see his point. I told you he isn’t the one to ask.”

I shake my head, disappointed. “He’s the only one. I don’t know anyone else I could ask that I wouldn’t be paying out my ass for or hit some legal roadblock.”

“I don’t think it’s priority on his list, Casen.”

I hit stop on my treadmill and look him dead on. “He fucking owes me, Reece.”

Sadness crosses his face. “I know, man. I know.”

Tension rises between the two of us, but I don’t care. I’ve never asked Reece or Ian for much, and I know Ian doesn’t want to look into what I need him to, but—I don’t give a shit.

Ian has always been investigative. He was the one who found out I liked Annie before the rest of the crew. He used to have those police scanners when we were younger. Every town has the resident gossip. That was Ian. I wasn’t surprised when I found out he was looking to become a private investigator. He doesn’t work for the police, but they help him out once in a while. He has his own company now and it seems to be thriving. Unfortunately, most of what he deals with is cheating spouses and workers’ compensation cases. I was shocked at the amount of people he catches working side jobs when they are getting paid workers’ comp. Ian isn’t on many people’s good lists. After everything that happened in high school, he should be able to do this for me. I’ll never understand his reasons for sleeping with her when he was supposed to be my best friend. He told me he wasn’t thinking. I try to accept that answer, but I’m still not sure I fully forgive him.

Just as I finish up my shower, the bell sounds loudly, and the fire house goes into high gear. We only have two minutes to get dressed and be at the engine or the captain will have my ass. You don’t want to be the last one in the truck after the two minute mark. Reece and I race down the stairs, meeting Peter, our captain, and Troy, our driver, at the truck. Peter makes a single loud clap. “Less than a minute, boys. Nice.”

We all get geared up and jump in the truck. Placing our headsets on, so we aren’t screaming to each other in the cab of the truck, we find out it’s a working structure fire inside an apartment building. When he gives the address to the call, my breathing stills and I glance over at Reece whose face is almost as white as mine feels.

“Isn’t that…” he trails off.

I nod. “Fuck! That’s Embyr’s building.”

What feels like an eternity (but is really just five minutes), passes before we end up in front of Embyr’s ten story building. Light smoke billows out from the fourth story hallway window and my heart sinks. We’re the first on the scene, so the first engine officer establishes commands. We all start pulling hand lines from the truck, so we can head into the building and also sweep for occupants. As we are getting ready to go in the building with the hose lines, Troy and Reece yell to bystanders to get back and move out of the way of the smoke. I don’t know how big the fire is on the inside but it doesn’t look like it could engulf the entire building. I just don’t know if Embyr is in there, and I don’t have my phone to call her. My nerves are shot as I look for her in the sea of evacuated tenants of the building. The smoke starts to build up and I feel nauseous.

“Do you need to sit out man? There are two other trucks here,” Reece asks, patting me on the back. I look around, finding that other stations have converged onto the scene while I was in panic mode. I shake it out of my head. I wasn’t trained to stand by. I was trained to save lives and that’s what I am going to do. Especially if Embyr is still in there, where I left her this morning, after another amazing night.

We get the fire under control quickly. Everyone has made it out safely, but I still feel very on edge. The fire started right in front of Embyr’s door. The Captain said it looked like someone put a box of newspapers in front of her door and lit them on fire. Luckily, the only person on that floor was in the apartment closest to the exit, and he pushed the fire alarm. I’m worried about how Embyr will react when she sees what’s happened and that it was meant for her. Not having my phone on me is infuriating. I want to call her and tell her what happened. I don’t even have her number memorized to call her from Reece’s phone. Then a thought pops in my head. Trinity! I run over to Reece and tell him to call her. He tries but it goes to voicemail.

“Hey, Trinity. It’s Reece. When you get a chance, can you call me back or find Embyr and tell her to get home?”

An hour later, as all the trucks are starting to leave the scene, I see Trinity drive up and Embyr jumps out of the passenger side before the car has come to a complete stop. She is dressed in a tight green tank top and running shorts. Her eyes go wide in shock at the scene before her and they fill with tears. I strip myself of my smoky fire coat and stride toward her. Embyr’s hands are wrapped around her torso and her body is racked with sobs. When she sees me, she turns her full body towards me and falls into my arms. I pull her into me, feeling the vibrations of her sobs against me.

“I’m sorry, baby,” I tell her, looking over her head and finding Trinity staring at the two of us. I’m sure her heart is breaking for her friend.

Embyr pulls back and looks at the building before looking back to me. “Where did it start? Is everyone okay? How bad is it?”

She’s shivering so I bring her to the truck, pull out a blanket, and wrap it around her. “Well, it started on your floor. It looks intentional. Someone lit a box of paper up in front of your door. Everyone made it out okay, but I don’t know that you’ll be allowed back into your apartment for a few days. We have to make sure it’s safe. Do you have insurance?”

A tear falls down her face. “I do.”

“Okay. I’m sorry, baby. Do you have somewhere to go?”

Her body stills. “I only have Trinity, and she lives with her sister,” her voice gets higher. “I can’t go stay with them. I’ll go crazy!”

I rub my hands up and down her arms. “Come stay with me at my apartment.”

“I can’t do that.”

“You can and you will.” My lips meet her forehead. “I insist.”

“Casen, I don’t want to put you out. That’s too much too soon.”

“Listen,” I command, pulling her chin up so her eyes meet mine. “You will not be putting me out. I want you there and if you are concerned about it looking like we are ‘living together’ then you can take my spare room. My sister leaves her clothes there. You can come back to the station, get my keys, go to my house, shower, and get dressed. You can even come visit me later tonight, as long as we don’t have a call, or you can hang out at the house. I’ll have Reece drive me home in the morning.”

She takes a deep breath. “I don’t know.”

“I do.”

“Casen, we’ve got to go,” Reece calls from next to the truck. The rest of the guys are in the truck, ready to take off.

“I have to go. Please have Trinity bring you over to the station to get my keys.”

She leans up, kisses me, and nods.

Leaving her is hard but I’m relieved now to know she is okay. When I pull myself into the truck and strap in, I feel Reece’s stare. He has a huge smirk on his face. I shove him in his shoulder. “What the fuck are you smiling about? My girlfriend’s apartment was intentionally set on fire.”

“Girlfriend now, huh?” he asks as we both put headphones over our ears when we start to move, the sound of the engine blocking out all other noise. “When did that happen?” he speaks into the microphone.

“Last week. I haven’t hidden that fact. What the fuck does it matter?” My nerves are shot. I don’t want to deal with his shit right now.

I hear him laugh. “Play thing last week, girlfriend this week, and living with her the next. Seems pretty quick to me.”

“What the hell am I supposed to do, Reece? She has nowhere to go.”

He shrugs. “What about her parents? Why can’t she stay with them?”

“They died when she was younger.” I quietly tell him.

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