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Authors: Amy Marie

Seven (18 page)

BOOK: Seven
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I bite my lip when I hear a soft knocking at my front door and take a deep breath. It’s the first time I’ve seen him since we made ourselves official. A month ago, I wouldn’t have even dreamed I would be happy about it.

The door swings open, warm air filing into my apartment from out in the hallways. Casen stands there with his back to me and when he turns, I lose my breath. He looks so fucking sexy. I take a moment to appreciate every inch of him from toe to top. The jeans he wears are dark denim that squeezes his large thighs. A belt with a large silver buckle secures them around his hips that I know hold that glorious v that women love. Barely containing his strong torso and unbelievably ripped arms is a red, short sleeve t-shirt. I’ve never seen him wear that color but it has to be his best. By the time I reach his face, a devious smile plays across his lips. My body quivers beneath his stare. I’ve waited my whole life to have someone make me feel this way with just a look.

He stalks me into my apartment, shutting the door, and wraps his giant hands around my jaw before crashing his lips to mine. With their own mind, my fingers reach up and clutch the soft material of his shirt, holding on for dear life. I’m letting go and it feels amazing. I want to feel like this all the time. I want to get lost in him and never find myself again. My lungs gasp for air but I don’t care if I ever breathe again. My life has so drastically changed over the past seven days and, for as long as I can remember, I feel happy.

My dress bunches as he glides his knuckles up the side of my thigh, his fingers spreading when they reach my ass. He burrows them into my panties and clutches my cheeks tightly.

“I want to ravish you, Embyr,” he utters, his heated breath ghosting across my collarbone. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold tight, lifting my legs around his torso. Casen’s grip on my ass holds me up and he walks me over to my dining room table, setting me on the edge.

“Do it, Casen. Ravish me,” I beg, my legs shaking with desire.

“I want to.” He lets out a long, anguished sigh. “But, I can’t.”

I pull back, dejected, and he must see it in my eyes because he quickly recovers. “Oh, baby. I want to so bad. I just…” Dropping his hands he turns and pulls them down over his face in frustration. “Reece is waiting for us outside, and he threatened to bang down the door if I took too long. But, then you go and put this on…” He stops, admiring my crimson spaghetti strap dress. It floats down to mid-thigh and I know that I can’t bend over in it unless I want to give everyone a show. “I just want to stay here and fuck you all night.”

I laugh, and slide down off of the table. “Okay, then. Let’s go, but know I expect a full ravishing when we get back.”

Casen playfully slaps me on the ass as I walk past him and to the door. “You can bet your sweet ass you’ll get one.”


The party is in full swing by the time Reece, Trinity, Casen and I arrive. The music is on but it’s not so loud that you can’t hear anyone when they talk. The lights are dim. People line every wall space and more filter out onto the large deck overlooking Lake Michigan. The view is breathtaking, from what I can see, and I make a mental note to check it out before the party is over.

Walking in on the arm of Casen Parker is surreal. I spent many nights in high school wishing that one day I could be in this exact position. I wanted to be the envy of every girl I’d known since elementary school and just like in my teenage daydreams, all eyes are on us as we enter. Like at the bar and every other time I’ve been out with Casen, all the women’s eyes seem to gravitate toward him. I don’t blame them, but now I am happy to be on the receiving end of their jealousy.

He leads me into the kitchen while Trinity and Reece go off on their own, and pours me a Captain and Coke. I smile and thank him, taking it from his hands. It’s strong, and the burn of the liquor against my throat starts to calm my ramped nerves. I like that he knows what I prefer to drink.

“Casen!” a deep voice calls. We both turn and are greeted by a man just few inches shorter than Casen, but no less intimidating. His muscles rival Casen’s and I watch them flex as he extends his hand to the guy next to me. “What’s up, man? I haven’t seen you in a while.”

Casen takes his hand, smiling wide. “I’m good, Aaron. How have you been?”

Aaron nods, his dark chocolate irises shine with happiness. “I’m great! The wife just found out she is pregnant.”

Casen pulls him in for a man hug. “Congrats, man! That’s great.”

“Thank you.” He nods, and then looks at me as though he just realized I’m not here for decoration. “And, who is this?”

Before I can answer, Casen’s large hand wraps around my side, pulling me to him, and kisses me on the temple. “Aaron, meet Embyr Quinn—my girlfriend.”

Aaron’s brows rise in shock as he takes us in. I’m sure mine matches his. This is the first time Casen has introduced me as his girlfriend and I’m not sure it hit me until just this moment how truly scary that is.

A lot of things flash through my mind. I’m his girlfriend. That means I will be introduced into every aspect of his life: his job, his friends, his quirks, and his family. Dread fills me as I realize he will be doing the same. Before, when I thought I was going to break his heart and leave him, there was no chance in him getting to know the real Embyr. I could portray whatever I wanted. Tell him whatever I wanted him to hear, but now, I can’t help but get completely wrecked at the thought of him learning about my life. What if things work out between the two of us? I’m either going to have to tell him the truth or I am going to have to stick with one good lie for the remainder of our relationship—possibly—for the rest of my life.

“Nice to meet you, Embyr,” Aaron interrupts my inner freak-out and reaches for my hand, but he doesn’t shake it. He brings it up to his mouth and places a kiss on it.

“You have your own woman, Aaron. Leave mine be,” Casen jokingly warns.

Aaron laughs. “I know not to mess with your girlfriend, Casen. Not only do I have a wife, but I like my balls firmly where they are.”

The two chat for a few more minutes. I stand patiently next to him, enjoying the circles he is gently drawing with his finger tips on my lower back. It’s making me edgy and downright horny. Everything he is doing is turning me on. The way he speaks and the way he won’t let me get more than six inches away from him. The way his muscles flex when he moves. When he wraps his arm around my shoulders and traps me to him, I bring mine around his waist, looking for some sort of purchase. I find it just underneath his shirt. I caress the side of his abs, feeling them tense up and the goose bumps prickling his skin. I’m lost in the feel of his touch on my collarbone and shoulder, and the ripple of his skin beneath my fingertips.

I’m so distracted that I don’t see Aaron walk away until I feel Casen’s hot breath on my ear. “I can tell your panties are fucking soaked right now, Embyr,” he speaks in a low and menacing voice. “I want to take you in the bathroom, bend you over the sink, and claim that wet pussy.”

An involuntary moan escapes my lips, and l turn, so I am eye to eye with him. “You wouldn’t even need foreplay, Casen. I’m so wet, that big cock would slip right in.”

He rears back slightly, a devious smile ghosting his lips, before he grabs my hand and tugs me toward the hallway. My nipples harden with anticipation and, since I’m not wearing a bra, I’m sure the entire party can see the outline. I don’t give a shit. I just want Casen’s tongue running along the taut peak.

He grabs the doorknob to, what I assume is, the bathroom. Finding it occupied, he eyes the hallway. “This way. Ian has a bathroom in his room. I want to be able to watch you come on my dick in the mirror.” He says it so loud that I don’t think he cares who hears, and I almost feel bad that I’m about to fuck my boyfriend in the birthday boy’s (who we have yet to see) bathroom. The knob turns and we enter the room. Just as we are about to close the door, someone calls Casen’s name.

It’s Ian.

“No fucking in my room,” he half jokes from the opposite end of the hallway.

Casen pulls me in front of him, probably to hide the erection poking me in the back. “The other bathroom is occupied. I was just showing her where yours is.”

Ian snickers. “You’re not fucking her in my bathroom, either. What are we in high school again?”

My heated body instantly cools like someone threw a bucket of ice cold water on me. Ian mentioning high school makes me feel nauseous. Another “perk” of being with Casen: having Ian and Reece in my life, too.

I jump when Casen whispers “We will continue this when I get you home.”

All I can do is nod and watch when Reece rounds the corner. “Hey, assholes, what the hell do you want?” he asks Ian and Casen.

Ian walks down the hallway. “I need to talk to you and Casen for a minute about that information he requested.”

From behind, I can feel Casen’s body stiffen before he releases his hold on me. “Right now?” he asks as I crank my neck to look at him. He won’t look at me.

“Yes, now. Jesus,” Ian answers.

Casen kisses me on the shoulder. “I’ll just be a minute, baby,” he softly says before disappearing in Ian’s room. Reece is right on his heels but Ian stays where he is, looking at me.

I wait to see if he says anything and when he doesn’t I ask, “What?”

He steps closer, invading my personal space and I know Casen can’t see me where from where he is standing, because if he could, he wouldn’t allow how close Ian is. The hair on the back of my neck stands up and all confusion over what “information” Casen needs from him is lost, and I go in protection mode. If he steps any closer, I will nail this asshole right in his fucking balls.

“You didn’t say ‘Happy Birthday’ to me,” he says so low that I struggle to hear him, but I don’t mistake the creepiness in his voice, or the light grasp he now has on my arm.

I look at him. Really look at him and say the nicest thing that I can muster up. “Happy Birthday, Ian,” I tell him and then get closer. “If I were you, and wanted to see another year, then I would take your goddamn hand off of me.”

It’s obvious, by the stunned look on his face, that he doesn’t know me. I don’t think he expected a threat to come out of my mouth. He drops his hand, never losing eye contact with me until he shuts the door in my face. Fucking prick. He is still as skeevy as ever.

I set out looking for Trinity and find her on the large patio. It’s gotten chillier since we arrived and I wrap my arms around myself for warmth. “Hey.” I greet, leaning against the railing next to her and look out at the city.

It’s quiet from up here: the blaring of the horns sound like a whisper and Lake Michigan glows in the moonlight. I don’t know what Ian does. I’ve tried to do my research on him, but could never find out for sure. Whatever it is, he makes decent enough money. He has to with a view like this. Too bad he is a fucking creep.

“Hey,” she replies, looking my way. “Are you having fun?”

“I almost was until Ian stole my man.” I laugh.

She giggles too. “I didn’t think Casen swung that way but to each their own. That could make for an interesting threesome.”

I almost vomit in my own mouth. “No thanks.”

“Excuse me,” someone says from behind us. It’s a female voice. We both turn in unison, coming face to face with the same girl who saw us at the sushi place in the suburbs.

“Yes?” Trin answers her, but Alexia is looking at me.

Behind her, Casen, Ian, and Reece appear onto the deck laughing and then stop to watch the interaction. For a brief moment, I wonder why the hell she is here, but I know she went to our high school. She could still be friends with all of them.

Alexia directs her question to me. “Didn’t you go to our high school?”

It was already quiet outside but when she asks it seems like you could hear a pin drop. She doesn’t seem accusatory. Just as though she recognizes me and is curious.

Hoping my body language doesn’t betray me, I answer her as calmly as I can. “No, I don’t think so.” I shrug, trying to laugh it off. “I do have that face, though. A lot of people say I look familiar.”

Our surroundings seem to go back to normal. Alexia seems like she wants to walk away but doesn’t know how to escape. She looks almost embarrassed, but I’m pretty sure she thinks I am full of shit.

Casen joins our little party of three and brings Alexia in for a hug. “Congrats! Your hubby told me you two are expecting.”

Relieved, she places both hands on her barely-there bump. “Yes. We’re very excited.”

“Embyr, this is Alexia. We went to school together and she is Aaron’s wife. I introduced the two.” He motions between the two of us. “Alexia, this is my girlfriend, Embyr.”

She nods, still questioning in her eyes. “Nice to meet you,” she says.

“And,” I motion to Trin. “This is my friend, Trinity.”

They exchange pleasantries and talk about how they work just a few blocks from one another. I am wrapped up in Casen’s arms, but I don’t feel protected. I feel open and vulnerable, like a deer in hunting season. Alexia keeps looking at me, as does Reece and Ian. I don’t believe for a moment they aren’t scrutinizing me. I don’t know, for sure, if the guys heard what Alexia asked but I can guess that they did.


BOOK: Seven
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