Romance: Military Romance: Protected by the SEAL (Contemporary Hero Bad Boy Navy SEAL Romance) (New Adult BBW Alpha Male Virgin Protector Short Stories) (60 page)

BOOK: Romance: Military Romance: Protected by the SEAL (Contemporary Hero Bad Boy Navy SEAL Romance) (New Adult BBW Alpha Male Virgin Protector Short Stories)
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Still, I couldn’t help but clench my fists in anger as I thought about what he’d told me.

‘I don’t think I would last one day without you.’

So, he needed me. But for what? Did he need me just to keep his schedules, go to his meetings, and help run his company? Did he need me to be a shoulder to cry on? To put my life on hold when he needed me and disappear into a convenient stepsister corner when he didn’t?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t keep being his employee, his sister, his best friend, his emotional rock and everything else without really being anything definite to him.

It’s killing me. Something has to change.

I barely wipe my eyes free of tears when I hear the door creak open. I look up, half hoping that Gus will be in the doorway so that I can yell and scream at him for playing with me like this.

It’s not Gus. Instead, Jake’s face looks back at me, concerned.

“Hey,” he says, “you okay?”

I stand up and wipe more tears away. I walk towards him thinking of telling him that I’m fine. That nothing’s wrong. Or that I’m just stressed because of the wedding and everything else.

Instead, I’m horrified with myself when I feel two more tears run down my cheeks and I find that I can’t speak.

“Em,” he says urgently walking in fully and closing the door behind him. “What’s wrong?”

I open my mouth and try to answer. I try to form some logical sentence. But, nothing comes out. Instead, I simply shake my head ‘no’.

And, before I know it, Jake is hugging me and I’m sobbing onto his strong shoulders as he makes soothing circles on my back.

“Hey,” he whispers finally. “Do you want to get out of here? Maybe get a drink and talk about it?”

I pull away nodding and wiping my eyes.

“A drink would be good,” I answer thickly. My nose still running like a faucet. Jake reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a handkerchief.

In spite of myself, I laugh when he hands it to me.

“I think you might be one of the last guys I know who still carries around a handkerchief,” I say.

“Always happy to prove that chivalry isn’t dead,” he says with a smirk.

I wipe my eyes and then my nose on his white handkerchief and smile gratefully.

“So,” I say once I’ve sufficiently cleaned myself up, “where do you want to go for drinks?”

“Well...if you want...I’ve got a temporary apartment just a block away,” he says. “It might be best to go someplace quiet.”

Though he offers this explanation, I know what he really wants. To tell the truth, I’ve had a feeling this was coming for the past two weeks. With all the teasing and flirting Jake and I have been doing, not to mention the kiss we almost shared just before Ramona and Gus’s big fight, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet.

The reason for that, I know, is Gus. The truth is, as attracted as I am to Jake, I haven’t wanted to make a move because, somewhere in the back of my mind, I’ve still been thinking that Gus might come to his senses. I’ve imagined Gus dumping Ramona and then confessing his never-ending love for me.

Now, after what just happened, after what Gus and I did, I realize just how pathetic that is. And I’m done with it.

I’m not going to sit around waiting for some guy to decide whether or not he wants me. Instead, I’m going to live my life and try doing a few of the things that I really, truly want to do.

And, at the moment, that includes going with Jake to his apartment for drinks.

I look up at Jake with a smile on my face.

“That sounds perfect,” I tell him. “Lead the way.”


“He doesn’t deserve you,” Jake tells me as he pours me another glass of red wine. It’s my third and my head is starting to buzz pleasantly. I’ve told him the whole story between me and Gus. Up to and including what happened in Gus’s office that afternoon.

“Well, I know that now,” I answer. “I just wish I’d figured it out years ago. It would’ve saved me a hell of a lot of heartache.”

Jake sits back down next to me on his couch. It’s black with white pillows and matches the rest of the color scheme in the small, one bedroom apartment.

“I still don’t get how he could do that,” Jake says, reaching over to the coffee table and taking a sip of his own wine. “I mean he had a beautiful girl in his lap, clearly into him and he just...stops? How could he do that?”

“If you knew Gus you’d get it,” I answer. “He doesn’t cheat. Not on tests when we were in school, not in business and definitely not in his relationships.”

“I guess I get that,” Jake says, “but, no matter how you try to explain it, I’ll never really understand how he could fall for Ramona when you were right there the whole time.”

“He thinks it’s different with us,” I answer. “I mean, we’ve known each other forever and we’re practically related.”

“You’re not actually related,” Jake says, “not by blood anyway. And knowing each other forever is supposed to be a good thing for a relationship.”

“Sometimes,” I say.

“Anyway, like I said,” Jake tells me, “you’re better than him. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”

“Yeah try telling all the guys I’ve met that,” I answer. I can feel the wine I’ve had loosening my tongue, “I haven’t been on a date in a year. And I don’t get a lot of offers.”

“I offered,” Jake says.

“This doesn’t count,” I tell him. “You only asked me here because I was upset.”

“That’s not the only reason,” Jake says. I feel him scoot closer to me on the couch and I can feel the warmth from his thigh press through my skirt.

“It wasn’t?” I ask. I look up at him with a suggestive smirk on my face. I don’t know if it’s the wine, or Gus, or Jake’s gorgeous eyes but, I’m suddenly feeling very flirty.

“No,” he answers. “Truth is, I’ve been wanting to get you up here ever since I met you.”

“Then what took you so long?” I ask, moving closer to him.

“Just waiting for the right moment,” he says.

“And the right moment just happened to be when I was crying over another guy?” I ask.

“Like I said,” he answers moving closer so that his lips are almost touching mine. “I’m always happy to prove that chivalry isn’t dead.”

He leans in and meets my lips. He’s not gentle, not sweet or hesitant the way Gus was.

His lips press against me passionately as his tongue forces its way into my mouth. It’s as though he doesn’t just want to have sex with me, he wants to possess me. Every inch of me.

Intoxicated by this idea, I wrap my arms around him and push into his chest. It’s solid and warm and oh, so inviting.

I feel him press me against the couch as his hands wander down my hips and to the hem of my skirt. He touches my knee at the exact spot where Gus did, but Jake doesn’t stop there.

He moves his hand up along my inner thigh and a pool of desire floods to my center at the thought of where he’s going next.

When he reaches his destination, I moan out in pleasure. He moves his lips to my neck and bites down on it as his free hand begins to fondle my still fully clothed breast.

He continues to touch me through my panties and while I whimper and writhe, it’s not enough for me. I need to feel him against me. Skin on skin.

I move out from under him. He looks at me confused for a moment before I begin hastily unbuttoning his shirt. I’m so quick and so eager that he laughs at me as he grabs my hands to stop their progress.

“Wouldn’t we be more comfortable in the bedroom?” he asks.

Not trusting my voice to speak, I look at him and nod. Immediately, he leans down and kisses me again.

I gasp when I feel my entire weight being lifted off the couch. I wrap my legs around him, my mouth still desperately on his as he moves us to the bedroom.

My back still straight, I soon feel myself being lowered onto the bed. When I open my eyes, he is crawling towards me with a predatory gaze.

He moves his hands to my legs again and yanks my underwear down to my ankles. His hand again makes its way to my folds and I gasp at his touch.

His hand circles my bare flesh over and over and over again. I cry out in agonizing pleasure. Finally, he moves his hand from my center up to my skirt.

I lift myself from the bed to allow him to pull the skirt down over my legs. I can feel his member pressed against me through his pants as he moves up my body and unbuttons my shirt

Soon, I am naked, completely naked in front of him.

“God, you’re gorgeous,” he says looking me over. Then he leans down and whispers into my ear. “I’ve been wanting to fuck you since the first moment I saw you.”

Unable to stop myself, I move my hands once again to undo the buttons on his shirt. This time, he doesn’t stop me.

He shrugs out of his shirt and I feel his strong, toned chest against me. Soon, he is as naked as I am and our bodies are completely entwined. All thoughts of Gus or Ramona or anything else have left me.

As his long, slender member slides into me I can’t think of anything but the intense, immense pleasure of this moment. How amazing it feels to be desired exactly as I am.

When we fall back, exhausted and spent, I roll over with his arms wrapped securely around me.

Here, for the first time in a long time, I fall into a blissful, easy sleep. That is until I wake up in the middle of the night to find that Jake is nowhere to be found and there are voices coming from the living room.


“And you’re positive there’s no way she’s going to find out?”

I’m standing by the bedroom door listening through the crack like a child listening to her parents argue. The female voice belongs to Ramona. I know that much for sure.

“Babe, it’s fine,” Jake says to her. My breath hitches in my throat and my heart starts to pound when he calls her ‘babe’. “I’ve got her eating out of the palm of my hand. After tonight, she’s not going to give her stepbrother a second thought. I promise you.”

“You seem very sure of yourself,” Ramona says.

“Have I ever let you down before?”

“There’s a first time for everything. This girl’s not some ditzy little secretary. She’s smart,” Ramona says. I can’t help but feel a small swell of pride. “And she’s uber-protective of Gus. If she gets even a hint—”

“So, what are you saying? We should get rid of her too?” Jake asks.

“Don’t be stupid,” Ramona answers. “Two deaths in one family will start to look suspicious. Just keep her away from Gus as much as possible.”

“Until the wedding,” Jake says.

“Well, after the wedding, we won’t have to worry about it,” Ramona says, “just like always. There’ll be a tragic boating accident, blah, blah, blah, we take the money and get out.”

My heart stops beating. I know what they’re planning now. I know what’s going to happen to Gus. My eyes fill with tears and I don’t want to listen to anything else. But, I can’t seem to pull myself away from the door.

“You promise this is the last one, right?” Jake asks. His voice is quieter than it was before. He almost sounds sincere.

“Honey,” Ramona says in that fake flattering voice I hate, “of course this is the last one! I promised, didn’t I?”

“You did,” Jake answers, though he sounds uncertain.

“Then trust me,” Ramona whispers and I hear the fabric of her skirt slide against the couch.

I’m sure they’re kissing and my heart constricts. I try not to but, I can’t help imagining his hands in her hair, his mouth desperate and insistent on hers just as they’d been with me not three hours ago.

“I’ve got to head out. I don’t want to keep you from Emma too long,” Ramona said.

“Oh, don’t worry about her,” Jake says. “She’s sound asleep. Stay a little while.”

I suddenly have a desperate urge to burst open the door and throttle him. But, I know that would do no good. Ramona would just charm her way back to Gus and then kill him herself. All while I was locked away for assault or possible murder.

“I can’t,” Ramona says finally. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Jake says.

I hear the door close and I know that Jake’s coming back into the room. I rush to my side of the bed, lay down and close my eyes.

I don’t fall back to sleep. Instead, I think about what I’m going to do next.

The first thing will be to get up early, dress and leave before Jake can see me. Then, I’ll have to go to Gus and break the news to him.

Not only is his fiancée cheating on him, but, she’s also a raging psychopath who wants to murder him for his fortune.


“I don’t believe it,” Gus says. I’ve just told him what I heard last night. He’s standing beside his desk, staring at me with hard eyes.

“It’s the truth,” I say quietly. “I heard it myself.”

“Emma, if this is about what happened here last night, I told you, I’m sorry.”

“It’s not about that,” I say, feeling my ire growing now. The fact that he thinks I would make something like this up just to get back at him for kissing me and leaving makes my blood begin to boil.

BOOK: Romance: Military Romance: Protected by the SEAL (Contemporary Hero Bad Boy Navy SEAL Romance) (New Adult BBW Alpha Male Virgin Protector Short Stories)
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