ROMANCE: Mated to the Bear (Stepbrother Paranormal Shifter) (Threesome Taboo Romance) (7 page)





Chapter 8

Don couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The two women that he cared for were having sex, and he couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not. It wasn’t that they shouldn’t be. He really didn’t care about that all. All he cared about was that they didn’t tell him, and the way that Anna looked at Stacy he worried that it was more than just sex. He knew that their relationship was weird to begin with, and it made him sigh.

He didn’t want to stand there at the doorway anymore. After pulling his gaze away from Anna, he stepped out, going to the kitchen to pour him a little bit of whiskey at the bar. Stacy sighed, and she decided to pull on a robe, looking at Anna before giving her a brief kiss. Anna stayed there, frozen as Stacy untied her and she took off her own nipple clamps as she watched Stacy walk through the door.

Her own heart seemed to be breaking, and she tried to calm the panic that kept rising inside of her. There was no screaming coming from the other room, and so she tried to convince herself it was a good sign, but she knew she wouldn’t calm her nerves until she heard Don say something.

She didn’t want to have to go back to seeing Derek every day or lose Stacy. She feared that since Don found out like this, that’s exactly what was going to happen. Yet, she knew that Stacy didn’t love her like she loved Stacy either, and there would be no Stacy leaving him for her. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted it.
Love could get twisted sometimes.
She thought to herself, and yet she couldn’t even be bitter about it.

Anna bit her lip, knowing that she wouldn’t get any answers if she stayed hiding in the bedroom. She went out to see Stacy and Don sharing a little whiskey, and there was a third shot glass on the table waiting for her. When Don saw her, he pinched the bridge of his nose, and yet he filled the shot glass. She wasn’t a whiskey fan, but she wasn’t going to ignore the nice gesture either. It was more than she had expected. So she crossed the room, and she downed it. She couldn’t help but to cough, and it seemed to relieve some of the tension in the room. Don chuckled, and Stacy smiled a little bit.

“I thought you had too much on your plate already.” Stacy said softly, starting to rub Don’s shoulder as he nodded.

“I know.” He said, nodding a little to himself before turning to Anna. His gaze wasn’t hard or angry, and yet she seemed to feel ashamed at his stare.

“I’m sorry.” She finally said, and she didn’t realize until that moment just how much she had meant it. She wanted to tell him, but she didn’t do so against Stacy’s wishes either. She didn’t know if that was right anymore.

“Have sex as much as you want, but I’d rather you not try to hide it.” he said, and with that he smiled, getting her a glass of wine as he downed another shot. It was like relief flooded Anna as she smiled. She knew there was still a lot to discuss between the three of them, and Derek was probably going to start ringing her phone all over again in the morning.

For now, there seemed to be an easy peace. That was all that Anna wanted, and with Don and Stacy’s reassuring smile, she knew she’d figure it out no matter how everything turned out or ended. Love could get twisted, but Anna was just thankful she was along for the ride for at least a little while longer. She shook her head, sipping at the wine as Stacy asked about his day, as if nothing had even happened.









Bearing My Sexy Stepbrother






By: Madelin Brook


Table of Contents


About the Story

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9






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Bearing My Sexy Stepbrother


Alex always knew what he wanted when he was growing up, and when his gaze landed on his new stepsister Clara two years prior, he knew he wanted her. He was patient, and when they lived under the same roof as their parents, he knew it wasn’t possible.

Now that they agreed to be roommates with her at the tender age of eighteen, he didn’t plan to be patient any longer. She wanted to know where he disappeared every few nights, and he wanted to claim her as his mate. Bear shifters were known for a temper, and as the Alpha, he wanted to finally show her off.

Alex knew it was time to give Clara what she wanted. She had no idea she’d soon spiral into a world of passion, secrets, and moonlight woods.






Chapter 1

Alex smiled to himself, thinking about everything that could happen between now and then. The weekend was approaching, and a meeting was going to happen in just a single day. He had a lot of plans to implement, and as his eyes landed on his stepsister, Carla, he smiled to himself as she obliviously fixed dinner. He popped open an ale, grabbing a hard cider for her.

“You look like you could use it.” He said with a grin. “Food smells great.” He added, and she nodded with a smile, taking a generous swig.

“Thanks. I thought steaks would be the best tonight. I just wish we had a grill.” She said a little wistfully.

“I’ll have to get us one soon.” He said. “Especially if you keep cooking like this. You’re going to have me gain weight, you know.” He teased her, and he loved the way she’d throw her head back and laugh that tinkering laugh of hers.

“You? Gain weight? No. I don’t think so. You always seem to be fit.” She said. “Now me on the other hand…” She said, sighing.

“Oh, I don’t want to hear anything of the sort. You look just fine.” He stated, taking another sip.

“You’re my brother. You’re supposed to say that.” She said, rolling her eyes a little. He touched her shoulder, and Carla gave him a look, but he just gave her his most charming smile.

“No, Carla.” He said, shaking his head with that smile tugging at his lips. “I mean it.” He said, and she nodded a little.

“Well…” She said, smiling a bit now. “Dinner is almost done. Set the table?” She asked, and he nodded, starting to do so.

“Being roommates was a great idea.” She said, and he nodded his head in agreement as they both sat down to eat.

“So do you want to see a movie tomorrow night?” She asked. “Jessie canceled on me, and you know boyfriend-less me doesn’t have a life.” She said teasingly, but he could tell how much it hurt her.

“I’m busy tomorrow night. You know that.” He said carefully, cutting a piece of his steak.

“What do you do, anyways?” She asked, clearly frustrated as she took a bite.

“I just go out. If you want to know, then you’ll just have to come with me one day.” He said laying the bait, and he flicked his gaze for just a moment up to meet hers. Carla seemed startled, and it was hard enough not to let that smile tug at his lips. He kept a straight face, looking down at his food before taking a sip of the freshly brewed sweet tea.

“Actually come with you?” She asked, almost suspiciously.

“Yup.” He said, and he just let it hang in the air between them. The long, silent pause seemed like an eternity. He just waited patiently, reminding himself that it was likely the only way that he’d get her to say yes.

“Fine. It looks like we’re doing whatever it is that you do. I swear, if it’s playing Dungeon and Dragons, I’m killing you.” She said teasingly, but her curiosity was evident. He let himself chuckle at her little joke.

“I assure you, that’s not the case. However, if you’re coming with me, there are rules. It’s critical that you follow them.” He said, making sure his voice was deadly serious.

“You can’t be serious.” She said, nearly spitting out her drink. He just quirked an eyebrow at her coolly.

“Deadly.” He said, and he continued to finish his meal.

“Fine. Lay them on me.” She said, and he chuckled again.

“Don’t say it like it’s so bad. You’re the one that wanted to come.” He said.

“Oh just c'mon and tell me.” Carla said, both irritated and intrigued.

“You must dress appropriately, and I’ll help you.” He said, and she nodded, grunting her disapproval.

“You must not tell anyone.” He said next, and she grunted her approval again, and he waited a moment before continuing to see if she’d say anything.

“You must listen to every single thing I say. It’s for your safety.” He said, waiting for her response.

“Good one.” She said, giving a nervous laugh, and he just looked at her.

“I’m serious. Yes or no. It’s your choice if you want to come.” Alex said, shrugging as if it didn’t mean anything to him. I know you’ll say yes. Just take the bait, my little stepsister. He thought amused.

“Okay.” She said. “It’ll be worth it to see where you go all these times.” She said, and he nodded a little bit.

“I’m sure you think so.” He said, laughing as he cleaned up the dishes.

He started to put away the leftovers, and as she brushed past him she turned to look in his eyes. He knew she was beginning to become interested. He tucked a stray hair behind her ear, and her breathing hitched a little. Her eyes never wavered from hers, and he could tell that Carla was biting the inside of her lip. Just as the moment came, it was then broken, and they both went back to doing what they were before.

He put the food away, and she started on the dishes. While she washed them, he dried them and put them away. It was what they had done growing up together when she moved in, and it was what they did now, but he knew that she couldn’t ignore the heat that was building between them.







Chapter 2

Carla couldn’t help but to bite her lip, trying to figure out if this was a good idea or not. She was surprised when he had picked out jeans for her. It was strange to see, but she put them on either way. The shirt was flowing and white. It was a Roman type of shirt that left one shoulder bare, and it glistened with a silver belt, and Roman sandals to top off the outfit.

“He has nice tastes.” She muttered to herself, looking in the mirror as she heard a chuckle behind her.

“I thought you’d like the blouse and shoes.” He said, and she just gave him a sheepish smile.

“You aren’t supposed to see me like that.” She said.

“What? Still talking to the mirror? You act like your same ol’ goofy self.” He said chuckling again, and she could hear the amusement in his voice as he talked to her.

“Well, are we going or not?” She said, giving him a look, and for just a moment it was like his eyes darkened.

Carla bit her inner lip as she waited for him, but Alex just broke into another smile as he motioned for her to come. They went down, getting into the car, and he slung a duffel bag into the back seat. She gave him a strange look, but Alex offered no explanation as they started off into the night.

He watched his stepsister as she began to fidget in the seat, and there was a part of him that was itching to tell her exactly what was going to happen. He pushed it down, telling himself that it was better to bid his time as he waited, smiling to himself. Carla reached over to turn on the radio, and he didn’t say a word as she put on that hip hop station he could barely stand.

“Do you remember the rules?” He finally asked as they pulled onto a dirt road. They had gone far out of town already, and she gave him a confused look.

“Yeah, but where are we?” She asked, and he never took his eyes off the road.

“A gathering.” He said simply, and somehow Carla knew that she wasn’t going to get any more explanation than that, so she went quiet.

She could feel her nerves starting to act up, and she fought the urge to bite her lip again. There were cars parked out there, and some bikes were stashed. Other bags were just tied up in trees, but she knew that no matter what she asked, she wasn’t going to get an answer. He parked the car and went around to help her out.

“Where is everyone?” She asked, and he just put his hand on her shoulder.

“You can’t seriously be spooked, Carla. They’re not going to hang around in their cars. C’mon.” He teased her, and she could feel him step a little closer.

She just didn’t want to admit that she had no intention of pushing him away. They started to walk, and it was a few more moments before they heard from anyone at all. Carla could have sworn that she heard rustling in the trees, but every time she went to look he just put his arm around her a little tighter.

“Don’t worry about it. You promised to trust me, remember?” He said with that teasing smile, and she tried to relax into what he said.

“Yeah…” She said nodding a little, but she couldn’t quite seem to make herself stop paying attention. She didn’t see any trail, but Alex seemed to know where he was going. God knows how. She thought, and all too soon she could hear the gurgling of a stream.

“We’re almost there.” He said, whispering into her ear.

“Welcome to my pack.” Alex said, grinning from ear to ear.

A few people were tending a bonfire, and a tent was set up a little ways away. She didn’t pay any attention to her surroundings, though. All Carla seemed able to do was look at the men and women that were scattered around. Some dressed. Some not. Some in between, and others curled up in trees, tending the fire, but all beautiful. All tan. All dark brown hair.

She looked at him, confusion written clearly on her face, and that’s when she saw bears in the tree line. Carla couldn’t help but to take a step back nervously. Her confused, innocent eyes met her stepbrothers, and Alex’s hand just tightened around her waist reassuringly.

“Relax, Carla. They’re my people too.” He whispered into her ear, and she knew that something just wasn’t clicking. This doesn’t make sense. She thought to herself.

“Carla. We’re not human, okay?” Alex said, and she just shook her head. He tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him.

“Relax. Listen to me and relax.” He said, and his tone brokered no argument. She could feel herself relaxing.

“I don’t understand.” She said, and he nodded.

“I know, but you will. Just relax.” He said, and she bit her lip.

“So what is this? Please explain…” She said, but Alex just led her over to the food. He grabbed a skewer of some meat for her, sitting her down by the fire.

“You seemed cold.” He said, and it was his only answer.

As she calmed down, she could feel herself fighting back the urge to shiver. She watched as Alex started to call someone over. All he seemed to have to do was to snap his fingers, and someone appeared. She just bit her bottom lip as a half-naked man approached. His jeans hung low on his hips, and she tried not to say anything as her eyes darted down his happy trail to where his jeans hung. He gave her a grin, and Alex gave him a sharp look for it. That was something that Carla couldn’t seem to understand.

“Show her.” Was all that Alex said, and she was about to ask what he meant, but as the man started to undress she was too caught up in that.

Her eyes almost bulged out of her head, and just as she was about to say something he smirked and started to change. If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn’t have believed anyone, but the man was changing in front of her. Into a bear. It echoed in her head, and she couldn’t seem to comprehend. She nearly scrambled back, but she couldn’t seem to get away fast enough. Alex wrapped his hands around her a little tighter.

“Relax. I knew you wouldn’t believe me unless I showed you.” He whispered in her ear, but it seemed like everyone could hear. It was the way that they all looked at her, clearly amused, and there was another look that she couldn’t quite place.

“No. No, I would not have,” She said, measuring her words carefully as she looked at the bear before her. There was intelligence in his eyes that she wasn’t expecting, and slowly the reality of it was sinking in. Her body started to relax, but Carla still wouldn’t step any closer.


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