Rocco and Mandy: A Red Team Wedding Novella (Book #6.5) (14 page)

Greer switched the music to the Wedding March. Mandy felt her stomach tense once again. They stepped outside. Her gaze instantly went past everyone to find Rocco. He stood with his hand on Zavi’s shoulder. His dark brown eyes were filled with a complex mix of emotions. Relief. Joy. Anticipation. He smiled at her. She couldn’t make herself smile back—she was too overcome with happiness. Everyone stood as she and Owen stepped down the aisle. There were only five rows of two seats on each side, so it was easy for Mandy to look at everyone.

Owen delivered her to Rocco’s side, kissed her cheek, then took his seat. Rocco smiled at her, drawing a grin from her at last. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered before they both faced the justice of the peace.

Mandy tried to listen to the JP, but it was hard to make herself focus. This was really happening. She was finally linking her life to Rocco’s for real. For good. Forever.

“…Rocco and Mandy have each prepared their own vows for the ceremony today,” the JP said to the gathering. “Rocco, please face Mandy and hold her hands as you say your vows to her.”

Rocco took Mandy’s hands and looked into her eyes, then glanced at their small audience. “Mandy wanted me to write my vows down, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. I didn’t know what to say.” He looked at her again. “And it seemed to be less genuine if I couldn’t open my heart and let the truth spill out. So here goes.” He smiled at her.

“Mandy Fielding, when we first met, I was holding on to life by the very tips of my fingers, like a free-styling rock climber who had lost his hold and couldn’t fight gravity much longer. Looking down, it seemed as if peace was waiting at the bottom of a long fall. But you made me look up, reminded me why I was on that mountain in the first place. When I couldn’t hold on any longer, it was your hands that grabbed me and pulled me the rest of the way up. Your tenacious belief in us as a couple and a family saved me. Your strength and grace humble me. I look forward to all the wonderful experiences that our life will bring. And I know that together, we’ll meet its challenges with strength and courage. It’s an unbelievable honor to bind my life to yours. I love you.”

Mandy sniffled. “Oh, Rocco.” Ivy reached over and handed her a tissue. He smiled down at her as she dabbed at her eyes, then tucked the tissue in the pocket of her jacket. She took hold of his hands and looked up at him. “Rocco Silas, when I first met you, I thought you were a Neanderthal.”

Rocco laughed. So did a few of the guys. “I remember.”

“But in the time since, I’ve discovered how deep your emotions run, what a rich, hidden river of love and hope flows through you. I look forward to learning all the beautiful nuances of you in our lifetime together. I’ve never known a man to be a more caring father or so generous a lover. It’s a great honor to be your wife. I love you.”

Rocco leaned over and kissed her. “That was beautiful,” he whispered.

The JP cleared his throat. “Now, I believe young Zavi has the rings?”

Mandy leaned over and waved Zavi and his little red pillow forward. Rocco picked up her slim band of white gold.

“Rocco, as you place the ring on Mandy’s finger, please repeat after me: On this day I marry my best friend…”

Rocco held her left hand and placed her wedding ring just to her knuckle as he began repeating the words the JP said.

“The woman who will share my life, my love, and my dreams… Mandy, this ring is a symbol of my love and devotion… I give you all that I have, all that I am… I join my life with yours…to cherish and protect you… I honor you as my wife now and forever.”

Mandy sniffled again, but smiled through her tears as he pushed the ring all the way on her finger. She picked up his heavier gold band, catching Zavi for a kiss as she did so. Then she straightened and held Rocco’s wedding ring at his knuckle while she repeated the same vows.

“And there you have it,” the JP said with a smile. “Perhaps you would like to share your first kiss as husband and wife—”

Rocco pulled Mandy close and kissed her mouth. When her arms went around his neck, he would have deepened the kiss, except someone yanked on his trousers.

“Papa, I get a hug, too.” Zavi looked put out that he wasn’t included.

Rocco laughed and picked him up for a three-way hug, then held him as they turned and faced their friends. Everyone stood and clapped, then swarmed them for hugs and handshakes and more hugs as they slowly made their way back into the house.


When Mandy had come through the living room with Owen minutes earlier, she’d been too focused on the ceremony to notice the stunning way the dining room had been decorated for her and Rocco. It was a fun mixture of country and elegant decor. The long table had been covered in white linen tablecloths with burlap toppers. A long ivory lace runner went down the center. Ty must have had a set of china, for each place was set with a place setting of sterling silver flatware and fine white bone china sitting on golden chargers. Coffee cups sat on the right side and bread plates on the left. Each place setting had delicate goblets: one each for water, red wine, and white wine. There were even dessertspoons and forks placed at the top of each plate, and forks, knives, and spoons for each course beside each plate. Candles glowed from dozens of different silver and gold candleholders, in different heights and designs.

Each place setting was reserved by a name card set in a petite bouquet of purple and yellow flowers. Mandy smiled at Rocco, feeling like a princess. Kathy, Dennis, and Carla had been outside, observing the ceremony. They’d come inside first and were standing near the buffet table, smiling at her and Rocco. Everyone in the whole world who mattered to her was standing in this room. She wrapped her arm around Rocco’s and squeezed it tightly.

When Ivy paused beside her, Mandy gave her a big hug and said, “Thank you.” She shook her head as she glanced over the table. “This room has been transformed!”

Ivy smiled at the other women. “We all worked on it. We wanted it to look like a fairytale for you, because if anyone deserves a happily ever after, it’s the two of you!” Ivy led them toward the living room.

Mandy noticed Val was behind the bar with Greer, pouring glasses of champagne, which Max helped hand out. Val opened a couple cans of ginger ale and poured them into four glasses for her, Ivy, and the kids. Once everyone had their glass, Blade held his up and quieted the group for a toast.

“Rocco, you and I’ve known each other a long time. Most of it high-stress, think-on-your-feet, live-the-rest-of-your-life-by-the-decisions-you-made kind of time. The kind of time and experiences that shorten lives by a heavy factor.” He looked at Mandy. “When I heard the two of you had hooked up—”

Kit interrupted him. “Blade, you’re talking about my sister.”

Ty grinned. “True, but she’s pretty much my little sister, too. Anyway, when I heard you were together, I knew it was right. You were meant for each other. You’re both deserving of the bright, happy times that lie ahead for you. To Rocco and Mandy!” He gestured toward them with his glass, then took a sip.

Kit was next. He stepped forward and was silent a second while he composed his thoughts. “Em, when I sent Rocco to you, I’ll admit I was secretly hoping this would be the outcome. I knew you had a way with broken things—”

“Just not busted weed whackers,” Rocco whispered to Mandy, who punched his arm.

“Rocco wasn’t merely broken, he was shattered.” There were tears in his eyes as he finished. “Sis, you not only helped my friend find his way back to the light, you married him and made our family bigger. Congratulations to you both!” He put his hand on his heart as he looked at them, then lifted his glass and took a sip.

After a few more toasts, Kathy announced that dinner was ready to be served. It took a few minutes for everyone to find their assigned seat. Owen hadn’t made a big deal about the change in the seating arrangements, except to let Ivy know and get Remi’s participation. He stood while Greer and Val got the women situated, then sat and put his napkin in his lap. He was looking forward to chatting with Ace. There was something about her that he just couldn’t place. Kit had told him she was the one who’d stopped Ivy and Fiona from opening that gift King had sent. She had a beater of a car. And Val said she had no furniture in her apartment. Yet here she was wearing a couture dress and an expensive Chanel perfume.

Something wasn’t meshing.

Salad with a sweet lemon dressing was their first course. Two wine glasses and a water goblet stood at each place setting. Owen took the Sauvignon Blanc from the wine cooler and offered to pour for Remi, then Ace, who quickly covered her glass.

“Thank you, but none for me. I’m on duty as the photog. Really, I shouldn’t even have a place at the table.”

“Except that you’re my plus-one, remember?” Val said quietly.

Owen listened to their conversation as he filled his glass. When conversations had started around the table, he began his offensive. He took a few bites of the salad, then looked at Ace. “I understand from Ivy that you’re new to the area.”

“I am,” she said.

“How do you like working at the diner?”

“It’s perfect for me right now. And Ivy’s an awesome boss.”

“I’m guessing you didn’t grow up around here.”

Ace didn’t answer that. She set her fork down as she looked across the table at Remi, then Greer, Hope, and Max. She sent Val a lengthy glance, then leaned closer to Owen and lowered her voice as she said, “Let’s dispense with pretenses, shall we?”

Owen arched a brow. “Why? Pretense is the framework for polite discourse.”

“Yeah, but it’s not like you don’t know everything there is to know about me, or that I don’t know everything about you.”

Owen held her gaze as he slowly smiled. “What do you know about me?”

“I know about Adelaide.”

Owen’s body went cold from the inside out. His heart stopped then started again, doling out blood like a miser. “She’s dead.”

Ace slowly shook her head. “I work for her.”

His breath hitched, then thundered through his lungs and out his mouth in a roar as he jumped to his feet. “You lie.”

Ace also stood. “She sent me to find you.”

Owen stared at Ace. The sudden silence in the room was drowned out by the blood pounding in his ears. “Get the fuck out.” He pointed toward the door. Her camera was on the table. He was going to swipe it to the floor, but Val got in his face, pushing him back from Ace.

“What’s gotten into you?” Val asked.

He didn’t answer. Though he didn’t take his eyes from Ace, he could see out of the corner of his eye that all the guys had gotten to their feet.

“Who’s Adelaide?” Val asked Ace. She didn’t answer, so Owen did it for her.

“A fucking ghost.”

Val looked at him. “Aaand that’s helpful.

Kit had come over to stand between him and the rest of the group, too. He and Val locked shoulders. “You picked a helluva time for a tantrum, Owen. Suppose you explain what the fuck’s going on?”

Owen ignored them. He shoved Val, but only gained a few inches, enough to straighten his shirt and jacket. He glared at Ace. “Prove it.”

She lifted her camera and flipped through some images on the screen, then handed the camera over to Val, who handed it to him. His hands shook a little as he held her camera. Staring back at him was a beautiful blond. A little younger than him, but aged in the decade-plus since he’d seen her. Goddamn. Goddammit all, it was Adelaide. Impossible. He shoved the camera into Val’s chest.

It was a trick. He fixed his gaze on Ace, around whom Mandy, Fiona, and Ivy had come to stand. Ace somehow knew his Achilles’ heel.

Ace dropped her gaze. “Look, I should go.” She glanced at Mandy. “I’m sorry. I should never have brought it up. At least not tonight.”

“Why should she go?” Rocco asked Owen as he joined the group.

“She works for King.”

Ace shook her head. Her eyes darkened. Owen could see the truth in them, but he didn’t dare believe it. “I work for Adelaide.”

“Who’s Adelaide?” Rocco asked.

“Someone I used to know.” Owen glanced at Ace, daring her to contradict him.

“I’ll come back tomorrow and talk to you.”

“Where is she?” Owen asked, continuing their conversation as if there was no one else in the room.

“I can’t tell you that.”

“Take me to her.”

“Never. You know as well as I do that this house is watched. How else would King have known that Fiona was at the diner that day? If I take you to her, she’s as good as dead—for real.”

“Okay,” Val said, stepping a short distance away, keeping himself in front of Ace. “Let’s all just take a breath. Ace, can you just finish out the night?”

She looked between him and Val. “Sure, if he can keep his shit cool.”

“He will.” Val looked at him, though he still spoke to her. “Owen’s like a cold ice floe, right bro?”

Owen glared at her. “Come over tomorrow. You have a lot to tell us.”

“Fine. Tomorrow. Tonight, I’m just a photog. Tonight is for a wedding.”

Mandy followed Rocco back to their chairs. She tried to stir up normal conversation, but the guys had their hackles up well into the main course. Zavi came out from the movie room several times to check on them, giving her a welcome distraction. When the meal was over and Kathy and Carla were beginning to clear the table, Mandy looked over and saw Zavi out cold on the sofa.

She tapped Rocco’s shoulder and nodded toward the sofa. “He didn’t want to miss anything.”

Rocco smiled. “Poor guy. It’s been a long day for him. I’ll go tuck him in.”

Wynn got to the sofa before he did. “If you like, I can tuck him in,” she offered.

“Sure. If you don’t mind,” Rocco said.

“I don’t. Stay and enjoy your party.”

Zavi roused as soon as she lifted him. His head was lolling against her shoulder when he said, “Wait. I want to kiss Papa and Mom goodnight.”

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