Rising Moon (The Rune Stone Trilogy) (31 page)

BOOK: Rising Moon (The Rune Stone Trilogy)
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Where do we start?
she asked, turning back to Blake.

My favorite color is the color of your eyes.
His face was so close to hers, and her head was tilted up toward his. She tried to swallow, but all moisture was gone from her mouth. His eyes drifted down to her mouth and her heart skittered.
My favorite movie by far is The Hulk.
Amusement played in his eyes when they returned to her own.

She smiled and this time could swallow.
Of course.
She pulled herself away just enough to get a sense of herself again.

I like all kinds of food. I like to try new things, but I’m a sucker for the classics, like homemade chili and a slow cooked roast. I watch football when I can, I work for the lumber yard, and I once owned a dog named Rusty.
He raised his eyebrows, waiting for her.

And what happened to Rusty?

Rusty lived to be seventeen, and was put down
last year
. I’m thinking I need a dog again. There is nothing like having a good dog. Best companion.

Man’s best friend.
She welcomed the second slow song. She wasn’t ready to part with him yet.

Exactly. Your turn.

Oh. Okay. My favorite color is also blue-

You wear it everyday,
he added, his hand moved slowly over her back.

Not everyday.
She sighed.
I am also not a picky eater, but I try to eat healthy. I love fruits and vegetables. I own a floral shop that I inherited from my mother. I like working with flowers, it’s an easy way to brighten anyone’s day. I’ve never had a pet because my mom was allergic to animals.

But you don’t live with her now.

No, she passed away.

So, why didn’t you ever get a pet?
he asked.

I don’t know, I guess I’ve never thought about it. I supposed I could have gotten a cat.
She shrugged.

But then you would have one more thing to look after.
He nodded and his understanding moved her. He knew her more than she thought.
Favorite movie?

Um, well at the risk of sounding like a complete nerd, I don’t have a favorite movie, I read a lot. But I guess I favor old classics like Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

He laughed.
I find that to be very fitting for you. You are a very classy, elegant woman, just like Audrey Hepburn. You know, now that I think about it, if she had long black hair and skin the color of cream, you two would look so much alike. It must be the eyes,
he said.
Well, you just keep getting more interesting by the minute. What else are you hiding from me?
He wiggled his eyebrows.

I find it surprising that you know what Audrey Hepburn looks like,
Aylin teased.

Blake rolled his eyes dramatically.
Come on. Terra watched her movies all the time, and being a man I found Audrey to be…
He pursed his lips, grasping for the appropriate word.

Aylin laughed and he sent her spinning around again. The song came to an end and before Blake let her go he brought her hand to his lips. The press of his soft lips on her skin sent another skip in her heart.

When they went back to the table they decided it was time to go back to the hotel.
Where are you staying?
Aylin asked Blake.

A few doors down from you,
he said shamefully.

I should be mad,
Terra sighed.
You two are ruining our girls night.
She playfully pushed Blake.
But this is fun.

I agree.
El smiled at Aylin.
I think this has been a very successful night.

Aylin shot her a glance that was meant to shut her up.
Yes, well, we should try to reschedule our girls night.

El lifted a shoulder carelessly and turned her attention to Owen, who was walking close to Terra.
Owen, what do you think of Terra’s little makeover?

Owen looked down at Terra and smiled warmly.
I think she looks great. But who here doesn’t?
he said, after clearing his throat.

Terra said shortly and looked onto the lake. They only had a few blocks left to walk then she could curl up in bed and die.

El felt deflated. She had to try something else. Love was all around her, but it was so damn blind and stubborn.
Oh, shoot. Aylin, I think I left a bag in the car that had my overnight things in it. Would you mind fetching it?
She pulled Terra’s keys out of her purse and tossed them toward Aylin. Blake snatched them out of the air.

I can walk you,
he said.

Aylin looked pointedly at El.
I think you have all your bags and then some.

Well, would you please check for me?
El batted her eyes sweetly and wrapped her arm around Terra’s elbow.
It would be really great,
she said and turned her back on Aylin.

Blake and Aylin broke off from the group and walked toward the hotel parking lot. She opened the jeep’s trunk and found it to be empty, which had been exactly what she expected.
Imagine that,
she mumbled and locked the vehicle.
Well, nothing there,
she said to Blake and tucked the keys in her pocket.

He watched her walk around the vehicle toward him. He looked up at the hotel, then back to her.
Think they would mind if we took a little walk?

Aylin took a deep breath.
I don’t think the storm is far off, but we have a little time.
She took the hand he held out to her and tried to ignore the jump in her belly when he gave it a squeeze.

He led her down the road and onto the walk on the pier. At the end of the pier was a small lighthouse that guided boats into the harbor after dark, but tonight it remained dark. There would be no ships coming in. The pier had old fashioned streetlights spread out, leaving spaces of dark shadows. Over the wall of the pier was the dark water of the canal, leading into the harbor. It was an eerie feeling looking out from the pier to the open space, hearing the waves crashing against the cement, but not being able to see the water in the dark night.

The wind was cold, sneaking its chill under her wool pea coat. Blake wrapped his arm around her and it relaxed her, warming her from inside out.
This didn’t turn out to be such a bad night, huh?
he asked.

No, it’s not what I though it was going to be.
She gave him a nudge.

Did you really think I was going to sit back and let you all go off alone after this morning?
he frowned.

She stepped away from him and leaned against the cement wall and looked up at him.
Thank you. For being that concerned about me.

Thank you, but…

She sighed, knowing that he would read into her appreciation.
But you have to trust me to do my part in all of this.

So we’re going to talk about books and faerie tales now?
She nodded slowly.
No. We’re not.
He had seen the troubled shadows come over her eyes and he didn’t want to ruin the night with arguing with her again. She would only push him away. Instead, he held his hand out with the palm up.

After a moment a smile flickered on her lips. She pressed her hand into his and closed her eyes. She didn’t fight against it anymore. His heat traveled swiftly, shooting straight into her heart, sending it racing. One second before he moved she saw the image flash in her head what he wanted to do.

Blake took his other hand and cupped her cheek; his rough skin brushed hers delicately. She raised her head and his lips touched hers. For a man that had unlimited strength he was nothing but gentle with her. He tasted wonderful, like apple cider does after being frozen to the bone in the winter. His lips were soft and smooth on hers, and she prayed they could stay just like this. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. When he lifted his head and looked down at her she had a dreamy look in her eyes.

Dancer and a good kisser. I better hang on to you.
She smiled.

I think you should.
He bent to kiss her again when he felt the first raindrop hit the back of his neck.
Time’s up.
He grabbed her hand and they ran back to the hotel.

Blake walked her to the door and kissed her hand again, and then went to his own room. When he reached his door he turned toward her and raised an eyebrow. She felt her cheeks redden when she had been caught watching him. She smiled, said goodnight, and slipped inside her room.

She closed the door behind her and found Terra and El stretched out on one of the beds watching a movie.
Terra sat up, looking at her expectantly.

Aylin kept her face straight as she took off her jacket and hung it in the closet, taking her sweet time.
Did you two fight again?
El turned off the movie and sat up also.
Why do you two always have to fight?

We didn’t fight.
Aylin sat down on the single chair and pulled off her boots.
We walked on the pier and he kissed me.

He kissed you?
Terra was practically jumping on the bed.
This is great! I mean, it is great, right?
She looked at Aylin.

BOOK: Rising Moon (The Rune Stone Trilogy)
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