Rising Moon (The Rune Stone Trilogy) (30 page)

BOOK: Rising Moon (The Rune Stone Trilogy)
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I don’t like that you are keeping things from us.
El stepped toward her.
As you very well put we need to be a united front, and we can’t when your holding things from us. But,
she didn’t pause to let Aylin protest and held up a finger pointed right at her,
we’ll discuss that tomorrow.
She looked over to Terra who looked frightened.
Let’s just be girls today, not protectors.

Aylin reached out and squeezed El’s hand. Her hand twitched under El’s, feeling El’s mind travel up her arm. It wasn’t painful this time, more like a slow faint ache. Before reaching her mind Aylin took her hand away.
Thank you. I didn’t want to ruin today.
She didn’t look into El’s eyes.

El nodded slowly. The question was on her lips, but she bit her tongue.
Now, we need to get to a department store.
She turned fully to Terra.

Hours later and the beds in the hotel room were full of shopping bags. Most were for Terra, but El and Aylin couldn’t help themselves from picking up a few things for themselves. Aylin sat on the bathroom counter while she watched El snip at Terra’s hair. Terra had her back to her and sat on the edge of the tub.
I can’t wait to slip my feet into those new leather boots,
Aylin said, dreaming of the soft leather caressing her skin.

They will look great with the white sweater you bought. Put on a pair of slim jeans, tuck them into the boots, and a long necklace and Blake won’t know what hit him.
El nodded.

Terra piped up.
So, you’re finally giving in?
El had to stop cutting because Terra turned to look at Aylin.

Aylin looked at the two of them and had to laugh at them.
There is nothing to give in to. I have accepted that he will be apart of this, but that’s it. He’s your brother Terra.
She sipped her Diet Coke.

That’s even better that he’s my brother. Then you know he has to be a good guy.
Terra turned back so El could continue.
I don’t think it’s any secret you two are attracted to each other.

El laughed.
Well put Terra. She is just going to have to realize that she’s not hiding it very well.

I’m not listening anymore to this. I’m going to paint my nails.
Aylin jumped off the counter and went to dig in one of the bags. She was painting her toenails a deep purple by the window when Terra emerged from the bathroom. Her hair framed her face in chunky layers, flipping out at the bottom, and had extra shine like she had glossed it.
You look great!
Aylin encouraged.

And to think I was even worried.
Terra shook her head.
El really knows what she’s doing.

Finally, a vote of confidence.
El nudged her from behind.
Now let’s find you something to wear for dinner.
She headed for the bags.

Terra had been once again surprised by El. She had assumed that El would force her to buy some high fashionable clothing that had no place in Lancaster Bay, but instead El found her pieces that would work naturally in her wardrobe. She found her feminine style sweaters that would keep her warm, but still showed off her curves. She now realized that the cut of jeans she was wearing did nothing for her figure either, so now she owned three different styles that would accentuate her toned legs. For tonight El pulled out a pair of dark denim jeans, a soft pink sweater wrap and white shirt underneath. The outfit was nothing like Terra’s usual tomboy style, but she felt completely comfortable.

El wore a short rust orange sweater dress and tall boots that zipped up above her knee and had a sharp heel that had Terra wondering how she could take even two steps in. Aylin wore a white tunic sweater that had a cowl neck and a long chain, with her slim jeans tucked into boots.
We’re hot!
Terra blurted out and laughed at herself.
I’ve never felt so girly before.

El applied minimal makeup on Terra, just blush, a light dusting of eye shadow and mascara and lipstick that was a shade darker than her natural color lips.
You look gorgeous,
El whispered to her.

I do?
Terra was surprised, this coming from El.

she said firmly.
It’s too bad that Owen can’t see you tonight.
She winked.

He wouldn’t even notice,
Terra said, sounding glum.

What’s that I detect?
Aylin stepped forward.

Well, if you want me to be honest, maybe. Yeah.
Terra nodded and her cheeks flushed slightly.
I know what a great guy he is, and I’ve seen the kind of girls he dates.
She looked at El.
I am no where near up in that level, plus I’m just like a sister to him. Nothing more.

El put her hands on her hips.
Don’t do that. Don’t even think that some woman is better than you just because she looks different. He would be damn lucky to ever have a woman like you.
She put her finger under Terra’s chin to tilt her head up.
You are amazing, and you need to see that for yourself.

Terra blushed and pulled away.
Thanks El.

Aylin felt tears sting her eyes at the kindness El was showing Terra.
Let’s go eat.
She turned away from them before they could see her tears.






Blake and Owen sat at a corner table, across the restaurant from the three women. The room was split in half and one side was the large bar and game area; the other side was the main restaurant that surrounded a large dance floor. The restaurant had been built to look saloon style with its dark red walls, the western décor, and tiffany lamp style lights that hung overhead. The division was made clear by the small stairs that separated the bar from the restaurant. The women sat at a table on the edge of the dance floor, and the candles in the center of the table lit their faces. They were laughing and leaning close together to hear each other, and it looked as though there wasn’t a dull moment with them. They looked happy, and safe.
She looks different,
Owen said.

Blake frowned.

Owen turned around to face him.
Your sister.

Oh. Sure. Yeah she does. Wonder what they did to her,
Blake said, clearing his throat. He mentally kicked himself for not being more observant. But someone else held his attention.

I suppose you’re having a hard time looking past Aylin, though,
Owen added.

Mind your own business,
Blake retorted roughly.

Yeah, I should. But you dragged me here, to spy on them. I mean this feels so wrong. Please, tell me why we are acting like stalkers when they are apparently having a good time.
Owen crossed his arms.

I’ll tell you when you tell me what kind of work you’ve been doing.
Blake raised an eyebrow.

Can’t. Confidential.
Owen winked and put a finger to his lips.
Let’s just say I might have more Jones in me than we thought.

Oh God, here we go.
Blake rolled his eyes.
So you’re into archeology now?

Nah, not quite. More on the retrieving end, than the history part.
Owen took a long drag of his beer.

Blake leaned in.
Owen, are you a thief?

Owen frowned, his jaw dropped in insult.
Absolutely not. Well, not in the illegal way. I steal things back. Anyway, we aren’t here because of me. Why are we spying on your sister and her friends?

At that moment Blake found his beer rather interesting to look at.
It’s nothing,
he said as he picked at the corner of the beer label.

You really think I don’t know that there is something going on?
Owen leaned his elbows on the table to look down at Blake.
You and Terra are acting weird lately and I’m thinking something happened when you went to go find her. What happened?

Owen, I-

What do you think you’re doing here?
Aylin said, standing in front of their table. Her hands were on her hips and she had an icy glare toward Blake that might have made a lesser man cower away.

Having a drink with a friend,
he said sheepishly and nodded to Owen.

Aylin nodded at Owen, who looked utterly mortified. She assumed Blake probably manipulated the poor guy into coming. She leaned down to Blake.
Can I talk to you for a minute?

Uh, sure.
He nodded.
Be right back,
he said to Owen and followed her to a vacant spot by the bar.
So, you’re mad.

When I said that we would be fine tonight, I meant it,
she hissed.
What happened this morning was-

It was scary, Aylin,
Blake snapped.
One minute you’re walking and talking, the next your on the ground unconscious and I had no idea what was going on. What if I hadn’t been there? What would have happened?

She saw in his eyes the absolute concern he held for her. There was anger too, but she could see past it. She wanted to ignore the nagging tug on her heart that it caused.
I am looking out for Terra tonight. And El. They’re safe with me,
she said with a strong sense of protection toward the women.
I’m not letting them out of my sight.

Oh, I trust you on that. What about you?
He narrowed his eyes on her.
Who’s looking out for you?

She closed her eyes.

He put his hands on her arms and when she opened her eyes he was at eye level with her.
Let me protect you. I just wanted to make sure you were safe.
He could feel her icy edge melting away.
For some reason I care about you and what happens to you. All right?

She opened her mouth, but closed it. She’d lost the fight in her with him. She didn’t know what it was like to have someone look out for her, it had always been the other way around.

Then she looked over at the table, and Owen watched them with curiosity.
What did you tell him?

Nothing. He doesn’t know anything. I promise Aylin.
His hands were still on her arms and through his touch she knew he told the truth.

Aylin sighed and stepped out of his reach.
Terra is going to be pissed at you,
she smirked.
You two might as well join us.

Ladies, look who I found lurking around the bar,
Aylin said, sitting down next to El.

Terra practically screeched.
And Owen? Oh come on!
She was gripping the table, looking up at them.

Party crashers,
El accused.
There are a couple of chairs behind you.
She pointed.

I can’t believe you,
Terra hissed across the table at her brother.
Way over the line.
She snarled.

Sorry Terra.
Owen nudged her, sitting beside her.
I had no idea what was going on.

Terra frowned at him.
No, I don’t blame you.

Owen reached over and tugged lightly on a lock of her hair.
I like it.

Terra blushed and stuttered out a few incomprehensible syllables. 
she finally got out, her anger forgotten.

After a round of drinks the tension had disappeared and they were just a bunch of friends getting together on a cold autumn night, swapping childhood and teenage stories. The bar began filling up, and the music grew louder as the night grew dark. El swayed to the music in her seat and when she couldn’t sit still any longer she grabbed Aylin’s hand.
Come on. Dance with me.
She pulled her out of the chair.

They are something else,
Owen said, and took a long pull from his beer.

They’re great.
Terra watched them with admiration. El swung her hips in a seductive manor and Terra figured that El didn’t even realize that most of the males watched her. Aylin floated around, moving gracefully with fun and energy.
I’m really lucky to have them.

When the music slowed down Blake was out of his chair, moving toward Aylin.
May I?
He held out his hand to her.

she said breathless. He pulled her to him and she wrapped her arm around his neck while he held her other hand. He held her close, breathing in her hair that smelled of lavender and vanilla.
You know how to dance,
she didn’t hide her surprise from her tone.

It’s not my first time on a dance floor.
He twirled her around in a circle and tugged her back into his arms when she laughed.
Why do I care for you so much, Aylin?
he asked.

She looked up at him and blinked.
She couldn't ignore her heart racing. "
I don’t know. Why can’t I stop thinking about you?

I think that’s why I’m part of this. Maybe that’s the difference from all the others before you. I can keep the Seanchai and you safe.
He let go of her hand to brush the hair from her face.

Let’s not talk about books and faerie tales tonight,
she whispered.
Can we pretend for a while that we’re two normal people?
Aylin was proud of being who she was, but for once she had a desire to put all her worries aside.

All right. Let’s get to know each other.
He twirled her again, breaking the intense moment. She giggled, and caught sight of the table of their friends. They were laughing and enjoying each other. Owen looked so natural with the other two. The sight of him so close to Terra sent a tingle up her spine. Terra’s radiating current was spreading over to him. She pushed away the nagging thought to a far corner of her mind.

BOOK: Rising Moon (The Rune Stone Trilogy)
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