Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4) (25 page)

BOOK: Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4)
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Holy shit.  I’m really gonna kiss Luke.

He smelled incredible; a little spice and a whole lot of man, gorgeous sexy man just waiting for her to kiss the hell out of him.  They looked into each other’s eyes, his a mixture of desire, patience and…challenge?  As if he didn’t believe she could do it.

It was that last look that did it and she knew this needed to be the kiss of a lifetime if she was going to show him what she was made of.  She moved up his body slowly, rubbing into him so they were flush together, then she grabbed his hair more tightly and leaned forward to sandwich his bottom lip between hers, biting down softly into his lip.

She heard his surprised grunt and felt his exhalation of breath.

That’s right, Daniels.  Get ready.

She took advantage of the opening by licking into his mouth, giving him a slow erotic kiss with her tongue, not allowing either of them to breathe by latching her mouth to his.  She hummed appreciatively as if enjoying a yummy treat and moved even further into his body, opening and closing her fist in his hair, feeling a primal surge hit her.  Her tongue found his and stroked it before sucking on his lips, giving small nibbles in between.  She angled her head in another direction, deepening the kiss and pressing her breasts into his chest, her nipples like hardened pebbles.  She made another noise in the back of her throat and bit down harder on his lip.

Something inside him snapped.

His arm that had been on the back of the sofa moved so his hand was now buried in her curls and he let out a low growl.  His other arm circled around her waist and smashed her body to his while he began to devour her mouth.

She pulled away almost immediately.  Both of them looked into the other’s eyes, glazed over with lust.  In between aroused breaths, Janie massaged his head beneath her hand and scratched it lightly.  Her whole body was on fire and all she wanted to do was take him right there on the sofa.  But this first kiss, it was an answer to his challenge.  Maybe this would give him something to think about.

She licked her lips and murmured.  “Do you need me to go to the kitchen for that fire extinguisher?”  Her eyes smiled at him, showing him a feminine power that said
I think that’s enough for now.  Don’t think you’re gonna get any more than a taste this evening, Mr. Daniels.

He paused after acknowledging her look, then gripped her hair tighter in his fist to get her attention.  She gasped as his eyes were laser focused on hers.  “I think you can do better than that,” he tsked.  “You keep forgetting what I’ve told you, Janie.”  He held her head still and leaned in to whisper in her ear, his breath tickling her and causing her to let go of a shaky breath.  “I always win,” he said softly, punctuating each syllable with a tightening of his hand in her hair.  He continued whispering in her ear, her body now feeling so hot, she was afraid she’d embarrass them both by grinding into him on the sofa.

He continued speaking in her ear in measured quiet tones.  “Your ‘thank you’ kiss was perfect but ended a little abruptly.  I think more research may be needed on my part.  Maybe what you need is a ‘thank you’ kiss from
for doing such a fabulous job with the party.”  He moved away from her ear and stared into her eyes with more challenge.  “Then we’ll see who needs that fire extinguisher.”


His mouth leaned in to take hers.

“Well, isn’t this cozy.”  

Luke stopped just before he reached Janie’s lips and swore under his breath.

“I really do hate interrupting, Luke, but there are no more cabs out front and I was just wondering if I could get a lift home.  For old time’s sake,” Vanessa said in a sultry and sulky voice.  Anyone listening could also hear the bite in her words.  “I could take the subway if necessary, I just don’t know how safe it is at this time of night.”

Oh for cryin’ out loud.  So much for the woman not hurting for male companionship.  Where the hell were those males right now when she needed them?

Both Janie and Luke were still in the same physical position they’d been in while kissing, hands in each other’s hair, bodies plastered to each other, a split second away from touching lips.  Janie flushed with embarrassment and anger.  What kind of woman not only interrupted a couple kissing, but then stood there and had a conversation with them?  She wanted to growl at the unfairness of it all.

Luke’s face became expressionless, but she thought she saw a note of apology in his gorgeous light blue eyes before he released her and moved back.   While still looking at Janie, he said in a controlled voice, “We’ll be happy to get you home, Vanessa.  Janie and I are ready to go.”  He raised an eyebrow at Janie.

She couldn’t fault the man for being a gentleman, but still didn’t like it.  She nodded while trying to calm her racing heart, refusing to look at Vanessa. 

They got up from the sofa, Luke as if nothing had happened and Janie trying to maintain her dignity.  She glanced up to catch Vanessa’s innocent yet snarky smirk.

“I just need to get my things,” Janie said quietly to Luke.  “Where should I meet you?”

“We’ll all go out through the kitchen together.  Kenneth can meet us in the back.”  Luke turned briefly to Vanessa.  “Do you have everything you need?”

She nodded.

Luke turned back to Janie.  “Let’s go, then.”

The three of them took the awkward walk through the venue, saying goodbye to the remaining people along the way, picking up Janie’s things, and then eventually making it to Luke’s limo in the back alley where Kenneth was waiting.  The snow was falling heavily.  They were expecting four or five inches that weekend.

“Kenneth, we’ll take Vanessa home first,” Luke instructed.

“Yes, sir.”  He looked up at Janie and gave her a smile in greeting.  She smiled back and got in.

“Luke,” Vanessa began when she got in and everyone was settled, “I really do need to speak with you about something.  Could we drop Janie off first, please?” she asked so sincerely.

Do not react, Janie.

“We can talk tomorrow, Vanessa.  It’s late,” Luke said with finality.

“It really is important, Luke.  Do you mind?  It won’t take long.” 

Janie could hear the pout, but steely determination in her voice.  Oh, brother.  Janie tried everything in her willpower not to roll her eyes.  She looked out the window instead and heard Luke sigh.  Before he could respond, Vanessa continued, “Please, Luke.”

There was silence and Janie waited to hear how he would answer.

“We’ll take you home first, Vanessa.  I’ll walk you to the door and you can say what you need to say then.”

Everyone was quiet for the rest of the ride.  Janie was secretly thrilled even though she steamed slowly at Vanessa in general, jealousy and anger digging their ugly claws into her psyche.  When they arrived to Vanessa’s door, Luke got out and walked with her. 

Janie tried to remain calm as the minutes ticked by.  After five minutes gone, Luke finally came back to the limo and slipped in.  Janie looked over at him and almost did a double take.  She began shaking her head, then nearly blurted out
you have got to be kidding
at what she saw.  Eventually, she turned away, pissed, hurt, and disgusted. 

The ass had lipstick all over his mouth. 

Once they were on their way, he spoke.  “I’m sorry about that, you know, that she interrupted us before,” the clueless wonder said.

Janie whipped her head toward him to shoot him a look.  “Oh, you’re sorry about that?  I thought you weren’t dating anymore, Luke.”

He frowned in confusion.  “We’re not.  I just thought it would be a nice gesture to drive her home.”

“Oh, I see,” she nodded sarcastically.  “Well, like you said, a man has needs, doesn’t he?”

“What, you think I had sex with her in five minutes while walking her to the door?” he asked dryly.  “I promised you I wouldn’t be dating or having sex.  And just for the record,” he paused dramatically, “I definitely take longer than five minutes.”

“Well, good for you Luke,” she bit out and turned to look back out the window. 
I didn’t even get to finish my kiss with him and now he fuckin’ has lipstick from another woman all over his mouth?!

“What the hell is happening?” he said, pissed off.  He pulled her arm lightly for her to look at him, but she ignored him, glad to see they were approaching her street. 

“Nothing for you to worry about, Luke.  Thanks for driving me home.  Always the gentleman,” she grumbled.  The silence continued.

He was quiet behind her as they pulled up outside her loft.  He got out immediately when the car stopped and grabbed her stuff to carry it in.

“I can handle it,” she said standing there in her heels on the snowy sidewalk when she saw what he was doing.  He gave her a look that silenced her and took her bag and her arm so they could walk to the entrance.  She opened the foyer door and they went up the short flight of stairs to her loft.

“Open up.  I’ll carry everything inside,” he said.

She didn’t look at him, but simply unlocked the door and stepped in, immediately kicking off her heels and clicking on the light at the entrance.  Luke put her things on the floor. 

“Hey,” he said. 

She took a deep breath and plastered on a smile when she finally turned to him.  “Hm?”

He looked at her lips then back to her eyes.  “Tonight…I’m sorry,” he paused.  “I’m sorry she interrupted us.  Is that what this is about?”

Janie shrugged as if this was a commonplace thing.  The only thing giving her away was her clenched jaw.  “No biggie, Luke.”  Her feelings warred between embarrassed vulnerability and the determination to seduce.  “You can give me that ‘thank you’ kiss some other time.”  She cocked her head and gave him a grin.

He relaxed somewhat and put his hands in his pockets.  Then he began sauntering toward her.  “How ’bout right now?” he asked, giving her a pointed look.  “We’ll both make sure that fire extinguisher is nearby.”

Oh no he didn’t.  He did not just say he was going to kiss her with that woman’s lipstick still lingering on his mouth!

She smirked and cocked an eyebrow.  “You wan
t to kiss me now, Luke?”

His eyes looked wary at her tone.

“You sure you don’t need to get back to Vanessa?”  She gave him an innocent look, her eyes skimming over his stained lips.  She let the statement hang and took off her coat so he could get one last look at her in her dress before dropping the final thought she had for him.

“I told you it was over with Vanessa.” He was beginning to sound like he was losing patience with her.  Well, good.  Let him lose patience.  She was ready to go a round or two with him. 

“Hm,” she said as if to herself, “well, theoretically we only talked about no sex.  We didn’t take anything else off the table, so I guess this is my bad.”  She sighed gustily.  “At least now I won’t feel so bad when I make out with Eric Weston or Miguel Gastaldi before Christmas.  So, thanks for that,” she said, fluffing her hair as she took her scarf off and tossed it on the sofa.  With what Luke paid her for the party,
The Local Yokel
could take the next month off and not even blink.  She’d have plenty of time to go out.

He narrowed his eyes.  “Would you like to start explaining to me what’s going on, please?”

She reached for her purse and dug through it, only to pull out a hand mirror.  She held it up in front of his face.

He grabbed it from her and finally saw what she saw, meeting her eyes for a second then mumbling a string of Spanish swear words.  He walked toward the kitchen to grab a paper towel.  “She grabbed my face and kissed me when I walked her to her door.”

“How nice for you.”

He looked annoyed while he wiped off his mouth.  “She kissed me.  It wasn’t the other way around.”

Janie crossed her arms over her chest.  She was pissed, tired, and had a headache from too much champagne.  “Uh, huh.”

Luke turned from the kitchen and walked back to her.  “I’m not lying.  And would you like to explain what the hell you mean by making out with Weston and Gastaldi?”

She shrugged.  “You said I couldn’t have sex.  I won’t have sex.” 

He stared at her with that damn expressionless look again.

She turned her back to him and started walking toward her bedroom.  “I’m really tired, Luke.  We’ll talk again soon, I’m sure,” she said glancing over her shoulder, throwing him a casual smile.  “Have a good rest of your night.”

His quiet voice stopped her.  “I think it’s time for me to give you that ‘thank you’ kiss.”

She felt a small frisson of fear at his deadly calm tone.  No.  Not fear.  Excitement.  She kept her back to him and started taking off her jewelry, placing it on surfaces nearby.  “I’ve decided I don’t want you to give me that ‘thank you’ kiss after all,” she said haughtily, then turned to thrust her chin up at him.  “And it’s a shame because my response to your ‘thank you’ kiss would’ve been spec
ular.  I imagine you’ve had enough kissing for the evening and I don’t care to share my lips with you anymore tonight, thank you very much.” 

She turned and stomped toward the kitchen instead.  She needed another drink, and clicked on the ambient lighting over the stove when she got there.

BOOK: Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4)
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