Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4) (24 page)

BOOK: Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4)
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He grabbed her hand to stop her from waving it.  “I’m go
ing to find you that man, Janie.  And he’s going to undress you with his eyes, ravish you with his body, and make you scream with pleasure with his hands and words.  And,” he said emphatically, “he’s going to respect you, not hurt you or look at you like you’re a slab of meat on the counter.  He’s going to treat you the way a woman needs and wants to be treated.  Then it’ll be time for you to kick men like Weston to the curb.  Do you understand?”

She felt warmth flood through her at his words and his promise.  “That’s a tall order and you’ve only got two weeks, Luke.”

He raised an eyebrow.  “Do you understand?”

She shivered at the no nonsense way he was talking to her.  “Yes,” she said

“Good,” he nodded, quiet a moment longer.  He looked off to the side at the room then brought his eyes back to hers, looking as if they were holding a secret.  “I’ve actually been thinking on it, and,” he paused and took a breath, “I’m fairly certain I actually know who this perfect man is.”  The last couple of words were said on a whisper.

“Really?  Wonderful,” she said breathily, immediately nervous.  “What’s his name?”

The silence continued for a moment and then he smiled, “I have ’til Christmas.”

God.  You’re a pain in my ass.
  “Why wait if you know who he is already?”

His eyes looked away for a moment, then eventually back at her.  They were now calm, his voice smug and completely in control, enjoying the conversation.  “I have to think about this man some more.  When he’s presented to you, I want him to be fully ready, and completely sure of what he’s getting into,” he said with a slight chuckle.

She raised an eyebrow at his comment, her mouth quirking up.  “Thanks a lot.”

He touched a curl resting on her shoulder.  “This man needs to be someone who’s ready for the long haul.  Not someone who’s just go
ing to fool around with you.  And he has a few more things to do to be ready.  He’ll need to be prepared in more ways than one before this happens.”  He paused, then, “He needs to be ready for the real deal.  Because that’s what you are, Janie.  You’re the real deal, and you deserve a man who’s going to invest himself fully in the relationship.” 

She was so touched by what he’d said that she was momentarily speechless.  Eventually she spoke.  “That was really sweet.”

“It’s true,” he shrugged.  “So, I’m not telling you my thoughts on this guy yet for those reasons.  And because as I’ve said to you before,” he began, “patience is very important.  The anticipation will make the meeting of this man,” he paused, “much, much better.”

She frowned.  If this man wasn’t him, she was going to be seriously pissed.  “Yeah, well that doesn’t help me tonight, does it?”

“I’m afraid you’re just going to have to be happy with me for the evening,” he murmured dryly.

She shrugged nonchalantly, acting put out.  “Fine.  But in the meantime, I wan
t to have fun tonight.  If men ogle, let them ogle, okay?” she said, watching his reaction.

He smiled that enigmatic smile.  “Fine.  We can’t let this outfit go to waste.  But I want you by my side the whole time.  I’m go
ing to be inspecting these men.  They can ogle, but some of them might not be date-worthy these next two weeks.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Come on.  Let’s introduce you to some folks so you can charm them with your sparkle.”

He took her hand and led her back to the main area, and all the while she hoped her plan hadn’t backfired.


Chapter 10


For the next hour, Luke walked the floor with her, introducing her to models, photographers, designers and other executives from the conglomerate he oversaw.  She’d finally met his publicist, Javier, and his husband, Johnny
, and immediately fell in love with them.  They not only praised her for the food that evening, but Javier couldn’t seem to say enough about her personality and sense of humor. 

Javier was thrilled, as he’d told her over and over again when he
’d gotten her alone, that she and Luke were spending more time together.  This was the first she’d met him so the only way he could’ve known anything about her was through Luke.  The publicist commented on seeing the photo of them from when they’d been out to lunch and was so happy to see it.  The fact that Janie had told another woman that Luke was gay just to keep her away from him tickled him pink.  He insisted that Luke needed someone just like her at his side who kept him in line and didn’t fall all over him.

That caused her to chuckle. 
Oh, Javier.  If you only knew.

He graciously arranged for some photos to be taken with her and Luke, and she beamed as Luke pulled her to him while smiling at the camera for a couple of shots. 

Everyone was extremely complimentary of the food and she’d given out almost all of her business cards, and she’d brought at least a hundred.  Without trying to read into things, she couldn’t help but notice the smile of pride on Luke’s face while he watched everyone’s reaction to her when they’d learned she had been the head chef for the evening.

Janie was having the time of her life.  She’d seen Eric watching her at one point with Vanessa nearby, and when she’d made eye contact with them, they’d both smiled a nod in her direction, Eric raising a glass to his lips acknowledging her.  Other than that, he hadn’t approached. 

Vanessa, however, had shot daggers at her more than once and had eventually come over to say hello.

“Hi Janie,” she said sweetly.  “It’s good to see you again.”

How was it possible that the two of them could have the same basic adjectives to describe their appearance, but be so different?  They both had red hair, Janie’s was a curly strawberry blond, Vanessa’s a deep red cut in a straight chic bob.  They both had green eyes, Janie’s were sparkly and cat shaped, Vanessa’s a dark mossy color.  Their body types were the complete opposite as were their personalities. 

“Thanks, Vanessa,” Janie smiled back politely.

Vanessa glanced over Janie’s shoulder to where Luke stood a few feet away then sent a condescending look to Janie.  “You’re very proud of yourself, I’m sure, to get a party for
,” she murmured, sarcasm dripping from her tongue.  She took a sip of her drink.

Well, well, well.  It looked like Vanessa was finally showing her true colors.  “I am, actually.”  Janie beamed up at the woman who stood a few inches above her.

“Where would you be without Luke to help you, I wonder,” Vanessa said, cocking her head.

Janie remained cool.  “I imagine I’d be exactly where I am right now.”  She wasn’t going to hold back if Vanessa wasn’t.  “Were you implying something else, Vanessa?”

Vanessa chuckled.  “I would never dream of insulting Luke’s
baby girl
.  He does dote on you so, just like any older brother would.”

Fucking A.  This was the first time Vanessa had ever shown her claws. And they were sharp. 

Janie tsked, “Careful Vanessa.  If you don’t watch yourself, one might think you sound a little jealous.  I wonder why that is when you’re not even dating Luke anymore.”  She cocked her head.

Vanessa’s eyes became brittle and she lowered her voice.  “Don’t you worry about me, Janie.  I’m never hurting for male companionship.  I was just trying to help a fellow sister out.  I mean, I don’t think you realize how ridiculous you look when you stare up at him.”  She looked down at her in mock sympathy. “It’s really so sad.”

Janie tried to stop the blush from rising, but she didn’t know how successful she was.  Vanessa’s face transformed into one of perfect sweetness just as Janie realized the reason for the change.  Luke put his arm around Janie’s shoulder and pulled her in to kiss her temple.

Just like he’d done for years.  Just like Jem.  Just like Mike.

“Hey you,” Vanessa said with a brilliant smile, her eyes eating the man up.  “I was just telling Janie here what a great job she did tonight.  The food was incredible.”

Luke smiled in agreement and looked down at Janie who was still examining Vanessa with a dry look.  When she finally turned to Luke, she could tell he was trying to figure out what he had missed.

He couldn’t be that stupid, could he?

“I have more people for you to meet,” he began then glanced at Vanessa.  “Excuse us, Vanessa.”  Without waiting for a reply, he led Janie away.  “Everything alright?”

“Just great,” she muttered, not wanting to get him involved in the cattiness of women.  She put on a happy face and let him take her around the venue.

Now after several more glasses of champagne and approaching midnight, Janie couldn’t hold in her yawns any longer.  She was definitely tipsy, tired and the ‘Seduce Luke Daniels’ plan was beginning to disappear into the ether as the minutes ticked by.

“You must be exhausted,” Luke murmured into her ear as he led her away from the last set of people he’d just introduced her to.  They arrived to a small low lit area with comfy sofas where they now sat in the empty space.  It felt like heaven. 

She reached down to rub at her ankle and their eyes met across the short distance between them.

“You did great tonight,” he said.  “Everyone loves you as I knew they would,” he smiled down at her.  “Are you ready to call it a night?”

“I’m tired, but it’s not even midnight yet.  Don’t you need to stay longer?”

“I can go anytime.  If you’re tired, we can go.”

He was so sweet as he looked at her with his beautiful blue eyes.  She was hit by the love she had for this man in that moment and sighed.

“Thank you for tonight, Luke.  What you’ve done for my business just in one night alone is immeasurable.”  She reached out and squeezed his hand.

He smiled and squeezed her hand back.  “You have nothing to thank me for.  You did this.  I just introduced you to a few people, but you were the one who proved to them how good of a chef you are.  You should be really proud of yourself and the staff.”

“I am.  I can’t wait to debrief with Ayanna.  We’re sure to get some business from tonight so we’ll need to strategize about extra help in the coming months.”

“It’s a good problem to have,” he smiled, still holding her hand and stroking his thumb on the top of her knuckles.

“It is,” she agreed.  She knew he hadn’t noticed, but when they’d sat in the quiet seating area, there were various mistletoe hangings over the sofas and chairs, inviting holiday kisses.  “Luke?”  Her eyes were twinkling.  Perhaps the ‘Seduce Luke Daniels’ plan could be resurrected.


She looked above their heads pointedly so he would direct his gaze there.  He looked back at her, his eyebrow raised and eyes twinkling as well.

“I think I’d like to give you a ‘thank you’ kiss,” she said confidently, even though she was terrified.  What if she’d been reading the signs all wrong and made a fool of herself? What if Vanessa was right?  What if he didn’t want her to kiss him?

His eyes perused her face then settled on her lips.  He appeared calm as if women offered to kiss him all of the time.  They probably did.  He leaned his side onto the back of the sofa and put his arm up along the top of it so that his arm was practically around her.  Their knees were touching and she was only inches from him.  All she needed to do was turn in slightly and she’d be in his arms.

He reached out a hand and pushed one of her curls out of the way.  “I can’t think of a better thank you.”  His eyes smiled at her lazily.  “Should I have a fire extinguisher available?”

She smiled coyly.  She was about to kiss the life out of Luke Daniels and wipe that smirk right off of his face.  She was ready to show him what he’d been missing all of these years.  While working up her courage, she chuckled.  “Nah.  Just a sweet ‘thank you’ from your
baby girl
, Lukey.”

“Well, that would be very nice,” he teased, licking his lips as if preparing for delicious meal.  “How would you like me?  Just like this?”

You’re not gonna know what’s hit you, Luke.

“Just like that is fine,” she said softly.  “Should we be concerned you might scream with pleasure?” she asked with a smile, then made a show of looking around to make sure they were alone.  She whispered dramatically.  “I wouldn’t wanna embarrass the CEO at his own party.”

“That would certainly be reportable news.  Especially since I’m apparently no longer interested in women.”

She moved quickly and settled herself forward so she was pressed against his chest.  Her left arm, which was against the back of the sofa, tucked comfortably into his side, her right hand slowly stroking up his shirted front where her fingers ended by lightly touching his bottom lip.

He became immediately focused and his eyes looked down into hers, darkening more and more while she touched his mouth with her forefinger.  He nipped at her finger and she jumped.  He smiled a naughty smile and waited.  She gave him a
you’re so gonna get it
look and licked her lips, wetting them for the treat to come.  Leaning up slowly on a knee, she moved her fingers from his mouth and sent her hand back to behind his head where she gripped a tuft of silky black hair and brought his head down a bit to meet her.

BOOK: Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4)
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