Read Relinquishing Liberty Online

Authors: Maureen Mayer

Tags: #Romance

Relinquishing Liberty (21 page)

BOOK: Relinquishing Liberty
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I nodded in agreement and rolled over to shut off the bedside lamp. I curled up on my side, nestling into my pillow, praying the sandman would visit me sooner rather than later.

Brett let out a deep sigh. The sheets beneath him shifted and crinkled as he reached out to wrap his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest. His grip tightened, and I could feel his fingers digging into my skin through my shirt. It was like he was clinging to me for dear life; like if he let go, he would lose me forever. My entire body tensed up, but I didn’t have it in me to protest. I didn’t have it in me to fight with him anymore. I knew he needed this and maybe there was a part of me that needed it, too.

When I woke up in the middle of the night, I found that Brett was gone. I ran my fingers over the sheets and the opposite side of the bed had grown cold, letting me know he had left a while ago. My alarm clock was producing a soft glow that illuminated my room, and it was just before three in the morning. I guess Brett had kept his word and only stayed until I fell asleep. It was better that way. There was already enough tension between us and waking up next to him would just add to the ever growing list of awkward moments I have become so accustomed to since coming to Savannah. I was beginning to feel like a magnet, pulling in anyone who got too close to me and turning their lives upside down. At least things with Shayne had remained drama-free.



Friday could not come soon enough. I was so excited that I’d finally get to see Shayne that I was practically bouncing off the walls. The phone calls and texts were just barely getting me through the week. I had to have him here, tangible and in the flesh. I was beginning to go through withdrawal, and the symptoms were not pretty. Maddie and Brett could attest to that, and I guarantee they were about ready to strangle me.

Tonight was going to be different for both of us. Shayne was actually taking me
on a date. Not that I was complaining about the other ones, but this time it would actually feel like a real date. It was also the first time we were going out in public together as an official couple. I had no idea where he was taking me, but he seemed pretty confident that I would enjoy myself. Now why did that make me even more nervous?

I made sure to pay extra special attention while I was getting ready for tonight. I shaved, waxed, buffed and lotioned every inch of my body. When Maddie saw me coming out of the bathroom, she said I looked like a snake that had just shed her skin; I’m pretty sure it was meant to be a compliment.

I had already chosen the outfit I was going to wear three days ago. Okay, so maybe I was a little overeager, but there was nothing wrong with planning ahead. I was a girl, after all.
It’s what we do!
I decided on a black, silk, sleeveless top paired with a red, skintight pencil skirt. It appeared modest for the most part, except for the slit that ran dangerously high up my left thigh. Finishing it off with a pair of black peep-toe stilettos, I looked like a million bucks. It was sophisticated with a touch of sex appeal.

I stopped myself before leaving my room, wondering whether or not I should pack an overnight bag. Was it too presumptuous of me to assume that I might be staying the night? I had no idea where the night would take us and like I said, I liked to be prepared. I’m sure he wouldn’t notice if I threw a small tote bag in his backseat. I dashed around my room, grabbing a few articles of clothing and toiletries and tossed them in the bag.

When Shayne arrived to pick me up, I opened the door and almost fell over at the sight of him. He looked like sex on a stick, and I just wanted to eat him up! He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a black button down shirt. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing the tattoos I loved so much and the top two buttons of the shirt were left undone. He moved towards me, placing his hands on my shoulders. Licking his lips as his eyes perused my body from head to toe, I tried to move closer, desperate for more contact, but he held me at arm’s length.
What the hell?

“My God, Liberty. Is it possible that you got even more gorgeous since the last time I saw you? Mmm you look good enough to eat, sweetheart.”

Looked like we both had a carnal hunger for one another tonight.

“I’m not so sure you should wear this out tonight, though.”

I looked down at myself with a confused expression on my face, wondering what could possibly be wrong with what I was wearing. I had covered up about twice as much skin compared to the dress I wore for my birthday party. At least this time I wouldn’t have to fight to keep my ass from hanging out.

“What’s wrong with this?” I gave him a quizzical look as I motioned my hands over my clothing.

“Nothing at all.” He whispered into my ear. “You look so fucking beautiful, but there is no way I’m going to be able to keep my hands off of you.”

I blushed fifty shades of red at the thought of Shayne with his hands all over my body in front of a crowd of people tonight. Normally I hated being the center of attention, but there was something thrilling and almost taboo about being turned on by having an audience while we were caught up in our intimate exploitation.

I reached up on my tiptoes to whisper in his ear, but before I did, I took his earlobe between by teeth and gave it a little nibble. “Well, maybe I like the idea of you keeping your hands on me.”

Shayne looked down at me with a mouthwatering grin. “You are trouble, little girl. I’m going to have to keep my eye on you tonight.” He tapped me on the nose before giving me a quick peck on the lips and taking my hand in his. We walked out to the parking lot and he helped me into his Jeep.

“So where are we going?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” He winked at me before shutting my door. I threw my anticipatory overnight bag in the backseat before he climbed in on the driver side.

“What’s in the bag?” He motioned his eyes back and forth between the backseat and me.

“Oh, um, I just threw a few things in there. You know…just in case…if you wanted me to…um…”
Jesus, Liberty, stop rambling and just spit it out?

“Liberty, you don’t ever have to ask if you’ll be staying over. Actually, I’d be kind of disappointed if you didn’t. I can barely sleep without you now.”

“But we’ve only spent two nights together...and the first time you didn’t even sleep in the bed with me.”

“Yeah, well I was trying to be a gentleman that time. Trust me, sweetheart. It wasn’t easy. I laid awake on my couch with a hard-on all night just imagining what I wanted to do to you.”

I bit my lip to cover up the huge grin that had quickly taken over my face. I loved how blatantly honest he was, but now that I knew he wanted me just as badly, I was a little disappointed that he was able to maintain his self-control on our first date. Lord knows
threw caution to the wind that night.

“When I did finally get to spend a whole night with you, it only took that one time for me to get hooked. I meant it when I said it’s not the same without you wrapped up in my arms. You just fit so perfectly there. It’s like you were made for me.”

He reached his hand across the console, intertwining his fingers with mine and brought it over to rest on his thigh while he drove. I looked over at the sexy smile planted on his face, and I couldn’t help but hope that I had put it there. I was pretty confident I would be able to take credit for it after what I planned on doing next.

I carefully slipped my hand out of his and began running my slender fingers across his firm muscular thigh.
God, was there any part of his body that wasn’t rock hard?
Well there was one from what I could see, but I fully intended on changing that.

I gave his leg a light squeeze, casually massaging him as I traveled further north. He turned his head in my direction, puzzled by my actions, but as soon as my hand reached its destination, his eyebrows shot up so fast I thought they were going to fly off of his handsome face. I giggled at his stunned expression, but soon it faded and transformed into pure, lust-filled desire.

I felt him harden beneath my hand while I grazed my fingers over the zipper of his jeans. I applied a little more pressure as I continued to stroke him with fervency through the rough denim. Before I knew it, his cock was desperately straining against the fabric, ready to burst at the seams. I had felt his length before when I was straddling him on the beach. I knew he was big, but now I had a chance to really size him up…
and sweet baby Jesus, I was not disappointed!

I carried on with my torturous onslaught of his rigid erection and found myself ready to tear the zipper right off of his jeans. I was dying to feel him completely unsheathed and bare in my hands. Shayne’s hand stilled mine before he erratically swerved to the side of the road like a crazed maniac, causing me to slide across the seat. Throwing the Jeep in park, he swiftly and effortlessly lifted me over the console and situated me on his lap.

My skirt bunched up around my thighs, threatening to expose my sad excuse for a thong. There was so little material that I didn’t know why I even bothered wearing anything at all. But I wasn’t concerned with that right now. I focused all of my attention on the delicious man in front of me.

He cupped my face and pulled me down to his mouth with such force that our teeth clattered together. His lips moved against mine, showering me with moist, passionate kisses. I licked, sucked and nibbled on his bottom lip, teasing him with just the tip of my tongue and not allowing him clearance to enter my mouth. When his tongue finally dipped between the seam of my lips, he made quick work of finding his partner. His tongue swirled around, brushing against mine with soft strokes that caused my whole body to melt into a pool in his lap. Then again, that pool might have just been the dampness that had quickly built up between my legs.
Ohmigod…Shayne’s kisses were pure heaven!

His lips abandoned mine, nipping at my chin and leaving a hot trail of kisses along my jaw and down my neck. “God, you smell and taste so good, baby.”

He brushed my hair to the other side giving him better access. The sensation of his warm, damp breath against my throat caused a shiver to run down my spine. My hips began to gyrate in rhythmic circles, savoring the way his thickness felt, even under all the layers separating us. I leaned back against the steering wheel as Shayne languidly dragged his tongue down my cleavage. A moan escaped me while his strong, rough hands travelled up my thighs.

“My God, Liberty, what are you doing to me? If we keep this up, we’re never going to make it to our dinner reservations.”

I had completely forgotten that we were pulled over to the side of the road where anyone could see us clear as day. We were both panting heavily, and Shayne still had a firm grip on my thighs.

“Sorry. I…I don’t know what came over me.” I moved back over to my seat and straightened my clothes. When I pulled down the visor to utilize the mirror, my hand flew up to my cherry-red swollen lips, and I could still feel the tingling sensation left there by Shayne.

“No, no, no, baby, I didn’t mean it like that.” He brushed back the hair that had caused a curtain to cascade over my face. “I would love nothing more than to continue what we were just doing, but I want to make sure you get everything out of what I have planned for tonight.”

That was what I loved about Shayne. He wasn’t some horny sleaze-ball that was only interested in the physical aspect of the relationship. On the outside, he might’ve looked like a hard-ass with his tattoos and toned muscles. But now that I knew the real Shayne, I could tell deep down he was a closet romantic.

Shayne adjusted himself before clicking his seatbelt back in place. He was still very much hard as a rock, and I knew he must be in a bit of pain by the way his jeans were constricting him.

“Sorry about that.” I nodded toward the physical evidence and bit my lip nervously.

“Don’t be. I’m sure as hell not.” He was grinning from ear to ear.
Yup. I had definitely put that there.

He pulled back onto the road and shortly after, we arrived outside of The Red Light District. I had heard Maddie rave about all of the amazing reviews for this new place, and she whined about how she was dying to go. Knowing the type of guys Maddie hung around with, I doubt any of them would ever take her to a place like this.

Shayne maneuvered his Jeep over to the valet, handing his keys to the young man who was now raking his eyes over my body and practically drooling on the pavement. Shayne narrowed his eyes when he noticed the pervert hadn’t deflected his hooded gaze away from my chest. Shayne moved in front of me, blocking his view and snapping him out of his daze.

“See something you like there, buddy?”

The now embarrassed valet lowered his head as he climbed in the Jeep. I wanted to laugh, but I actually felt a little bad for him. Shayne wasn’t exactly thrilled about someone else looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

Shayne placed his hand on my lower back and steered me towards the double doors. The place was divided into a swanky five-star restaurant on one side and a bar/club on the other. It was absolutely gorgeous on the outside and even more luxurious when we entered the foyer. Shayne gave his name to the hostess, and she grabbed two menus before seating us at a private table tucked away in the corner.

BOOK: Relinquishing Liberty
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